1947. )JEW SOUTH WALES. THIRTY-SEVE TH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF NE\X' SOUTH WALES FOR 1946. Ordered to be printed, 27 March, 194-7. The Honourable J. )1. Baddeley, :\LL.•\., l~JRF D1STRH'TS--ADDITJONS AND .\.LTEBATJONS. Colonial Secretary, H.I prodalllation puhlished in Goverlllllrllt Gazette of the Sydney. ::!(ith .luly, the proyi ions of the Fire Brigades Act were applied il', to the to\\'1lS of Berrigan, Fiuley and Tocnmwal in Berrigan ~hir(', >llId each ton titutcd a ~cparate fire district. ~ew fire PursuUllt to the requirements of ~ectiou ] \) (2) of the Fire .listrids wel'e al 0 created at Coolah, Dnuedoo, Gloucester and Brigades Act, 1909-1944, the Board of Fire Commissioners RU)'IlIolld 'rel'l'llCe ,,'hon tll(' Act was applied by proclamation of 'ew outh Wale. submits its report of the operations of to tll(' t01l'1I of oolah ill Coolah Hhire (Government Gazette th department under its control fol' tll' year 1946, hehlg the 4th October); the town of DlInecloo in Cobbora Shire (Govern­ thirty-seventl) annual report, ?l!rnt Gazette 18th Octoher); th Glom'ester UI'ban Area in Gloucester Shire (Governlllliul Gazelte 1st November); and BOARD. tile town of Raymond Tel'l'aee :in Port tephens Shire (Govem· The terllls of office of the eJedi\'c mcmbers of thc Boa1'd ment Gazette 30th eptelllber). 'rhe boundaries of the Blue expired by effluxion of time in ];'ebl'Uary. The trieunial elec­ Mounbins, North Illawarra and Sutherland Fire Di tricts were tious Ilcl(1 ill that mouth resulted in the election of Alderman extended to embracc additional areas (vide Goventmcnt Leslic J::d)'c Dulr hy thc Council. iu the Municipalitie and (;azrttrs of 13th September, 19th July and th November). Shires mentioned in Part I of Rchedule One of the Fire Brigades .\ct, a11<1 the rc-eJection of .\Iderman Hector Kenneth 'rhe .\et wns applied to an additional P:\I't of the Town of West _\lm'kcnzie hy the Council of thl' :\ll1llicipalities and Lellra, Blue )10untains Shire (Government Gazette 13th hirl's l1lentioul'd in Part n of the aid Hehedule. ~1r. John Septemher) an 1 grouped with the :\lunicipality of Katoomba Franklin Beswiek was re-elected by tile mClllhers of tile Volun­ to recon titute the Katoomba Fire Di -trial. The Act wa also teer 1~u'e Brigade. and :\11'. Syclney Henry Alexander Jordan, applied to an additional part of Tweed hire (Government unopposed, hy the Perllltlllent Fi1'emen, Mr. Waiter Leslie (;azrttr ::!1st June) and such was grouped with the Municipality CU1'l'ey and 11'. Le lie Iyan Skelton were ejected, and Mr. of Murwillumbah to reconstitute the :\Iurwillumbah Fire Di . Frauci Westlake Walton re-elected by the insurance com­ tri(·t. 'I'he application of the .\d to nc1ditional parts of the panic, By resolution the Board placed on I'ecord appreciation Municipality of , t. Marys and RlaektOl\'ll Hhire, embracing the of th(' yaluable seH'ices n:ndel'ed by the retu'ing members. the • t, Marys factory area, I,a notified in CO~emlllellt Gazette of Hon, 1', D. :\1n1<'h and Me l'S, E, ~J. Haythol'pe and T. S. 2.3th Octobe1' and sue!! were grouped with the existing part Douglas, during theu' respeetiYe terms of office, of the Municipality of St. )[arys to reconstitute the t, Mar~' ];'i re Dish'ict. ESTL\.L\TES OF EXPE,·DITt"RE. By llot:ification iu the Government (;azrlle of ]'3th November, In respect of the yarious fire districts throughout tile State the Bulli, North lllawarra, Port Kembla and Wollollgong Fire tllc estimate of expenditure amounted to £6 ,712 as shown Districts were dissoh'cd and the a1'ea eoncerned, being the in .\ppendix n. Of this, the estimate of the ydney Fire ~lul1icipality of Wo])ongong, the part of the Municipality of Di trict was £549,036 and those of the one hunched aud thirty­ North Illawarra and the part of the Shires of Bulli and two other the districts £139,676. For 1947 the estimates Central Illawarra, werc grouped to fm'm tJle Illawal'l'a Fire alllollllt to £740,192, that for Sydney Fire District being Uist l'ict as on and froDl the 1st January, 1947. £58 ,936, and thc one hundred and thirty-six otllel' fire districts collecti,ely £151,256. Under tIle proyisions of the Local Go,erllDlcnt Act the ];'ifty·five Illunicipal :md . hire coullcils contributed in the lIume of the Willimhong hire was altered to Leeton Shire. ~ydncy Firc District :\lId tile percentage of tlleir total con­ By reason of the foregoiug, the number of fire districts tributions for 1946 to that of the a sessed annual value of all will be increascd to one 11l1ll(hed and thirty-seven. l'atahle property therein returned by them ill ]945 was 7s, l!d. For 1947 the contributions by the councils will be equivalent I~CREASE OF S1'.\TU'rORY L 1111 1'1'. to 7s. 5~d, per £100 of the assessment. The returns of the Por the satisfactory lllaintCllnm' of the fi1'e services at 'alue in question furni hed in 1946 amounted to £39,518,039, an iucrease of £8 0,896 compared with the previous year. The Droken IIill and \Vest WaJlsend aud the establishmeut of new brigadcs at Berrigan, Coolah, I)nnedoo, Fillley, Gloucester, a1'ea of thc • ydney Fire Di~trict is now 302.26 square miles. Haymolld l'e\'l'llce and 'l'oclllllwal, the consont of the Ministel One hundred amI twenty ~e,ell insurnnce eompanies and was ohtained in pursuance of cction 34 of the Act to the forty·five firm contributed to 1he Board during the year. The ,tatutory limit of one-fomth of a penny in the pound on thc contributions in the Sydney ,Fire District represented 20,16 unill1pro\'ed capital ,alue of all ratable land in the l'espective per ('ent. of th(' amount of the premiums in respect of that lire di tricts being exc"'Ceded at the pecial reque t of the district. councils concerned. ·~9j77--1 19!7-- I 2 FIRE S'l'A'l'JON:; A,\'D 'ITES. OFFENCES AND CONVICTIONS. The negotiations in resped of the site ad.jacent to the For ha"ing maliciously set fire to huildings at Bmidwood a southern approach of tile Sydney HarboUl' Bridge in replace· mun \Vu, con\-ieted, while two men were enteneed to imprison· ment of tile Circular Quay Fire Station, mentioned in last ment for two year upon '1 similar (·ltargc at nOWl'31. A man report, llave not yet been finalised. Building operation due was comicted 011 a (·harg(' of etting tire to a dwelling at to the prevailing conditions han' been restricted but certain Eastwood aud bound 0\'('1' to keep the peace for foul' years, and improvement in the accommodation for permanent officers and another tined £01' lighting :l!Hl le:H'iug :I fire nnattended at firemen was effected and alterations are being carried out to Li morc. fire stations at Five Dock and Bexley to convert them into living quarters. Resulting from the Board's reorganisation BRIGADE. plan tile fire statiOll properties at Adamstown, Alexandria, Harbord and Newcastle Ea t are in proces of being alienated Following upon the l'etirement of Mr. B. L. Barber, Depnty in favour of otller public bodie . Chief Officer, Third Officer E. J. Griffitlls wa appointed to that postion, and Fourth Officer R CuneI' to that of Third LEASES. Officer, wbile Fifth Officer E. H. Parks was promoted to Fourth Officer, Sixth Officer J. E. Johns to Fifth Officer and Inspector Tile leases of the Avalon, NorthJllead, Rhode, cone, Toronto J. Goodwin to the rank of Shth Officer. The pl'omotion of and Warren fire station' lI'ere renewed for five years, and that other senior officers related to positions associated with build· of Cabramatta for ix months, "'hile that in respect of Lorn ing inspections and bnsh fires organi ation. Fire Station was terminated. 'l'he agreement in respect of the site at lIorpeth was renewed for onc year. The authorised strength of the Brigade in the Sydney Fire District is 160 officers, 772 permanent, 268 volunteer and 539 FIRES. reserve tiremen; in the Greater Newcastle Fire District 12 Six thousand eight hundred and eighty·nine alarms of fire officers, 39 permanent, 110 volunteer and 66 reserve firemen; were recorded in the Sydney Fire District, being an increase of in Broken Hill 2 officers, 9 permanent, 16 volunteer and 14 939 compared with the pre,iou year. Thi.s total consists of reserve firemen, ;l1ld ill other districts 42 oflitel' , 3 lJerlllanent 1,766 false alarms. 141 chinu.ey Jires 'lll<) -10,982 other fire. firemen, 1,514 volunteer' and 1,067 reselTe firemen. The total Of the false alarms mentioned, 673 were malicious, 251 need­ authorised sh'ellgth of the Brigade is thus 216 officer and less. and 842 accidental. Thirty·two fires were classified a 823 per'manent firemen, 1,908 volunteers and 1,686 l'eserve -the· suspicious in origin. n comjJal'ed with thirty·six in 1945. men. It i wOl'tLy of note that iuee the application of the Fir"e Brigades (Amendment) Act, 1944, to tile service by which The most notable fires were:- the hOllrs of officers and firemen were l'edueed, the anthorised 21st August; WiIlialll IIemy treet. Pyrll1ont; New Zealand sh'ength of the Bl'igade ha increased by 40 officer and 154 Loan & M erca ntile Agency Co. Ltd. nnd others; pNmanent firemen.
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