Planning Applications Report Planning Committee 04 March 2010 Bolton Council has approved a Guide to Good Practice for Members and Officers Involved in the Planning Process. Appendix 1 of the Guide sets down guidance on what should be included in Officer Reports to Committee on planning applications. This Report is written in accordance with that guidance. Copies of the Guide to Good Practice are available at www.bolton.gov.uk Bolton Council also has a Statement of Community Involvement. As part of this staement, neighbour notification letters will have been sent to all owners and occupiers whose premises adjoin the site of these applications. In residential areas, or in areas where there are dwellings in the vicinity of these sites, letters will also have been sent to all owners and occupiers of residential land or premises, which directly overlook a proposed development. Copies of the Statement of Community Involvement are available at www.bolton.gov.uk The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol ● to show where a letter of objection has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol % to show where a letter of support has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in the report are for location only and are not to scale. The application site will generally be in the centre of the plan edged with a bold line. The following abbreviations are used within this report: - UDP The adopted Unitary Development Plan 2005 RSS Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West of England 2008 PCPN A Bolton Council Planning Control Policy Note PPG Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Guidance Note MPG Department of Communities and Local GovernmentMinerals Planning Guidance Note SPG Bolton Council Supplementary Planning Guidance SPD Bolton Council Supplementary Planning Document PPS Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Statement TPO Tree Preservation Order EA Environment Agency SBI Site of Biological Importance SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest GMEU The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit The background documents for this Report are the respective planning application documents which can be found at:- www.bolton.gov.uk/planapps INDEX Ref. No Page Item Ward Location 83471/10 5 1 BMET 167 SOMERTON ROAD, BOLTON, BL2 6LW 83185/09 13 2 HARP HIGHFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE, HIGHFIELD ROAD, FARNWORTH, BOLTON, BL4 0AW 83473/10 23 3 HELO LAND AT THE GLEN, BOLTON, BL1 5DB 83474/10 43 4 HELO LAND AT THE GLEN, BOLTON, BL1 5DB 83380/09 51 5 HOBL LAND AT CHORLEY PLACE, CHORLEY NEW ROAD, HORWICH, BOLTON. 83534/10 71 6 HONE LEVER PARK SCHOOL, STOCKS PARK DRIVE, HORWICH, BOLTON, BL6 6DE 83365/09 83 7 LLDL LAND AT RADCLIFFE ROAD, BOLTON 83507/10 107 8 LLDL LAND ADJACENT TO 17 SETTLE STREET, LITTLE LEVER, BOLTON, BL3 1LF 83371/09 117 9 SMIT 877-879 MOSS BANK WAY, BOLTON, BL1 5SN Date of Meeting: 04 March 2010 Item Number: 1 Application Reference: 83471/10 Type of Application: Full Planning Application Registration Date: 22/12/2009 Decision Due By: 16/02/2010 Responsible Jeanette Isherwood Officer: Location: 167 SOMERTON ROAD, BOLTON, BL2 6LW Proposal: ERECTION OF PART SINGLE/FIRST FLOOR EXTENSION AT SIDE Ward: Breightmet Applicant: Mr Patel Agent : Hindley Designs Ltd Officers Report Background An identical application was refused by the Planning and Highways Committee on 15/09/1994. An appeal was lodged on 11/11/1994 and was approved by the Planning Inspectorate on 6/3/1995. The Inspector concluded that, whilst the extension would be less than the 13.5 metres from main aspects, his view was that as there were extensive open aspects to the north east and south east, the proposal would not appear over dominant or overbearing on the two dwellings to the west. The conservatory referred to above was granted consent under application 74216/06. The application was then re submitted after lapsing on 01/11/2007 minus the conservatory. The application was refused by the Planning and Highways Committee on 01/11/2007. An appeal was lodged on 30/04/08 and was dismissed by The Planning Inspectorate on 26/08/08. The Inspector concluded that the proposal would materially harm the living conditions of the neighbouring residents at 1 and 3 Widcombe Drive with reference to outlook and dominance. Proposal The application proposes a first floor extension over the existing garage. The proposal will be 3 metres wide running the length of the house, incorporating a hipped roof. Site Characteristics This is a modern semi-detached property set in average size gardens on a main estate road. The property has an existing conservatory to the rear and a single storey garage to the side. A 1.3 metre high fence surrounds the rear garden of the property. The side elevation of the existing garage is adjacent to an electric substation surrounded by a 1.7 metre high wall, 5 which in turn is adjacent to the rear gardens of 1 and 3 Widcombe Drive. These properties face the gable elevation of 167 Somerton Road and have principle windows directly facing the proposal at ground and first floor. Policy RSS (2008) Policies DP1 Spatial Principles, DP2 Promoting Sustainable Communities and DP7 Promoting Environmental Quality. UDP (2005) D1/D2 Design Planning Control Policy Notes No. 2 Space Around Dwellings No. 3 House Extensions Analysis Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires applications to be determined in accordance with policies in the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Applications which are not in accordance with Development Plan policies should be refused unless material considerations justify granting permission. Similarly, proposals which accord with Development Plan policies should be approved unless there are material considerations which would justify a refusal of permission. It is therefore necessary to decide whether this proposal is in accordance with the Development Plan and then take account of other material considerations. The main impacts of the proposal are: *Impact on the living conditions of the neighbouring residents; *Impact on the character of the area; Impact on the Living Conditions of the Neighbouring Property Planning Control Policy note no 3 - "House Extensions" states that two storey side extensions which have blank gable walls which would face an existing main window to a main room within a neighbouring property should not come within 13.5 metres of those windows This interface is important to ensure that the living conditions of an adjoining dwelling are not unduly affected due to an extension appearing over dominant and overbearing when viewed from the main windows in that property. The interface distance between the proposed first floor extension and the principle windows in the rear elevation of 1 Widcombe Drive is approximately 9.5 metres at the shortest rising 6 to approximately 12.8 metres at the longest. This distance does not comply with Council Policy. There are two appeal decisions on this site for the same proposal, the latest of which supported the grounds for refusal of the application. Bearing in mind this is the most recent relevant appeal decision, this should be afforded considerable weight. Conclusion It is considered that the proposal overall is unacceptable in terms of its impact on the living conditions of the adjacent dwellings and the application is accordingly recommended for refusal. This is consistent with the historic decisions made by Committee and the most Planning Inspector. 7 Representations and Consultation Annex Representations Letters:-Two letters of objection have been received to the application from the neighbours at 1 and 3 Widcombe Drive. The main objection from these neighbours are that the proposed extension will detrimentally influence their amenities, reduce natural light and prove to be over dominant when viewed from these properties. The proposal remains in the most part similar to the previous applications and therefore should be refused. Petitions:-None Town Council:-None Elected Members:-None Consultations National Grid - No comments 8 Recommendation: Refuse Recommended Conditions and/or Reasons 1. The proposed extension would, by virtue of its height and siting, impact detrimentally on the outlook and living conditions of neighbouring residents at 1 and 3 Widcombe Drive and is contrary to Policy D2 of Bolton's Unitary Development Plan and Planning Control Policy Note No.3 - "House Extensions". 9 10 11 12 Date of Meeting: 04 March 2010 Item Number: 2 Application Reference: 83185/09 Type of Application: Full Planning Application Registration Date: 22/12/2009 Decision Due By: 16/02/2010 Responsible Matthew Kilsby Officer: Location: HIGHFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE, HIGHFIELD ROAD, FARNWORTH, BOLTON, BL4 0AW Proposal: USE OF LAND AS CHILDREN'S PLAY AREA WITH THE INSTALLATION OF VARIOUS PLAY EQUIPMENT. ERECTION OF BOUNDARY FENCING AND GATED ACCESS TOGETHER WITH THE CREATION OF A RAMPED ACCESS Ward: Harper Green Applicant: Highfield Hall Community Association Agent : Officers Report Proposal Permission is sought for the use of land adjacent to Highfield Community Centre as a children’s play area, which will comprise a variety of play equipment. Also proposed is the erection of boundary fencing and gates together with the change of an existing stepped access to a ramped access. The play area is to be used both by occupants of the community centre and children from the surrounding area. Site Characteristics Highfield Community Centre is a large, red brick building that was historically used as an animal shed when the surrounding site was Highfield Hall Farm. The proposed siting of the play area is on an open plot of land adjacent the northern elevation of the community centre.
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