SUBJECT INDEX Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440. Page numbers suffixed by t and f refer to Tables and Figures respectively. Absorption spectra in aqueous solution, 752–770 of americium, 1364–1368 compounds of, 721–752 americium (III), 1364–1365, 1365f coordination complexes in solution, americium (IV), 1365 771–782 americium (V), 1366, 1367f history of, 699–700 americium (VI), 1366, 1367f isotope production, 702–703 americium (VII), 1367–1368, 1368f metallic state of, 717–721 of liquid plutonium, 963 in nature, 703–704 of neptunium, 763–766, 763f, 786–787 nuclear properties of, 700–702 neptunium (VII) ternary oxides, 729 separation and purification, 704–717 of plutonium plutonium hexafluoride, 1088, 1089f atomic properties of, 857–862 ions, 1113–1117, 1116t compounds of, 987–1108 plutonium (IV), 849 metal and intermetallic compounds of, polymerization, 1151, 1151f 862–987 tetrachloride, 1093–1094, 1094f natural occurrence of, 822–824 tribromide, 1099t, 1100 nuclear properties of, 815–822 trichloride, 1099, 1099t separation and purification of, 826–857 Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), of solution chemistry of, 1108–1203 neptunium, 790 Actinide elements Acetates atomic volumes of, 922–923, 923f of americium, 1322, 1323t extraction of of plutonium, 1177, 1180 DIDPA, 1276 Acetone, derived compounds, of americium, HDEHP, 1275 1322, 1323t, 1324 organophosphorus and Acids carbamoylphosphonate reagents, for Purex process, 711 1276–1278 for solvent extraction, 839 stripping of, 1280–1281 Actinide chemistry TRPO, 1274–1275 americium lanthanide elements v., extraction from, analytical chemistry and spectroscopy, 1286–1289 1364–1370 metallic state of, 964 aqueous solution chemistry, 1324–1356 plutonium oxidation and reduction by ions atomic properties, 1295–1297 of, 1133–1137, 1134t–1135t compounds, 1302–1324 Aging, of plutonium, metal and intermetallic coordination chemistry and complexes, compounds, 979–987 1356–1364 Aliquat 336 history of, 1265 americium extraction with, 1293 isotope production, 1267–1268 neptunium extraction with, 714–715, 715f metal and alloys, 1297–1302 Alkali metals nuclear properties of, 1265–1267 neptunium (IV) ternary oxides, 730 separation and purification of, neptunium (V) ternary oxides, 730 1268–1295 neptunium (VI) ternary oxides, 729–730 neptunium, 699–795 neptunium (VII) ternary oxides, 728–729 analytical chemistry and spectroscopic oxoplutonates of, preparation of, techniques, 782–795 1056–1057 I-1 I-2 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440 Alkaline earth metals hexafluoride, 1090–1092 neptunium (IV) ternary oxides, 730 redox behavior of, 1143–1146, 1146t neptunium (V) ternary oxides, 730 transmutation products from, 984–987, neptunium (VI) ternary oxides, 729–730 985f neptunium (VII) ternary oxides, 728–729 α-Phase, of plutonium, 879–882, 882f–884f, oxoplutonates of, preparation of, 884t 1057–1059 americium influence on, 985 Alkaline solutions, actinide separations in, 852 atomic volume, 923, 923f Alkoxides, of plutonium, 1185–1186 density of, 936t, 937 Alkyls, of plutonium, 1186 diffusion rate, 958–960, 959t Allotropes, of plutonium, 877–890, 880f, 881t elastic constants, 942–943, 944t α phase, 879–882, 882f–884f, 884t fine-grain plasticity, 968, 970–971, 970f β phase, 882, 882f–883f, 885t ground state, 924 δ phase, 882–883, 882f–883f, 886f, 892–897, heat capacity, 947–949, 947f, 950t–951t, 899, 916–917 952f δ0 phase, 882f–883f, 883 lattice changes in, 981–982, 982f, 982t, 984 e phase, 882f–883f, 883 thermal conductivity, 957 γ phase, 882, 882f–883f thermal expansion, 938t, 939–942, 940f transformations, 886–890, 888f–889f thermoelectric power, 957–958, 958t ζ phase, 882f–883f, 883, 890, 891f Alpha spectrometry Alloys of americium, 1364 of americium, 1302, 1304t of neptunium, 783–785 mechanical properties of, 972–973 Aluminum of neptunium, 719–721 for neptunium halide preparation, 738 tellurium, 742 in plutonium alloy, 894, 895f–896f of plutonium, 862–987 damage recovery of, 983–984, 983f aluminum, 894, 895f–896f, 919–920, 920f δ-phase lattice, 930f, 932–933 applications of, 862 elastic constants, 943, 944t α and β stabilizers, 897 heat capacity, 948 δ field expansion, 892–897 oxidation of, 976, 977t electronic structure, theory, and solubility ranges, 930, 930f modeling, 921–935 transformation of, 919–920, 920f eutectic-forming elements, 897 Amberlite XAD–4, for actinide extraction, gallium, 892–894, 893f–896f, 899, 715–716 916–917, 916f–917f, 917–919, 918f Americium history of, 862 analytical chemistry and spectroscopy, indium, 896, 896f 1364–1370 interstitial compounds, 898 radioanalytical chemistry, 1364 mechanical properties, 968–973 spectroscopy, 1364–1370 microsegregation in δ-phase alloys, 899, aqueous solution chemistry, 1324–1356 916–917 complexation reactions, 1338–1356, nature of, 863 1339t oxidation and corrosion, 973–979 oxidation states, 1324–1338 phase transformations, 891–921 atomic properties, 1295–1297 phase transformations in δ-phase alloys, atomic and ionic radii, 1295–1296 917–921 electron configuration, 1295 physical and thermodynamic properties emission spectra, 1296 of, 935–968 ionization potentials, 1296 thallium, 896, 896f Mo¨ssbauer spectrum, 1297 theory and modeling of, 925–929, 926f photoelectrom spectrum, 1296–1297 Alpha decay x-ray spectrum, 1296 americium, 1265–1267, 1266t compounds of, 1302–1324 americium–241, 1267, 1337–1338 acetate, 1322, 1323t americium–243, 1337–1338 acetone, 1322, 1323t, 1324 curium, curium–244, 862 arsenate, 1321 neptunium, neptunium–237, 712, 782–785 borides, 1321 plutonium carbides, 1305t–1312t, 1319 decay, 980 carbonates, 1305t–1312t, 1319 Subject Index I-3 Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440 chalcogenides, 1305t–1312t, 1316–1319 Americium–243 chromates, 1321 applications of, 1267–1268 cyclooctatetraene, 1323t, 1324 autoreduction of, 1330 cyclopentadiene, 1323t, 1324 importance of, 1267 formate, 1322, 1323t production of, 1268 halides, 1305t–1312t, 1314–1316 radiolysis of, 1337–1338 hydrides, 1305t–1312t, 1314 Americium (II) hydroxides, 1303, 1305t–1312t, electrode potentials of, 1328, 1329t 1313–1314 oxidation of, by water, 1337 inorganic, 1303–1321, 1305t–1312t preparation of, 1325 molybdate, 1321 Americium (III) organic, 1322–1324, 1323t absorption spectra of, 1364–1365, 1365f oxalate, 1322, 1323t autoreduction of, 1330–1331 oxides, 1303, 1305t–1312t, 1313–1314 complexes of, 1321 phosphates, 1305t–1312t, 1319–1321, carbonate, 1340–1341 1355 formation constants of, 1273 pnictides, 1305t–1312t, 1316–1319 organic ligands, 1341, 1342t–1352t, silicates, 1321 1353–1354, 1353f sulfates, 1305t–1312t, 1319–1321 strengths of, 1353 tungstate, 1321 compounds of coordination chemistry and complexes, carbides, 1319 1356–1364 halides, 1315 inorganic ligands, 1356–1361 sulfates, 1320 organic ligands, 1361–1364 electrode potentials of, 1328–1329, 1329t extraction from plutonium, 869–870, 877, extraction of, 1274 878f bis(2,3,4-trimethylpentyl)- history of, 1265 dithiophosphinic acid, 1286–1287 isotope production, 1267–1268 Cyanex 301, 1287–1289, 1288f isotopes of, 1265–1267, 1266t DBBP, 1274 metal and alloys, 1297–1302 DHDECMP, 1277–1278 metal preparation, 1297 europium (III) with, 1283 properties of, 1297–1302, 1298t, 1301f HDEHP, 1275–1276 MSE oxidation of, 869 organophosphorus and nuclear properties of, 1265–1267 carbamoylphosphonate reagents, α-phase plutonium influence of, 985 1276–1278 in plutonium alloy from picric acid, 1284 δ-phase lattice, 930–931, 930f TBP, 1271–1272 neptunium v., 931, 931f TPTZ and HDNNS, 1286–1287 solubility ranges, 930, 930f from trivalent lanthanides, 1286–1289, from plutonium decay, 985, 985f 1288f separation and purification of, 1268–1295 formation constants of, 1338, 1339t extraction chromatographic processes, hydrolysis, 1339–1340 1293–1295 luminescence of, 1368–1369, 1369f history of, 1268–1269 peroxydisulfate oxidation of ion-exchange processes, 1289–1293 in acid media, 1333–1334, 1333f precipitation processes, 1270–1271 in carbonate media, 1335 pyrochemical processes, 1269–1270 preparation of, 1325 solvent extraction processes, 1271–1289 purification of, 1290–1293 Americium–241 anion-exchange, 1291–1292 applications of, 1267–1268 cation-exchange, 1290–1291 autoreduction of, 1330–1331 inorganic exchangers, 1292–1293 curium–242 from, 1267 radii of, 1295–1296 importance of, 1267 Americium (IV) production of, 1265, 1268 absorption spectra of, 1365 radiolysis of, 1337–1338 autoreduction of, 1331 separation and purification of, complexes of, carbonate, 1341 pyrochemical processes, 1269–1270 compounds of, halides, 1315 Americium–242, production of, 1267 disproportionation of, 1331 I-4 Subject Index Vol. 1: 1–698, Vol. 2: 699–1395, Vol. 3: 1397–2111, Vol. 4: 2113–2798, Vol. 5: 2799–3440 Americium (IV) (Contd.) Americium sesquisulfide, 1316–1317 electrode potentials of, 1328–1329, 1329t Americium (III) thiocyanate, 1355 hydrolysis, 1340 Americium tritelluride, 1317 peroxydisulfate oxidation of, in nitric Amide extractants, for americium, 1285–1286 acid, 1334 Amides, of plutonium, 1184–1185 preparation of, 1325–1326 Amine extractants, for americium, 1284 radii of, 1295–1296 quaternary ammonium salts, 1284 stabilization of, 1355–1356 tertiary amine salts, 1284 Americium (V) Aminopolycarboxylic acid, americium and absorption spectra of, 1366, 1367f curium extraction with, 1286 autoreduction of, 1330–1331 Ammonia, plutonium processing with, complexes of, carbonate,
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