CURRICULUM VITAE Nelly Motroshilova Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. E-mail:[email protected] Personal Page: http://eng.iph.ras.ru/motroshilova.htm Born: February 21, 1934 in Kharkov region (Ukrainian SSR, USSR). Education:1956: Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy. Academic Degrees: 1963: PhD in Philosophy.[Kandidat filosofskih nauk]. PhD Thesis: „Kritika idealisticheskih teorij aktivnosti sub‘ekta (na primere fenomenologii Je. Gusserlja i sociologii poznanija)”.[“Criticism of idealistic theories of activity of the subject (on the example of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology and sociology of knowledge”)] (Institute of Philosopy, The USSR Academy of Sciences). 1970: DSc in Philosophy. [Doktor filosofskih nauk]. DSc Thesis: “K problem social'noj obuslovlennosti poznanija (iz istorii filosofii XVII–XVIII vv.)” «On a problem of social conditionality of knowledge (from a history of philosophy XVII–XVIII centuries)» (Institute of Philosopy, The USSR Academy of Sciences). Research Areas: Classical German Philosophy; Phenomenology; Theoretical and Methodological Problems of the History of Philosophy; Interaction of Russian Thought with the Philosophy of the West. Title: 1975: Professor. 2006: Honorary Professor of Ivanovo State Energetic University. Position: 1986 – 2013: Head of the Department of the History of Western Philosophy; 1986 – 2013: Head of the Branch for the Study of the History of Philosophy; 1986 – 2013: Chief Reserch Fellow (Leading, Senior, Junior), Institute of Philosophy, RAS. Grants, Fellowships and Awards (selected): 1994: Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. 2005: Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany: Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland «Bundesverdienstkreuz am Band»; 2009: Silver Medal «For Contribution in the Development of Philosophy» The Plekhanov Prize under the decision of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Professional Activities: A chairman of the Specialized Dissertation Council for defending Candidate (PhD) and Doctorate (DSc) theses in the history of philosophy; Member of the Academic Council, Institute of Philosophy, RAS; Editor-in-Chief: Istoriko-filosofskij ezhegodnik. [History of Philosophy Yearbook] (Moscow, Russia). Editorial-board member: «Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie» (Berlin, Germany); «Studia Spinozana» (Würzburg, Germany); «Hegel Bulletin» (=«Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain») (Great Britain); «Arhe: časopis za filozofiju» / «Arche: Journal of Philosophy» (Novi Sad, Serbia); «Prolegomena: časopis za filozofiju» / «Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy» (Zagreb, Croatia); «Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija» / «Coactivity: Philosophy, Communication» (Vilnius, Lithuania); Voprosu philosophii [The Questions of Philosophy] (journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia); Filosofskij zhurnal [Philosophical Journal] (journal of the Institute of Philosophy RAS, Moscow, Russia); Ezhegodnik po fenomenologicheskoj filosofii [Annual for Phenomenological Philosophy] (journal of the Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow, Russia). Main Publications (Selected): Books: Motroshilova N. “Idei“ Jedmunda Gusserlja kak vvedenie v fenomenologiju. [Edmund Husserl's Ideen I as an Introduction to Phenomenology]. Moscow: Phenomenology&Hermeneutics, 2003. – Hardcover. – 716 pages. (in Russian). Motroshilova N. Merab Mamardashvili: filosofskie razmyshlenija i lichnostnyj opyt [Merab Mamardashvili: Philosophical Speculations and Personal Experience]. Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia, 2007. – 320 pages. (in Russian) Motroshilova N. Mysliteli Rossii i filosofija Zapada (V. Solov'ev, N. Berdjaev, S. Frank). [Thinkers of Russia and Philosophy of the West: V. Solov'ev, N. Berdiaev, S. Frank, L. Shestov]. Moscow: Respublika; Cultural Revolution, 2007. – 477 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 525001898X (in Russian) Motroshilova N. Civilizacija i varvarstvo v jepohu global'nyh krizisov [Civilization and Barbarism in an Epoch of Global Crises] Moscow: Kanon+Reabilitatsiia, 2010. – 480 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-88373-1597 (in Russian) Motroshilova N. Otechestvennaja filosofija 50–80-h godov XX v. i zapadnaja mysl'. [Russian Philosophy in the 50–80s years of 20th Century and Western Thought]. Moscow: Academical Project, 2012. – 376 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN: 978-5-8291-1397-1 (in Russian) Motroshilova N. Martin Hajdegger i Hanna Arendt: bytie – vremja – ljubov' [Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt: Being, Time, Love]. Moscow: Academical Project], 2013. – 526 pages. – Hardcover. – ISBN 978-5-8291-1457-2 (in Russian) Articles: Motroshilova N. Delineation and Analysis of Objectivities («Gegenständlichkeiten») in Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology (Based on «Logical Investigations», Volume II), in: Analecta Husserliana. 1989. Vol. 27. P. 91–144. (In English). Motroshilova N. The Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and the Natural Sciences – Juxtaposition or Cooperation?, in: Analecta Husserliana. 1991. Vol. 34. P. 139–149. (In English). Motroshilova N. Jaspers und Heidegger: Das Herangehen an die Erziehungsproblematik, in: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen-Karl-Jaspers-Gesellschaft. 1994– 1995. Bd. 7–8. (In German). Motroshilova N. Phänomen, Erscheinung, Gestalt – terminologische und inhaltliche Probleme von Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes in ihrem Bezug zur Philosophie Kants, in: Phänomen und Analyse. Grundbegriffe der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts in Erinnerung an Hegels «Phänomenologie des Geistes» (1807). Würzburg: Koenigshausen&Neumann, 2008. S. 107–134. (In German). Motroshilova N. On Merab Mamardashvili's Dialogue with Jean-Paul Sartre, in: Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2010. Vol. 49. Issue 1 (Summer). P. 74–95. (In English). Motroshilova N. The Synthesis of Gnoseology with the Sociocultural Study of Knowledge, Cognition, and Consciousness, in: Russian Studies in Philosophy. Summer 2013. Vol. 52. No. 1. P. 10–39. (In English). Motroshilova N. Jedmund Gusserl' o «chistoj geometrii»: novyj tip istoricheskogo ponimanija nauki. [Edmund Husserl on "pure geometry": a new type of historical understanding of science], in: Ezhegodnik fenomenologicheskoj filosofii. [Annual for Phenomenological Philosophy]. Vol. III. Moscow: Russian State University for Humanities, 2013. P. 131–171. (in Russian) Motroshilova N. Kants «Metaphysik der Sitten» im Kontext der russischen Kant- Rezeption und Übersetzungen, in: Philosophische Schriften. Bd. 79. 2013: Kants «Metaphysik der Sitten» in der Diskussion. Hrsg. von Werner Euler und Burkhard Tuschling. S. 11–19. (in German). Motroshilova N. G.Kantor i Je. Gusserl': vzaimodejstvie idej [G. Kantor and E. Husserl: Interrelationship of their Ideas], in: Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology. 2013. Vol. 2, Issue 1. P. 7–27. (in Russian) Motroshilova N. Udivitel'naja aktual'nost' idej Russo o “le contrat social” [The new actuality of the Rousseau's ideas about “le contrat social”], in: Istoriko-filosofskij ezhegodnik’2012. [History of Philosophy Yearbook’2012]. Moscow, Kanon Plus, 2013. P. 177– 190 (in Russian) Motroshilova N. Jurgen Habermas o krizise Evropejskogo Sojuza i ponjatii solidarnosti (2011–2013 gg.). [Jürgen Habermas on the European Union crisis and the concept of "solidarity" (2011–2013)], in: Voprosy filosofii [The Questions of Philosophy], 2013, Issue 10, P. 22 – 38 (In Russian). Motroshilova N. Postskriptum k knige «Martin Hajdeggeri Hanna Arendt: bytie - vremja - ljubov'.» [ Post scriptum to the Book “Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt: Being, Time, Love”], in: Voprosy filosofii [The Questions of Philosophy], 2014, Issue 3, P. 4 – 13. (In Russian). .
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