i • ■*—m-— -e^iW AVSBAOB DAILY CipGSLAlWII:. lor «M HMth of U f h u h m , IMS r 5,246 J <>' Member el ttiie AMU Bareau el OroolallOBe. PRIOR TttRBBD I^^ (SlXTBBN f^^) VOL. u n ., NO. 5. (OasslSed AdrerttslBg on Paf* li.) MANCHESTBfl, CONNi, FRIDAY, OptOBRR GIANTS LEAD SEEK SETTLEMENT OF SILK STRIKES SCORE OF 4TH CLASH NatioDal Labor Board Head, LABOR TROUBLES ? -s ' W' New York Manager Hits for Chrenit in 4th Inning Bott ♦ v ^ . > INTERl^T AT PEAK Workers and Manofac- DELAY ADVANCE i H nh M and Weaver Hnrl Fine BaD; Are Given Bril­ 5 \\v ^ FOR TODAY’S GAME tnrers to Hold Meeting S'- \ liant Support n Pinches; Cronin Has Chance to Drive Tuesday. Mercantile Review Reports s'" Crowds Flock to Stadknn for in Tpng Rnn in 6th Brt Strikes OnL General Pace of Trade Washington, Oct. 6.—(AP) — 4di Contest; Enthnsiasin Griffith Stadium. Washington, Chairman Wagner of the National Oct. 6.— (AP)—Bill Terry’s booming [ Labor Board announced today "that Slower This Week. Hits for Circuit home run deep mto the temporary [ a meeting of all the Interested par­ Rises Overnight. bleachers in far off center /laid 1 ties would be held In New York New York, Oct. 6.—(AP)— The with none on In the fourth inning Tuesday In an effort to settle the general pace of trade, said the Dun By EDWARD J. NEEL swept the Giants Into a 1 to 0 lead silk strike which has spread from A Bradstreet, Inc., weekly trade re­ Associated Press Sports W’riter over the Senators today before a Paterson, N. J., to other industrial crowd of 26,000 in the crucial fourth view today, has become perceptibly ; % sections of the east Griffith Stadium, Washington, game of the world series. slower, with reports from nearly all Young Monte Weaver, right Wagfner said tliat in addition to Oct. 6.—(AP)—Hope and enthusi­ hander upon whom Toe rhonii^ de­ manufacturers and representatives larts of the country this week em­ asm raced high today as the skies phasizing a slackening of activity pended for victory ' today and a of all labor organizations in the silk turned friendly again and the van­ fighting chance for ultimate cem- manufacturing and dyeing indus­ in both centers bf production and guard of the capital’s baseball faith­ queat of the series, got safely past a tries, Dr. Leo Wolman, chairman of distribution. ful moved Into the American League rocky start only to heave his fast the NRA labor advisory board, and The review commented that the ball into the favorite groove oi the possibly Walter C. Teagle, chair­ lowei rate of manufacturing opera­ stronghold for the fourth game of the W orld Seri«*s between che Sena­ Giants’ manager vdth one out in man of the industrial advisory tions, which has persisted for more the fourth. Terry sw\mg from iris beard, would attend the conference. than a month, has been aggravated tors and the Giants. Only-one down now in the game heels and the drive sailed far into The meeting, to be held in New by labor troub;es. the stand for the longest hit so far Yortt as a convenience to the manu­ count due to Earl Whitehill’s 4 to 0 “The static condition of trade in shutout of the National League in the series. facturers and labor leaders, will Depending upon Carl Hubbell, many directions,” it continuied, “has champions yesterday, the crowds start at 2:30 p. m., in the state been magnified, no doubt, by the masterful left hander who won the came to root and the Senators to first game, the Giants were forced office building at 80 Center street. gap between its present position battle desperately for a decision to­ "It will be a really fine accom­ and that which was expected to be to pull the screw ball star from day that would even the series at but one hole’ in the fourtii inning. plishment if we can compose these attained under the influence of the two -victories each. 'The Giants won differences," Wagner said. usual seasonal stimuli, and the re­ After retiring the first nine Sena­ Braving the elements to launch the third game of the World Sertds-^-And the first’ te Washington a the first two games in New York tors to face him in order, Hubbell al­ National Problem actionary tmidency of both commo­ before the scene shifted here for The session next Tuesday, he ex­ laughing PresidentEloosevelt is shown here as he pitched the first ball from his flag-draped official box. lowed his first hit, a singfo by dity and security markets. ■niat’s Manager BID Terry of the New York Giants at the right. 'The Senators, after losing the first two three matches. “Goose” Goslin off Terry’s glove plained, ^ ill deal with the silk strike Only baseball, of all American &tV_L TER.R.V Wages Are Lagging Series games, came back to win their home-coming contest, 4 to 0. -with cme out In the fourth a d then as a National problem rather than “While consumers’ reserves ap­ sports, can produce the contrast as a purely local strike in Paterson walked Heinie Manusfa. Joe Cronin to Critz who ran back of second for pear to be far from exhausted and that showed all over the Clarb Grif­ filed to Mel Ott in right, and the with representatives present from retailers of merchandise are receiv­ fith stadium Md the environs of tile catch. Seven of the first eight uprising was over as Fred Sehulte Senators bad gone out on fly bails. New Eingland and other eastern ing the benefit of more than two the nation’s capital today as the grounded weakly- into a force play Weaver grqunded sharply to Critz states in which the strike has billion dollasa returned from hoard­ POLITICAL PEACE city swung wholeheart^y behind at second. spread or is threatened. ing since March, it is becoming ap­ PUBUC WORKS PROGRAM the revived Senators, returned now who made a nice stop and threw to Wagner said at a press conference parent that wages exe lagging be­ to the hitting form that swept the By ALAN GOULD Terry for the puteut. No tuns, no Mts, no errors, noao he was to confer with President hind advancing prices. The spread team ^through to the Ameriqi^ Griffith Stafhiin, Washington, Roosevelt at noc_ on the work of League ebampionsbixK Oct. 8.—(AP)—Despite cloudlofs of the strike wave haa inte^te^ed Where, yn^rday clouds htmg Inning ,, the labor board but declined to hesitation, bringing op«rat)e|u.jB IS mtui wiiiiner weather an<L herfvT over the fleW smd spilled rain divulge specifically lust what phases som e indfiBtrteS' the pfe^^«hj%T seeing Cart Hubbell GlAJ^S: Critz tried to bunt and of its nctl^ies wTere to be disq^issed. before game time, and the second missed^ Critz groipded ou^ Cronin point of cessation, and preventing smallest ^rowdYcrowd at a Worldworld s«nesSeries try to^ check the Senators come- Dedsien Soon rctioBS HeU FtiW Goitfer- s W r sat apathetically and.-to»ek. a#»ther bdow c a p ^ ty crowd to Kuhel. Terry 'smaahtd a homa Wr^gner said a decision by Uie rup into the bleachers in deep center (Conttnaed «n Page Twdve) Huyofl 2 ^ Sdectmen of resigned to more defeat, todav there turned 'x>ut today for the fourth board probably will be given soon — ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . field. Ott walked, the fourth ball be­ • ence With U. S. Amhassa- wsis a re-birth of the excitement game of the world series. 'The south­ on the quesfuon of minority repre­ m ing low and Cronin eame in for a and enthusiasm Washington knew paw ace of the Giants was owosed sentation for employes in labor dis­ State Urged to Take Ad­ OF BOOZE CONTROL In the glam orous series days o f 1924 to Monte Weaver, ypuug rightMnd- taik-wlth his young pitcher. Davis putes. Wagner said the board’s rule HAYES IS CHOSEN dor Wolks Present and 1925. er of the American League cham­ grounded to Bluege for a scratoh has been to render decisions only vantage of Plan to Pro­ The moment the* gates were pions. ’There were no changes in single, the third baseman had to run as specific cases were presented but opened this morning, the few hun­ .either , lineup although: Frsmk in for the pickup and did not even expressed the opinion there should make an attempt to throw to first Havana, Oct. 6—(AP) — A re­ dred bleacher seats set up In a tri­ (Lefty) O’Dpui; pinch hit hero of be a decision on the minority repre­ AS LEGION’S HEAD vide Work for Idle. Says Elimination o f ^ e Pro­ angular site some architect took In the second game took a brief part bape. Ott stopp^' at second.- Jack- sumption of negotiations for ^ li- sentation ^h)blem. in the Giants batting drill and was son fouled out to Bluege, Who made The question already has arisen, fit Motive Alone Will tical peace became a jKissibillty to­ (Goatinaed on Page Two) prepared to mter file proceedings the cati* a few feet from thizd he said, in Indianapolis where in Hartford, Oct. 6— (AP)—Mayors * day after ap independent conference if and when summoned. base. Mancuso walked on a. fourth one silk mill there is both a com straight balL Ryan fanned, swinging Lawyer from Illmeb Elected o| many of the cities of the state of Cuban leaders which American ’The U.
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