\7GC Newsletter No 47. Spring .983 COVER PHOTOGRAPH shows VOCSQK" " after bungee launch at Farkashegy in. 1956. May 1983 EDITORIAL Tl1.e VGC has now reached its lOth birthday. Ten years ago, at Hu.3bands Bosvvorth durin(0i our first International Rally, we were suppoc·ted by members from - tl.nster wi th Ol1.S glider, and from Switzerland came two gliders. Most of those who brought them have supported us at everYtbInternational Rally sLnce. Therefore, we wish to say thank you~Paul Serries, Rainer Willeke, Max MtUler and their families, and Willi Schwarzenbach, his daughters, and his wife Geraldineo We really have been very glad to have had them with us all this time. Ten years ago, we could ~1.e-ver have foreseen that we would have existed so long or that we would have held 11 Intern8.tional Meetings, or would have managed to bring back so many gliders of the past. We certainly would never have envisaged that a time would come when replicas of types no longer in existence would be being builto It seems appropriate that during this, our Jubilee year, we should be going beyond the furthest frontier (or al~ost) to attend an lnternat.io:::lal Rally in Hungary. It is the first time that our Mo\/'ement will have gone behind the Iron CUTtain, although there are indications that a vintage glider movement has existed in Hungary for some ti~e. Our greatest success is that our accident rate has been so low that, after prolonged negotiations between Tony Maufe and Carol Taylor, the l\1owbray Vale Insurance Compsny (address: 8 Castlegate, Thirsk, Nocth Yorkshire Y07 IHL. Te1: Thirsk (STD 0345) 23(18), has now found it possible to offer an almost 50% reduction in annual premium for third party cover for gliders in the Vintage Glider Club. Carol Taylor, of JVlowlJray Vale will decide whj_ch of our gliders are entitled to this, but we understand thst one of the requirements is that a glider should not exceed more than 40 hours flying in a year. This is success indeed u We have clearly done well with relatively few accidents compared with those of the rest of the glidi.ng movement in Britain. We congratulate our members and urbe them to do all in their power to continue this good recordo Correction Peter Riedel has asked us to correct some mi6-informatIon that we wrote about him in our technical article on the H.H~NSPERBER. Un.fortunately, th.is i.nforlE8tion was copied recently by Dungee Cord ~le~ they borrowed our technical article. The illistake occurred vnlile W8 were describing Peter Riedel's flight in the SPERBER SENIOR over New York in 1937, vvhile he was p~actising for the US National Co~testo We stated that he landed on an island airfield in the Hudson River. This was not so. The take off was from Roosevelt Field and the landing was also made there some time later, after a flight over the centre of New York to Newart and return. Captions to Photographs Photographs taken at Farkashegy during an Oldtimer Rally in 1981. 1. Club House has been heightened by one storey. In the foreground is a Malev DC-3 (Li ?). 2. Putting finishing touches to a just postwar Hungarian Futar sailplane 0 3. A 1944 photograph of the site from above, shovring soaring slope beyond the Clubhouse. 4. Taken during the 1981 Oldtime~Rallyo In the foreground a Hang Glider. Behind, vintage aircraft and gliders o Centre Right ­ soaring slope. It is believed that the hill on the left obscures Budapest and the Danube. The 11th International Vintage Glider Meeting As announced in the last Newsletter this is to take place at Farkashegy-BIA near Budapest from 23rd July - 3rd August 1983. Information concerning this can be obtained by writing direct to: MAGYAR HONVEDELMI SZOVETSEG REPULOFONOKSEG,1/ " 11. International Vintage Glider Rally, BUdapest, PF/PoO.Bo/Pf.21, H-1450 Hungary. or from: C. Wills, "Wings", The Street, Ewelme, Oxon OX9 6HQ. Tel: 0491 39245. Essential information is that: Frontier Crossing point is: Hegyeshalom/Nickelsdorf~ which is East of the North end of Neusiedler See (Lake) which is S.E. of Vienna. C. Wills will be at the frontier from 12.00 hrs. to 14.00 hrs. on 23rd July to assist frontier crossings, but no difficulties are anticipated. The Site for the 11th Internat_lonal is 3 kms North of the Vienna ­ Budapest main road which sometimes achieves Autobahn staills. To reach the site, one can leave the maiE road at any of three exits. The first is after the village of Biatorb~gy (on right of road)~ 18 kms from Budapesto One leaves the main road to the right, but passes almost immediately to the left of it to continue S.E. parallel to the Vienna - Budapest main road for 4 kms, before turning back NW and then North, on a road marked Budakeszi (and probably 11th International). The site is on the right, after a hill climb, after 3 kms. The second exit (probably the preferred) is 10 kms from Budapest immediately after a small lake on right of the main road. The right turn off will be marked the village of T8rokb~lint (South of Main Road). One should leave the motorway rotating right, to pass under it to head first North, then immediately N.W. and then North. The site marked BIA is on right of road after 4 kms, after a hill climb. Signposts will probably show Budakeszi (village) and 11th International. The third exit is at the village of Budagrs 5 kms from Budapest. One leaves the motorway to the right, then rotates left under motorway, North to BUda~rs, left in the Village centre, to head West, back parallel to the motorway for 2 kms, before turning right, and North, up the hill. The site (BIA) will be on the right after 3~ kms. Signposts should show Budakeszi village and 11th International. It is important to know that the BIA gliding site is l~ kms NW of Farkas-hegy, the old bungee site. Accommodation. This is in the club, camping on the Airfield, or in the nearby Budapest hotels. Budapest is only 8 kms from the site as the crow flies. Costs are said to be very cheap in Hungary. Opening Ceremony. This will take place on 24th July at 4.00 p.m. (Arrival is on the 23rd). Non-flying programme. It is requested that the national teams should bring the wherewithall for evening entertainment parties. Excursions will be organised to see Budapest, Lake Balaton and the Danube (Duna-Donau), etc •••• and other airfields. To reach the Site. Exit No. 2 from the Budapest - Vienna Motorway (10 kms from Budapest) should be preferred as it is 3 kms almost exactly South of the site. The hill climb before the site has been guessed from photographs. Captions to Photographs The site of Farkashegy in 1944. The soaring slope is behind the club house. Hangar in foreground. Clubhouse - right. Danube Plain in centre. Budapest is obscured by the hill on left. Bottom V~cs~k doing ground slide, Clubhouse is above its starboard wing. The main hill soaring slope must be behind the clubhouse. V~cs~k is descending the bungee launch slope which rises to a considerable height behind the camera. Transport to Hungary Bus to BUdapest. This is organised by: C. Komassy, 4 Mount Road, Bradford BD8 7EY. Tel: Bradford 4953110 The above service is organised essentially to take Hungarians, living in Britain, home •••••• and to bring them back again. Alternatively, it is possible to travel by bus from Victoria Coach Station to Munich ••• and then to travel to Budapest from Munich by train. The buses leave Victoria Coach Station every Friday and Sunday at 20.30 hrs and arrive in Munich at 19000 hrs (7000 p.mo) on the next day. For the return. The buses for London leave Munich at 08.00 hrs every Friday and Sunday to arrive in London ~t 08.00 hrs on the next day. The Return fare to Munich from London costs £73 085. The buses are organised by Europa Tours in conjunction with the Deutsches ReisebUro and Sealink. VISAS. These are necessary to go to Hungary, and can be obtained from the Hungarian Embassy, address: 35 Eaton Place, London, SoWol. Tel: 01-235-4048. Office Hours: 10.00 - 12.30 Monday to Friday. To obtain a Visa, it is necessary to give/send your Passport, together with £5.00, to the Embassy. A visa can be obtained three* days after application. This process can not be speeded up. *Three working days. Registration with the Hungarian Police. Visitors must do this within 24 hours of their arrival in Hungary, and at every new location where they might find themselves. Peter Fletcher has supplied the above information. VCS's National Meet. Lasham Q 13th - 29th August 1983 As a special prize is to be awarded annually "for the best turned out Grunau", we give a special welcome to our Grunau Baby owners and hope that as many Grunau Babies as possible will be present o The prize is the Frank Reeks Trophy. Anyone wIshing to attend this Rally, wIth a glider, and who has not already had an entry form, should write as soon as possible to: Colin street, Badger Lodge, Redlands Lane, Ewshott, Farnham, Surrey. GUlO 5AS. Those wishing to attend the VGC's Annual Dinner to be held at Lasham during the Rally, durIng the evening of Saturday, 27th Aug, should also write to Colin for an attendance form.
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