GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB MTDF 2014-17 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2014-15 MTDF 2014-17 ABSTRACT (Million Rs) Allocation SNo Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 A Social Sectors 119,436 167,000 240,000 1 Education 48,310 66,000 89,000 School Education 28,100 38,000 49,000 Higher Education 14,050 20,500 30,000 Special Education 800 1,500 2,000 Literacy 2,400 3,500 4,500 Sports & Youth Affairs 2,960 2,500 3,500 2 Health & Family Planning 31,070 45,000 67,000 3 Water Supply & Sanitation 17,118 25,000 34,000 4 Social Protection 1,800 2,500 3,000 5 Regional Planning 7,150 9,000 17,000 PVTC, TEVTA 3,000 6,000 12,000 6 LG&CD 3,488 4,500 6,000 7 District Development Packages / SPDP 7,500 9,000 12,000 B Infrastructure Development 148,532 193,000 250,000 8 Roads 31,560 38,000 50,000 9 Irrigation 35,572 50,000 67,000 10 Energy 31,000 45,000 67,000 11 Public Buildings 8,000 11,000 12,000 12 Urban Development 42,400 49,000 54,000 C Production Sectors 26,320 38,000 55,000 13 Agriculture 7,960 15,000 23,000 14 Cooperatives 100 350 600 15 Forestry 980 1,000 1,500 16 Wildlife 1,000 1,500 2,000 17 Fisheries 580 1,000 1,500 18 Food 940 1,500 2,000 19 Livestock 5,200 7,000 11,000 20 Industries,Commerce & Investment 7,110 8,000 10,000 21 Mines & Minerals 1,460 1,500 1,900 22 Tourism 990 1,150 1,500 D Services 9,493 14,000 22,000 23 Governance & Information Technology 7,393 11,000 18,000 24 Labour & HR Development 541 750 900 25 Transport 109 400 600 26 Emergency Service 1,450 1,850 2,500 E Others 8,209 8,000 10,000 27 Environment 190 250 450 28 Information & Culture 607 800 950 29 Archaeology 380 450 500 30 Auqaf & Religious Affairs 100 150 200 31 Human Rights & Minority Affairs 320 350 400 32 Planning & Development 6,612 6,000 7,500 F Special Initiatives / Programme 18,010 32,000 32,000 33 Special Initiatives 6,010 20,000 20,000 34 District/TMA Development Programme 12,000 12,000 12,000 Grand Total 330,000 452,000 609,000 Annual Development Programme 2014-15 Abstract (Million Rs.) Page No Sector Type Capital Revenue Total F.Aid Total New 11,247.98 39,774.10 51,022.08 - 51,022.08 1-194 Social Sectors Ongoing 13,184.25 29,049.67 42,233.92 2,780.00 45,013.92 Total 24,432.24 68,823.76 93,256.00 2,780.00 96,036.00 New 154.02 17,611.68 17,765.70 - 17,765.70 1-15 School Education Ongoing 244.87 589.43 834.30 - 834.30 Total 398.89 18,201.11 18,600.00 - 18,600.00 New 3,354.01 4,282.21 7,636.23 - 7,636.23 17-53 Higher Education Ongoing 2,933.73 980.04 3,913.77 - 3,913.77 Total 6,287.75 5,262.26 11,550.00 - 11,550.00 New 80.00 387.47 467.47 - 467.47 55-63 Special Education Ongoing 320.20 12.33 332.53 - 332.53 Total 400.20 399.80 800.00 - 800.00 New 50.00 536.00 586.00 - 586.00 65-71 Literacy Ongoing - 1,814.00 1,814.00 - 1,814.00 Total 50.00 2,350.00 2,400.00 - 2,400.00 New 913.83 214.75 1,128.58 - 1,128.58 73-87 Sports & Youth Affairs Ongoing 819.49 11.93 831.42 - 831.42 Total 1,733.32 226.69 1,960.00 - 1,960.00 New 3,946.13 5,261.84 9,207.97 - 9,207.97 89-117 Health & Family Planning Ongoing 7,648.04 7,713.99 15,362.03 - 15,362.03 Total 11,594.17 12,975.83 24,570.00 - 24,570.00 New - 5,577.98 5,577.98 - 5,577.98 119-168 Water Supply & Sanitation Ongoing - 11,540.02 11,540.02 - 11,540.02 Total - 17,118.00 17,118.00 - 17,118.00 New 100.00 416.65 516.65 - 516.65 169-175 Social Protection Ongoing 217.92 165.43 383.35 - 383.35 Total 317.92 582.08 900.00 - 900.00 New 150.00 1,347.50 1,497.50 - 1,497.50 177-185 Regional Planning Ongoing - 2,872.50 2,872.50 2,780.00 5,652.50 Total 150.00 4,220.00 4,370.00 2,780.00 7,150.00 New - 1,638.00 1,638.00 - 1,638.00 187-192 LG&CD Ongoing - 1,850.00 1,850.00 - 1,850.00 Total - 3,488.00 3,488.00 - 3,488.00 New 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 193-194 District Development Packages/SPDP Ongoing 1,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 - 2,500.00 Total 3,500.00 4,000.00 7,500.00 - 7,500.00 New 26,349.33 29,475.79 55,825.12 140.00 55,965.12 195-332 Infrastructure Development Ongoing 36,391.28 20,398.61 56,789.88 24,777.00 81,566.88 Total 62,740.60 49,874.40 112,615.00 24,917.00 137,532.00 New 9,798.16 - 9,798.16 - 9,798.16 195-244 Roads Ongoing 21,761.84 - 21,761.84 - 21,761.84 Total 31,560.00 - 31,560.00 - 31,560.00 New 5,980.00 - 5,980.00 100.00 6,080.00 245-263 Irrigation Ongoing 7,657.90 112.10 7,770.00 21,722.00 29,492.00 Total 13,637.90 112.10 13,750.00 21,822.00 35,572.00 Annual Development Programme 2014-15 Abstract (Million Rs.) Page No Sector Type Capital Revenue Total F.Aid Total New 8,538.00 9,068.00 17,606.00 - 17,606.00 265-270 Energy Ongoing 1,229.29 114.71 1,344.00 3,050.00 4,394.00 Total 9,767.29 9,182.71 18,950.00 3,050.00 22,000.00 New 2,033.16 120.00 2,153.16 - 2,153.16 271-318 Public Buildings Ongoing 5,742.25 104.59 5,846.84 - 5,846.84 Total 7,775.41 224.59 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 New - 20,287.79 20,287.79 40.00 20,327.79 319-332 Urban Development Ongoing - 20,067.21 20,067.21 5.00 20,072.21 Total - 40,355.00 40,355.00 45.00 40,400.00 New 2,224.91 8,770.15 10,995.06 1,032.19 12,027.25 333-402 Production Sector Ongoing 1,067.10 2,955.65 4,022.75 4,670.00 8,692.75 Total 3,292.01 11,725.80 15,017.81 5,702.19 20,720.00 New 53.00 984.16 1,037.17 - 1,037.17 333-343 Agriculture Ongoing 339.12 1,913.71 2,252.83 4,670.00 6,922.83 Total 392.13 2,897.88 3,290.00 4,670.00 7,960.00 New - 100.00 100.00 - 100.00 345-349 Cooperatives Ongoing - - - - - Total - 100.00 100.00 - 100.00 New - 744.16 744.16 - 744.16 351-357 Forestry Ongoing - 235.84 235.84 - 235.84 Total - 980.00 980.00 - 980.00 New 478.56 190.00 668.56 - 668.56 359-364 Wildlife Ongoing 223.74 107.69 331.44 - 331.44 Total 702.31 297.69 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 New 138.00 350.00 488.00 - 488.00 365-370 Fisheries Ongoing 44.31 47.70 92.00 - 92.00 Total 182.31 397.70 580.00 - 580.00 New 330.00 290.00 620.00 - 620.00 371-375 Food Ongoing 300.00 20.00 320.00 - 320.00 Total 630.00 310.00 940.00 - 940.00 New 113.76 2,413.25 2,527.01 1,032.19 3,559.20 377-383 Livestock Ongoing 30.49 210.32 240.80 - 240.80 Total 144.24 2,623.57 2,767.81 1,032.19 3,800.00 New 1,000.00 2,832.50 3,832.50 - 3,832.50 385-390 Industries,Commerce & Investment Ongoing 31.77 245.74 277.50 - 277.50 Total 1,031.77 3,078.24 4,110.00 - 4,110.00 New 69.00 72.08 141.08 - 141.08 391-396 Mines & Minerals Ongoing 49.49 69.43 118.92 - 118.92 Total 118.49 141.51 260.00 - 260.00 New 42.59 794.00 836.59 - 836.59 397-402 Tourism Ongoing 48.19 105.23 153.41 - 153.41 Total 90.77 899.23 990.00 - 990.00 New 230.00 2,449.39 2,679.39 - 2,679.39 403-430 Services Sector Ongoing 252.29 2,864.32 3,116.61 3,697.00 6,813.61 Total 482.29 5,313.71 5,796.00 3,697.00 9,493.00 Annual Development Programme 2014-15 Abstract (Million Rs.) Page No Sector Type Capital Revenue Total F.Aid Total New - 1,827.89 1,827.89 - 1,827.89 403-412 Governance & Information TechnologyOngoing 13.60 1,854.51 1,868.11 3,697.00 5,565.11 Total 13.60 3,682.40 3,696.00 3,697.00 7,393.00 New - 351.51 351.51 - 351.51 413-417 Labour & HR Development Ongoing 2.00 187.50 189.50 - 189.50 Total 2.00 539.00 541.00 - 541.00 New - 10.00 10.00 - 10.00 419-423 Transport Ongoing 60.00 39.00 99.00 - 99.00 Total 60.00 49.00 109.00 - 109.00 New 230.00 260.00 490.00 - 490.00 425-430 Emergency Service Ongoing 176.69 783.31 960.00 - 960.00 Total 406.69 1,043.31 1,450.00 - 1,450.00 New 5,802.00 1,031.89 6,833.89 - 6,833.89 431-467 Others Ongoing 385.03 982.59 1,367.61 7.50 1,375.11 Total 6,187.03 2,014.48 8,201.50 7.50 8,209.00 New - 105.00 105.00 - 105.00 431-436 Environment Ongoing - 85.00 85.00 - 85.00 Total - 190.00 190.00 - 190.00 New 2.00 121.04 123.04 - 123.04 437-441 Information & Culture Ongoing 243.45 240.51 483.96 - 483.96 Total 245.45 361.56 607.00 - 607.00 New - 50.85 50.85 - 50.85 443-449 Archaeology Ongoing 75.00 254.15 329.15 - 329.15 Total 75.00 305.00 380.00 - 380.00 New - 70.00 70.00 - 70.00 451-455 Auqaf & Religious Affairs Ongoing 15.00 15.00 30.00 - 30.00 Total 15.00 85.00 100.00 - 100.00 New 300.00 20.00 320.00 - 320.00 457-461 Human Rights & Minority Affairs Ongoing - - - - - Total 300.00 20.00 320.00 - 320.00 New 5,500.00 665.00 6,165.00 - 6,165.00 463-467 Planning & Development Ongoing 51.58 387.92 439.50 7.50 447.00 Total 5,551.58 1,052.92 6,604.50 7.50 6,612.00 New 6,010.00 - 6,010.00 - 6,010.00 469-472 Special Programme / Packages Ongoing - 12,000.00 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 Total 6,010.00 12,000.00 18,010.00 - 18,010.00 New 6,010.00 - 6,010.00 - 6,010.00 469-470 Special Programme/ Initiatives Ongoing - - - - - Total 6,010.00 - 6,010.00 - 6,010.00 New - - - - - 471-472 District/TMA Development ProgrammeOngoing - 12,000.00 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 Total - 12,000.00 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 New 51,864.22 81,501.32 133,365.54 1,172.19 134,537.73 Net Development Programme Ongoing 51,279.94 68,250.83 119,530.77 35,931.50 155,462.27 Total 103,144.16 149,752.15 252,896.31 37,103.69 290,000.00 Annual Development Programme 2014-15 Abstract (Million Rs.) Page No Sector Type Capital Revenue Total F.Aid Total Low Income Housing 500.00 Population Welfare 500.00 Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) 7,500.00 Punjab Education Endowment Fund 2,000.00 (PEEF) Daanish School System 2,000.00 Sports & Youth Affairs 1,000.00 Knowledge Park & Punjab 500.00 Technology University Health Insurance Card etc 4,000.00 PMDGP/PHSRP WB, DFID Sponsored 2,000.00 / Vertical Program QA Solar Bahawalpur 9,000.00 Women Development & Sports 900.00 Green Development Fund (PHA) 500.00 PLDC (Aashiana Housing Scheme) 1,000.00 TEVTA 2,000.00 PVTC 1,000.00 PLDDB & PAMCO 1,400.00 PSIC (Self Employment Scheme) 2,000.00 PIEDMIC/FIEDMIC 1,000.00 Punjab Mineral Corporation 1,200.00 Total ( Other Development Initiatives) 40,000.00 Grand Total Development 330,000.00 SCHOOL EDUCATION IMPORTANCE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH Education is a key driver of economic development, as an educated labor force translates into a productive labor force as well as one that has access to opportunities for upward social mobility.
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