universities which have since been estab¬ break from 1816 to 1844. and contain much t. w lished here. It Is this: that Is of value to thoee Interested In the 'The parent who sends his son to Wash¬ development of the schools of Capitol Hill. ington will find for him In his representa¬ "Edward D. Tlppett taught school from CENTENNIAL a 1816 succeeded Mc- SCHOOL tive to a and friend to 1S25. being by Hugh Congress guardian who, during a large part of the yexr. will Cormick. There is no name more thor¬ be his associate, will observe his progress oughly identified with the early history In his studies, superintend his morals and of public education in this section of the Invitations to Celebration perceive the real condition and character city in the quarter century following the of the seminary, and thus be able, from year 1825 than that of McCormick. Rev. BRENTANO'S time to time, to satisfy parental Inquiry Andrew T. McCormick was a member of and solicitude.' the school board during the moat of that Have Been Issued, th« First Board of Trustees. iierlod. and was elected president of HOLIDAY GIFTS OF lx>ard for nineteen successive years, hold¬ MERIT. "The first board of trustees consisted of ing the office from 1422 to 1841. To his Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Monroe, Gabriel fo-stering care more than to that of any- man of the DR. E. E. HALE TO SPEAK Thomas Joseph Brombey, other is due the survival Duvall, Tlngey, Eastern Free School during a period when John Tayloe, Hubert Brent, William Brent, the public school was known as a "free" Sets off Books That Samuel H. Smith, William Cranch, George or a "pauper" school. Among McCormick's Stationery EXHIBITION OF WORK OF PUPILS Blagden. John Dempsie and Nicholas King. associates, during his long incumbency, "They met in the Supreme Court room. may be found the names of John Davis IN ALL GRADES. and of Able. Daniel Rapine, Daniel Carroll. Department Make United States August, 1805, Qiffts. Capitol, George Wauerston, James Carbery, George We a articles this de¬ Splendid were called to order by Kobert Brent. Biagden, John Coyie, jr., William A. Small- show collection of givable in of the wood P. whose names are that we a Edu¬ Thomas Jefferson, then President and John Ingle, partment believe to be without peer any¬ A Few Suggestions. Brief Sketch of History of Local United States, though elected president of household words In the early history of where. Our facilities for Christ¬ the as before the Capitol. gathering Calendars, cational From Its the hoard and accepting office, mas edition.edited System stated, was prevented from ever discharg¬ Education and Cleanliness. Cards, Fine Pictures, Leather Novelties, Box Pa¬ Shakespeare's Works.Cambridge its duties others of Wm. Aldis 8vo., mo¬ ing by paramount jfcli- "On it Is stated that the pers, etc., are unsurpassed, and you may be sure that by Wright.9 vols., Inception. cation.' April 5, 1824, rocco. a set. "Although this first meeting of the board board solemnly resolved 'that every scholar everything we show you has merit. In spite of the big Regularly $60.00 Holiday was held in August It was probably not before he enters school each morning shall demand we've for such there is still a 00) Invitations are out signifying- that "the until late in December of the same year or have his head combed and his face washed enjoyed things, the year that the assortment of the CALEN¬ board of education requests the honor of in January of following and that it shall be the duty of the teacher complete highest-quality first schools were opened. These schools DARS and and the are Edgar Allen Poe, complete; 17 vols., your presence at the exercises In connec¬ were known as the Eastern School.some¬ to cause the said rule to be regularly en¬ CHRISTMAS CARDS, prices tion with the celebration of the 100th anni¬ times called the Eastern Free School.and forced.' reasonable. incase. Regularly $21. Holiday price... first of unusually versary of the establishment of the public the Western School. The principal "Having thus disposed of the question of a the former was Rev. William Bentiey, elect¬ twin was Quite large assortment of CALENDARS and of the District of Columbia, to be cleanliness, the virtue, godliness, Robert 12 « « schools ed December 13. ISO.", and, of the latter, next aimed at an order of 16 of Browning, complete; vols., &>>=i Church on by July CARDS has been very much reduced to assure their held at the First Congregational Mr. Richard White, who was chosen Decem¬ the same year, which resolved 'that the incase. Regularly $9. Holiday price Monday evening, December 18, 1905, at 8 ber 31. These pioneer teachers were president of the 'board be requested to at¬ complete clearance this week. o'clock." each to receive a salary of $500 per annum, tend the school every Sabbath morning were 'out of this sum to on announces that Secre¬ but required pay and lecture the pupils of said school In our ART DEPARTMENT we're a Nathaniel Hawthorne.romances. T4 The board further for the rent of a school house, for the fuel their moral and and that showing at the centennial religious duties, 12 in case. Hoi- tary Taft will be present consumed, for all other expenses incidental it be the duty of the teacher to cause very large collection of unusually pretty and novel Pic¬ vols., mo., Regularly $10.50. meeting at Congregational Church to rep¬ to a school and for such assistant teachers the children to assemble for that purpose tures, and the are low. The 40 resent the general government, but will as m;iy be necessary." It is not surprising, every Sunday morning before l> o'clock; prices interestingly Doug¬ therefore, that Mr. Bentiey promptly de- and that in case of absence or sickness lass Hand-colored Pictures that we are show¬ and that Dr. Ed¬ Library . make no formal address, the president shall be authorized to assign Shakespeare Gollance edition. 10 vols., i2mo., ward Everett Hale, wtio was associated other trustee.' ing have attracted widespread attention. the said duty to any morocco, in handsome case. Regularly d? « -=9 y o with Mr. George J. Abbot sixty years ago "A report made by the teacher to the Priced at .00 / in his efforts to improve the public school board in 1826, complaining of the truancy $27.00. Holiday price U oa>>0 and absence of makes it evident system, will speak on the development of pupils, Leather Goods and Novelties of various sorts are him that the teachers' vexations were much the the local public schools as observed by same as now. He says that 'Jeremiah and to be seen at their best here: Our line of Pocketbooks, Shakespeare.Brandes edition. 40 vols., since that period. James P. are so much in the habit of in of the centennial exhibition of Purses and Wallets is an exclusive one. Some very 32 mo.; bound limpleather; 40c. vol. Per ft Inspection playing truant as to be incorrigible.' An¬ | the work of the schools, to be held in the other complaint is that 'Mr. M. detains his beautiful productions at from $5.00 to $13.00 ^ Q New Business High School, McKinley Man¬ son at home for the purpose, the teacher ual Training School, M Street High School .believes, of driving a cart. Juliana F. does Box Papers and Papeteries, in various choice Hnd Armstrong Manual Training School. in Shakespeare.Brandes edition. 40 vols., of not attend more than three or four days styles, shown at from to December 20 and 21. between the hours a month. She has a swelling on the knee.' $11.00 $7.50 10 H.m and 10 p.m., is also desired by the "Among the supplies ordered to be Pads and Diaries in from 1 board, which has ordered a Engagement range price Per ,2°C'. J.".''. $ §.C0 practically bought at the meeting March 7. 1X27, were sei.C'0^b."d:.g"!. week of celebration, In which all the pupils '100 quills for the pupils,' and 'one pine $11.00 to $5.00. of the schools are to participate. table for the use of the board." fine Handsome Desk Thackeray.14 vols.; morocco; Directory of Exhibits. Beard Superintends Wedding. Sets, in fine-leathers and brass gold edges; morocco case. Regularly §? fh The directory of exhibits at the Business "The most unique record of all 13 this: and bronze; very reasonably priced. qP<*>«o<UmU' " $42.50. Holiday price High School Is as follows: 'July 11. 1833. A quorum noe being pres¬ First floor.Room No. 1. kindergarten; ent the only business transacted was by the room N<>. I!, first gr.ide; room No. 9. second Rev. Mr. McCormick, who united in the grade, room No. 11. third grade; room No. bonds of holy wedlock a Mr. Swallow to IS. fourth grade; reception room No. 17. a blooming Miss Lloyd of Ft. Washington! teachers' library; room No. 21. fifth grade; The ceremony -was brief, the fee small, the Illustrated room No. 2!. sixth grade; room No 33, sev¬ Important parties mutually satisfied and the board ad¬ room No. 37, enth grad'-; eighth grade; journed. Attest: John the sec¬ room No. 27 (gymnasium), exhibition of Coyie, jr., of the board of trustees of the East¬ pin- il culture in jrrad- s and high schools: retary Biographies. Art Books, reception room No. 19. Star collection of ern Free School.' of Prof. Andrew D. casts. "A rule made In 1831 affords an illustra¬ Autobiography Famous Women Painters of the 19th Century.
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