LittOfal Unit Speakers Hit Abuse of Resources SEE STORY BELOW Becoming Clear Cloudy and cool today with THEDMLY HOME rain ending in afternoon.' Cool tonight. Fair, milder tomor- row, I "ttdr / FINAL <Bea Details Pan 1) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 71 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1968 TEN CENTS Trenton to Shore Road Work to Start WASHINGTON - Ground- Transportation Commissioner between Old York Koad in sible to put this road on the stuetion of still another super- New Jersey," Mr. Howard said. breaking ceremonies for the David Goldberg will attend the Washington Township, Mercer Interstate System, marks the highway between Edison Town- The new highway will be long-awaited Trenton to the ceremonies. County, and the Imlaystown- first time that any mileage has ship in Middlesex County and designated as Interstate High- shore superhighway will be at "This is going to be one of Hightstown Road in Upper been added to the Interstate Toms River. way 195 and will run from 11 a.m. Oct. 15 in Upper Free- the happiest days of my life be- Freehold Township, Mr. How- System since it was originally Discussing the Trenton |,o the Trcnion in Mercer County to hold Township, it was an- cause many thought the bill ard said. authorized in 1957," Mr. How- Shore road, Mr. Howard said Wall Township, where Rt. 38 nounced today by Rep. James would never get through Con- Because Mr. Howard's bill ard said, he will continue to work closely meets Rt. 34 in Monmouth J. Howard, D-N.J. gress and we are already allowed the Trenton to the "The people of Centra! New with state and federal officials County. Mr. Howard, who introduced breaking ground for this long- Shore Expressway to be in- Jersey desperately need more in order to have (he road com- "The fight to win approval the legislation to add the ex- awaited and desperately-needed cluded on the Interstate Sys- and better highways and I am pleted as soon as possible. for this road in the Congress pressway to the'Interstate High- expressway," Mr. Howard said. tem, the federal government highly gratified that we were "A good transportation sys- and then to get construction way System and then steered The ground-breakirtg will will pay 90 per cent of the able to win approval of this ex-' tem is vital to the residents of started has been a long and his bill through the House of take place on Old York Road total cost of the project. It is pressway," he added. the Third Congressional Dis- sometimes perilous journey," Representatives and the United and Rt. 524. estimated that the road will Another federal bill for which trict, and I will continue to do Mr. Howard said, "but that is States Senate, said Governor "The first part of the con- cost about ?60 million. Mr. Howard -won Congressional everything possible to help all past us now and for this I Rep. James J. Howard Richard J. Hughes and State struction will involve 3.7 miles "My bill, which made it pos- approval would permit con- build more highways in Central am most pleased. Scour Viet Valleys, foothills Allies in Big Offensive SAIGON (AP) — Thousands dering or even delaying any Russian - made guns into the the enemy, a Navy A7 Corsair Sanh. The pilot and artillery of allied troops scoured the offensive plans. South. The 152s, the biggest in fighter - bomber downed over observer were unhurt. battle-scarred mountain val- One stockpile found two the enemy's arsenal; can fire North Vietnam, and an assault Back to Khe Sanh leys near Khe Sanh and the miles below the center portion a 90-pound missile 10.5 miles. helicopter hit near the Cam- The Marines returned to Khe Sanh over the weekend in a jungled foothills southwest of of the demilitarized zone yield- 4 Aircraft Lost bodian border northwest of Military spokesmen, in de- new offensive sweep through Da Nang today in new offen- ed 200 rounds of 152mm ar- Saigon. One American was re- sives aimed at spoiling enemy tillery ammunition plus 100 layed- reports, announced the the onetime fortress, three attacks. fuses. This was significant be- loss of four more American ported killed and five wound- months after giving it up for Task forces of U.S. Marines cause it marked the first aircraft to enemy ground fire ed and seven South Vietnam- what the U.S. Command said and American and South Viet- known time in the war that over the past three days. ese soldiers wounded. was more flexibility and mo- namese infantrymen met little 152mm ammunition had been They included an observa- One of the observation bility. resistance, but continued to found in South Vietnam, indi- tion plane and a reconnais- planes was shot down yester- The Marines apparently act- turn up valuable enemy muni- cating that the enemy might sance helicopter helping the al- day 500 yards south of the ed on. intelligence reports that tions stockpiles, proBably hin- be planning to try to move big lied ground troops search for abandoned Marine base at Khe North Vietnamese troops had moved into Khe Sanh, but the Leathernecks went in unop- posed. A U.S. spokesman said they don't plan to stay. PUT IT THERE — St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Bob Gibson is congratulated by toam- Bombing Halt Is Favored Khe Sanh underwent a 77- mata Orlando Cepeda after defeating Detroit Tigers 10 to I in World Series game day enemy siege earlier this at Detroit yesterday. It was a record seventh straight Series victory for Gibson. year, but Marines held out un- (Series Stories Pages I and 12) IAP Wirepho+o) til it was lifted early in April by a relief force. A top U.S. officer said the By Half of the U. S. Senate biggest enemy threat is in the northernmost 1st Military WASHINGTON(APHAt least tration from the North and nist willingness to restore the the campaign trail — could, not Corps area, where three new Littoral Group Deplores half of the Senate favors one stepped up, costly ground ac- demilitarized zone between be reached. offensives were launched by plan or another to halt U.S. tion in the South by Commu- North and South Vietnam." Two remarks appeared to in- the U.S. Command. Up to five bombing of North Vietnam, al- nist units taking advantage of He said that should the dicate' the depth of division North Vietnamese divisions, though conditions under which a toothless American air drag- Hanoi government "show bad still remaining in the Senate perhaps as many as 50,000 Misuse of Environment the air raids should be stopped on. faith, I would reserve the right which, if the issue arose, might troops, threaten South Viet- to resume the bombing." vary. The senators who said they be consulted by the White nam's five northernmost prov- SANDY HOOK - Ecolo- gists seven years ago, the so- "ALS has become recognized want the bombing halted un- Twenty-seven senators of the All senators contacted were House but would have no direct inces below the 17th parallel gy — the relationship between ciety has striven ever since to as having more to do with conditionally — at least on an asked: "Do you presently fa- ,policy making role. 85 who responded to an Asso- demilitarized zone. man and his environment .— keep a shortsighted public conservation in.our shallow wa- ciated Press survey said they experimental basis — main- vor a halt in the bombing of 'I would favor an uncondi- 1 "Right now," the officer is the concern of the American tained it would be an accept- from blighting its future and ters and estuaries than any favor an unconditional North Vietnam, either uncon- tional bombing halt with no ifs, said, "the enemy's major units Littoral Society, and that rela- able risk in an all-out attempt even precluding its own survi- other organization," John bombing halt. They were op- ditionally or predicated on ands or buts," said Sen. John have really been evading con- tionship these days is in pretty (jlarlc, ALS president since its to end the fighting. Hanoi's advance assurances of val by its ever-increasing abuse posed by 18 senators who said 0. Pastore, D-R.I. "I would al- tact. They're hitting our Spe-poor shape, according to speak- inception, told more than 200 The AP survey was a reciprocal gesture?" of one of man's basic re- there should be no further so reserve the option to re- cial Forces camps and periph- ers at the society's seventh an- members and guests yesterday conducted after the flurry of tombing reduction in the cur- Seventeen of those contacted sume the bombing if they show eral targets. but our major nual meeting here yesterday. sources — the water that cov- in the Ft. Hancock post thea- rent stage of the war. congressional and political declined to comment. Fifteen any signs of taking military ad- installations haven't really Founded by a group of 30 vol- ers 71 per cent of the surface debate sparked by Vice Presi- ter. In between were 23 senators others — many of them on vantage of it." been hit hard." unteer' amateur marine biolo- of the earth. Vita! Areas who said they would,insist'on dent Hubert H. Humphrey's some matching action by Han- Sept. 30 Vietnam policy speech. Derikson W. Bennett, a newly oi, either in-reducing the level Humphrey said that as Pres- appointed ALS staff member, of the fighting or in compro- ident he would consider stop- defined the area where, he mises at the bargaining table ping all bombing '.'as an ac- Nixon Leads in Polls; Wallace - Humphrey Tossupsaid, communication and ac- in Paris.
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