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Bill Mullan does. 7 Harreson Atley LAYOUT TAKIN' THE RAP Pat Carroll, Robin Razzell Lynn Snedden What do Fats Comet, Tackhead, Marc Stewart & the Mafia, and Mike Mines, Shedo Ollek, Eric Damianos, ABC have in common? More than you'd think. A chilling Johanna Block, Randy Iwata, Karen Shea psychodrama, directed by Don Chow. 12 TYPESETTING Sheila Haldane, Lisa Cameron SHINDIG Some good things can't help but get better. 16 BUSINESS MANAGER Randy Iwata ADVERTISING MANAGER IN EVERY ISSUE Robin Razzell DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Bill Mullan AIRHEAD SUBSCRIPTIONS MANAGER Correspondence from our readers, the geniuses who actually Randy Iwata run western civilization. 4 PUBLISHER BEHIND THE DIAL Harry Hertscheg The true meaning of life, recruitment for the Foreign Legion and yet another sparkling new face. 18 DISCORDER, c/o CITR Radio 6138 SUB Blvd., ON THE DIAL Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A5. Phone (604) 228-3017. DISCORDER Magazine is published monthly by A guide to radio for normal people. 19 the Student Radio Society of the University of British Columbia (CITR-UBC Radio). VINYL VERDICT CITR fml01.9 cablelOO.l broadcasts a 49-watt sig­ nal in stereo throughout Vancouver from Gage Towers A buyer's guide to the sordid world of Nekrophile Records, plus on the UBC campus. CITR is also available via FM cable in Vancouver, West Vancouver, North Vancou­ new vinyl from African Head Charge, The Lounge Lizards, ver, Burnaby, Richmond, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, The Honeymoon Killers and more. 23 Port Moody, Maple Ridge and Mission. DISCORDER circulates 15,500 free copies. For advertising and circulation inquiries call 228-3017 and DEMO DERBY ask for station manager Harry Hertscheg. Kevin Smith sticks his neck out, and tries to make sense of Twelve-month subscriptions available: $10 in Can­ ada, $10 U.S. in the U.S.A., $15 overseas. Send cheque some of the newer local tape releases. 28 or money order payable to CITR Publications. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, cartoons THE ROVING EAR and graphics are welcome but they can be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped Jerome Broadway discovers the ugly truth about Santa Barbara envelope. DISCORDER does not assume responsibili­ California one terrifying Labor Day Weekend, and lives to ty for unsolicited material. tell about it. 30 OCTOBER 1986 3 RHfcAfc VMcoosefc, &.c. This Is The Modern selves major idiots. When we World went to see Slow, we were expec­ ting the unexpected, as should Dear Airhead, be expected. People who weren't I'm writing to complain about expecting the unexpected Granville Street punks, so listen weren't expected to show up! up! And those who didn't know what When punk first started out, it to expect aren't expected to com­ didn't matter if you had a leather plain because they were confus­ jacket or if you wore ripped ny­ ed to begin with. lons, you were different and other Another thing is that they punks accepted you for that. didn't give FIRA another chance. Why is it that now certain in­ Fuck 'em! We don't need SEX­ dividuals (no names mentioned) PO anyway. We didn't ask for it get to decide who's "in" the and didn't expect it, and as far crowd. If you have a leather jac­ as we're concerned, it can go to ket, then you're okay, but if you SEXPO hell! Were you expecting wear ripped nylons, it's a sin. a letter like this? Of course you Last summer, as a punk, I was were. accepted for what I was, but this Yours greatly disturbed, summer I have found the punks The Expected Letter so ignorant and boring that I'm sick of them—especially the ones who sit around acting like Kings & Queens of Hardcore. What Me Worry? There's more to life than sitting Dear Airhead, on Granville and deciding who's I would like to start off by say­ "in". ing that I think CITR is a great Signed, my real name, radio station and I read Discorder Claudia Taylor religiously (IV2 years now). I'm "If one says to these people writing because I've noticed a that their judgement is not their drastic change in your airplay own, that it has been suggested and especially in your Spin List. to them, they will be offended. It I notice you no longer have a is like this in most cases, for most numbered list (no real problem), people. Almost all of them receive but all the bands on it border on their ideas already made, and being commercial and are on follow popular opinion all their major labels. What happened to lives. They speak in the style of independent (especially local) the times and dress according to bands? The August issue had fashion, not from any principle, only three local bands. What but in order to act like the others. about NoMeansNo, Animal Servile immitators, who say yes Slaves, Emily, House of Com­ or no according to suggestion, mons, Bill of Rights, Poisoned, they believe themselves to be Death Sentence, Vertical Laugh­ self-determining. Is this not folly?" ter et cetera? (Chuang Tzu, 4th Century b.c.) Could you please explain to borrowed by us from a Pete me why you don't play more local Shelley album cover. bands? I would hate to lose faith in my favorite station and publi­ cation. Great Expectations Worried, Dear Airhead, Barbi Roper (15) Fuck SEXPO! I wuz really sur­ prised when the FIRA concerts Actually, losing faith in us were announced, that SEXPO would probably save you from would even give good music a eternal damnation. Still, if you try. I thought, Hey Great, maybe must eat fire... CITR's commit­ SEXPO isn't as bad as I thought ment to local music is the same it wuz. But no! I wuz right the first as always; perhaps you should time. When they cancelled the ask the bands you mentioned festival on account of Slow's per­ when they plan to put something formance, they proved them- new out? When they do, we'll play DISCORDER It. As for major label acts, they Yes, We Are The Scum PerrySCOpe Concert Line Up have always dominated the chart- Of The Earth top because of the way the play­ CITR list is made. The records listed in Dear Airhead, Discorder are the ones that the Not only has the gauntlet been presents 30 or so people that are DJs here dropped, it has been smashed. have played the most number of No effort has been made to halt times during the month. Major the increasing crassness of your label artists are generally more non-covers, I see! I would rather well-known to most people (DJs see a picture of Karen Shea's too) and so they have a better mountain bike on the cover, in­ chance, it seems, of getting on stead of another cheesy, crayon- Jezebel the turntable. It's a question of ac­ scrawled cartoon. Have you no with guests cessibility as much as one of integrity, you "alternative Der Mlttle Gang value, which is why we shun types"??? numbers on the SpinList. If you Please someone, besides me, October 4 • 9 pm • Town Pump only consult the chart in Dis­ send in something, even perfor­ corder, then you're not getting the mance art would be an improve­ full story. We'll be talking more on ment!! I've seen more creativity this in future issues, but if you in Fred Basset cartoons!!! want to hear more things that are R. Bucky Fuller less common, call the request again... line and ask the DJ to play them. It's in his hands. —Don Chow, music director % ? CFMI presents Let's Play Post Office Again Dear Airhead, What the hell is going on with With guests Guadalcanal Diary the letter from the idiot in Ne­ A Cult Victim October S • 8 pm • UBC Gym pean, Ontario (August issue). I'm Confesses surprised the yellow bellied am­ Dear Airhead, CKNW presents phibian had the guts to sign his I'm so fuckin' pissed off! You THE MASTER OF ILLUSION name! I'm moving to Kanata, On­ know a couple months ago tario (also a district of Ottawa) someone got pissed off cuz a and frankly David, dear, you bunch of trendies started liking DOUG should be castrated. But hey, and listening to Depeche Mode we'll let you live; but only be­ etc. Well, now The Cure has cause you didn't slander the gone Top 40. Well, Fuck that! HENNING underground scene in Ottawa. When I heard they were on Video THURS. OCT. 23 O.e. Theatre So let me take care of that one.
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