^, IZO. •I I DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. HYaBOPHORUS HOUGHTONI, B. & Br. Pileus convex, the centre at length depressed ; stem transversely undu- lated; cuticle thick gelatinous, extremely viscid ; gills decurrent, thiu, yellowish pink pileus —2 inches broad, j)ink ; stem 2 4 inches long, and at its ; IJ — juncture with the pileus generally tinged with blue. Odoiu?, at first none, but, after being shut up in a box for a time, decidedly foxy. The gelatinous coat of the pileus is very thick and at length separates and forms a cup in the centre. Hahitat, in mossy places in woods : Ercal Heath woods in Shropshire where it was first found by the Rev. Wm. Houghton, M.A., F.L.S. : Dinedor Hill meadows, Herefordshire, by Dr. Bull : On the Blorenge, Aber- gavenny, and at Mayfield, Sussex, by Mr. Renny. See " Annah of Natural History:' May, 1873—1360. Fries in his New Edition of the "Epicrisis," says of this species " maxime singularis, cujus affinitas mihi ignota"—p. 416. No. 44. TRANSACTIONS \VOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. (ESTABLISHED MDCCCLI.) 1 8 T l-S-3. HOPE ON — HOPE EVER." HEREFORD PBINTED AT THE "TIMES" OFFICE, MAYLOED STREET. MDCCCLXXIV. ; TRANSACTIONS FOR THE YEARS 1871-2-3. TABLE OF CONTENTS. (Figures refer to partes.) OFFICERS, MEMBERS, RULES. 1871. Retii'.ixg Address of the President, Thomas Cam, Esq. ...pages i.-.viii. Meeting at Hay, i. ; Aberedw, ii. ; Chepstow, vi. ; Forest of Dean, ix. The Foray among the Funguses at Dinmobe pages 14-28 On some Edible Funguses, by James Buckman, F.L.S., 22 ; and Notes on British Insectivora, by James Rankin, Esq., 24. The Annual Meeting pages 29-48 Meteorological Report and Tables, by E. J. Isbell, Esq., 31; Heights of Herefordshire HiUs, 32 ; Bench Marks of the coimty, 35 (see also 36 and 57 for 1872) ; Flood Water of the Wye, by John Lloyd, Esq., 39 ; Report of Free Library and Museum Committee, 42 ; a Postscript on the Llangorse Bones, by Henry Dumbleton, Esq. , 44 ; New Species of the Genus Ascobolus, by James Renny, Esq., 45 (see also 154); OflBceni for year 1872 ; Financial Statement. 1872. Retiring Address of the President, Elmes, Y. Steele, Esq. pages i.-xvi. Malvern Meeting, ii. ; Pontypool, iv. ; Bredwardine, vii. (see also 3) Felton, viii. (see also by Messrs. Edmunds and Curley, 8); Tenbury for Titterstone Clee, x. ; Fungus Foray to Whitfield, xi. List of Funguses found and exhibited, by Dr. Bull pages 18-24 PontyiJOol, its Manufactures and Coalfields, by Wm. Adams, Esq., C.E., F.G.S pages 25-:« Herefordshire Altitudes, Meteorological Notes and Tables, by E. J. labeU, Esq pages o6-5() Herefordshire Bench Marks, by Mr. Isbell pages 51-57 1873. Retiring Address of Pkesident, Rev. .James Davies pages lo(i-14t. Meeting at Moor Court i pages 58 70 Wapley Camp, by the President, 59 ; Botanical Notes on the neighbourhood of Moor Court, by J. H. Davies, Esq., 67. Meeting at May Hill and Ross pages 71-78 Address by the Rev. W. Symonda, F.G.S., 71. TheMeetingatLudlow, Richard's Castle, AND HayePauk.. pages 7'J-8>' Letter on Plants and Birds of Deerfold Forest, by Rev. C. H. Middleton, 80 ; the Geology of the District, by T. H. Sal- wey, 83. The Meeting at Brecon 89-9!) On Geotropus stercorarius aud one of its parasites, by Dr. Chapman, 91 ; the Domesday Survey of Herefordshire, by the Rev. C. J. Robinson, 94. The Fungus Forays pages lOO-l;^] Haywood Forest, Mynde Park, and Bryngvcyn, 101 ; Holme Lacey, 102 ; The Fungi of Charcoal Beds, by William Phillips, Esq., 110 ; List of Funguses found, by Dr. Bull, 114 ; Notes on New Genera, by C. E. Broome, Esq., F.L.S., 118 ; The Fungi of Gerardes Herbal, by C. W. Plowright, Esq., 124. The Annual Meeting page 1:>2 British Rodents, by James Rankin, Esq., 47; Appendix of .Alti- tudes, by E. J. Isbell, Esq., 153 ; Flood-water of the Wye for 1872 and 1873, by John Lloyd, Esq. Financial Statements. Officers and Meetings for 1874. , LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Htgrophorus Houghtoni (litliograpli coloured) FroKtispiece. St. Catherine's Oak (photograph) To precede Trans, for 1S71. Laugh-Lady Oak (electro-photograph) Before page 1 Rosemaund Oak (lithograjih) To face page 34 " Eve " at Moreton Station (lithograph) i. Cowarne Court Oak (lithograph) xvi. Agaricus Herefordex.sis and Ac. Cirrhatus (lithograph coloured), and description Between pages 20 and 21 Hygrophorus fornicatus ; Clavaria curta ; C. rufa ; Agaricus ICTERINUS (Uthograph coloured), and description ... Between pages 24 and 25 Mineral Section of Tafif Valley (lithograph) „ „ 32 and 33 Wapley Camp (lithograph) To face page 60 The Moor Court Wych Elm (photograph) „ „ 66 Mistletoe Lime Tree, Holme Lacey (lithOoTaph) , , , 70 Yew and Elm at Holme Lacey (lithograph) ,, ,, 78 Moccas Old Oak (lithograph) „ „ 100 Marasjiius Hudsoni (lithograph double plate) ... Between pages 102 and 103 The Riven Oak, Moccas Park (lithograph) To face page 104 Promontory Oak, Moccas Park (lithograph) ,, ,, 108 CoRTiNARics ciunabarrinus ; Typhula erythropds ; T. phacorrhiza ; Hygrophorus russocoriaceus ; and Agaricus tuberosus (litho- graph coloured), and description Between piges 114 and 115 AscoBOLUS (AscozoNUs) WooLHOPENsi3,Renny (lithograph).. To face page 127 Do. (Do.) CuNicuLARius and Subhirta, Renny, (lithograph) ,, „ 128 Do. (Do.) Leveillei and Crouani, Renny, (lithograph) „ „ 130 Do. (Do.) Parvisporus, Renny (lithograph) ... ,, „ 131 Monnington Oak (lithograph) ,, ,, 152 Stag's Horn Oak, Moccas Park (lithograph) , „ 160 OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR. 1873. |) resident. The Rev. James Davies, M.A., Moor Court, Kington. The R.CV. Arthur Gr.^v, ILA., Orcop, Pto.s.s. The Rev. H. W. Phillott, M.A., Staunton-on-Wye, Hereford. William A. Swinburne, Esq., DuLis, Hay. The Rev. R. H. Williams, B.A., Byford, Hereford. Central (Committee of |ttan«gcmcnt. Thomas Cam, Esq., Hereford. Timothy Curley, Esq., C.E., F.G.S., Hereford. John Lloyd, Esq., Huntington Court, Hereford. C. G. Martin, Esq., Hereford. J. Griffith Morris, Esq., Hereford. 5ri)e (iJIiitorial (Committee. The Rev. James Davt-rs. MA.. Prfl.<iV/«»<." Moor Court, Kington. The Rev. Sir G. H. Cornewall, Bart., Honorary Secretary. Moccas Court, Hereford. The Rev. Samuel Clark, M.A., Eaton Bishop, Herefoi-d. Flavell Edmunds, Esq., Hereford. James Rankin, Esq., Bryngwyn, Hereford. The Rev. C. J. Robinson, M.A., Norton Canon Vicarage, Weobley. ^onorar^ ^^ccrctarg. The Rev. Sir G. H. Cornewall, Bart., Moccas Court, Hereford. STrfajSttver anb ^^isijstanl .^ccrctarg. Mr. Arthur Thompson, 12, St. Nicholas Street, Hereford. LIST OF HONOEARY MEMBERS. N.B.— Those Jifemhersto whose names the asterisk (*) is prefixed hare contributed papers to the CM). Year of election. 18.54. Sir William J;irJine, Bart., F.K.S., &c., Jardine Hall, Duinfriessbire. 1S5.5. Sir Charles Ljell, Uart., M.A., F.K.S., &c., London. IS-jI. George Bentbam, Esq., London. 18.>5.* (I. Phillips Bevan, Esq., F.G.S., 4, Suffolk-square, Cheltenham. ]8">1.* The Kev. P. B. Brodie, M.A., F.G.S., Eo-winfjton Vicarage, Warwick. IStJO.* Flavell Edmunds, Esq., F.E.H.S., Hertford. lSr.3. WiUiam H. Fitton, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c. ISOO. Dr. H. B. Geifnitz, Piofessor of Geology, &c., Dresden. ISOl.* Edwin Lees, Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S., President of Malvern Field Club, Green Hill Summit, Worcester. 1851.* E. M. Ijingwood, Esq., F.G.S., &c., 1, Derby-villas, Cheltenham. 1859.* Professor W. ^Mehnlle, Queen's College, Galway, Ireland. 1S.j1. Professor John Phillies, F.R.S., F.G.S. , &c., Oxford. 18.">1.* The Eev. W. H, Purcbas, Alstonfield, near Ashbourne, Derbyshire. 1869.* Worthington, G. Smith, Esq., F.L.S., 12, North Grove, West Mild- may Park, London. 1851.' The Eev. W. S. Symonds, F.G.S., Pendock Eectory, Tewkesbury. 1869.* 'Mx. With, Hereford. 1854.* Sir W. V. Guise, Bart.. F.G.S., &c., Elmore Court, Gloucester, President of the Cotswold Naturalists' Field Club. 1865. W. H. Paine, Esq., Stroud, Secretary to the Cotswold Naturalists' Field Club. 1851. The Eev. E. H. Hill, Broomesberrow, Ledbiiry, Hon. Secretary of the Malvern Field Club. ^ The President and Hon. Secretai-y of the Caradoc Field Club, Salop. The President, Curator, and Hon. Secretary of the Dudley fmd Mid- land Geological and Scientific Society and Field Club. The President and Hon. Secretary of the Oswestry and Welshpool Naturalists' Field Club. The President and Hon. Secretary of the Severn Valley Field Club. The President of the Warwickshire Naturalists' Field Club. The President and Hon. Secretary of the Worcestershire Naturalists' Club. LIST OF ORDINARY MEMBERS. 1873. N.B.— Those Members to whose Names the Asterisk (*) is prefixed hare contributed Papers to the Club. 1868. Adams, Mr. Thomas, Xew House, Marden, Hereford. 1859.* Adams, William, Esq., F.G.S., &c., 53, Cockherbtowii, Cardiff. 1870. Alexander, Joseph G., Estj., 3, New-square, Lincoln's-inn, London. 1867. Allen, B. Haigh, Esq., Clifford Priory, Herefordshire, R.S.O. 1871. Apperley, H. G., Esq., Aylestone Hill, Heieford. 1867. ArkwTight, J. H., Esq., Hampton Court, Leominster. 1864.* Armitage, Arthur, Esq., Dadnor, Koss. 1873. Banks, G. V., Esq., Birch House, Ross. 1855.* Banks, E.. W., Esii., Ridgebourne, Kington. 1870. Bateman, The Eight Hon. Lord, Shobdon Court, Leominster. 1867. Beavan, The Rev. T. M., B.A., Little Dewchurch Vicarage, Ross. 1872. Bennett, The Rev. G. B. , M.A., St. Peter's Vicarage, Hereford. 1872. Benington, Arthur D., Esq., Panty-goitre, Abergavenny. 1853.* Blashill, Thomas, Esq., 10, Old Jewry-chambers, London, E.G. 1866. Bodeuham, 0. De laBarre, Esq., Rotherw.as, Hereford. 1867. Bodenham, Frederick, Esq., Thornton, Hereford. 1868. Bowen, J. ISIortimer, Esq., Chancefield, Talgarth. 1868. Bowen, The Rev. William, Alvecote, Tamworth. 1967. iSrougnton, h'., Esq., Brecon. 1851.* Bull, H. G., Esq., M.D., St. John'sstreet, Hereford. 1869. Bulmer, J. W., Esq., Uplands, Hereford. 1872. Byrde, Colonel, Goytrey House, Pontypool. 1851.* Cam, Thomas, Esq., 13, St. Owen'sstreet, Hereford.
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