Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1974 6-22-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 22, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1974 Volume 55, Issue 191 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 22, 1974." (Jun 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • Walker to arrf,Ve Sunday ~'PAition . 'Daily Gov Dan Walker is expected to make a reception at Bonaparte's Retreat in several announcements concerning Carbondale. From there he will attend Southern DIinois when visiting the area another reception WItii 9 p.m . at Tony's this weekend . Steak House in Marion. Following the reception in Marion . the governor will Tim Rend , a spokesman at the gover­ traveJ to Merlin's Bar in carbondale for 'Egyptian nor's office, said the gove~ or will an­ an informal reception. nounce plans concerni"8 energy . Southern Illinois airports, ajd for deaf The go\'ern~r is expected to make his children and tourism in Southern announcements at a news conference at Southern Dlinois University Dlinois. the Jefferson School in Marion at 10 a.m . Monday. SatUf'"day, JU"Ie 22. 197,,-Vol 55, No. 191 The governor is expected to arrive at the Southern Ulinois airport Sunday at 4 The receptions and the news con­ pm. From 4 until 7 p.m. he will attend ference are open to the public. Treasurer ordered to hold trailer tax funds ByJerr Jouett Dillinger said Friday be agreed not to money collected undel\the privilege tax homeowners formed to battle the trailer Daily Egyptian Staff Writer spend any of the mooey even before the came with the approval 0[ a motion fJled privilege tax. motion asking ror the reslrauung order by Kenneth Brandon, altor1\(') was filed . He said nearly S140,000 representing Glenn and Margret Gift The tax was passed by the Illinois Jackson County Treasurer Raymond already has been collected. .- , Geoeral Assembly in August 1973 and Dillinger bas been ordered by Jackson The Gills filed a class-action suit privilege taxes for 1973 were due in County Circuit Court not to spend any of "\ don't really approve of the law ," February 1974 in Jackson Coupty. the Illinois privilege tax on trailers Dillinger said. "\ think they should have already collected. :~~~~i~n~W~e~f C~!le~~I~h~::r; a chance to see if it's constitutional." privilege tax. The Gills are members . f As of Friday, 70/ mobile home owners Circuit Judge Peyton Kunce issued the The court order restraining Dillinger the Land of Lincoln Mobile Hopie in the county had not paid the tax, preliminary restraining order June 14 . from " dispersing and distributing" Owners Association, a group of rpabile Dillinger reported. Of these, 505 were to Carbondale and 262 were in the other 16 ---...,.....-- townships, he said. Dillinger said he would await the outcome of the Gill suit hefore taking action to collect the unpaid trailer taxes. Dillinger has been restrained from dispersing any of the collected money until the court rules on the pending Gill suit. Brandon said the suit challenges the constitutionality of the tax because no provisions are made for age or condition of Ibe trailer when assessed. The trailer tax is a nat rate of 15 cents per square foot of floor space. The suit also challenges a provision in the tax law allowing an 80 per cent reduction for persons over 65 with less than a $4,000 per year income. Brandon said the suit contends there is no legal basis for the discount. The suit also objects to the tax being retroactive, in that it, covers 1973 even though the tax was not passed until August 1973, he said. Property taxes in Illinois were dropped by the 1970 Illinois constitution in favor of state income taxes. Many trailer owners have objected to the mobile homes privilege tax claiming they are "being taxed twice." Dillinger p'rojected in January 1974 that the tra.ler tax in Jackson county would raise about $200,000. The revenue is to he distributed to all taxing districts in the county, Dillinger said, includlJu( cities, townships, road districts, school When a girl gets an attack of the munchies and its a scorcher of an afternoon. districts. park districts and water what better way to get a lick in at both problems than with a cold cone? 50 districts. discovers Susanne Garo, fwo.year-<>id daughter of Bob Garo of Carbondale on Hot licks No date for further bearings on the Friday, the"day before summer officially begins. But she also gets a sticky Gills' suit has been filed with the reminder that the relief can just dribble away. (Staff photo by Jack Cress.) Jackson County circuit clerk. • • CCHS 'board chief knocks teacher federation plan ByGaryHouy teacber associations woUld put the CCHS The confederation, comprised of The board approved a 5.5 per cent pay Daily Egyptian Staff Wrller board and other district boards in an teacher associations from 45 Southern hike for CCHS teacben; in February. It unfair position. Illinois counties, is moving toward is H.lr.e1y a new contract will be " II just wouldn't work ," Hindersman negotiated for next year in the present Carbondale Community High School The CCHS board is now iovolved in negotiating process, Hollis saId. The said. " School districts have different teachers' association has as!tell for a (CCHS ) Board President Charles budgets and programs. You just can't contract negotiations with the education HiDdersman said Friday the proposed associa tion , the high school teachers' percentage iocrease io salary on the have the same salary schedule for existinf cootract, he said. The board Southern 45 coofederation of area different .districts." organi7.ation. " We have recognized the local association as a union. We haven't would i!te to oellotiate a two-year recognized anything else," Hindersman cootract, Hollis sa.d. said. Hinderaman said the CCHS teachen; .. Any departure from the present are paid the bigbest salaries of any of process by either negotiating party at the 45 Southern filinois counties, this ~e could be coastrued as a lack of Because of that, the proposed single faith by the other party," Hinden;man .negotiation process would leave other said. dlatrlcts at more 01 a diSadvantage he said. Other school dillricta would be CCHS comptroller Cecil Hollis, the faced with raisinl salaries ' and in­ Gus says he'd hate to negotiate with " board's oegotiator, said talks with creasing benefits to CCHS slaDdardo, group that had a ..s. representatives of the associatiOll are while they may not have the IIIOIIe)I to do just getting started and going well, so, Hindersman said. C C HS accepts unIon• contract for custodians By Gary Houy TIle board discussed proposed Daily Egyptian sc.atr Writer fed eral guidelines foc combined CwlodiaJ workers at Carbondale ~~ =e ~~~ted~~I: ~~~t~ ~::c:a:c;".!! Hindersman said the COiS distrid ~inning July 1 as a result or a new =.,: ~a:e~~ ~~~h ~ mntrad. accepted this week. disapproved or mixed dasses. he forTh:.e ~~Sd~~ ..!-~~:l~ believed in equal trealment. the Service Employees Inter· lr:a~~:oo: atY:s ~~::; natlC~nal Umon Local . 316. also was approved . CC HS has proVides a seaM1d :~ In January oooperated with the Model Olies 1976. The work~s . pr~t hour~y ~ plan in the past. but tightness in the rate of $3.55 wdl .Jwnp 10 $4..00 th ate education budget caused the July and to $4.40 tn 1976. , bOard to withdraw its participation Terms or the contract .....were tJW.s year . Holder said. ratified by the union loca.J earlier this week and approved by the ., 0 a I f 0 t CCHS Board 0/ Education at its" S 0 r c I Y Thurslay night meeting. Comptroller Cecil HOIliv! bOd n"!l0tiator for the board, said 0 e a Ire Jemie Pleasant Cleft) and Patty Smith Doth of carbondale Friday there is no major dlange . BrO¥ll'l ie troop unit number 3 practice I ndian weaving fringe benefits in the new cootract. Monday nlOght Broil'" if' Ifl'{l,.,' techniques taught during a Brownie day camp in the carbon· except that sick leave has been in· dale city parl<- The camps were held Monday through Friday. ~~ from 10 days to 12 days per The Carbondale City Council will (Staff photo by Jad< Cress) hear discussion on " Goals for Negotiations, whidl ~an in Carbondale" at a town meeting March , went smoothly. HollIS said. opening its informal meeting at 7 "We',.. happy witlt the professional p.m. Monday night in the University Green Earth keeping quiet way they were oondtx1ed ," he said. City cafeteria. ~~~1=~el~y The Council also will receive a educaum, presented the board ...nth ~=enrz:: ~: J;:k~~n~ about plans for $100,000 a progress report of her study of ning Commission concerning the CCHS teachers and students. lake project. James told the board members Paul T. Sorgen, city finance ByJ.... R ....11 ever since the group received its said Green Earth oouldnl be expee· she had questioned 21 CCHS staff director, will ask the council DaDy ElYpI'" Staff WrUer lIlare 0( the profits. ted to have any deflflite plans members and Supt. William Holder whether to use city auditors or seek Green Earth. Inc .• isn't talking. because the group was WlSLre of its in tbe evaluation program. The bids to prepare an audit of the Cedar Green Earth received $100 ,000 Part of the coo.troversy surroun· eligibility for the funds .
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