Index Abbey Theatre, 4, 12, 21 n.3 Araben, John, 16 n.1 Academy, The, 93, 400 n.3 Arabian Nights, The, 13, 16 Academy of Political Science (New Araki, Sadao, General, 335, 336 n.1 York), 337, 339 Archer, Charles, Achurch, Janet, 159, 164, 165, 167 William Archer: Life, Work and Adcock, Arthur StJohn, 414 Friendships, 87, 120-1 'CBS at Home', 414-15 Archer, William, Plate 2, 25, 28, 'Address at Chateau', 343 28 nn., '12, 13 & 14, 29 nn. 15 & 17, Adelphi Terrace, 104, 110, 139, 172, 45, 85, 87, 88 n.2, 119, 120-1, 182, 183, 200, 251, 274, 286, 298, 122, 173, 259, 271, 291, 315 n.1, 427,428-9,434,435 316 n.5, 507, 518 Adelphi Theatre, 95 n.2, 133 'The Psychology of CBS', 291 Adler, Alfred, 112, 112 n.2 Aristotelian Society, 279 n.2 Adler, Friedrich, 354 Arnold, Matthew, 32 A.E. (pseud. of George William Arnot, R. Page, 125 Russell), 507 Bernard Shaw and William Aforris, Aeschylus, 232, 233 n.1 125--{j, 232 Eumenides, 232, 233 n.1 Art Workers' Guild, 211 Agate, James, 518 Ashton, Winifred, see Clemence Dane Ego 3: Being Still More of the Ashwell, Lena, 179 Autobiography of James Agate, Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of 517-18 Oxford and Asquith, 214 n.2, Age, The (Melbourne), 42 n.1 234, 236 n.3, 315, 316 n.7, 507, Aladdin, 394, 395 n.1 508 n.4 Albemarle Review, 27, 29 n.23 Asquith, Violet, see Lady Bonham Albery, Bronson James, Sir, 309-10 Carter Aldrich, Richard Stoddard, Astor, David, 320, 324 Gertrude Lawrence as Mrs A: An Astor, Lord, 320, 327, 364 Intimate Biography of the Great Astor, Nancy Witcher, Lady, Plate 16, Star by Her Husband, 394 111-12, 320, 324--6, 396, 448, 449, Alexander, Albert Victor, First Lord 492-3,518,521,530-1,534 of the Admiralty, 483 'Shaw's Hidden Qualities', 504 Amateur Photographer, 202 n.4 Atatiirk, Kemal, 445, 445 n.1 Amateur Producer, 381 Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl, American Mercury, The, 11, 320, 323-4 Viscount Prestwood, 481, 482, Ancoats Brotherhood, The, 73 487 n.4 Andrassy, Caterina, Auckland Star, 341-2, 342 'CBS in Moscow', 326-7 Augier, Emile, Andreevna, Maria Fedrovna, 406 La Ceinture doree, 121, 121 n.1 Angelico, Fra, 18 Aveling, Edward Bibbins, 46, 46 n.3 Anglo-French Entente Cordiale, Aveling, Eleanor (nee Marx), 46 n.3 368 n.1 Avenue Theatre, 127 Anglo-Irish Treaty, 216 Ayot StLawrence, Plate 14b, xxiii, Animal rights, 259 xxiv, 11, 12, 80, 193, 206, 224, 536 INDEX 537 Ayot StLawrence- continued Beethoven, Ludwig van, 7, 22, 138, 243, 275, 302, 309, 319, 408 n.1, 223 n.1, 262 n.1, 451 427,430-4,437-40,446-52,470, Fidelia, 223 n.1 522, 525, 526, 527-8, 528 n.1, Leonora, 222, 223 n.1 532,534 Piano Sonata, opus 53 (The 'Waldstein'), 20, 21 n.1 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 20, 30, Piano Sonata, opus 111, 73 74 n.1, 221 n.1, 222 Symphony No. 3 (The Eroica), 7 Baker-Carr, C. D., Brigadier-General, Symphony No.9, 138 247-8 Beeton, Henry R., 43 From Chauffeur to Brigadier, 247-8 Begg, Peter, 98 Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, Begum, Atiya, 332 32, 35 n.14 'Bernard Shaw at Aiwan-e-Rafat', Baldwin, Stanley, 1st Earl, Baldwin of 332 Bewdley, 442, 443 n.6 Behrman, S. N., Balfour, A. J., 1st Earl, 70, 149, 366, Conversations with Max, 274-6 368 n.2 Beit, Otto, Sir, 430, 431 n.1 Balfour Declaration, 366, 368 n.2 Belgian Children's Milk Fund, 243 Balzac, Honore de, 428 Bell, Anne Olivier (ed.), assisted by Bancroft, Marie, see Marie Wilton Andrew McNeillie, Bancroft, Squire, Sir, 376, 377, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, vol. IV, 378 n.1 1931-35,442-3,497-8,499-500 Banville, Theodore de, Bellini, Vincenzo, 22 Le Baiser, 123 n.3 Belloc, Hilaire, 77, 78, 509 Baring, Maurice, 78, 79 n.2 Bennett, Arnold, 78, 251, 509, 516 Barnes,Edrnund,69 The journal of Arnold Bennett, 78-9, Barnes, Kenneth, Sir, 384 79 n.1, 251 'GBS and the RADA', 384-5, Bentley, Eric R., 491 386 n.1 Bernard Shaw, 492 n.6 Barrie, James Matthew, Sir, 104, 251, Bergson, Henri, 278, 279 nn.2 & 3 274, 314, 507, 519 'Bernard Shaw Answers Eight Punch: A Toy Tragedy, 104 Questions', 364-5 Barry, Kevin, 215, 216 n.1 'Bernard Shaw, at 88, Gives His Barton, Marion, 276-7 Horne to the Nation', 522-3 Bax, E. Belfort, 32, 35 n.13, 89 'Bernard Shaw on Religion', 409-11 Baxter, Arthur Beverley, Sir, 298 'Bernard Shaw's Advice to Ireland', 'Shaw to Meet His Critics', 298 460-2 Sketch (untitled article), 298-9 Bernstein, Herman, 406 Baylis, Lilian Mary, 372, 373 '"Why Should I Go To America?" Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl asks Bernard Shaw', 406-7 of, 32 Berst, Charles A. (ed.), Beatty, Pakenharn, 194 Shaw and Religion, The Annual of Beatty, Pakenharn, Mrs, 120 n.1 Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. I, Beaverbrook, William Maxwell, 1st 400 n.4 Baron, 298 Besant, Annie, 34 n.8, 52 n.1, 161, Bedford Society, 39 164, 315, 316 n.6 Beecham, Thomas, Sir, 498, 499 n.9 An Autobiography, 161 Beerbohrn, Max, Sir, xxiv, 9, 10 n.ll, A Short Glossary of Theosophical 85, 86 n.1, 90, 259, 274, Terms, 52 n.1 276 nn.2, 3 & 4 Beveridge, Albert J., 233 'Madame Tussaud's', 275, 276 n.4 'British War Opinion', 233--6 'Why I ought not to have become a Beveridge, William Henry, 475, Dramatic Critic', 86 n.1 477 n.2 538 INDEX Beveridge, William Henry- continued Bridie, James (pseud. ofDr Osborne Social Insurance and Allied Services Henry Mavor), 125, 126 n.1 (the 'Beveridge Report'), Brieux, Eugene, 422, 423 n.4 477 n.7, 479 . Bright, R. Golding, 59 n.1, 129 n.1 Biard, Henri Charles, 211 British Board of Film Censors, 388 Wings,211 British Peace Committee News Letter, Bijou Theatre, Bayswater, 139 528 Bilton, Margaret, 434 Brockway, Archibald Fenner, 75 Binyon (Robert) Laurence, 442, Inside the Left: Thirty Years of 443n.4 Platform, Press, Prison and Birmingham Repertory Company, Parliament, 75--6 295, 306, 371, 373 n.1 Outside the Right, 75, 81 Bismarck, Otto von, Prince, 471 Towards Tomorrow, 81-2 Black and White, 400 Brome, Vincent, 500 Blake, Robert (ed.), Confessions of a Writer, 500-2 The Private Papers of Douglas Haig Brooke, Stopford A., Rev., 39, 54, 1914-1919, 248 315,316 n.6 Bland, Hubert, 56, 57 n.1, 76, 161, Broun, Heywood, 249 180, 262 'What the Soldier thinks of Shaw', Blathwayt, Raymond, 400 249-50 'What Vegetarianism Really Means: Brown, Charles Farrar, see Artemus A Talk with Mr Bernard Shaw', Ward 400-2 Browning, Oscar, 56 Blunt, Judith, see Judith Lytton Browning, Robert, Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, 283 'Caliban upon Setebos', 264, Cockerell, 534 264 n.1 My Diaries: Being a Personal Browning Society, 39, 264, 264 n.1 Narrative of Events, 1888-1914, Brown, John Mason, 521 2 vols, vol. n, 283-4 'Back to Methuselah: A Visit to an Bodkin, Thomas, Dr, 4, 9 Elderly Gentleman in a World Bohn, Henry G., 23, 28 n.4 of Arms and the Man', 521-2 Bolas, Thomas, 201, 202 n.1 Bruning, Albert, 304 Bookman, The, 291, 414 Bryan, William Jennings, 421, 423 n.2 Books of the Month, 14 Bundy, MacGeorge, Lieutenant, 521 Booth, William, General, 506, 507 n.1 Bunyan, John, 20, 273-4, 274 n.2, 429 Boston Post, 179 Burgtheater (Vienna), 307 Boucicault, Dion(ysius) Lardner, 383 Burke, Jack, 195, 195 n.4 The Corsican Brothers, 383, 383 n.1 Bume-Jones, Edward Coley, Sir, 100, Bower, Robert Tatton, Commander, 101 n.3, 429 n.4 478,480 n.1 Bums, John Elliot, 32, 35 n.17, 177, Braby, Maud Churton, 403, 405 177 n.1, 236 n.6, 277 Downward, 405 Burrows, Herbert, 49, 52 n.1 'Dress and the Writer: A Talk with A Short Glossary of Theosophical Mr George Bernard Shaw', Terms, 52 n.1 403-4 Burton, Hal (ed.), 'GBS and a Suffragist', 405--6 Great Acting, 375 Modern Marriage, and How to Bear It, Busoni, Ferruccio, 74 n.1, 222 405 Letters to his Wife, 222-3 Bradlaugh, Charles, 161 Butler, Samuel ('Erewhon'), xxiv, 128, 'Break Germany for Ever? - 129 n.4, 259, 270, 273, 274 n.1, Nonsense Says Bernard Shaw', 279, 279 n.3, 288, 535 471-2 Erewhon, 273 'Breakdown of Morality', 327--8 Erewhon Revisited, 273 INDEX 539 Butler, Samuel- continued Casement, Roger, Sir, 229, 239-40 Luck or Cunning?, 129 n.4 Cassell's Magazine, 194 Samuel Butler's Notebooks, 273-4 Casson, Lewis, Sir, 295, 309-11 The Way of All Flesh, 273 Cavalcade, 465-6, 467-9 'Was the Odyssey written by a Cederstrom, Rolf, Baron, 530 woman?', 273, 273 n.1 'Celebrities at Home. No. MCCIII. Mr Butterfield, Charles Robert, 10 n.8 George Bernard Shaw in Adelphi Terrace, Strand', 428-9 Caesar, Julius, 125, 127 n.2, 419, Central Model Boys' School, 420 n.1, 455 Marlborough Street, The, 9 n.1, Caine, Hall, Sir, 416 23, 28 n.S Calder, Ritchie (Lord Ritchie-Calder), Century Guild, 53 340 Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville, 366, Daily Herald (interview), 340-1 455, 456, 457 Calvert, Louis, 147, 148 n.2 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 364, Cameron, Julia Margaret Hay, Mrs, 365 n.2 201,202 n.2 Chamberlain, Joseph, 170 n.1, 277 Campbell, Gordon, see Lord Glenavy Champion, Henry Hyde, 41, 42 n.1 Campbell, Patrick, Mrs (nee Beatrice Chap-Book, The, 22 Stella Cornwallis-West), 9, 94, Chappelow, Allan (ed.), 430 95 n.3, 151-3, 17~5, 178, 179, Shaw, the Chucker-Out, 430 203,230,519,522-3 Shaw the Villager and Human Being: Bernard Shaw and Mrs Patrick A Biographical Symposium, 205- Campbell: Their Correspondence, 6,430-1,434-9,449-52,526 10 n.10 Charles I, 212 My Life and Some Letters, 152-3, Charteris, John, Brigadier-General, 174-7, 178 244,246 n.1 Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, Sir, Chaucer Society, 39 276,277 n.1 Chekhov, Anton, 300, 300 n.1, Canaletto, Antonio, 18 518 n.1 Candid Friend, The, 17, 29, 95 The Three Sisters, 518 'Candida: A Talk with Mr Bernard Cherry-Garrard, Apsley, 11, 309 Shaw', 130-2 Chesterton, Cecil, 109-10, 110 n.2 Cap and Gown: The Magazine of the Chesterton, G.
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