NOTIFICATION SPECIFYING SMALL QUANTITY AND COMMERCIAL QUANTITYI ly of the pozoersconferred (xxiiiil . - lleyise by clansesfuiia) and of section2 of the Nnrcotic Drrtgsnnd pnlchotropic SrtbstancesAct, 19g5 (61 of 1985)and in supersessionof Ministry of Ftnnnce, (D Departmentof'Reuenue Noiification s.o.527 aotra i'6tt,1uli, tssi, exceptas respects things doneor omitted to be done .beforesuch supersession,the Cential Gooernmenihereby spectfiesthe qtnntitrl ,nlnt'ionedin coltnnnsS and 6 of the Tablebelow, in relationto.the narcoticdrug or psychotropicsubstnnce mentioned.ii tlr', ,1urrponding entnl in columns2 to 4 of thesaid Table,as the small quantitrl nnd commercialquantity respectiailyfor the purposesof the said clnuse:sof ttrit seciion. TABLE [Seesub-clause vii(a) and xxiii(a) of section 2 of the Act] Sl No. Name of Narcotic Drug and Other non-proprietary Chemical Name Small Commercial Psychotropic Substance name Quanti- Quantity (Intemational non-proprietary ity (in (in gm./kg.) name (INN) Acetorphine 3-0-acetyltetrahydro-7-alpha-(l-hydroxy-l- methylbutyt)-o, l4-endoetheno-onpavine $ 50 9.. 1\) Acetyl-alpha-methylfen N-[-(alpha-methylphenethyl)-4-piperidy]l acetanilide 0.1 g-. J. Acetyldihydrocodeine 100 4. Acetylmethadol 3-acetoxy-6-dimethylamino-4, 4 lheptane 50 gm. 5. Alfentanil -ethyl-4, N-[1-[2-( 5-dihydro-S-oxo-lH-tetrazol-t-yt) 01 gm. ethyll-4-(methoxymethyl)-4-piperidinyll -N- ylpropanamide Allyprodine 3-allyl Jmethyl-4-phenyl-4 Alpha-3-acetoxy-6-dimethylamino-4,Ld lheptane 100 gm Alpha-3-ethyl-l-methyl-4-phenyl-4-propionox 50 gm. 9.7' AlphamethadolArPnametnaool Alpha-6-dimethylamino-4, 4-diphenyl-3-heptanol 2 S0 gm. 10. Alphu-*"thylf"ntur,yl 11. Alpha-methylthiofentanyl -[ N-[1 1-methyl-2-(2-thienyl) ethyl]-4-piperidyll 0.005 0.1 gm propionanilide I' Viile s.o. 1055 (E) dated 19th October, 2001 published in the Gazette of India, Extra., pr. It sec. 3(ii) dared 19th october 2007 -para-aminophenethyl-+phenylpiperidine4-carboxylic 50 gm. 13 Anileridine 1 acid ethyl ester -(2-benzyloxyethyl)4-phenylpiperidine-tl- 100 gm. Benzethidine 1 caboxvlic acid ethyl ester 2 5U IJ 3-0-benzyl AA 2 50 gm. 16. Betacetylmethadol propionanilide 0.005 0.1 gm. 17. Beta-hvdroxfentanvl N-[1-(beta apiperidyll -(beta-hydroxyphenethyl)-3-methyl-4-piperidyl] 0.005 0.1 gm. 18. Beta-hydroxy-3-methyl fentanYl N-[ 1 -methvl-4- 5 100 19. Betameprodine Beta-3-ethvl-1 l-4-propionoxy -3-heptanol 2 50 gm 20. Betamethadol Beta-6-dimethylamino-4, 5 100 21. Betaprodine 5 100 gm 22. Bezitramide 1-(3-cyano-3, 3-diphenylpropyl)4-(2-oxo-3-propionyl-1- benzimidazolinyl)-piperidine CANNABIS 100 IK 23. Cannabis and cannabis resin CHARAS, HASHISH EXTRACTS ANd TINCTURES OF -diethylaminoethyl-5- 2 50 gm. 24. Clorutazene 2-para-cNorbenzyl- 1 nitrobenzimidazole 50 gm 25. Coca derivatives (excluding cocaine) and its salts 100 ) 26 Coca lea{ 2 100 g-. 27. Cocaine Methyl ester of 10 I 28 Codeine 3-0-methyl 100 gm 29. Codoxime ienone-Gcarboxymet has entered 20 500 gm, 30. Concentrate of poppy straw The material arising when PoPPy straw into a process for the concentsation of its alkaloids when such material is made available in trade DihydrodeoxymorPhine 50 gm Jl. Desomorphine PERMONID, SCO- PERMID 1-pynolidinyl) 20 gm. Dextromoramide (+)-+ [2-methyl-4-oxo-3, 3-diphenyl-4-( 33. Dextropropoxyphene Alpha-(+)-4-dimethylamino-1, 2-diphenyl-3-methyl- 500 gm 2-butanol propionate 34. Diampromide N-[2-(methylphenethylamino)-propyl] propionanilide 50 gm 35. Diethylthiambutene THEMALON 3-diethylamino-1, 1-di-(2-thienyl)-1-butene 100 gm. 36. Difenoxin Dphenoxylic acid 1-(9cyano-3, 3-diphenylpropyl)-&phenylisonipecohc acid 2 50 gm. 37. Dhydrocodeine Dhydro codeine 10 200 gm 38. Dihvdromorphine PARAMORFAN 100 gm. 39 Dhydroxy Dhydro morphinone 20 gm 40 Dmenoxadol 2-dimethylaminoethyl-1-ethoxy-1. 1-diphenylacetate 50 gm. Dimepheptanol Gdimethylamino-4, 4-diphenyl-3-heptanol 100 gm Dimethylthiambutene 3-dimethylamino-1, 1-di-(2-thienyl)-1-butene 100 gm 43. Doxaphetyl butyrate Ethyl4morpholino-2, 2-diphenylbutyrate 50 g*. M. Dphenoxvlate 1-(3-cyano-3, 3-diphenylpropyl)4-phenylpiperidine- 50 gm. 4-carboxvlic acid ethvl ester Dipipanone 4,,1-diphenyl-6-piperidine-Sheptanone 100 gm. M. Drotebanol 3, tl-dimethoxy-17-methylmorphinan-6-beta-141-diol 20 gm. Ecgonine Its esters and derivatives which are convertible to 50 gm ecgonine and cocaine 48. Ethylmethylthiamhutene Sethylmethylamino-1, 1-di-(2-thienyl)-1-butene 50 gm 49. Ethvlmomhine DIONINE 3-0-ethylmorphine 200 gm. 50 Etonitazene 1-diethylaminoethyl -2-para-ethoxybenzyl-5- 50 gm nitrobenzimidazole trI. Etorphine Tetrahydro-7-alpha-(1-hydroxy- 1-methylbutyl )-6, 100gm. 14-endoetheno-oripavine Etoxeridine 1-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-ethyl]-4-phenylpiperidine-4 50 gm. carboxvlic acid ethvl ester Fentanyl 1-phenethyl-4-N-propionylanilinopiperidine 0.005 0.1 gm Furethidine 1-(2{etrahydof urf uryloxyethyl)-4-phenylpiperidine- 20 gm. 4carboxvlic acid ethvl ester Jf,. Ganja 1000 20 kg. 56. Heroin Diacetylmorphine 250 gm. Hydrocodone DICODIDE, Dhydrocodeinone 20 g- CODINOVO, DICONONE, HYCODAN, MULTACODIN, NYCODIDE 58 Hydromorphinol 14-hydroxydihydromorphine 50 gm Jt- Hydromorphone DILAUDIDE, Dihydromorphinone 20 gm. DIMORPHID, NOVALAUDON Hvdroxypethidine 4meta-hydroxlphenyl-1 -methylpiperidine-4- 100 gm carboxvlic acid ethvl ester 6l Isomethadone 6-dimethylamino-5-methyl- , 4-diphenyl-3-hexanone 50 g. 62 Ketobemidone 4-meta-hydroxlphenyl-1 -methyl-4-propionylpiperidine 50 gm. Levomethorphan (-)-3-methoxy-N-methylmorphinane 50 gm 1234f,o A fe;omil,niae (:):Gi2:mairyt_4:il;3;3-aiFFilti:A:(i:Frroiiaintl) 2 50 srn. lmorpholine Levophenacylmorphan (1)-Shydroxy-N-phenacylmorphinan 50 gm. Levorphanol LEVORPHAN (-)-3-hydroxy-N-methylmorPhinan 20 gm. 100 gm. o/ Metazocine 2-hydroxy-2,5, 9-trimethyl-6, 7-benzomorphan 68. Methadone 5-dimethylamino4, tl-diphenyl-ShePtanone 50 gm 69. Methadone intermediate 4-cvano-2-dimethylamino4, tl-diphenyl-Butane 50 gm. 70. Methyldesorphine 6-methyl-delta-6-deoxymorphine 50 g*. Methyldihydromorphine 6-methyldihydromorphine 50 gm -phenethyl-tt-piperidyl) 3-methvlfentanvl N-(Smethyl-1 propionanilide 0.005 0.1gm 3-methvlthiofentanvl N-(3-methyl-1-[2-(2-thienyl) ethyl]-4piperidyll 0.005 0.1gm propionanilide Metopon 5-methyldihydromorphinone 50 gm. Moramide intermediate 2-methyl-3-molpholino-1, 1-diphenylpropane 100 gm, carboxvlic acid Morpheridine 1-(2-morpholinoethyl)-41-phenylpiperidine-4 50 Bm carboxylic acid ethyl ester 77. Morphine Morphine 250 g 78. Morphine methobromide And other pentavalent nitrogen morphine derivatives, 50 gm. including in particular the morphine-N-oxide derivatives, one of which is codeine-N-oxide 79. Momhine-N-oxide GENOMORPHINE 50 gm. N-oXYMORPHINE 80. 1-methyl-tl-phenyl4piperidinol propionate (ester) 50 gm. 6r. Myrophine Myristylbenzylmorphine 100 gm. 82. N-cyclopropylmethyl-7, &dihydro-7-(1-hydroxy-1 100gm methyl-ethyl) 0 methyl-Gl4-endoethanonormorphine 83. Nicocodine 5-nicotinylcodeine 10 200g. u. Nicodicodine 6nicotinyldihydrocodeine 100 gm 85. Nicomorphine 3, Gdinicotinylmorphine 50 gm Noracymethadol (+-)-alpha-lacetoxy-Gmethylamino-4, tt-diphenylhePtane 50 gm. 6/. Norcodeine N-demethylcodeine 100 gm. Norlevorphanol (-)-3-hydroxymorphinan 50 gm. 89. Normethacone &dimethylamino-4, 4diphenyl-3-hexanone 1@ gm. 90. Normorphine Demethylmorphine or N-demethylated morphine 50 gm 91. Norpipanone 4, tl-diphenyl-6-piperidino-Shexanone 100gm. Opium And any preparation containing opium /3 2.s kg. Ooium Derivatives [other than diacetyl morphine (heroin), morphine 250 gm and those listed here inl Oxycodone DIHYDROXY I4-hydroxydihydrocodeinone 50 gm. CODEINONE 95. Oxymorphone 14-hydroxydihydromorphinone 50 gm. 96. Para-fluorofentanyl 4-fl uoro-N-(1 -phenethyl4piperidyl) propionanilide 0.005 01 gm. o'7 PEPAP i-phenethyl-tl-phenyl4piperidinol acetate (ester) 50 gm. 98 Pethidine 1-methyl4phenylpiperidine-t1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester 10 200 gm. 99. Pethidine intermediate A tl-cyano l -methyl-4-phenylpiperidine t0 200 gm, Pethidine intermediate B 4-phenylpiperidine-4carboxylic acid ethyl ester 10 200 gm 101 Pethidine intermediate C 1-methyl-tl-phenylpiperidine-tl-caboxylic acid l0 200 gm. 102. Phenadoxone &morpholino-4, 4diphenyl-lheptanone 100 gm. c c Phenampromide N-(1 -methyl-2-piperidinoethyl)-propionanilide 100 gm. q c Phenazocine 2-hydroxy-S, 9-dimethyl-2-phenethyl-6, 7-beruomorphan 20 gm. Phenomorphan 3-hydroxy-N-phenethylmorphinan 100 gm. 106. Phenoperidine 1- (3-hydroxy-3-phen1'lpropyl)-4-phenylpiperidine-4 50 gm. carboxylic acid ethyl ester 107. Pholcodine NOMOCODEINE, Morpholinyleth.vlmorphine 100g*. HYBERNIL 108. Piminodine tt-phenyl-1 -(3-phenylaminopropyl)-piperidine-,1- 100gm carboxvlic acid ethvl ester 109 Piritramide 1-(3-cyano-3, 3-diphenylpropyl)-+(1 -piperidino)- 50 gm piperidine4carboxylic acid amide Poppy straw 1000 50 kg. 111 Preparations made from the 100 gm. extract of tincture of lndian Hemp Proheptazine 1, 3-dimet\l-t1-phenyl4propionoxyazacycloheptane 50 gm. 113 Properidine 1-methyl-4-phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid 50 gm, Isopropylester 114 Propiram N-(I -methyl-2-piperidinoethyl)-N-2-ppidylpropionamide 10 200 gm. 115. Racemethorphan (+-)-3-methoxy-N-methylmorphinan 50 gm. 116. Racemoramide (+-)-4-[2-methyl4oxo-3, 3-diphenyl-tl-(1-pyrrolidinyl)- 50 gm. butyll-morpholine Racemorphan (+- )-9hydroxy-N-methylmorphinan 50 gm. c Sufentanil N-[4-(methoxymethyl)-r -[2-(2-thienyl)-ethyl]a- 0.005 0.1 gm. E piperidyllpropionanilide c Thebacon Acetvldihvdrocodeinone 50 gm 120. Thebaine 3, 6-Dimethoxy4, $epoxy-9a-methyl morphine-6, 8-diene 100 gm. 121. Thiofentanyl N-[1-[2-(2-thienyl) ethyl]-4piperidyllpropionanilide
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