! PECKMBfeR ( ' 194TV VOOKlBOf iionrfr^Bt^r Eitpttin^ If^raUt Annual Newsboys* Edition m AYcraire Daiiy Cireaiation The Wcathor For the Month of November, 1947 Forecast ot C. 8. Weather Banmi rW r aai eeMrr tonight; fMr 9 3 8 0 nnd nenananhly coM ChvIslaMM Member of tho Aadit dny. Bareaa ot drealatloBS Manchester^^A City of Villose Charm (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS yOL, LXVIL, NO. 72 (CteoaUM AdvartWag am rage li) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1947 Unceasing Strife Winner Takes Possession of Legion's Prize House Pope Asserts ‘Policy S ^ w a h U ’* Thins to Handful Of Insincerity’ Bars SYLOJAMAS Bethlehem Visits of Su«della flann«l World’s Peace Path Cold, jRain*Laden Winds Siveep Judean Hills as No Herald Pontiff Call* for ^League Christmas Eve Pit* Urges Safeguarding Tomorrow Senate Group O f Honest Men* to grims Arrive at Birth* World Against War Th«rc'» olwoyi !*• Safeguard Against place of Prince of The Herald will not be is­ Seeks Speed air whan H't d»HI outeida. and War; ColUpse of Re* Peace for Observances' sued tomorrow, Christ­ yeu'ra »mig in yawr Syl-O- mas Day. cent Foreign Ministers Jama Sehrank'* “•otchar J O n R eports Bethlehem, Dec. 24.— (/P) | Conference in London tey” medal, whh «aft mow —Cold, rain-sodden winds, A Merry Christmas to All. Bbiined on *Tenden- trim and patanlad Flat Bak Insw ept the Judean, hills t(^ay j CoinmittiN* Investigating waMband for tmoedt tiaap. cy Toward Insincerity* as Christmas eve pilgrims, Speculation Asks Of dawny SuadoNa thinned to a handful by un­ Five Departments to Vatican City. Dee. 24.— i / P ) flonnal. thi» p i. ceasing strife in the Holy Bomber Down — Pope Pius XII, in his an­ com at in tisa t Land, 'arrived in this birth­ Hasten Information place of the Prince of Peace nual Christmas message, de­ 32-40.. In Labrador for traditional observances. Bulletin! clared today that a **poIt^ of Many of Uiem came from Jeru- Waahlngtoa, Dee. 81—<45— insincerity” among nations ludem, down the, road over which Agriculture depart meat offi­ was blocking the path to Lands Safely on Froz* Joseph and Mary passed nearly 20 cials ackaowledged today that centuries ago today to seek and leace and caUed Jor a ” leagus en River 95 Miles 71 local. aUte aad Federal if honest men” to safeguard be refused shelter at an Inn. Their employee were tradlag oa goal was the sacred Grotto of the North of Goose Bay commodity nwrkele la Sep­ the world against war. Nativity, on the site of the stable tember aad promlaed te dle- The pontiff ipeclflcally blamed where Joseph and Mary found a clooe the aameo eooa. Aldee te a growing tendency toward In- haven and where Christ was bom. Westover Field, Mau., Dec. 24 Btncerity” (or coUapoo of tho re­ —(iP)—A Fljln g Fortress which Herretary Aadersoa also told Usually tens of thousands throng a reporter (hat aamro of aay cent Foreign Mlnletcrs oonferenoe this hillside village, sacred to a had been dropping Christmas mall pubUc employe# who have In London, which bo aald had left third of mankind, for the Christ­ and packages to remote' Air I been dealing on (he noarketa tha world “further than avtr from IPspa n a a XU, la aaaual tha trua paaee.” mas eve ceremonies, but today'far IVansport command weather sta­ during tko last two yeani will fewer braved the hazards of Com­ — By \7rJil (Manchester Photographers) Chftatmao moasago, declart* “ pal- tions reported today it had made be made pubUc ae qulekly ae munal strife to pray at the place Above Is shown the winner of the local American Legion Post 814,000 completely furnished hnn*e as she ley of IwriaoerUy” aowag m In m Ha mos m Store Closes Wed., Christmas Eve at 5:30 a forced landing safely on a frozen IlsU can be prepared. cooflamnad U - where the manger was. Is fonnally being presented wlJi her valuable prize in the home at Trebbe Manor last evening. In la Itlsrlrlng putt* to p m m . UoMi whloi, h* onld, hod •tfoptod river 05 north of Goose Bay, Lab­ the picture are, left to right, CainmanUer WlUiam M acOomUd, of Dllworth-t'omell-Quey Past; Marcel In the grotto, there will be con­ rador. Washington, Dec. 24 — (45 — A the Ue and tho gatMad word’’ M Donze. chairman of the context commit lee;. Mrs. Susie RuzzI, the winner, of 04 New Britain avenue, “occeptad weapons «T offsfulvf’’ stant prayers until the early hours The pilot, who had radioed he Senate cqmmlttee Investigating of Christmas morning before the Hartford; and Ale3xander Jarvis, local contractor, w ho built the home. Furnishings were by the G. E. In an effort to “win at flay coto was being forced down by engine ^peculation, asked five government Fierce Storm tha bntUa of daaa Intaroat and little marble altar which represents trouble, reported. “ We’re on the Keith Furniture Company. _______ the straw-filled manager where the department* today to hurry up thaortea, of tdairtoflaa and powar ground. A ll safe.” politics.” Dominion baby Jesus lay. Services also will The number of persons aboard with report! on whether any” of ' Takes 5 Lives he held In ether shrines in the the B-17 was not reported. their official! have been gambling The pontiff aamsd no namaa in Church of the Nativity and In the New Austerity In the food market!. ^ placing tha Mama for tha praaant Officials here said that a large United States Will state of world affairs, but Ms 4,4<)0- Franciscan church of St. Cather­ frozen river normally offered ex­ Senator Knowinnd (R-Callf.) Swings Out to Sea To­ word address contained many pas* Toasters ine's next door. cellent landing facilities and they told reporter! the only reply to Facing French sages which westsm llatansra, at The gray stone Church of the were optimistic that a rescue the Appropriation! committee re­ day; 4 to 15 Inches least, Intarpmsd as condemnation Nativity, built 15 centuries ago might be made by landing another Quit Panama Bases quest for such Informstlpn re­ and rebuilt by the Crusaders, plane at the scene. ceived so far was from Secretary O f Snow in Wake of Communism and of tho poto war policies of tha Sovlat unttoL $4.30-$5-95 stands peacefully today under On Supply Mhalon National Assembly Sends of the Army Royall and that It ipaaklnjr of current Intamsttonal Bethlehem's slate gray skies, a The ground^ plane was out of wae not complete. Boston Doo. —(45— A fl« Measure to Upper Leg- Drafts Plans for Itniiie* The SUte, Agriculture, Com dealings, Uia pope oJd; CAPE COQUETTE symbol of everj'thing which Pal­ Narsarrsuak. Greenland, and had northeast storm setting the stage estine is not. For peace does not News .Tidbits merce and Interior -departmenta for a clear, cold Naw England “Tha lie, the gintod^word or been on a pre-Christmaa supply islative Cliamber diatc Evacuation of fact and trioksry hav* coma to bo $8.95 Festive the drcM with a abide in Palestine. mission to weather stations In the have yet to bo heard from. Know- Christmas swung out to saa today, Culled. From (fP ) Wires aecspted waapons of tha offanslva, British soldiers, celebrating their northwest Baffin Island area. 14 Bases in Wake of land said. He added that he has leaving In Ita wake at least flve turnabout air, seasoned with which some people wield with tha The site of the forced landing Paris, Dec., 24.—(iP)—The Na-1 asked the committee staff to prod dead and four to IS inehea of KlectrirnI color for the gayest of sea- (Conttnoed on Page Twelve) was 95 miles northeast of Goose tional Assembly sent to the upper 1 Sudden Poliey Switch Because of Russian withdrawal, for action and hopes to get results snow. skill of professionala b a t in g oven of their competence. 8o, Bay, 50 miles southwest of Cape legislative chamber today a dras-| U'.c Allied Control Authority in next week. Four other persons wars report­ clearly as they view it. has the Harrison, near White Bear lake. Berlin will not stnvp this NeW Will Not Rely Heavily on Reports ed missing T- an elderly New tic new "austerity” measure de-1 Bulletin! suppression of all sense of right The name of the “ big river” on Year's annual Allied Military Ball Meanwhile Chairman Anderecn Hampshire woman and three fish signed to help pay for a two bll-j and wrong come to be part aad tircly with it. Monterey which the plane landed was not \Va»>hinRton, Dec. 21.— (A’) . New Englond has had white (R-Minn) of n House Special com erinen in a 38-foot dragger some parcel of modem technique In the immediately ascertained. lion, reconstruction program b y '— T h e U nited States today t,hristn’.tts only about .'lO per cent mlttce making a separate invest! Beautiful White rayon crepe. Junior sizes 9 where off the Isles of Shoals. art of forming public opinion, or A B-17 and another large plane draining off funds of Frenchmen began withdrawing some 2,- of the time in the last half cen gation of the same aubJCct said Thousands planning holiday to 15. Flashes! —an OA-10, the equivalent of the who make more than $3,780 a | tnry . I’ resldi-nt Truman pre- his group IS not going to rely controlling it and of making it j. ,00(1 troops from the 11 bases trips were either stranded or de serve their political ends PBY Navy ampbibllans—were be­ scntii nil Icathe.
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