KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, MAY, 1889. 33 MAJOR AND MINOR. v Legallty of Municipal Bonds.-8. A. Kean & Co., Chicago, Willbartltz.-Prof. Adolph Willhartitz, musical director of with New York offi.ce at 115 Broadway, have recently pub­ the Los Angeles (Cal.) Philharmonic Society, has accepted The death is announced of Mr. Sydney Smith, at his resi­ lished a new and revised edition of their Digest of Laws gov­ the position of music instructor at the Los Aageles College. dence at West Hampstead, England. He was born at Dor­ erning the issue of Municipal Bonds, which can not fail to be He takes the place of Prof. W. M. Foss, who has resigned in chester on July 14, 183g, and studied at the Conservatolre at of interest and value to inveRtors, including Savings Banks, consequence of ill health. Prof. Willhartitz intend!! to estab­ Leipzig. His compositions were peculiar, and fitted the Insurance Companies, Estates and Individuals. It will also lish the conservatory system of teaching, anti the college is requirements of that class of pupils and teachers who were be valuable to authorities of States, Counties, Cities, School to be congratulated upon acquiring his servicl:ls. / anxious to obtain and to impart a large amount of brilliancy Districts, etc, who contemplate issuing bonds. This book Her61S something easy from Otto Sin~eers' recent article on of effect with the least possible expenditure of labor to will be more valuable from the fact that Messrs. S. A. Kean & the Philosophy of Music. It begins: ·• Htmslick considers as acquire technical skill. Co., have had more than twenty-five years experience as non-resthetlc (inartistic) all emotions expressing subjective Bankers and Dealers in Investment Securities. feeling of the composer, preceding the musical formation and M. Camille Satnt-SaE;ns, the French composer, has signed In Naumann's "History of Music" we read: "The Ameri· reflected in the listener as ph yslcal nervous irritation, sub­ an engagement to make a. tour of the United States and in cans came not only from the United States, but from Cali­ jective emotion and moral eff~ct, following the musical im­ South America soon. fornia." pression." MUSIC BOOKS PUBLISHED EY OLIVER DITSON co. BOSTON, :MASS. NeW MUSiC for 1889. r:,:~!~~: .. ~~~o~~EN!?..~~~ ARE YOU AMUSIC TEACHER? Lo~e no time in procuring one of Ditson & Co's excellent haps imposslble-but DITSON & CO.'S matchless books are The best tools -make the best work. The best instruc- Music Books· all first - cla~ts, and these among th.e best. For juat on the line. tion boolr-s malr-e the best sc1wla1·s. The best ONE DOLLAR you can secure the new E 1 E A th (80 cts., $7.20 per dozen), are 49 teachers use Ditson &- Co.'s POPULAR SONG COLLECTION. 37 songs merson S asy 0 &mS, in number-quite new-give Instructors. or POPULAR PIANO COT.LECTION Pia~o pes· about one for each Sunday in the year, and are full of " · 27 ' grace and beauty. or POPULAR DANCE MUSIC fJOLL 1 N. 60pieces; or CLASSICAL PIANIST. 42 classical pieces; (60 cts., $6 per dozen) by L. 0. Emerson, is The following books sell largely, and all the time: or PIANO CLAliSICS. 44 classical pieces; Song Harmony • a new and very "perfect" book for SING· ING CLASSES, perhaps the best of a long series of books Richardson's New Method for the Plano-forte (83). or YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLASSICS. 52 easy pieces; by the same author. N. E . Conservatory Method for the Plano-forte (83). or SONG CLASSICS. 50 songs, for Soprano; cso cts.• s4.so per dozen), by Mason & Hoadley's System for Beginners (on Piano), or SONG CLASSICS FOR LOW VOICE. 47songs; ·nglng School The Graded Sl ' D. F. Hodges, is a. sensible, 83, and Mason's System of Technical Exercises, 82.50. or CLASSIC TENOB SONGS. 36songs; practical method, by a very sensible, practical teacher and is fully furnished with good material for successful Bellak's Analytical Met.hod for Piano (for Beginners), or CLASSIC BAR~7.'0NE AND BASS HONGS. 83; work. 81, aud Winner's Ideal Method (for beginners), 50 cts. or CHOICE VOCAL DUETS. The newest Duets; 's Praise (Sll or 89 per dozen) by L. o. Emerson, is or COLLEGE SONGS FOB BANJO. } Two Jehovah ' a mll s1ze Church Music Book, with a EVERY Ml SIC TEACHER needs a full set of Dit@On & Co.'s or COLLEGE SONUS FOR GUITAR. popular bks; large number of Anthems and Tunes for choirs, also great Oat,alooues, describing fully the largest stock in America. or E 1tiMA.NUEL. Trowbridge; Oratorio Glees, Part-Songs, and a. multitude of melodious exer­ cises for classes. An investment which p~;~.ys well is a subscription to Ditson & or RUTH AND NAOMI. Damrosch; and Co.'s MONTHLY MUSICAL RECORD ($1), which describ~s intelli­ or JOSEP.H' S BONDAGE. Chadwick, Cantatas for 'mes (35 cts., $3.60 per dozen) by EvANGELisT Temple Chl ' LUTHER, just published, is a very superior gently every new music book as it is issued, and every new piece or FALL OFJEBUSA.LEM, Parkhurst; Musical collection of new Gospel Songs, of Hymns and Tunes. of music; prints excellent lesson pieces and songs, discusses or HOLY CITY. Gaul; · Societies. (40 ctll., 84.20 per dozen) by L. 0. and E. U. theories, and gives a condensed "Record" of the world's or EMERSON'S PART SONGS A.ND GLEES. Praise in Song 1 Emerson, is a. new Sunday School and music. or E~YERSON'S CONCEBT SELECTIONS. Praise book, full of uncommonly good music and hymns. A Ditson & Co.'s Music Books are for sale, or can be ordered very "perfect" book for vestry singing. or GOOD OLD SONGS WE USED TO SING. through any reputable music dealers. In case this is not con­ Any Book mailed promptly, post paid, for $1.00. Any book mailed for retail price. venient, correspond directly with the publishers. ESTABLISHED 18152. THE IUIISSOUBI THE S~ITH SAFE DEPOSIT C.lh American Organ and Piano Co. EQUITABLE BUILDINC, MANUFACTURERS OF 6tb and Locust Sts., ST. LOUIS, MO. PIANOS Absolute!~ Burglar and Fire-Proof Safes to I A~D I rent at from $10.00 per annum upwards. Renters have all the privileges of the Read­ ing Rooms, Coupon Rooms, Etc. Silverware, Brio-a-Brae and Valuables of I·ORGANS.I any description can be stored for any length of time in our Vaults at very low rates. Our Instruments have a world-wide repu­ Premises open to inspection from 9 a. m. tation, and are second to none in Tone, Touch, until 4:30 p. m. Workmanship or Design An absolute war­ ranty with every instrument. OFFICERS. Catalogues and prices on application. JAMES J. HOYT, President. HENRY G. M.ARQU.AND, 1st Vice-Pres't. J. S. KENDRICK, Secretary. G. D. CAPEN, Treas. and2d Vice-Pres't. EDw. A. SMITH, Sup't of Safes. The Smith American Organ and Piano Co. DIRECTORS. Louis FITZGERALD, HENRY G. M.ARQU.AND, HENRY B. HYDE, BOSTOB, lASS., or KANSAS CITY, 10. GEo. D. C.APEN, Gxo. W. ALLEN, D. K. FERGUSON, HENRY c. H.A.ARSTICK, J.AMES ~·HoYT, WILLIAM NICHOL& 84 KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, MAY, 1889. A Letttu- from Dr. Hans Von Bulow.-The Knabe Pianos votte, Wilson G. Smith,· Danse Fantast! que. Preyer,· The Riv­ Miss Eames. the young American prima donna who made which I did not know before, have been chosen for my pres­ ulet, Kroeger : Loreley. Seeling; Am Stillen Heerd, Wagner ; such a successful debut as Juliette at the Paris Opera House, ent Concert tour in the United States by my Impres~ario and Polonaise in E, Liszt. He was assisted by Miss Gertrude Car­ will probably be h eard in London during the season. Miss accepted by me on the recommendation of my friend, B<' Ch­ liOn in two vocal numbers. Eames i.s a native of China, her father being at the-time of stein, acquainted with their merits. Had I known these htr birth United States Consul at Shanghai. It is said that pianos as now I do. I would have chosen them by myself, as Madame Albanl is having a "real good time" in America she was first engaged at the Paris Opera Comique, but the their sound and touch are more sympathetic to my ears and but h er popularity brings drawbacks. She seems to have manager thought little of her and gave her no part. To his bands thnn all others of the country. been pestered with requests to sing for charitable purposes in great astonishment she subsequently transferred to the New York, April 1\, l f\89 . DR. HANS VoN BULOW. this and that church. and the only cour~e was to take shelter Opera, where. by reason of her remarkable personal beauty To Messrs. Wm. Knabe & Co. behind her agent. Here. is a part of a letter to a Quebec or­ and charms of voice. she has become an immense favorite, v Mr. Ernest R. Kroeger recently rendered the following ganist: "Jesnis desolee de ne pouvoir chanter chez vous de­ All plecea contained in any copy of the REVIEW can be had programme at a piano recital given by him at Whitehall, Ills., main. J'aurais dil, avant de consenttr, consulter M. Thomas. of Kunkel Bros., the publishe-s, or any first claRA music house last month: Sonata in C sharp minor, Beethoven ,· Ara beRque, qui est charge de nos Concert~." Madame Albanl should have in the country in regular sheet music form.
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