July 24, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1913 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EARMARK DECLARATION Authority’s Schuyler Hem Bridge Replacement Cucamonga, with its non-federal partners, is and SR–47 Expressway project. The Schuyler providing 70% of the total cost of the project HON. DANA ROHRABACHER Heim Bridge Replacement and SR–47 Ex- as a local match through the following funding OF CALIFORNIA pressway project is one of the leading regional sources: $9,800,000 from the City of Rancho IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES transportation projects affecting goods move- Cucamonga Development Impact Fees; Thursday, July 23, 2009 ment in Southern California. The project is a $6,200,000 from the Rancho Cucamonga Re- joint partnership between the Alameda Cor- development Agency; $9,800,000 from San Mr. ROHRABACHER. Madam Speaker, pur- ridor Transportation Authority (ACTA) and the Bernardino County Measure I Sales Tax, and suant to the requirements of the Republican California Department of Transportation $4,600,000 from the City of Fontana. Conference of the House, I am submitting the (Caltrans) to replace the State’s seismically Requesting Member: Congressman DAVID following information regarding earmarks I re- deficient Commodore Heim Bridge over DREIER ceived, which were included in the reported Cerritos Channel and add a four lane elevated version of H.R. 3288, the ‘‘Transportation, roadway to by-pass intersections and railroad Bill Number: H.R. 3288, the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related crossings. The project will replace one of the Housing and Urban Development Appropria- Agencies Appropriations Act of 2010.’’ seismically deficient bridges listed on the De- tions Bill for Fiscal Year 2010 Requesting Member: Congressman DANA partment of Transportation’s list of structurally Account: Buses and Bus Facilities ROHRABACHER (CA–46) deficient bridges. Bill Number: H.R. 3288 ACTA’s $2.4 billion Alameda Corridor was Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of Name of Project: San Diego Freeway (Inter- designated as a Project of National Signifi- Monrovia, CA state 405) Improvements cance by Congress in 1995. The SR–47 Ex- Address of Requesting Entity: 415 S. Ivy Account: Federal Highway Administration, pressway is a project that will enhance the Al- Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016 Interstate Maintenance Discretionary ameda Corridor by improving the efficient and Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Orange Description of Request: Provide an earmark secure movement of international trade at the County Transit Authority (OCTA) of $750,000 for the acquisition, relocation, and Address of Requesting Entity: 550 South nation’s largest port complex. Over 40% of the development of properties within the Station Main Street, Orange, CA 92863 nation’s imports flow through these Ports gen- Square Transit Village bus layover and park Description of Request: I received $750,000 erating 3 million jobs nationally. and ride project area. 100% of the funds will for the Orange County Transit Authority’s f be used to acquire property for the bus lay- (OCTA) San Diego Freeway Improvements EARMARK DECLARATION over facility and prepare plans for its construc- project. OCTA has successfully completed a tion, including providing adequate pedestrian major investment study (MIS) and Project access to the site. This request is consistent Study Report for the Interstate 405 (I–405) HON. DAVID DREIER with the intended and authorized purpose of Freeway. Funding is requested to support ca- OF CALIFORNIA Buses and Bus Facilities funds. The City of pacity improvements in each direction of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monrovia will provide the 20% local match for facility, adding up to two lanes from Euclid Thursday, July 23, 2009 this project. Street in Fountain Valley to Interstate 605 (I Requesting Member: Congressman DAVID 605) near the Orange County/Los Angeles Mr. DREIER. Madam Speaker, pursuant to DREIER County border. Prior federal funding has fully the Republican Leadership standards on ear- supported the environmental phase of this marks, I am submitting the following informa- Bill Number: H.R. 3288, the Transportation, project, which is currently underway. This re- tion regarding earmarks I received as part of Housing and Urban Development Appropria- quest is to secure a portion of the funding H.R. 3288, the Transportation, Housing and tions Bill for Fiscal Year 2010 needed to complete the final design, which is Urban Development Appropriations Bill for Fis- cal Year 2010: Account: Federal lands, Public Lands High- the next phase of the project. This project is ways included in both the regional and federal Requesting Member: Congressman DAVID Transportation Improvement Program. DREIER Legal Name of Requesting Entity: San Commuters and goods movement carriers Bill Number: H.R. 3288, the Transportation, Bernardino Associated Governments, CA alike are currently experiencing severe peak Housing and Urban Development Appropria- Address of Requesting Entity: 1170 W. 3rd period delays on the San Diego Freeway (I tions Bill for Fiscal Year 2010 Street, 2nd Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92410– 405) corridor. Implementing these improve- Account: Interstate Maintenance 1715 ments to the I 405 will reduce travel delays, Legal Name of Requesting Entity: City of Rancho Cucamonga, CA Description of Request: Provide an earmark increase employee productivity and facilitate of $1,500,000 for design and environmental the movement of goods while reducing emis- Address of Requesting Entity: 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 mitigation for the I–15/I–215 Devore Inter- sions to improve air quality. The project will change improvement project. 100% of the not only provide significant congestion relief Description of Request: Provide an earmark of $750,000 for the construction of the I–15/ funding will be used for project development through one of the major interstate highways and environmental mitigation of the inter- in Orange County, but also subsequent con- Base Line Road Interchange Improvements change which will eliminate truck weaving in gestion relief benefits to Los Angeles County Project. 100% of this funding will be used for the middle of a substantial grade, improving as well. construction of the interchange which includes operational efficiency, safety and enhancing Requesting Member: Congressman DANA two new bridge structures for the southbound regional connectivity for commuters and freight ROHRABACHER (CA–46) on/off ramps, a loop ramp for westbound Base Bill Number: H.R. 3288 Line Road to southbound I–15, and the wid- movement operators traveling between Los Name of Project: Schuyler Heim Bridge Re- ening of the on and off ramps on the east Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. The placement and SR–47 Expressway, CA side. The project also improves East Avenue project will add one lane in each direction and Account: Federal Highway Administration, to provide curb, gutter, and sidewalks, as well provide truck bypass lanes around interchange Surface Transportation Priorities as the widening of the Base Line Road to pro- merge zones, resulting in improved flow Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Alameda vide two left turn lanes for eastbound Base speeds through the Devore Interchange, re- Corridor Transportation Authority Line Road to the northbound I–15. This re- ducing delays in this heavily traveled freeway. Address of Requesting Entity: One Civic quest is consistent with the intended and au- This request is consistent with the intended Plaza, Suite 350, Carson, CA 90745 thorized purpose of the Federal Highway Ad- and authorized purpose of the Federal High- Description of Request: I received $500,000 ministration Interstate Maintenance Discre- way Administration Public Lands Program, for the Alameda Corridor Transportation tionary Program. The City of Rancho which does not require matching funds. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:02 Sep 28, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\E24JY9.REC E24JY9 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1914 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 24, 2009 EARMARK DECLARATION reer serving Northwest Florida and our coun- Requesting Member: ROB BISHOP try, and I am proud to honor his dedication Bill number: H.R. 3288 HON. DAVE CAMP and service. Account: Alternatives Analysis OF MICHIGAN After graduating from the University of Mis- Legal name and address of requesting enti- sissippi in 1969, Judge Roark joined the U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ty: Salt Lake City, 451 South State Street, Salt Navy as an intelligence officer. He remained Lake City, UT 84111 Thursday, July 23, 2009 on active duty until 1973 and then went on to Description of project: $360,000 to fund an Mr. CAMP. Madam Speaker, pursuant to earn his law degree from the University of alternative analysis under USC 49 section the Republican Leadership standards on ear- Florida in 1976. Judge Roark returned to the 5339 on a corridor from SLC to Centerville. marks, I am submitting the following informa- Navy as a reservist in 1978 while maintaining Requesting Member: ROB BISHOP tion regarding earmarks I received as part of his full-time career as an attorney. In 1988, he Bill number: H.R. 3288 H.R. 3288, the Transportation, Housing and was appointed
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