ISSN 1176-4767 TE REO He Tangata Whenua Whakapapa Roopu Vol. 18 Issue #4 NOEMA/NOVEMBER 2011 Special Interest Group No.76 of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc. The MIG formed in 1993 & was ratified by the NZSG at the Christchurch Council Meeting on Saturday the 3rd December 1994 Official Publication of the NZSG Māori Interest Group www.nzsgmig.com N E W S L T R NZSG MĀORI INTEREST GROUP TE REO [Auckland Region] Kaumātua : Sonny RAUWHERO Volume 18 Issue 4 Noema/November 2011 Executive Committee 2011-2012 Please address all correspondence to the MIG Secretary as below; New Zealand Society of Genealogists Attention : Māori Interest Group Secretary PO Box 14-036 Panmure Auckland, AKD 1741 NEW ZEALAND or Mëra-hiko/E-mail: Mā[email protected] with the Subject line "Māori Interest Group" CONVENOR : Mr. Owen ORMSBY SECRETARY : Mrs. Brenda JOYCE TREASURER : Mrs. Brenda JOYCE NEWSLETTER EDITOR : Mr. Bruce MATHERS COMMITTEE : Mrs. Lorraine RICE Mrs. Celia GEARY [Advisory only] RESEARCH ADVISOR : Mrs. Lorraine RICE RESEARCH ADVISOR : Mr. Peter ALLEN [Māori Land Court Advisory only] WHAKAPAPA ADVISOR : Mrs. Brenda JOYCE [Advisory only] WEBMASTER : Mr. Bruce MATHERS ARCHIVIST : Mrs. Brenda JOYCE Our Archives are stored at the NZSG FRC LOOKUP SERVICE : Mrs. Brenda JOYCE EXECUTIVE LIAISON : Mrs. Brenda JOYCE [Māori Interest Group only] When corresponding with officers of the MIG you must always quote your NZSG Membership Number and include a LARGE Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope [SSAE] with your letter if a reply is anticipated. TE REO PAGE 3 Membership of the NZSG Māori Interest Group is $5.00 and you must be a financial member of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc. Up-to-date Membership details should be obtained from the MIG Sec- retary prior to joining. IN THIS ISSUE IMPORTANT NOTICES—PLEASE READ! 4 WHATUMOANA PAKI REMEMBERED 8 THE PROCESS OF MĀORI MOURNING & GRIEF 10 AT THE TIME OF DEATH 2012 MIG AGM 13 TAURANGA CEMETERY SEARCH 14 BRANCEPETH STATION LIBRARY, WAIRARAPA 14 RANGITĀNE O WAIRARAPA 16 CAN YOU HELP—CONTACT SOUGHT 20 Please have all material for the next newsletter [Pepuere/February 2012] to the MIG Secretary before th the 25 Hanuere/January 2012 PAGE 4 TE REO IMPORTANT NOTICES PLEASE READ! CONVENORS ANNUAL REPORT 2011: Tēnā koe i ō tātou mate tārūrū nui kua poto atu nei ki te kāpunipunitanga o nga wairua I Paerau. Heoi rā, ki ngā mate, waiho i runga i te kōrero rā, ko te hunga mate ki te hunga mate, ko tātou ngā ka- nohi ora o rātou ki a tātou, tihē mauri ora! Greetings to you and our dead, whose loss greatly pains us, and who have departed for the assembly of spirits in the home- land. For the dead, let the adage speak: the dead have passed on and we, their living representatives, remain. Behold, the breath of life. We acknowledge amongst our leaders and people the passing of Te Ariki Whatu- moana Paki and pay homage to his family as he leaves us for reunification with his wife (the late Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu) and his tupuna who have passed over, moe mai, moe mai, moe mai ra. This year has seen a growth of memberships and opportunities for the Māori Interest Group, a large number of meetings and workshops throughout the motu have kept us actively engaged. Appreciation to Brenda Joyce for her diligence and perseverance and keeping us all on track with advice and updates and all those treasures that cross over her threshold via emails and letters. Appreciation also to Celia and Lorraine and to Bruce across that great sea of the Tas- man and our departing spirits from Te Rerenga Wairua to your support as a team and finally to our members for their faith, tikanga and whanaungatanga in being part of a great team of researchers of Tangata Whenua Māori and European Pakeha whaka- papa and genealogy. We have grown in leaps and bounds with new marketing ideas and creative workshops to recognition by the executive committee of NZSG of the Māori Interest Group’s work with Māori and Pakeha genealogical pursuits. We sit in a very strong position as the Māori Interest Group, as the body representing the indigenous values of the Tangata Whenua in whakapapa research. Ki te kahore he whakakitenga ka ngaro te iwi, without foresight or vision the people will be lost. (Continued on page 5) TE REO PAGE 5 (Continued from page 4) Keeping in mind that we have three strings to our bow: 1. European New Zealand seeking their Māori connections in ancestry 2. Māori New Zealand seeking their European connections in ancestry 3. Māori seeking their Māori identity of whanau, marae, hapu and iwi. May we all grow stronger and work with each other in harmony and peace as we pro- gress this pathway of life, that genealogical and whakapapa doors will open to us, that those elusive ancestors will come forth in order to be found. He waka eke noa, a canoe which we are all in with no exception Ngā mihi nui o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou, a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year Nō reira , noho ora mai rā Nāku noa, nā Owen Ormsby Convenor Māori Interest Group NZSG Inc November 2011 Post Script: In driving to work on Wednesday this week I passed my great grandmother Ngahooro Paki on a school bus heading into Auckland. I thought to myself I must be dreaming, ‘granny has been long gone’ I caught up with the school bus and granny was having a good time travelling along in style. She was looking out over all from the banner of the Family History Fair in Hamilton at- tached to the side of the bus. I wonder if great granny realised that she was joy rid- ing!!!!!!! Sharing our ancestors with the greater community, is this our new phrase???? EDITOR’S MESSAGE: Kia ora, With Christmas fast approaching and the New Year looming, this will be our last newsletter for 2011—honestly where has the year gone!? The group has had a busy and productive year, we have been represented at several Family History events and our stands con- tinue to impress with our professional displays and banners. The group has again been invited by the Thames branch of the NZSG [http:// (Continued on page 6) PAGE 6 TE REO (Continued from page 5) www.genealogy.org.nz/Thames_101.aspx] to attend the Thames Biennial Family History Research Expo 2012 [http://www.thecoromandel.com/ events_coromandel_autumn.html] March next year and Owen, Celia, Brenda and Lorraine all hope to be able to attend this event. It is understood that the Expo will run on a similar format as in previous years and there will also be vintage cars run- ning to take visitors to The Treasury [http://www.thetreasury.org.nz/] which is a purpose-built research facility in Thames. With this in mind, the group has now invested in a smart uniform – the Committee will be dressed in Black Polo Shirts with the MIG logo embroidered on the top left chest. This will give our Committee a striking appearance and continuity. The Group’s funds are not paying for these shirts. Committee members liked the idea so much that they wanted them for themselves and some have ordered several shirts. These shirts will also be available for purchase by our members (further details are elsewhere in this issue and on our website or contact Brenda Mā[email protected]). The Committee have promised me some photos in their new attire at the Thames Expo next year, so don’t forget to check them out on our website after March. Also a reminder that the 2011 AGM ratified a slight change to our membership struc- ture in that a small annual membership fee of $5.00 has been reinstated for non insti- tutional members, this can be paid by cash, cheque or 8 Kiwi postage stamps. This will take effect immediately for new members joining the Interest Group, while existing members will have their first membership fee fall due on the 1st April 2012. All MIG members must be financial members of the NZSG. We hope the reintroduction of a small membership fee will not cause too much inconvenience and will enable us to purchase more resources for our members. Our 2012 AGM will be held at Taupo during the NZSG Conference, it is important that all our members attend these meetings. The committee hopes to be able to secure a longer time allocation for our AGM next year and we ask members to register their ‘intention to attend’ this meeting with Brenda (Sec) as soon as possible. Please contact the Secretary; NZSG Māori Interest Group, 17 Peterhouse Street, Tawa, Wellington, WTN 5028. Email: Mā[email protected] As always, the Committee and I wish you all a Safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year with your family and friends – don’t miss out on the oppor- tunity to update the family photo album and fill in the whakapapa with the family events that have occurred throughout the year! May 2012 be all that you wish for and the year in which the elusive ancestor is finally revealed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Meri Kirihimete Bruce MATHERS/Puruhi MATERA Editor/Webmaster—November 2011 TE REO PAGE 7 PAGE 8 TE REO WHATUMOANA PAKI wife succeeded her father as Māori Queen REMEMBERED and became known as Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu. As the consort of the Queen, Whatumoana had to step back from public statements and defer public opinions to her.
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