“MEDITERRANEAN - SEA OF OPPORTUNITIES” have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the fifth Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition that will take place in IRavenna, Italy, on March 28-30, 2001. OMC 2001 will be the first important petroleum event in the Mediterranean area of the Third Millennium, the first decades of which will undoubtedly be of dramatical importance for the oil industry dedicating huge efforts and funds in innovation and new technologies, as well as inve- sting in the construction of infrastructures for the transfer of energy. In fact the boiling projects and ideas where to ship the huge reserves of oil and gas from North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia are converging into the Mediterranean. That is why the general theme of the forthcoming OMC 2001 is: “Mediterranean – Sea of Opportunities” Eminent keynote speakers will discuss “The Evolving Geo-economics of the Oil & Gas in the Mediterranean” during the Opening Plenary Session on March 28, 2001 while the programme of the closing day includes a Round Table on E-Business. Moreover a Panel Session on “Environmental Issues Related to Exploitation and Decommissioning of Offshore Platforms” is scheduled on Thursday morning. Representatives from the involved countries, like Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, Europe and Central Asia Countries will highlight their view- points offering the international oil industry convened at OMC 2001 the chance to better plan and monitor future investments in the Mediterranean area. The conference programme will comprise three parallel sessions covering all aspects of the Exploration and Production activities, as well as special session dedicated to Instrumentation and Automation Systems applied to Offshore industry. At OMC 2001 we are happy to offer delegates and exhibitors an attractive social programme as we did in the previous editions: the 9th OMC golf tournament, a Gala Dinner and an unforgettable gala concert in one of the most beautiful basilicas of Ravenna. It is for me a honour to inform that the recently started co-operation with the Egyptian Petroleum Authorities that led to the organisation of MOC 2000 in Alexandria last April is now consolidated and I can announce that the second edition of the Mediterranean Offshore Conference and Exhibition will take place in Egypt in 2002. The Mediterranean will thus host a conference and exhibition yearly, alternatively in Italy and Egypt. As far as OMC 2001 is concerned delegates and exhibitors will have the chance to combine business and leisure. In fact, besides its area of historic interest in town and its surroundings, Ravenna is located in a very favoura- ble position for tourism as it is only 90 miles from Venice and 85 miles from Florence. Do not miss this opportunity. Join us in Ravenna on March 28-30, 2001! Antonio Angelucci Chairman OMC 2001 OMC 2001Committees HONORARY COMMITTEE Under the Patronage of the Italian Prime Minister and the Ministry of Industry. Under the Patronage of Ms. Lyola de Palacio,Vice-President of the European Commission Under the Patronage of the University of Bologna. Invitations have been extended to: Italian Prime Minister Italian Minister of Industry Italian Minister of Transport and Navigation S.Fahmi - Minister of Petroleum, Egypt M.Ben Abdallah - Minister of Petroleum,Tunisia A.Rasheed, Minister of Petroleum, Iraq C.Khelil - Minister of Energy, Algeria A.Abdulkarim - Chairman NOC, Libya R.Prodi - President of the European Commission, E.U. L.De Palacio - European Commission – Vice President, E.U. R.Lukman - Alternate President of OPEC, Austria G. M. Gros-Pietro - Chairman of ENI, Italy A. D’Amato - Chairman of Confindustria, Italy STEERING COMMITTEE PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Chairman: Chairman: Antonio Angelucci Luigi Salvador Chairman OMC 2001 ENI – Div.Agip Mohamed Nasr Agiza Juan R.Fernandez-Arribas PETROBEL REPSOL YPF Gianni Bonati Gian Mario Bozzo BRITISH GAS-RIMI TECNOMARE SPA Giovanni Brighenti Norman Brammer UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA ABB Vetco Gray UK Ltd Paolo Campo Greg J. Carter AVA SPA NABORS OFFSHORE CORPORATION Pietro Cavanna Marco Cercato ENI - Div.Agip ENERGY SERVICES S.R.L. Menno Grouvel Ulderico Cinque TOTAL FINA ELF ISA Alfredo D’Agostino Paolo D’Alesio TECNOMARE BAKER HUGHES INTEQ Salvatore D’Andrea Giuseppe Giordano TOTAL FINA ELF ITALIA EDISON GAS Hamed El-Ahmady Paul R.Hays AGIBA PETROLEUM COMPANY TEXACO Roberto Fanori Ove Magne Kallestad SNAMPROGETTI STATOIL COMMITTEES Joachin Wilhelm Dave Kennedy ROSETTI MARINO COOPER CAMERON UK LTD Andrea Gallori Jacqueline Lecourtier ENI – Div.Agip I.F.P. E.A.Hamyouni Massimo Lombardini N.O.C. EUROPEAN COMMISSION Andrea Ketoff Charlie Nieto ITALIAN PETROLEUM & MINING ENTERPRISE OIL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Achille Mazzoli Giuseppe Licitra SASP SCHLUMBERGER ITALIANA Ezio Mesini Daniela Mercati UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA SAIPEM Ron Mientjes Alberto Micheloni SERVICE TECHNIQUE SCHLUMBERGER RAVENNA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Zeljko Mlinaric 2001 Franco Nanni ROCA - RAVENNA OFFSHORE INAGIP CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION Giorgio Moscatelli Giulio Paini ENI – Div.Agip EDISON GAS Ingmar Nyheim Antonio Quadrato FMC – KONGSBERG SUBSEA ISA Gabriele Reverdito Luigi Salvador DIETSMANN TECHNOLOGIES ENI – Div.Agip Jorunn Saetre Gustavo Sclocchi HALLIBURTON ENI – Div.Agip Jacky Savin Mike Whyatt TOTAL FINA ELF ENTERPRISE OIL ITALIANA Charles Svoboda ANCHOR - M.I. DRILLING FLUIDS A.S. Roberto Alfradique Vieira de Macedo OMC PETROBRAS ITALIAN SECTION SPE ITALIAN SECTION SPE – Society of Petroleum Engineers – origins date back to 1913.This was the time when technicians involved in E&P in Pennsylvania and Texas, considered to be the cradle of oil in the USA, felt the need to associate to discuss problem solving and share ideas related to oil, a fun- damental energy source for the growing world industry. Almost 90 years later, more than 55000 professionals from oil and gas producing regions around the world are members of SPE International. Up to the mid 80’s SPE in Italy was represented by only about 10 mem- bers of SPE International. In December 1985 some members decided to establish an independent section. SPE Adriatic Section was born on 24th July 1986, including former Yugoslavia and Austria members. After SPE Croatia and SPE Austria decided to become independent, the section was renamed SPE Italian Section.To date SPE Italian Section counts 500 members. Its Chairman holds a 2 year mandate and is chosen amongst important E&P experts in Italy and all over the world. The present chairman is • Enzo TITONE From July 1988 SPE publishes and distributes 1100 copies of its Bulletin. SPE Italian Section activity is differenciated and includes involvement in university training. In fact two branches called Student Chapters work at Bologna and Turin Universities to teach students about research and production technologies.Together with Assomineraria and EAGE, SPE awards eight student grants to the best dissertations on oil and gas within Italian universities. It also organises conferences and seminars to discuss problems and innovations worldwide. In 1996 SPE European meeting was organised in Milan, gathering major international oilmen. In 2000 the focus was on hydrocarbons research and environmental pre- servation; a series of seminars was held in San Donato Milanese, Ravenna, Potenza, ending in Rome on 7th November 2000. ISA Cooperation with OMC 2001 SA, the 55 year old Instrument Society of America recently renamed the international “Instrumentation, Systems and IAutomation Society” and currently counts more than 43000 members throughout the World. ISA has grown far beyond USA boundaries and has reached into systems, automation, measurement and controls, sensors and motion control, affecting discrete manufacturing, batch proces- sing and networking. ISA members work in research and deve- lopment, engineering, software development, marketing/sales, operations, production and management. Today ISA is cooperating to organize the fifth Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition - OMC 2001. Cooperation with OMC 2001 is supported by the two Italian Sections, Italy Section, located in Milan, and Rome Section. OMC 2001 reserved to ISA an exhibition area and a conferen- ce time, both consecrated to instrumentation with Offshore applications. Mr. Piergiuseppe Zani from Milan - Italy, who in 2002 will be the first not North American ISA President, will open the Instrumentation Conference introducing ISA and its activity. Mr. Robert. M. Bailliet, who is 2001 ISA President and an Offshore Expert, will open the programme of the Instrumentation Conference. The title of his presentation is: “Deepwater Challenges for Instrumentation and Control”. With the support of GISI – Gruppo Imprese Strumentazione Italia General Programme Tuesday, March 27, 2001 11.00 9th Golf Tournament sponsored by Ravenna Offshore Contractors Association 20.00 Welcome Buffet sponsored by Ravenna Chamber of Commerce Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9.00 - 9.30 Inauguration 9.30 - 10.00 Opening Ceremony 10.30 - 13.00 Opening Plenary Session: The Evolving Geo-Economics of Oil&Gas in the Mediterranean. Working Luncheon 14.00 – 17.40 Session 1 Environmental Protection in Offshore Operations Session 2 Drilling and Completion Techniques Session 3 Technological Challenges and Emerging Technologies Session 4 Information Technologies in E&P 21.00 Gala Dinner sponsored by ENI Thursday, March 29, 2001 9.00 – 12.40 Session 5 Well Productivity Enhancement Session 6 Offshore Facilities: Design Construction & Operations Session 7 Development of Mature/Marginal Fields
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