NAT. NAT. HIST. BUl L. SIAM So c. 34 (1) : 73-93 , 1986 BOTANICAL LITERATURE BOGNER , J. 1983: 1983: A new Aridarum species (Araceae) from Sarawak. Blumea 28: 403-405 , with one figure. Aridarum handenii Bogner is described as new to science. BOSMAN ,M.T.M. and A.J;R. DE HAAS 1983: 1983: A revision of the genus Tephrosia (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) in in Malesia. Blumea 28: 421 ・487.. with 3 figures and 6 maps. In In Malesia the genus r;伊 hrosia is represented by 20 species , native or intro- duced duced and naturalised ,including 6 subspecies and 5 varieties; 4 species are restricted to Malesia. Malesia. Two of these species are newly described. Two new subspecies and one new variety variety are distinguished. A key to the taxa is provided for identification. Species Species also occur in Thailand: Tephrosia pumila (Lamk.) Pers. , T. purpurea (Li nn.) Pers. ,and T. vestita Vogel (=工 r伊 'entina Drumm. & Craib). BRIEGER ,F.G. , R. MAATSCH & K. SINGAHS 1983: 1983: Die Orchideen Band 1.1 3. Li eferung. Bogen 48 ・51. Pp 753 ・816. Figs. 567-624. 567-624. Dealing Dealing with subtribe 40. Bulbophyllina ι・41. Sobraliinae ,and 42. L 伊'aridinae. Bulbophyliinae Bulbophyliinae contains 12 genera ,including Trias ,Ci rropetalum and Bulbophyllum; Cirrhopetalum Cirrhopetalum is segregated from Bullophyllum. Sobraliinae contains 10 genera of mostly mostly tropical Am erican elements. L 伊'aridinae contains 9 genera including Oberonia , Malasix Malasix and Liparis , which are mostly tropical Asian elements. BURTT ,B. L. 1965: 1965: The transfer of Cyrtandromoea from Gesneriaceae to Sc rophularia 偲 ae , with with notes on the classification of that family. Bull. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 7(1-4): 73-88 , with one figure and 2 plates. The seedlings raised at the Royal Botanic Gardens ,Edinburgh ,had isocotylous cotyledons cotyledons on germination and remained so throughout. 百lis immediately confirmed the position position of Cyrtandromoea in the Scrophulariaceae , with its relationship with the tropicaI tropicaI American genus Leucocarpus. Thereωcur in Thailand 3 sp 配 ies of this genus: C. grandis 酎dl., C. gr. 佃 diflora C.B. C.B. C l., and C. subsess i/i s (Miq.) B. L. Burtt. CHANG ,Kuang-chu and Chien GAO 1984: 1984: Plantae novae hepaticarum sinarum. Bull. Bull. Bo t. Res. 4 (3): 83 ・99 , with 7 figures. Text in Chinese with Latin diagnosis diagnosis and descriptions. 73 73 74 74 T. SM lTI NAND Seven Seven t田 a are described as new to science. CHANG ,Wen-gin and Li ang-de SHEN 1983: 1983: The genus Hemsl のほ, Cogn. in Sichuan. Acta Phytotax Sin. 21(2) 182 ・193 , with 4 plates. Text in Chinese with English English abstract and Latin diagnosis of new t邸 a. 百le 加berous r,∞ t of 民間:/eya (Cu curbita 閣の, namely “jin 引・ Han" ,h ∞mmonly used used as a traditional Chinese medicine chiefly for curing flatulence ,diarrhea ,dysentery , cardialgia ,bronchitis ,uteritis with a satisfactory effec t. In In this preliminary survey 9 species and 6 varieties (including 5 new species and 5 new varieties) are represented. CHAO , Chi-son and Cheng-de CHU 1983: 1983: A new species of genus Ampelocalamus. Acta phytot 出. Sin. 21(2): 21 似・ 206 , with one figure. Ampelocalamus Ampelocalamus calcareus Chu & Chao is described as new to science , based on sterile material from Guizhou Province. CHEN ,Cheih 1984: 1984: Materia ad flora Melastomataceas sinensium. Bull. Bull. Bo t. Res. 4(3): 33 ・68. Forty-seven Forty-seven taxa are described as new to science and new combinations. CHEN ,De-mao 1983: 1983: A new species of Arundinella from Hubei Province. Acta Phytax. Sin. 21(2): 207 ・208 , with one figure. Text in Chinese , with with Latin diagnosis and description. Arundinella Arundinella hubeiensis Chen is described as new to science , a related species to to A. .Y unnanensis Keng. CHEN , Shou-liang and Yue-xing JIN 1984: 1984: New t蹴 a of Paspalinae and Paspalidiinae. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 22(6): 469-475 , with 2 figures. Text in Chinese , with with Latin diagnosis and descriptions. Dealing Dealing with 13 t出 a in the subtribe Paspalinae ,consisting of the genera Oplismenus ,Parachiaria ., and Microchloa ,3 species and 8 varieties are described as new to science. A new subtribe ,Paspalidiinae in proposed based on the genus Paspa- Ii dum Stap f. CHEN , Sing-chi and Dao ・ging LIU 1984: 1984: Two new species of Liliaceae from China. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 22(5): 417-419 , with 2 figures. Text in chinese , with with Latin diagnosis and descriptions. Polygonatum Polygonatum Leiboense Chen & Li u and A 宅paragus sichuanicus Chen & Li u are described as new to science from Sichuan. BOTANICAL L1 TERATURE 75 CHING , Ren-chang and You-xing LIN 1984: 1984: A supplement to the Flora of Xizang (2). Acta Acta Phytotax Sin. 22(5): 397 -40 8. Text in Chinese , with La tin diagnosis and descriptions. Dea Ii ng with 21 species of fems , 11 new species are described in the genera Polystichum ,Allantodia ,Lomagramma ,PO か'fJ odiodes ,Lepisorus ,and Arthromeris. CHING ,Rer トchang and Zheng ヴULIU 1984: 1984: New fems from Jinfoshan ,Nanchuan , Sichuan (11). BuII. BuII. Bo t. Res. 4(3): 1-32 , with "28 figures. Twenty-six Twenty-six are species desc r1 bed as new to scie I'l ce from Mount Jinfosan , Nanchuan , Sichuan Province. A new species of Angiospteris is described for the first time from South- eastem eastem Sichuan. Formerly 2 species of Angiopter i. 旨were recorded from South-westem Sichuan , thus the occurrence of this genus in these two Ioca Ii ties represents the northernmost northernmost Ii mit of its distribution. CHING , R.C. and C.H. WANG 1983: 1983: Materiae ad floram fi Ii cum sinensium. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 21(2): 221 ・223 , with 2 plates. Text in Chinese , with with Latin diagnosis and descriptions ,and Eng Ii sh abstrac t. Thirteen Thirteen new species and one new combination are presented to va Ii date new taxa taxa of the fem fam iIi es Aspidiaceae , Lomariopsidaceae and Bolbitidaceae in FIora Reip. Reip. Pop. Sin .4. CHING , Ren-chang and Shiew-hung Wu 1984: 1984: On the genus Ceterachopsis (J. Sm.) Ching. Acta Acta Phytotax. Sin. 22(5): 409 -4 12. Text in Chinese with La tin diagnosis and descriptions. Ceterachopsis Ceterachopsis (Aspleniaceae) was proposed by the senior author in 1940 with with 2 species. In the present paper is a brief summary of the genus , which w ilI be pub Ii shed in detail in the Flora Sinica ,Vo I. 4. The genus so far is known by 5 species in cI uding 2 newly discovered species from N.W. Yunnan , which are described in this pape r. CHU ,Wei-ming 1963: 1963: Three new species of Athyriaceae from Sichuan and Hunan. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 21(2): 219 ・223 with 2 plates. Text in Chinese , with with Latin diagnosis and descriptions. Allantodia Allantodia nanchuanica Chu ,A. jinfoshanicola Chu ,and Athyriopsis abbreviata abbreviata Chu are described as new to science. COODE ,M.J .E. 1983: 1983: A conspectus of Sloanea (Elaeocarpaceae) in the OId World. 76 76 T. SMITINAND Kew Bull. 38(3): 347 ・427 , with 11 figures and one coloured plate. The results of a survey of the Old World Species of Sloanea L. are offered , to to cornplirnent the account of the New World species published by C. Earle Srnith in in 1954. Descriptions are offered of species of the As iatic rnainland ,Malesia ,Australia and Madagascar. Two new species are described: Sloanea malayana and S. poilanei. Sloanea Sloanea sinensis (Hance) Hemsley is a new record for Thailand , based on specirnens specirnens included under S. sigun by C. Phengkhlai. Sloanea Sloanea chingiana Hu is also a new recorded for Thailand , based on specirnens included included under S tomentosa (Benth.) Rehd. & Wils. by C. Phengkhla i. CORNER , E.J .H. 1978: 1978: The fresh-water swamp-forest of South Johore and Singapore. Garden's Garden's Bulletin ,Singapore. Supplernent No. 1. 266 pp. Ill ustrated. Singapore. Singapore. The text consists of 7 parts giving a detailed study of the freshwater swarnp- forest forest of South Johore and Singapore. This study supplernents Wyatt-Srnith's work on thep 伺 tswarnp-forests of 出e Malay'Peninsula , ofwhich 36 sp 配 ies are characteristic; one additional t邸 on is reported. The author also gives cornparative lists of species occurring occurring in other regions. CRIBBS , P.J. 1983: 1983: A revision of Dendrobium sect. Latouria (Orchidaceae). K l! w Bull. 38(2): 229-3 ∞, with 10 rnaps , 18 figures and 8 black & white and coloured plates. Section Section Latourea of Dendrobium Sw. is revised; 48 species 訂 e recognised and a key is provided for their identification. Several names are reduced to synonyrny; no novelty. Th es l!C tion is confined to the Malay Ar chipelago. but touches on northern Australia Australia and the South-Sea Islands. DAVIDS ,Maria 1984: 1984: A taxonomic revision of Paran ψ helium (Sapindaceae). Blumea 29: 425 ・441 , with 3 figures. Paran 句phelium Miq. (Sapindaceae) a small genus frorn SE. Asia and West Malesia ,is revised; 4 spedes are recognised ,including one new species from Borneo. Three Three species are recorded from Thailand: P. 伊 irei Lec. , P. macrophy /l um King King and P. xestophy /l um Miq. (= P. longifoliatum Lec.) DEB , D.B. and D.C. MONDAL 1982: 1982: Two new species of Ophiorrhiza (Rubiaceae) from the Khasi Hills , India. India. Kew Bull. 37(3): 483-487 , with 2 figur l! s. O. O. caudipetala Deb & Nondal and O. mussaendiformis Deb & Mondal are are described from the Khasi Hills ,Assam ,india.
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