US 2013 0337418A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0337418 A1 Anuradha (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 19, 2013 (54) PROCESS OF FLORAL BOTANICAL (52) U.S. Cl. COLLAGE DECOUPAGE CPC ........................................ B44C5/06 (2013.01) USPC ............................................................ 434/93 (76) Inventor: Sahu Anuradha, Chhattisgarh (IN) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 14/000,229 An improved process for dry flower craft which comprises cutting craft media (dry botanicals with stencils) and mount (22) PCT Filed: Apr. 25, 2011 ing the same on any Surface of product with combination of other botanical elements like bamboo, grass, weeds, seed, (86). PCT No.: stem, tendrils, fiber, Solawood in any desired manner includ S371 (c)(1), ing artistic manner, which comprises reducing color loss Aug. 19, 2013 while drying and storage of vegetation and also during craft (2), (4) Date: ing of the vegetation, making stencils of cheapest materials (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Such as cardboard and paper, cutting out motifs; shaping the petals in any desired shape, pasting the same with known Mar. 9, 2011 (IN) ............................. 3O3AKOLF2011 adhesives, characterized in that botanicals are dried prior to floral collage decoupage by drying while using mixture des iccant of silica gel--silver sand--non iodised salts (1:1:1 ratio), Publication Classification finally obtaining floral decoupage or only floral collage or a combination of bothin design processing as application of the (51) Int. Cl. craft, making the floral resin laminates by reducing the per B44C5/06 (2006.01) oxide harder by 1%. US 2013/0337418 A1 Dec. 19, 2013 PROCESS OF FLORAL BOTANCAL (i) cutting craft media (dry botanicals) by hand with card COLLAGE DECOUPAGE paperstencils and mounting the same on any Surface of prod uct with combination of other botanical elements like bam FIELD OF INVENTION boo, grass, weeds, seeds, stem, tendrils, fiber, Solawood in any desired manner including artistic manner; along with 0001. The present invention relates to an improved pro better drying and pressing technology which comprises cess for floral botanical collage decoupage reducing the oxidation and isomeristion of carotenoid and Anthocyanin and hence reducing colour loss while drying PRIOR ART and storage of vegetation and also during crafting of the 0002. In the earlier art, process for, preparing/decorating Vegetation; object with pressed dried flower was already known. (ii) making stencil of cheapest material Such as cardboard and 0003. The said known process consists of mounting of dry paper, and hand cutting to make cutouts (motif); flowers in artistic manner or any other desired manner on any (iii) shaping the petals in any desired shaped and synchro object mostly paper. nized pasting the same with known low phalkaline adhesives; 0004. The said known process has certain disadvantages characterized is that botanicals are dried prior to floral collage which are given below: decoupage by electric oven or micro oven drying with the use 1. Colour texture, shape, Smooth contour of dried vegetation of mixture of dessicant-silicagel--silversand--non iodised obtained were of very poor quality. salts. (1:1:1 ratio) 2. Additionally seeds, weeds, grass, bamboo, tendrils, Sola 0012 Method for drying flowers involves covering botani wood, Natural fibres and other dry botanicals elements which cals with something that draws moisture out, generally are essential to reduce the cost and induce better design with referred to as a dessicant utility of botanicals of variable source to complete the defi 0013 The drying is enhanced to reduce time to about one nition of collage were not used. to two hours instead of 3 days for conventional electric oven 3. The obtained product is very poor in hand craft technical and dried in silica gel dessicant mixture, in microven for less aspect and of poor design, and there fore does not appeal to than 24 hours and storing the same under in a cold, dry and CuStOmerS. dark place in a vaccum Suctioned container. 4) Use of Stencils to cut the botanicals was not used ever, 0014. The organic manure contains nitrogen, phosphorous hence decoupage of botanicals is a new invention. and potassium as nutrients to give in built 20% low pH in 4. Botanical decoupage and collage not in existence. uniform relative availability to the (bio-physiological system 5. Technique of drying and pressing of botanicals not used and) structured component of the plant for color stability and which can removes the disadvantages towards colour reten Vegetation in dried botanicals, which is most important for tion and texture for longer period for dried botanicals almost floral collage decoupage 4 times 0015 The said organic manure is used to reduce 20% 0005 According to present invention it has been surpris acidity of plant structure & its bio-physiological system and ingly found that use of mixture of desiccant-silicagel+silver thereby reducing the senesces process that is aging process to sand--non is a crux of present invention. obtain best natural colored texture and hence dried vegetation 0006 Both the drying technique & craft technology along grown in organic manure are better in texture and color and with the concept of Floral collage decoupage is a new inven more stable for longer duration to form dried botanicals as tion, against pressed dry flower craft as known prior art craft ingredients of almost 4 times better. 0016. The above conditions reduces the oxidation and 0007 Floral Resin laminate is an invention. isomeristion of carotenoid and anthocynin and other colour 0008 Thus by adopting the process of (floral resin lami pigments and hence reduced colour loss while drying and nation) in the present invention we stop the further deteriora storage of vegetation and also during crafting of the vegeta tion by arresting oxidation of colour pigments as the dried tion. botanical are permanently embedded in harden resin, hence 0017. During storage exclusive of oxygen, light and no excess of atmospheric air for it. humidity is facilitated to stop decomposition of dried botani 0009. Where in dried and pressed flowers or botanicals are cals and crafted product. Hence vaccum storage in dark, dry hand crafted on any Surface Such as on paper, with help of and cool place is most important stencil to creates floral decoupage and without use of stencils 0018. Three different pigments—chlorophyll, flavonoids, but with combination of other botanicals like bamboo, grass, and carotenoids—are mixed in different proportions, to give weeds, seeds, stem, tendrils, fiber, Solawood to creates floral color and shade to flowers. collage. The colour, texture and shape of dried botanicals are 0019 Flavonoids are divided into two groups—pig of Superior quality and more stable for a longer period. The mented anthocyanins and colorless copigments. floral handicraft created by above improved process of Floral (i) Anthocyanin pigments take their color from the range of collage decoupage is not of poor quality and appeals better to red, purple, or blue, depending on their pH. Anthocyanins are eye. partly responsible for the red and purple colors. 0010. These and other objects have been obtained by pro (ii) The carotenoids impart yellow, purple and orange colors. cess of present invention. There are 300 types of carotenoids of which mains one are lycopene, b-carotene and a-tocopherol. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0020. Among three, chlorophyll has a more stable 0011. According to present invention there is provided an molecular structure compared to Anthocyanin and Caro improved process for floral collage decoupage—(an tenoids. improved process of pressed dry flower craft) which com 0021 And among two, Carotenoids have still more sensi prises: tive in structure stability. US 2013/0337418 A1 Dec. 19, 2013 0022 Colour changes depend upon the interplay of isom 0032. The polyene chain is the cause of instability of caro erisation and oxidation tenoids including their susceptibility to oxidation and geo 0023 The main causes of colour degradation of dried metric isomerization. botanicals during processing are isomerization and oxidation 0033 Heat, light and acids promote isomerization of (enzymatic and non enzymatic) trans-carotenoids to the cis-form Beta-carotene. The conju 0024. This can be influenced by many factors. gated system in which the telectrons are delocalised over the 0025. The presence of humidity accelerates destruction of entire length of the polyene chain is responsible for the all type of colour pigments present in all vegetation in natural molecular shape, chemical and physical reactivity and the form antioxidant properties of carotenoids. It is sensitive to heat, 0026. Both b-caroteine and a-tocopherol are destroyed by light, alkaline Ph value, oxygen. And duration of drying pro oxidation. This reaction is accelerated by ultraviolet light and CCSS, heat, and becomes a photochemical process. 0034. Isomerization converts all-trans isomers to cis-iso 0027. The destruction of b-carotene in forages is first an mers due to additional energy input and results in an unstable, enzymatic process and is due to a lipoxygenase system. energy-rich station. Heat induces isomerization of the all Lipoxygenases, a group of isoenzymes, are present at varying trans to cis forms. The cis-isomers increase with temperature levels in a wide number of species of plants. Enzymatic and processing time. A significant increase in the cis-isomers destruction of carotene
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