isr A^'il'aire baily Circulation *^yi<or'tlie. Month of June, 1940. vTIm W«l^Mnr . 6,42g rw M a a to f 0 . « . ' 9M alfear. •' M *tnl*r of tho A imIH- CMBMWjt M r .aMl MMltaiiai ^ of CirenlftiioiiH oooQonlglii^aai T w e* M tm d t0$l0rr~~A 'Cky of ViUqge Charm T“ VOL.1JX,, n o ; 232 (CtaMiawl AtfTiffttiAig M # a ««' MANC^MBR, CONNh MONDAY, JUI.Y^1, 1240 (TWELVE PAGES) PJUCB THKBE CHI ./ \ 'X ■/'/ \' ■ \ •/ < ■,. X , \. fc-v» j^igDs Legislation - Willkies I.>eave For Week->End Cruise > ■ '- To Make Possible 5 0 President May Increase ' ^ Use of Detector Working Hours for Refused Irate Husband Shifiyards Above 48 fUlcljgh. ,S. C., July 1.—OP)— __-6 ^ The slate'' Bureau of InyeatiKa- Heavy CARing of Reserv- As.sociated Press Quoted Prpbab^Jty of . Weekly, Employes to ■ Uoii doean't lend out Ita lie de"t On Russisps’ Penetration I tector. .__ ■ . ,j ists-.Througholit Hun­ ' Banles ' Heightened BY/X Receive N ot I:^8s T han I So Special Agent Jamea gary; Railway Passen- Rucharest, July 1,. —( ^ —Alt Increasing'"" Tem po Time - and - One-Half. Powell aaJd "no" today to an ^ ger TTiiffic Cut ' to Buch^eat newspaper^. irate huaband who wanted, to etTim^t order, carrted.ln^ bold Russiap Occupation uae the detector to And out Rulietin I Minimum to facilitate ■ type on. their front'PMM today .Bessarabia and Ni whether hla wife had been un­ a atatemfnt«quoUti|^ The AMo^ WashinKton, July faithful.. Concentration Opera­ ' - - , — ----------«, diated Pr«sa-M reporting that 'erh Bucovina; .(AP)— The Navy today* tions; See Entry In­ Soviet Ruseian troops had paaa- dered construction of 4fl moi'e ■ «d the agreed demarcation line ; (diujieJFroops l e d ^ to Transvlvania Now. * aad had peijetrated 'into old On TwO^ Pi warships, to cost a total of Rumania. \ > approximately $500,000,000. | Profits Taxes - - ----- --------------------------^ -The largest sinKle contract- Budapest, July T.— (AP).— - Bucharest, J^Iy/ 1.— (A P I letting in Navy Department I The mohiljzat-ion of a H u n g aI -i^ , — Trainlpads of RumahlBtf history, the construction was | Sought Today rian An^orps oh the R u;jG erm ailS C m iH t ivounded arrived in the capi­ asaifrued by I^ewis Comp^ton, I maHian frontier accompanied I - ' tal shortly Rfter notm today. actinjr secretary, within tW ^ By Roosevelt by the heavy calling of reri; \ 7 : „ f * for hospitalization. TJb^-wefe hours aftar the White House r servists throughout Hungary ' V-/1 ▼ 14. l i m understood to h a v e^ been had announced that Presi­ was followed tonight by an /"ve rwv \ • wounded in, plashes with) Rus­ Asks (^igress to Enact dent Roosevelt h/»d sitrned j official hews agency a n -C A J t J. OrUedOUl^*'’ sian troops on the Prut river. IcRisIntion to speed up the de- | S I e c p^y firadua'ted nouncement that “the gener« I . :T ® At the Same time, milita;y . al impression is that'Bumania fense program. • | Levy Applicahlc to All quarters declared-the pToha* Washin^on, July 1, — i.s on the point of collapse.” Brilifih V'TsfipI o f Orion hility of 'further (ilai^es b e -. Individuals and FiiFms. Railway passenger traffic' t A r ) Pre.s i d en t R ooseve 11 j (Jasfl Hk, Off Brest; tween Rumanian and RusshuB today .signed speedup legisla­ W e m l^ L . Willkle. the utilities executive who is the G. O. P.< choif e for. the pre.'.ldency, and hi.s was'ciit th ^fninimum to fa- | forces was heighte^e,d'by tH# Ua-shington,. July 1 '/Pi— Presl- En«niv Planes tion making possible an im­ wife are^hown a.“ they left Philadelphia aboard the yacht o( Pubii.sher Roy Howard for a week-epd cilitate^ rnilitary conj;entra- 18 (act the Russian Army,, waa dient RvRaevelt ■ aaked Cohgre.’fs mediate order to start work CFiJlSe. /Thy P.r))iihllcaii no-ninee told newsmen he nrrd his advi.«er* caWe'to no ronelusion at a lengthy tron operations. ■ , . i Shot Down in Raids. I increasing thp. tempi) of today to enact a "steeply gradu- meeting the previous night on whether to retain John. D. M. Hamitton as chairman of th* .Xafio’nal The official agehey s filftioiincer i 4 on 50 ne\y warships. Under Committee. ,7 ■ ■f^iccupation of ceded Besaara- Ated r'T"^* f meni! that Rumania apparekjUy js.i the law, wB!c]j is to remain in i bij} and, northera Bucovina»; to all Individuals and corporate or-1 emrnWfng’ wwB ilfl'ked w1Ih^ fhr | 4 - I Today, it w m reported.- para- effort for .’three years, the gamzaliona "without diacrlmina- con.sIstenUy,. - reiterated . official I Berlin, July 1.—</P' — The I 'chute troops Wert "rained" , ob — president in times of national tlon' view'- that such a collapse would'l German Army ha^/set foot on British soir isf^the llr*t time parts of the two provlncw not yet emergency, may increase"- text of th* i^oaidmt'.i mw- j " call for the immediate entry of i (H-aziani Given ^omeii Aiid Children the Hungarian (Vrmy Into Transyli I by occupying the (|hannel ortupied, ^ w eekly w o rk in g hVfurs in ship- | '*^W e” a rn n ga g'r4 in a great na- vnnia to protect a Magyar mlnori- ' Islands of Guernsey and Jer- Occupation More Orderly '■)> yard.') above 48, emplo^'e.s to : tlonal effort to vjp 6ur na- ty there, of almo.«t 2,h00.'000. | .sey In a stil/prlse move by units But whether fighting s.tlll wax Post orBallio; going oin could not be deteripined. ^receive not less tlian tim e -I t'onsi defenaea to % eet any and StrMS "Hlstor^^s5|ls»lon" . * of the Nazi ,\lr Force. .Guern­ sey WW.S occupied yesterday The beat' available informatbM ..At Hong Kong Leave I LateThis afternoon the Hunger- | Jhnd-one-half. for overtime. I We are asking even our hum- and*^ .Jersey today, the high was that the occupation was pro*</ and thereby rut the romple Triumphs Tohh Tjut F q re i^ Office Issued docu- j command reported. ceed(ng in a more orderly fasw at. i blest Htirens to eontslbute their ments which .stressed that the' lion time.of sliip.s by an anti­ mit*. It our duty to .see that The RUMiians, however, wer^re- jKanadiaiT Paeifir Jaiier "historic' mission " -of Hungary Is | /Bfrlic, Jul.\-’<1 A British ported still showing baste. ' cipated 20 per cent. the burden i* eqidtabl.v dlalributed. ijtp defendIV .,;'westem w Latin riviliza-, according to pbility to pay so JJjat British Pilots Refugees said. Russian sUte po­ Also, the tecretnry of the Navy- Italian „Hi^h (aimmaiid Carries Vanguard of tlon against any attacks comin]^ a few do not/gain from A e sacrl- Been torpedoed, south o f Brest, the lice agents' and Sovley ahoell may .,negott|it« contracts for con- Reports Victories in 4 ,.y 0 ^ .Soiiijp o f ,\ineri- from the i^ b p s were dropped by, paraehutk. ' fleea of the many. .i The documents dfc|ated that .Ge'rman high command'announced "Jf, .'Athereforc. recommended to Claim Double in many towns and vlUnges. (Contnited on Page Pour) Air, on Sea and I^aiiil; ean^n Outgoing Ships HuiTgar>’ had "for centuries fought the cdi^reu the enactment of a today. .. ‘ , Rumanian officials expeeaaod -7 and bled for the western Latin ' 'steeply graduated, exopaa prohto British Posts Taken.- Eighteen British planes • were b e li^ this was to round up aristo­ tax, to be applied to all indlvlduara H^g-Kbng, July 1.— (API .V), Njazi^efeat culture” and attempted to prov-q. shot down iQ a series/of attacks crats gndi'Iarge landowners and and all . corporate organizations that Transylvania 'must return agalrAt- "non-milttaiy-t'targets In prevent-removal of gold and othor Rome, July 1 - (>Pi . Marshal —A gray-ijbated ’ Cahaffian^^ without dlarrlmlnation." to Hungary- as its rightful owner. northern.' western southern Ger* valuables from, the occupl^ area. F I jsh es 1 No Rstlmate On Revenue Rodolfo* Gltizlanl succer jled - Pacific lin^, carrying ^Jhe:-,,„^.„ Messer- Authorities here distributed ■many" night, the high com* As the Jtussian 'advance contin-* (Late R.aleflns of the (/CuWIrc) Mr. Rodievell did not qstimate late Marshal ItalorBSliJjti tmlay as vanguard of some 4,500 Brit- ‘thousands of notices' to ' reservists mand acljjed. / ' . ued, -Rumanian police soiight to prevent the possibility of r l^ o g . how,.much revenue an ''excess comnfander of all italiin fQ,rces In f ish women and children being 8rluuitt Jigliters in in hopies, factories. and offices. In, The communique .decla'fed that profits levy might yield, Hbuse many 'cases the men were told ‘ to ons submarine had ^ sunk 23,000 Thoisuuida Aireated Old-TtnM IXea. IJbya as the high command'report- removed from this colohy, Frailpp pml Driv^e Off put on theiob^oats and follov^ the majority Leader, Rayburn, ^ who a t registered tons of enemy meri^hanf '' Thousands of arrests were mado ’ Holl.vwu«tL July 1—t/Pi— Ban ^ triumphs in the air, on sea and nosed out of Hbng-Kon^ har- police. •'* . ' ; tended the W hite House- confer­ .shipping, adding "two of the sunk­ In Bucharest and other cities u(^' Turpin, nl^.time screen star fai«- on- lati'd. ................ Raiders on Ivingdom. i Airplanes flew over the capital ence .which preceded the Issuance hpr this afternoon. Other out­ en steanjers were torpedoed from d*r a new regulation : prohiMtlair"^ mis for hin 'croaaed eyea, died U*.
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