YQAIS with You BHARATI BHUSHAN FINANCE & COMMODITY BROKERS LTD. BHARAT (Corporate ldentity Number : L67120DL1992PLC049038) BHUSHAN Regd. Office : 503, Rohit House, 3, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-110001 stNcE 1954 Tel.: 011-49800900' Fax : 011-49800933 E-mail : commodities@ bharatbhushan.com . Website : www.bbinvestments.in REF: BBFCB/BSD I 2O2L-22 o4.o9.2021 To, BSE Ltd. Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street Mumbai-4OOOO1 Scrio Co :511501 Sub: ission of N per Publication of Notice of 29th Annual General Meetine I'AGM"I and E-Votins Dear Sirs, Please find enclosed herewith the copies of publications of Notice of 29th AGM of the members of the Company scheduled to be held on Wednesday, Tgrh September, 202], at 1,2:00 p.M Indian Standard Time ["IST"J through video conferencing ("VC") or other audio visual means ("OAVM"J and E-Voting information, published in the following newspapers: 1,. Financial Express [English language newspaper) on Saturday, 04ti, September ,2021,. 2. fan Satta [Regional language Newspaper) on Saturday, 04ttr September,zozl. You are requested to take this on record Thanking You, Yours Faithfully, For Bharat Bhushan Finance & Commodity Brokers Ltd. & *. w Nesi Delhl' Kishan Singh Company Secretary I Encl.: As aboae ENGINEER (E&M OF THE WWW.FINANCIALEXPRESS.COM OFFICE NEW DELHI-l1 40 MGD WTP NANGLOI: SATURDAY SEPTEMBER h#tffi 4,202L Secured Creditor or Auc,tion tblpline t{o.S$290100{ r are sum as the date of which the property will be with interest and cosl. 3ranch Ofice/B.il Account lmrrhE \ilhala MR. ASHOK RAVISH Flat No 39-A,(G.F. +F,F; Part, 04.0521)19 Manner of tegisteringl updating emaitaddrusse!l arabad MA},IGAL KUT'AR No - the I e-2 39, Block D, Khasra No 1374, Rs.t8.70 l:kh Lacs ;'taies in piysical mode, who have not registered/ updated {ffi i. rri.ru."-n.rarg-company' .r:.9 Idobile: sil{GH & register/ update the same by :c :.e addresses witn tne are requested to Assignme^:s -'= 9873303102 SANDHYA Dasna, Ghaziabad-201 Lacs ;;;;;;;.t, il*.dities@bharatbhushan com or to M/s Alankjt - Applimble deductioirs/ 'rrir0 ili$;i;;il;;unrt}ns;nt f nrn'l orthe companv.at rta@a alF !c'= lf T.=-' KUMARI 49 Sq.m, (Owner-Sandhya repayments sczlnet -'l---:- of iolio number, name of shareholder, PAN (sel{-attested 'L0' - SINGH L6 d scanned copy of Aadhaar Caro) or D't 19 I E-ii mOinqn fi"ft-att.tt =--::-:: MR. NAAZ First Floor Flat. Wthout Roof Rlghts, passbook /statementduly attested 3v:e Da-t scanned copy ) or Copy ofbank ry Delhi not regis'lered, u.{a:c:er SANTOSH IN DIA Plot No, B-24, Khasra N0.1310, Hayat RS.9:IU L.itr ftFEr .La rr u"*u.i. notoino snares in dematerialised mode, who have Participants ("DPs')' are requested to regsra !:cs= AGGARWAL Endave Village Loni Tehsil + odlerowgBs I .ruij ,ll".r.i their Depository , Distid ?260: Mobile: ' thek email addresses"itfr with their respective DPs' Ghaziabad, U.P Area 154 Sq.Mt. deductin9 Lacs of the Companies (Managem€ri arN' Pursuant to Section 108 of the Act read with Rule 20 8800013511 4r' of L-ctn-c {OwnerZubir Khan) repaymglb iiririttt.-ti..l-irf.t,zot+ as amenoeo from time to time and Regulaton Lacs providing to its rembers a 'aci t\ :c ,n" circulars, the Company is I,lR. ASHOI( ni.irii..', ,,io BHAIRAW Residentral builder Flat, 2nd floor, Flat 3r,10.2015 tt 17 "levant set fortn in the Notice of the AG[4 electoni€]v anct€ ;"riil;l;il;;;;iresdutions TIANGAL GHOSH Lacs strch e-vobng I € No. S-2, Plot No.88, Shalimar Garden Rs.l7.77 Lakh ;;;i;;;; ,;i out in the notice of AGM may be transacted through ffi to the're'nbe's anc Mobile: & + h$6ifi$ A;pr;),;;t;;g;g;d NSDL to provide tnefacilrtv of remote e-voting Extension-1, Ghaziabad, U.P. Other Charges VC/OAVM T\e 98?3303102 Lacs ii,o ti"irii, ot.-ritinq to the members participating in the AGM through PARVEEN Area- 520 Sq.feet Applicable deductiond joining theAGM hrougi^ n,I#;;*r;;;r.;tiemoie e-voting,6-voting duringtheAGM or BANO repayments 0.15 phvsical mode and tr (Owner. Mr. Bhairab Ghosh) Vcffii,M,;;;;il.i, noiaing.t'#t in de-materiitized mode' tneire'ait addresses his been provided in the notrce or l ;#bil;; i;;;;;iLlistere"o UR.AB}lISllEK AYAN PloU Khasra No, 295, Three and Half 01,'t0.20{9 2,l,flxtl ( 21,S L thEAGM, llobih: GARMENTS Storeyed Residential Building, Savitri Rs,48.81 Lakh rut*d Lacs 999S675rr Enclave, Mangal Bazar Road, Village + other Charges Po$o$ron) Pavi Sadakpur, Pargana Loni, District Applicable deductions/ Lacs Ghaziabad, U.P. Area 100 Sq,Yards repayments 0.25 Owner. Mrs Hasina Begum. Lacs MR, HARIOM Second Floor, S.F. 1, with Roof Rights, 15.02.2020 il,07-4120 ( 18.20 bad ABHISHEK SINGH Front Side, Plot N0.4, Khasra No. Rs.17.34 Lakh lSymbdk taca Mobile: 18'17, Satabdipuram, Vill Sadarpur, + Other Charges PNesioo) ffiEr 99994675r2 Pargana Dasna, Ghaziabad U.P Applicable deductions/ Lacs Area 900 Sq.feet. repayments ( 0.20 Owner: HariOm Singh Lacs AI{KUR Ground Floor Residential Flat, Plot 0{.08.2019 ad llobile: AGGARWAL N0.36-4, Sham Nagar, Rs.12,20,791/- (PlrysM Lacs $99467512 Khureji Khas, Shahdara, + Other Charges t 1.42 Lacs Delhi-1 10051.Area 50.16 Sq.Mtr Applicable deductions/ < 0.15 (0wner- Mr. AnkurAggarwal) repayments Lacs MR GAURAV RAJ KUMAR Ground Floor, built on Plot No. 69, Part 29.04.2015 2{,05t0't7 ( 5,00 KUMAR & of Khasra N0.12, Situated at Rs.8.20 Lakh (Plrydd Lacs Mobile: GUDDAN Shatabdipuram Colony, Village- + Other Charges Posmsion) ?[6d Lacs 97't1033610 Dasna, Ghaziabad, U.P Applicable deductions/ Area-290Sq. Ft (Owner-Raj Kumar) repayments t 0,05 Lacs I'lR GAURAV RAlll DARASII MIG Flat No GF-2 (Without roof 23.r0.2018 19.[1flt0 ( 11,60 KUlilAR RA[{ rights), Plot No. B-12l11, DLF Ankur Rs,22.26 Lakh (Pl'Fiel Lacs Mobile: Vihar, Vill Sadullabad, Pargani Loni, + Other Charges Pe$ltiottl { 1,16 Lacs 97110336i0 Dist- Ghaziabad, U.P. Area- 700 Sq. Applicable deductions/ & Kavita Pamnani, of M/s. Kavita Pamnani Ms. Feet (Owner: Ramdarsh Ram) repayments t 0.15 11099)as Lacs remote e-voting process in a fair and to scrutinize e-voting Second Floor Flat, SF4, Four Story 9.07.2018 2EflJril ( 10.20 kansparentmanner MANGAL I(U[lAR Rs.'14.09 Lakh (HNml Lacs For and on behalf of Board of Directors ot Building, Plot No B-5/1, DLF Ankur Limited Mobile: + Pos*ssitxr) < 1.02 Bharat Bhushan Finance & Commodity Brokers Vihar, Near Shiv Vatika Temple Loni Other Charges sd/- 9873303102 Lacs GhaziabadArea 37.16 Sq.m Applicable deductions/ 't'6:i0" NiEha Ahuia (Owner: Pushpendra Kumar) repayments Director Lacs Date: September 03, 2021 DIN:00001875 RAVI < 72.25 Place: New Delhi TYAGI TRADERS Vill.- Raispur, Govindpuram, Rs.318.83 Lakh {qmhfic Lacs Lu Uahilo: Ghaziabad, + Other Charges < 7.23 Lacs I 1 -:u1re rd 'itlr t wlTliilr, 4 fui6rq 2021 15 pri) €IFl fg I(Ki rlorl aE qra qsur wrq-tq G .rqftA ,flftni filft-G o]qldq sos, Ga ETJ,I 3 r'rrr-Tr Elrl .F- qp, -fs E-ii--110001 ,r.lr; (ttsir95-1-6r"Or'-r992P1c049038), q-]l fl{ , c11-4e800e00, .ier , o'i i -.lseoogl-l slne ,ru---hsl rg" {-{a : [email protected] 4E{rr{d : www.bbinvestments.in red, Bffi qfif-6 qrqrq iao ol qaqr #r {-atFtrr d qr+orff P{) qrrf, I \..rEgmq{fl ff qrff t fu Tqur srgts i'c o-ilM M fuft}s ('6qfi) rn til d *'ffiri o1 zsA ilff-6 srqrq d-66 fsdrq"). Strtm. 2s ftrrqt. zozr ot qtql 12.00 {S ,rrrfi'q sFr6 qrrq (fiffil ffMI {fu-Ri{ (-ffi)/GFq !h snM qt4q1 ("3is4tq) gnr 6qfi erBftqq, zorg (3Tfufrqq) d qrff 'rdidi fuera 4 ar.f HftTl{i fa ilE$r ffiqo fui d ss qtrd 6rdt-c 6d drrdq (qqfrC") EirT mw,f'' 35i Grff qfla irddr rqq 14 22626 ffi6 oa 3rffr zozo r+ra r{-+t r+t *-flt t e{*"n' na:,n tt ,tzozo ffi, rg srid. zozo, .'r+.e sd-ar tqt zo r zozo ft-qifu-f, os r$, zozo q-f,twilr .t, dqT =i+s n ifr ftI}qq 3I-II RT+ tlv {. 20't 5 =i{t *iTr ren.q Ii, :,, 5T dslI :sd^ 2021 59 rrC ot lq'frtt {t [a +ra' igc qfuliqq FI, fqf+i .ma t, s*< rrdgd d erEcrm{ t, cmw A {d{r ftrTfuf, 06 orrrsr. 2o2i mrn ffiq s{ llad 2o2o-21 Eg 6qfr ol artr6 M. fust ffiq q( zozo zr fu ffii ft-+w. <rJ df ffid. ffieroi ol ftfd aqn crd qpr dd.c fuc uri adlfo er< rs fu lrru qnqq gnr os 2021 61 rdv <rarH d fffto t {-t-a E;nqR. fudq{, 6qff ai - sc seeit ol 'ifto' oq ff .r$ d furo ror oe5q76q66q qft'{rfut d ilI ;n?! {-ia vm dffqo t sqtm qmrtq 6q-fr Aqsr{e www.bbinvestments.in q{ deTt pi arv ,rr,fr i d raio g*rnno q.ro, fufi'ls ol iqsr{d www.bseindia.com trt defl t?T;tit )ttc(u ffi rrd rrw lir+dtR&e flaftte (rqgtrgqal ot A-{€r{e www.evoting.nsdl.com qt tior fuftM .ftsqrer d t srt'hl i iuar qer qfro-tq7rr*rfowr d-ta dr frfr : 5ti?F'1 :gis t.
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