This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com JFK Assassination System Date: 10/2/201 Identification Fonn Agency lnfonnation AGENCY : HSCA RECORD NUMBER: 180-10 I 04-10298 RECORD SERIES : NUMBERED FILES. AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 014051 Document lnfonnation ORIGINATOR: CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT. FROM: TO: TITLE: DATE: 0511111978 PAGES: 22 SUBJECTS: BAKER, ROBERT B. CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT. WEINER, IRWIN. ORGANIZED CRIME. TRAFFICANTE, SANTOS. DOLAN, JAMES H. DOCUMENT TYPE : OTHER TEXTUAL. CLASSIFICATION : Unclassified RESTRICTIONS : 3 CURRENT STATUS: Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 1112011997 OPENING CRITERIA : COMMENTS: Typed notes from CCC files.Box 250. v9.1 NW 50529 Docid:32260740 Page 1 I ~HICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT-- INTELLIGENCE FILES 5/11/78 I' A. James Harvey Dolan 101 N. Edgefield Dallas, Texas D.O.B. 10/25/14 Chic. I.D. #D 96299 FBI # 733 252 A Activities Robbery, gambling; impersonating officer Hangouts AGVA Representative; Racetrack Associates . R. D. Matthews G. Fuqua , Joe Russell Wyatt Nick Carcio J. Raymond Snell s. Neveloff Former Resident of Denver and Cedar Rapids, Iowa File References: - Arrested with Anthony Panico in Cedar ··· I<apids 1/30/53 - Known hood to Denver, P.B. - Record for larceny and under sentence for impersonating a Federal officer - 11/30/67 Letter -- Dolan serving 1-3 years on arson; released from Kansas S .F. 10/24/67 on conditional rele~se. B. Robert B. Baker 5400 N. Sheridan, Chicago Amalgamated Insurance Co. 8550 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago, Ill. D.O.B. 8/16/11 ss # 115-03-7850 previous residences: - 1931 N. Lincoln Parkway hotels - 2300 Lincoln Parkway Associates: J. Hoffa .John Dunn Andrew Sheridan John Costello NW 50529 Docld:32260740 Page 2 Chicago P.D. - Intelligence Files 2 File 17.83, p . 10 - Report on Rudolph Guy Tratto; Subject stopped for questidning File 26.3, p. 37B - 8/24/60 Report: - Baker questioned with Fratto; Baker is labor management representative for Hoffa and is connected with local #734 of Bakery Truck Driver's Union. 1930 , Baker served 18 rrionths for pass of stench bomb (in N.Y. prison) File 1~.103, p.l4 - 1/30/61 Report: - Fratto described as Garbage King of Rush Street; Baker regarded a~ Teamsters strong-arm man. File 17.0252, p.l. - 7/8/61 News Clipping: - Baker is a Pittsburg ''tough" for Teamsters convicte~ for leaving jurisdiction of Pa. court while awaiting appeal fo~ Taft-Ha~tley Act violations. File 6.6, p.3 .·· - 7/16/61 News Clipping: - Baker's Traft-Hartley violations is upheld by 3rd Circut. File News Clipping - Vol. 2., p. 24; ;7/31/58: - Baker is organize~ fQr Chicago Bake~y Union and associate o~ Harold Gibbons . File News Clipping - ;Vol ·2., p. 96--97 Bak~~ is top lieutenant for Hoffa. NW 50529 Docid:32260740 Page 3 Chicago P.D. - Intelligence Files 3 File 14.152-1 - Vol. 2, p. 119, 12/23/64 report: Associates Baker with Gus Spiro Zap~s File 14.002-L, P.l, - 3/16/62 Report: - Baker described as "labor goon" for Hoffa; and Teamsteis locals; - was indicted for extortion 9/21/59 - convicted and sentenced to 2 years 4/7/60; released on bond pending appeal. -Sent to Sandstone C.I., in Minnesota 12/1/61. File 20.233, p. 13 - 6/18/62 Report: - Associates Baker with Joey Gilmco and local 777, Taxicab Driver's Union. File 14.2, p.4. - Reference to Argosy Magazine article, "The HoodlUms ~ehind ~offa~" File 14.2, p.l9 - 11/29/62 News .Clipping: - Baker li~ted as uri-indicted co­ conspirator of · GeOrge Roxbough in bribery-conspiracy charge. Roxbough is Teamsters local official. File 20.323, p.29 - 4/30/63 Report: - Reference to 3/12/63 Chicago Crime Commission report; Baker mentioned in background report on Mid-Town ~avings. · NW 50529 Docld:32260740 Page 4 Chicago P.D. - Intelligence Files 4 c. Irwin Weiner: 6145 N. Sheridan Rd. 7345 N. Damen Ave. 7163 Carol Ct., Niles, Ill. D.O.B. 3/6/16 ss # 352-03-4537 Associates .. Sheridan Electric Co. Joseph Pignatello Anthony Accardo William "Smokes" Aloisio Frank Ferraro Alderino Battaglia Caifano Frabotta de Angeles A. Spilotio Schweiks Louis Volin .. File 26.0114, p.28: - Reference to "Overdrive" article of l/73 concerning Central States Pension Fund's bankrolling of Organized Crime in 4 states. Says Spilotio was once arrested in I.Weiner!s office and I. Weiner~s brother Jack is connected with Chicago Syndicate. File 17.0453-3, p.40: - Reference to Chicago Crime Commission Summary Report. File 39-15.283, p. 28; 11/20/73: - Background Report, bond case. File 17.1, Vol. 6, p. 343; 11/2l/74 Survey Report: - Sam Sherman seen playing cards with I. Weiner at American Security Bond Co., 1019 S. State St. on ll/19/74 File 17.1-176, p. 15; 9/18/74 Survey Report: - I. Weiner seen with Joseph Lombardo 9/17/74. NW 50529 Docld:32260740 Page 5 Chicago P.D. - Intelligence Files 5 - I. Weiner leaves in car registered to Barbara Feldman, 2081 Magnolia Lane, Highland Park, Ill. File 17.0453-3, p. 46; 9/23/74 interview report: - I. Weiner listed as president of Twin Food Products, Twin Distribuitng, P & S Ry-Products Company, all located at 3250 S. Wentworth Ave. Chicago. All ordered closed by Chicago judge in 8/61. File 26.0114, Vol. 2, p.40: - 3/2/74 news clipping that Albert Fenner will be attorney for I. Weiner and de Angeles in '74 fraud case. N/A File 17.0152, Vol 17, .P· 884: - Reference to 3/6/74 News Clippings (Times/Trib) that Chicago Police Department arrested Andrew Caisello and confiscated records of major crime syndicate loan sharking racket listing names of scores of victims ·in debt to mob and names of 25 top hoods including: Angelo' la Pietia Charles English Dominic Angellni Joseph Ferredla I. Weiner ·John Lardino Johnnie Matassa File 26.0114, p. 311: - 6/l/73 Tribune clipping on 3/28/73 party for A. Dorfman attended by I. Weine:r, Zapas, 'Hoffa, Chicago Chief Judge Joseph power. NW 50529 Docld:32260740 Page 6 Ch~cago P.D. - Intelligence Files 6 Numerous files on: International Fibe~glass Inc., which has I. Weinei, D. Sie£ert as officers File 26.0114, p.38: - 1/3/74 Times/Tribune clippings - Dorfman was link between ''·crime syndicates associates 11 .and Teamsters Pension Fund File 15.013, p.94; 5/1/73 Survey Report: I - I. Weiner's car seen at furneral of Leo Rugendorf on 4/9/73. File 26.054, p .. l, 1/31/73 Report: - Refers to I.N. Service Agency, 2035 W. North Ave., .. Chicago frequented by I. Weiner and J. Lombardo. - Officers in agency include Mitch~ll H. Caplan and Joseph Casintino File 17.58, Vol. 5, p. 174: 10/28/71 Surv~y Report: - I. Weiner seen at wake of Aldersio File 17.55-7, p.6, 9/13/67 Report: - I. Weiner seen at Wake and/or funeral of Mary Accardo on 6/20/67. File 15.013, p.BB; 3/18/69 report~ I. Weiner's name and address found in Leo Rugendorf's address book. File 17.004, Vol. 3, p.~95 - 6/26/67 lett~r: - I.. Weine:r, .Alderisio and others went to NY for a wedding. NW 50529 Docid:32260740 Page 7 Chicago P.D. - Intelligence Files 7 File 17.60, p.96; 2/18/66 News Clipping: - I. Weiner in K.C. accompanying S. Battaglia who was appearing before grand jury. File 17.082, Vol. 2, p. 108; 8/5/65 News Clipping: - Claims I. Weiner has often posed bond for known hoodlums; here doing so for Rocco Pranno ) Henry Neri Extortion Wayne Seidler indictments Pete Anderson File 17.84, Vl. 3, p.23; 1965 News Clippings - I. Weiner raided $100,000 bond for Murray Humphreys File 15.013, p.77: 3/2/65 C.C.C. Report: - Reports meetings held several times a week with Alderino I. Weiner in Rugendorf 4/62 Lewis Darlak 8/62 Larry Rosenberg Joseph Stein · AVGA? File 26.701, Prl, 3/7/63 Report: - Says I. Weiner is one opetator of Frerich Casino (Jelleis) which has gone into the "exotic dancer line of entertainment." - City License was obtained 11/22/62 in name of Gerald Ryan; former name of place is Candy Stick Twist. - Oth~r operator said to be Sohhny Gattanas. File 17.0453-3, p.2., 11/16/62 News Clip: IW's file # - I. Weiner facing contempt ra,p 'for refusing to answer Gran~ Jury que~tions abdut · dissappearance of Benjamin Dranow, a friend and associate of Hoffa due to serve fraud sentences. NW 50529 Docld:32260J40 Page 8 Chicago P.D. - Intelligence Files 8 File 26.042, p. 44D, 6/15/62 Report: - I. 'weiner seen at 6/6/62 grand opening of Sahara Inn. ~ N/A File 14.092-3, p. 7, 11/27/61 Report: - "AGVA - Alfred Kapper, was observed to drive away in a car which was registered to subject." File 17.58, Vol. 2, p.73; 9/17/63 Report: - I. Weiner seen with: Alderino Jimmy Allegretti Jerry Aiuppa at Patrp Lounge on 9/14/63. File 17.58, Vol. 2, p. 711, 11/13/63 News Clip - I.
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