flNKPMAriQKM) Wht Kable<jrant# Vol. 44 Staunton Military Academy, Kable Station, Staunton, Virginia, Friday, June 2, 1961 No. 10-11 157 Candidates To Receive Diplomas At Commencement Exercises June 4 Message From Program To Mark Close Superintendent Of School's 101st Term To the Cadets of Staunton Military Academy: The colorful exercises marking the Academy's One Commencement invariably be- Hundred First session will begin Friday, June 2, and continue comes appraisal time for all through the afternoon of Sunday, June 4, when the actual students. Conscious of it or not, your status, the what you are, graduation ceremony will take place. Graduation weekend of you, the members of the will officially begin with the Rifle Inspection Friday afternoon Corps of 1961, is the product of at 2 :00 p.m. Immediately after the inspection and presenta- not only the present, but the tion of awards, the individual drill competition will take place, past, and even the changing fu- followed by the Sponsors' parade and tea. The day will close ture. This "what you are" results with the Senior Ball at 9:00 p.m., featuring Ralph Flanagan's from the efforts of each of you Coral Recordings Orchestra. and from the efforts of the fac- Festivities will get under way again Saturday morning at ulty, corps before you, your 10 :30 a.m., when the returning alumni are to be honored by a parents and friends, all added review on Kable Field. Following the Alumni Review, the together. Dare we evaluate? As good as the best, we be- corps will form for rifle exercises. Climaxing the morning lieve ! activities will be exhibitions by the Howie Rifles and the Actual evaluation must be Junior School Drill Team. projected into the aforemen- In the afternoon a 3:00 p.m. tioned changing future. Of this garden party will honor the Grad- we can be sure, however—ad- here to and abide by the stand- uating Class, Patrons, Alumni, and ards and principles of honor Guests. Visitors will have an op- friendship, integrity, and hon- portunity to meet and to chat with esty which you have learned, members of the graduation class. and happiness will become At 4:45 p.m. a Review and yours. Graduation Parade will honor mem- Whether you are seniors go- bers of the graduating class. Sat- ing on to higher learning or urday's program will close with an underclassmen returning to the informal dance beginning at 9:00 "Hill," significant and genuine p.m. and held in Memorial Hall rewards will come through General Lewis Hershey Gymnasium. maintaining self-respect, through Baccalaureate Services will be applying the self-discipline you held at 10:00 a.m. Sunday at Trin- have acquired, and above all, To Deliver Final Address ity Episcopal Church. The Rev- through being true to your- erend W. Carroll Brooke, Rector selves. Lt. General Lewis Blaine Hershey, Director of the Selec- of Trinity Church, will deliver the Having expressed ourselves of sermon. Following the service, a tive Service System, will address the Staunton Military Acad- these seemingly obvious but buffet luncheon for the Corps, Pa- emy's Graduating Class. The ceremony is scheduled for 1:30 often times elusive philosophies, trons, Alumni, and Guests will be p.m. (EDT) on Sunday, June 4, in Kable Gymnasium of may we now in a very real way (Continued on Page 8) The Rev. W. Carroll Brooke North Barracks. commend each of you and wish An Indiana farm boy who has taught school, done farm every one of you a pleasant, healthy, and happy summer. work, served as an Army officer, acted as a college professor The staff and faculty join in of military science and tactics, and risen to the head of the this sincere best wish. Annual Commencement Program Selective Service System, General Hershey is the holder of (Signed) FRIDAY, JUNE SECOND numerous military and other decorations and awards and of Harrison S. Dey eight honorary degrees. He is active in a variety of fraternal Colonel, S. M. A. 2:00 P.M.—Rifle Inspection and Awarding of Marksman- Superintendent and service organizations. ship Badges Kable Field General Hershey was born in which General Hershey heads, is 3:15 P.M.—Individual Drill Competition Steuben County, Indiana, in 1893. composed of 4,005 local boards and 5:00 P.M.—Dress Parade. Review will be received by He was farmhand, college student, 119 appeal boards and State Head- G. I. Is Success; sponsors selected by Cadet Captains quarters, plus the National Head- country school teacher, deputy 6:00 P.M.—Sponsors' Tea sheriff, private and later officer in quarters in Washington. "Honor" Rating the Indiana National Guard, officer General Hershey's ancestors 9:00 P.M.—Senior Ball came to the United States in 1709, in the World War I American SATURDAY, JUNE THIRD Expeditionary Forces. He was settling in Pennsylvania. Being Retained For '61 Mennonites, they were opposed to commissioned an officer in the reg- A telegram from the Adjutant 10 30 P.M. -Review in honor of Alumni of Staunton Mili- war. ular Army artillery in 1920. General of the Army received tary Academy. Rifle Exercises General Hershey's connection Like all youngsters of his In- May 19 announced that the with the Selective Service began in diana community, he worked on Academy has been selected as 12 00 P.M. -Junior School Drill Team 1936 when he became Secretary the farm, attended a one-room a Military Honor School R.O.- 12 20 P.M. -The Howie Rifles and Executive officer of the Joint country school and Fremont, In- T.C. unit for 1961. Recognized 3 :00 P.M -Garden Party in honor of the Graduating Army and Navy Selective Service diana, High School. After a sum- as an "Honor" school since the Class, Patrons, Alumni and Guests mer college course, he taught in designation was first used by Committee, charged with studying 4:45 P.M -Review and Graduation Parade and planning for manpower pro- Indiana country schools. Alter- the Department of the Army, curement in event of national emer- nately teaching, doing farm work, SMA was inspected April 14 9 :00 P.M -Informal Dance and studying as a college student, gency. This group prepared a to determine whether the Acad- SUNDAY, JUNE FOURTH model organization at state and he received two degrees from Tri- emy would retain its "Honor" State College. He did graduate national levels, which was later school rating for the coming 10:00 A.M -Baccalaureate Sermon, Trinity Episcopal work at the University of Indiana. year. Full text of the telegram employed in 1940 when the Selec- Church, Staunton by the Reverend W. Carroll During his college days, he is as follows: "The ROTC Unit tive Training and Service Act was Brooke, Rector enacted. General Hershey became "doubled" as a deputy sheriff, at your institution has been se- Deputy Director of the System. In often leaving the classroom to lected as a military school honor 11 :30 A.M -Buffet Luncheon for the Cadet Corps, Pa- make an arrest of a malefactor. 1941, he was appointed Director. ROTC unit for having maintain- trons, Alumni and Guests General Hershey enlisted in the When the authority for the Sys- ed exceptionally high standards 1 :30 P.M -Graduation Exercises and Presentation of Indiana National Guard in 1911 at of military training and discip- tem expired in 1947, General Her- Diplomas. The Graduation Address will be shey headed the Office of Selective eighteen. After serving two years line during the 1960-61 school as private, corporal, and sergeant, delivered by Lieutenant General Lewis B. Service Records until 1948, when year. The Secretary of the Army he was elected second lieutenant the System was revised and Gen- extends congratulations to your Hershey, The Director of The Selective Serv- eral Hershey was restored as Di- by his company. institution. Signed, the Adjutant ice System In 1916 as a first lieutenant he General, Dept. of the Army." rector. (Continued on Page 2) The Selective Service System. HBHHHHIMn>ra **!SOTJ«J 2 THE KABLEGRAM THE KABLEGRAM From The BLRDETTE HOLMES - Editor-in-Chief Senior Ball Planned WILLIAM DEFRIES Managing Editor Commandant VICTOR ROSE News Editor Now that we are about to RORERT RANDALL Features Editor For Tonight, June 2 conclude this school year, the JOHN ROSENHERG Sports Editor 101st such closing at SMA, I DANIEL HLNT Business Manager would like to take this oppor- Features Ralph Flanagan & Orchestra tunity to extend my sincere con- CAPTAIN DENNIS G. CASE Faculty Adviser gratulations for a job well done Ralph Flanagan and his Orchestra will provide the music NEWS and a year of noteworthy ac- for SMA's Senior Ball on Friday, June 2, in Kable Gymna- Gorman; Jones, D.; Nottage; Ostrom; Rau complishments that will bring sium of North Barracks. The dance is formal, with flowers credit to each and every one of FEATURES you in the Corps. I would also required, and will last from nine o'clock until one. Cotter; Rufin; Savale like to express my deepest ap- "Graduation" is the theme of the Senior Ball. Decora- preciation for the splendid co- tions include a 10 foot replica of the SMA Senior ring in the SPORTS operation that each of you has middle of the dance floor with a Beagle; Gallagher; MacLaughlin; Steele shown in upholding the discip- ramp on either side. Side walls line, the "esprit de corps," and CIRCULATION feature the individual diplomas of the traditions of the Academy the members of the Senior Class Kale; Miller, D. S.; Okin; Pennypacker; Silberman; Sweeting throughout the session.
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