acm’s annual report for FY14 DOI:10.1145/2691599 ACM Council PRESIDENT ACM’s FY14 Vinton G. Cerf VICE PRESIDENT Annual Report Alexander L. Wolf SECRETAry/TREASURER As I write this letter, ACM has just issued Vicki L. Hanson a landmark announcement revealing the PAST PRESIDENT monetary level for the ACM A.M. Turing Alain Chesnais Award will be raised this year to $1 million, SIG GOVERNING BOARD CHAIR Erik Altman with all funding provided by Google puter science and mathematics. I was PUBLICATIONS BOARD Inc. The news made the global rounds honored to be a participant in this CO-CHAIRS in record time, bringing worldwide inaugural event; I found it an inspi- Jack Davidson visibility to the award and the Associa- rational gathering of innovators and Joseph A. Konstan tion. Long recognized as the equiva- understudies who will be the next MEMBERS-AT-LARGE lent to the Nobel Prize for computer award recipients. Eric Allman science, ACM’s Turing Award now This year also marked the publica- Ricardo Baeza-Yates carries the financial clout to stand on tion of highly anticipated ACM-IEEE- Cherri Pancake the same playing field with the most CS collaboration Computer Science Radia Perlman esteemed scientific and cultural prizes Curricula 2013 and the acclaimed Re- Mary Lou Soffa honoring game changers whose con- booting the Pathway to Success: Prepar- Eugene Spafford tributions have transformed the world. ing Students for Computer Workforce Salil Vadhan This really is an extraordinary time Needs in the United States, an exhaus- SGB COUNCIL to be part of the world’s largest educa- tive report from ACM’s Education REPRESENTATIVES tional and scientific society in comput- Policy Committee that focused on IT Brent Hailpern ing. Membership is at a record high for workforce needs at the U.S. state and Andrew L. Sears the 12th consecutive year, ACM contin- national levels as well as the educa- David A. Wood ues to expand its global reach thanks tional pathways to meet those needs. REGIONAL COUNCIL CHAIRS to our thriving hubs in Europe, India, As you read the following pages you and China, and ACM’s position at the will discover a year filled with ambi- ACM India forefront of computer science educa- tious initiatives and new services de- PJ Narayanan, President tion has never been more prominent signed to increase the professional ACM Europe than it is today. value of your ACM membership, wher- Fabrizio Gagliardi This year marked the stellar debut ever you may be in the world. Yet with ACM China of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, all these achievements, ACM remains a Jianguang Sun which brought together 200 students work in progress and there is still much Younghao Lin with 40 international recipients of work to do. Issues of open access and ACM-W the most prestigious awards in com- digital library sustainability remain Valerie Barr high priorities for ACM’s leadership. USACM Extending ACM’s global influence and Eugene Spafford visibility even further will always be of This really is an Education Board utmost importance. Andrew McGettrick extraordinary time The coming year will see new op- portunities and new challenges and Practitioners Board to be part of the Stephen R. Bourne ACM is ready to take on both with great world’s largest determination. As always, we will look educational and to our dedicated volunteers, members, ACM Headquarters and industry partnerships to help scientific society guide us. ACM’s future is a journey we CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER in computing. take together, and has been my great John R. White pleasure to serve as your president for CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER this part of the trip. Patricia M. Ryan Vinton G. Cerf, ACM PRESIDENT JULy 2012–June 2014 JANUARY 2015 | VOL. 58 | NO. 1 | COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 1 acm’s annual report for FY14 ACM’s Annual Report for FY14 Highlights of ACM Activities: July 1, 2013–June 30, 2014 ACM, the Association for Computing creation of an umbrella Gold-OA ACM Education Machinery, is an international scientific journal. Moreover, the board helped ACM continues to lead the computer and educational organization dedicat- to found the Clearinghouse for the science education community through ed to advancing the arts, sciences, and Open Research of the U.S. (CHORUS), the work of the ACM Education Board, applications of information technology. a publishing industry effort to facili- the ACM Education Council, ACM tate compliance with U.S. open access SIGCSE, Computer Science Teachers Publications mandates. Association (CSTA), and ACM Educa- The cornerstone of ACM publications ACM Press Book Series, in partner- tion Policy Committee. is the ACM Digital Library (DL) serving ship with Morgan & Claypool publish- The CS2013 Final Report, a com- as the primary distribution mechanism ers, finished its first full year of opera- prehensive joint activity of ACM and for all the Association’s publications tion. Three titles were introduced in IEEE-CS, was published at year-end as well as host to scientific periodicals FY14, all available in the DL. 2013 to great acclaim. The report con- and a set of conference proceedings The Coalition to Diversify Comput- tains guidance for undergraduate CS from external organizations. The DL, ing presented its inaugural edition of programs, including a revised Body of now available at 2,650 institutions in Celebration of Latinas in Computing at Knowledge and over 80 course exem- 190 countries, boasts an estimated the Grace Hopper Celebration in early plars. five million users worldwide. An ad- FY14. This publication followed the The first Heidelberg Laureate Fo- ditional 31,000 individual subscribers CDC’s Celebration of Black Women in rum brought together 200 young re- in 196 countries have DL access. The Computing, which is now in its second searchers, 22 Turing laureates, and 11 result of this widespread availability edition. Fields/Abel laureates. The weeklong led to more than 20 million full-text The Computer Science Teachers event offered students a unique op- downloads in FY14. Association (CSTA) worked with Mi- portunity to share ideas with legends ACM is committed to increasing the crosoft to develop a set of curricular in the fields of computer science and scope of material available via the DL. resources. CS Principles: Computation mathematics. Last year, over 23,000 full-text articles in Action Curriculum was designed to ACM’s Education Board was were added, bringing total DL hold- engage a variety of students in socially charged with overseeing the launch ings to 425,000 articles. ACM’s Guide relevant, project-based learning. of the inaugural Learning@Scale con- to Computing Literature is also integrat- SIGLOG debuted its first newsletter ference in Atlanta last March. The ex- ed within the DL. More than 105,000 in FY14 and SIGMOBILE introduced tremely successful event marked the works were added to the bibliographic an epub format for making content first time a conference was spawned by database in FY14, bringing the total more easily accessible using popular a Board within ACM. Guide coverage to more than 2.3 mil- mobile devices. Indeed, MobiSys 2014 The ACM Education Policy Com- lion works. provided epub files for all accepted pa- mittee (EPC) released its much-antic- ACM is the publisher of 79 periodi- pers and made them freely accessible ipated report: Rebooting the Pathway cals, including 44 journals and transac- to all conference attendees. to Success: Preparing Students for Com- tions, 8 magazines, and 32 newsletters puter Workforce Needs in the United as of year-end FY14. During the year, States. This latest report calls on edu- ACM added 450 volumes of conference ACM’s partnering cation and business leaders and pub- and related workshop proceedings to lic policy officials nationwide to take its portfolio. The ACM International with Code.org immediate action aimed at filling the Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) represents a pipeline of qualified students pursu- added 94 new volumes, a significant in- ing computer science and other com- crease over FY13. significant puter-related degrees, and to prepare The ACM Publications Board con- investment in them for the 21st century workforce. tinues to examine ways to offer authors ACM’s partnering with Code.org and readers greater open access to our seeing real represents a significant investment published material. In the past year, in computer science in seeing real computer science exist addition to continuing current policies and count in U.S. high schools. It is an and experiments offering authors a exist and count in investment that has paid off substan- choice of copyright options and a suite U.S. high schools. tially. At the end of FY14, 22 states had of author-retained rights, the Publica- moved to enact legislation to make tions Board approved in concept the computer science count as a core 2 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | JANUARY 2015 | VOL. 58 | NO. 1 acm’s annual report for FY14 graduation credit in science and math. and Public Policy assists ACM in a Moreover, over 17 million students, variety of internationally relevant parents, and teachers participated in The ACM-W issues pertaining to computers and the Hour of Code during Computer Sci- Scholarship program public policy. CCPP’s respected ACM ence Education Week. Forum on Risks to the Public in Com- ACM, through the EPC, participated further enhanced puters and Related Systems, designed in the Leadership Council of the STEM its support for women to discuss potential and serious com- Education Coalition. White House puter-related risks with a global au- briefs on STEM policy allowed educa- undergraduate and dience, covers such issues as human tion stakeholders to learn about the graduate students safety, privacy, election integrity, Administration’s proposed STEM re- and societal/legal responsibilities.
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