REPOR T)RESUME ED 011 869 SP 000 $1 ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION, 1964. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF EDUC.,GENEVA (SWITZERLAND) REPORT NUMBER IBE- PUB -284 PUB DATE '64 EORS PRICE MF -$0.36 HC-$9.12 .226P. DESCRIPTORS- ADULT EDUCATION, *ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES, *COMPARATIVE EDUCATION, CURRICULUM PLANNING, DISCIPLINE POLICY, *EDUCATION, EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES, EDUCATIONAL THEORIES, HIGHER EDUCATION,HYGIENE, *INDEXES (LOCATERS), PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT, PRIMARY EDUCATION, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, SECONDARY EDUCATION, TEACHING CONDITIONS, INTERNATIONALEDUCATIONAL LIBRARY, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND THIS ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY IS ANANNOTATED CATALOG OF ABOUT 1,000 OF THE CHIEF EDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS INCORPORATED IN THE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONLIBRARY DURING 1964. THE AREAS COVERED ARE--(1) GENERALITIES,(2) THEORY AND EDUCATION, (3) GENERAL ASPECTS OF EDUCATIONCOVERING SUCH FUNDAMENTAL TYPES OF EDUCATION AS THE TEACHINGSTAFF, SCHOOL ORGAN14ATION,INTELLECTUAL EDUCATION, SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION, DISCIPLINE, SCHOOL BUILDINGS, SCHOOL HYGIENE,THE PUPIL, AND SPECIAL EDUCATION, (4) PRIMARYEDUCATION, (5) SECONDARY EDUCATION, (6) ADULT EDUCATION, (7) SPECIALDIDACTICS, (8) EDUCATION ACCORDING TO SEX AND AGE,(9) EDUCATION OF THE PERSONALITY, (10) HIGHER EDUCATION, (11) SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, AND (12) RELATED TOPICS, WHICHINCLUDE PSYCHOANALYSIS, CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY,PSYCHIATRY, IS INCLUDED. AND.TELEVISION. AN ALPHABETICAL AUTHOR INDEX (HA) . _V !L.* I,is . 4 .4. ')N . qv' - --. )., - 4 4 7!%-(nZ'a",'4.1% ,a1 ' 4 fr 41, I U- IP 61, '4 as '70-s. Iso .-30' 1.1 , PRECEDINGPAGE BrAtanalluilitilf0 INTRODUCTION The International Bureau of Education has always shown great interest in international educational bibliography and, ever since the first year of the publication of its quarterly Bulletin, in 1925, it has devoted a certain number of pages in each issue to brief reviews of educational books published in the various nountries. Since the s cond quarter of 1934, in order to make it easier for librarians and educationists to classify these bibliographical analyses in their card index, the Bureau has prefixed each of the reviews with a decimal number, in accordance with the plan for the classification of educational documents in current use at the Bureau. Moreover, since that date the International Bureau of Education has issued an offprint of this section, printed on one side of the paper only, so that the book reviews can be mounted on index cards and classified according to the above-mentioned plan. This bibliogra- phical service was again improved in 1956 by the adoption of separate sheets on very thin paper of the same dimensions as standard index cards. Since 1955, the Bureau has collected in one volume all the analytical bibliographies published in the Bulletin during the course of the year, and has grouped them according to the ten large divisions of the decimal classi- fication plan used by the Bureau, reserving a special heading " Related Topics ' ' for publications dealing with problems more or less closely con- nected with education. Under each of the sub-divisions of the main headings, the Bureau has classified the books in alphabetical order. An alphabetical index completes the publication. It should be re-stated here that this annual bibliography mwt not be confused with an international selection of recently published books on education.It is, strictly speaking, a catalogue of the chief educational publications incorporated in the International Education Library during 1964.Despite its shortcomings, it is to be hoped that this work, like its predecessors, will prove useful to educationists, librarians, and even publishers. 7 Ax IF PRECEDING PAGE BLANK- NOT FILMED 37 (A-R)GENERALITIES 37 A (437) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS- 37 B (437) HISTORY VAKIA) OF EDUCATION (CZECHOSLO- APANASEWICZ, Nellie& ROSEN, Seymour (Washington), U.S. Office M. Education in of Education, (1963).m+40 p., tabl, bibl., Czechoslovakia. in ComparativeEducation, 0E-14090, gloss., app. (Studies account of education Bulletin 1963, No.27). Detailed historical at the different levelsin Czczhoslovakia periods 1918 to 1948,1948 to 1960 and during the respective study plans for the following the 1960 schoolreform. In the appendix: different types ofschool; number of according to type ofschool, including students, teachers andschools establishments for thehandicapped.(IBE) 37 A (73) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS(UNITED STATES) ATKINSON, Caroll& MALESKA, (73+ oo)] Eugen T. The storyof education. [See37 B 37 A (81) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS(BRAZIL) AZEVEDO, Fernandode. A edncacio 2a. ed. (Sao Paulo), na encruzilhada. Problemasc discussOes. EdicOes Melhoramentos,(1960). 271 p. inquiry undertakenin 1926 in thestate of Sao Paulo. Report on an official the title "Publiceducation in Sao Paulo", Originally published in1937 under an attachment to the the report reflectsan era of transition between past and a desire tofollow the set forth are stillsufficiently up to date new educational trends. Theideas to provide a basis forthe work of all who seeking renovation ineducation in Brazil.Hence the title are of this republication.(IBE) "Cross-roads in education" 37 A (42) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (UNITEDKINGDOM) BLISHEN, Edward(Ed.). Education British Broadcasting today. The existingopportunities. (London), Corporation, (1963). 203p., bibl., app. (BBC sequel to the BBCbroadcasts on educational Publication). As a mation is given hereon (a) educational development in Englandand Wales, infor- duced at pre-primary, opportunities offered bythe new curricula primary, secondaryand higher levels, intro- riments (comprehensiveschools, etc.), (c) (b) some educationalexpe- schools foi. the vocationalcourses for apprentices, (d) handicapped, (e) adulteducation, etc. The book special account of the educationalmeasures taken by the British constitutes asummary school systems andsyllabuses to the government in order to adjust rate of progress in themodern world.(IBE) 37 A (42) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (UNITEDKINGDOM) BROGAN, Colm. The nature of education. [See379.5 (42+ co)] 37 A (71) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (CANADA) CANADIAN CONFERENCEON EDUCATION DIENNE SURL'EDUCATION. 2nd. CONFERENCECANA- [See 37 N (71)] Montreal, March 4-8,1962. Report- Rapport. 37 A (728.1) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS(GUATEMALA) CHAVARRiAFLORES, Manuel. Cuestionario de pedagogia.[See 37 I] 9 ^-`a a. -a, , -; 37 A (47 + co) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (USSR & VARIOUS COUNTRIES) 37 C LIFE AND WORK OF EDUCATIONISTS DEWEY, John. Impressions of Soviet Russia and the revolutionary world, Mexico- China - Turkey, 1929. Introduction and notes by William W. Brickmann. (New York), Columbia University, Teachers College, Bureau of Publications, (1964). 178p., bibl. (12 p.), notes. (Comparative Education Studies). Fresh edition of a work first published in 1929 by The New Republic, Inc., New York, and containing John Dewey's impressions concerning the consequences of the revolutions in the USSR, Mexico, China and Turkey, particularly in so far as the educational systems were affected. The introduction by W. Brickmann deals with John Dewey and overseas education. (See IBE Bulletin No. 21). (IBE) 37 A (42) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (UNITED KINGDOM) The education authorities directory and annual 1964. [See 37 E (42)] 37 A (430.3) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Education in the German Democratic Republic. Leipzig, VEB Edition, 1962. 182p., tabl., bibl. History of the school reform by which socialist education was in 1945 introduced in the German Democratic Republic. Basic problems which in the teaching, methods and school policy have been raised for the education authorities by the reform. Polytechnical training of schoolchildren; general aims of socialist education; content of curricula from pre-primary to university level; education outside the school; adult educa- tion.(IBE) 37 A (494) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (SWITZERLAND) Etudes pedagogiques 1962. [See 37 G (494)] 37 A (71) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (CANADA) FEDERATION DES COLLEGES CLASSIQUES, Montreal. Notre riforme scolaire. I. Les cadres generaux. U. L'enseignestent classique. [See 371.42 (71)] 37 A (675) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (CONGO/LEOPOLDVILLE) GEORIS, Pol. Essai d'acculturation per Penseignement primaireau Congo. [See 372 (675)] 37 A (430.2) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY) GERMANY (Federal Republic of). STANDIGE KONFERENZ DER KULTUS- MINISTER DER LANDER IN DER I. UNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND. Kulturpolitik der Linder 1961 and 1962. [See 379.5 (430.2)] 37 A (47) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS- 371.42 (47) ScHoot, REFORM (USSR) GONCAROV, N. K. La instruction pfiblicaen la Unihn Sovietica. La Habana, Ministerio de Education, Departamento de Publicaciones, 1961. 74p., tabl. (Folletos para maestros). Spanish translation of an address on the Soviet school delivered in Russian by Professor Goncharov at the Tashkent International Seminar in April 1961. (IBE) 37 A (44) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (FRANCE) GRANDPIERRE, Andre. Une education pour notre temps. [Sec 371.42 (44)] 37 A (47) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS (USSR) HANS, Nicholas. The Russian tradition in education. [See 37 B (47)] 37 A (51) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS- 379.81 (51) THE SCHOOL AND Pomum 377.345 (51) COMMUNIST EDUCATION (CHINESE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC) HU, Chang-TL: (Ed.). Chinese education under communism. New York, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, (1962). vm+157p., fig., bibl., 10 yS e4. by .f. notes. (Classics in EducationNo. 7). After outlining the history ditional China, a historycharacterised
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