OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC RESULTS / EIGHT ENDERS / FLORIDA CURLING Official publication of the United States Curling Association Established 1945 CHAMPIONS 6.50 $ May 2014 May 2014 Volume 69 Issue 4 www.usacurl.org Official publication of the United States Curling Association Established 1945 EDITOR Terry Kolesar, [email protected] USA CURLING NATIONAL OffICE AMERICAN CURLING ASSOCIATE EDITOR Rick Patzke 5525 Clem’s Way, Stevens Point, WI 54482 FOUNDATION & MUSEUM EMERITUS EDITOR David Garber Office: 715-344-1199 // Fax: 715-344-2279 The Museum is located at the Chicago Curling Club, DESIGN Terry Kolesar [email protected] // www.usacurl.org 555 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL 60062 UNITED STATES CurLING AssOCIATION NATIONAL OffICE stAff USCA HALL OF FAME OFFICERS ADMINISTRATIve ASSISTANT The United States Curling Association Hall of Fame PRESIDENT James Pleasants Jenny Biadasz, [email protected] is located at the national office, 5525 Clem’s Way, VICE PRESIDENTS Dave Carlson, Sam Williams INTERIM CHIEF EXECUTIve OFFICER Stevens Point, WI 54482. TReaSURER Sean Silver Rick Patzke, [email protected] SeCRETARY Gwen Krailo-Lyons CONTROLLER U.S. WOMEN’S CURLING AssOCIATION Sandy Robinson, [email protected] DIRECTORS OFFICERS DevelOPMENT ASSOCIATE Paul Badgero [GLCA, 2015] PRESIDENT Shelley Dropkin Christy Hering, [email protected] Kent Beadle [MN, 2015] FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Jeannie Borland DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Craig Brown [AAC, 2013] SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Donna Pearson Terry Kolesar, [email protected] Dave Carlson [WI, 2016] SECRETARY Elaine Ritchie DIRECTOR OF GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Maureen Clark [AAC, 2013] TREASURER Mary Glowacki Kim Nawyn, [email protected] Gabrielle Coleman [MOPAC, 2014] USCA LIAISON Jennifer Stannard EVENT SERVICES MANAGER Pete Fenson [AAC, 2013] COMMUNICATIONS Nancy Wilhelm Open job position Dave Flippo [AK, 2014] PROMOTIONS Nancy Seitz FUNDRAISING MANAGER Dean Gemmell [AAC, 2013] Next editorial deadline: June 13, 2014 Michelle Schleibaum, [email protected] Troy Gorans [MN, 2016] Please send all correspondence for submission to Peggy Hatch** [WCF, 2014] Off-SITE NATIONAL stAff Editor, U.S. Curling News, 5525 Clem’s Way, Stevens Point, WI 54482 or via e-mail to Cyndee Johnson [MN, 2014] DIRECTOR OF HIGH PERFORMANCE [email protected]. Nick Kitinski [MOPAC, 2015] Derek Brown, [email protected] The United States Curling News (ISSN 1064-3001; Jan Legacie [ND, 2014] US: +1 715-254-5024 // UK: +44 7793 099668 USPS 392-020) is published quarterly by the United Rich Lepping [WI, 2015] NATIONal COACheS States Curling Association, 5525 Clem’s Way, Stevens Gwen Krailo-Lyons [GNCC, 2016] Scott Baird, [email protected] Point, WI 54482. Subscription price for non-USCA Gordon Maclean [GLCA, 2016] Al Hackner, [email protected] members: $24.95 per year (North America), $34.95 James Pleasants [WA, 2016] PROJECT 2018 NATIONal COACheS per year (overseas), payable in US currency. Single Allison Pottinger [AAC, 2013] John Benton, [email protected] copy price: $6.50. Advertising rates on request. Estab- Leland Rich** [WCF, 2015] Phill Drobnick, [email protected] lished 1945. Periodicals postage paid at Stevens Point, Sean Silver [IL, 2015] NATIONal WheelCHAIR COACH Wis., and additional offices. Postmaster sends address Chris Sjue [ND, 2013] Steve Brown, [email protected] changes to U.S. Curling News, 5525 Clem’s Way, Jennifer Stannard [USWCA, 2015] NATIONal WheelCHAIR ASSISTANT COACH Stevens Point, WI 54482. Download the Curling News Scott Stevinson [At-Large, 2016] Rusty Schieber, [email protected] app for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire HD. Mark Swandby [WI, 2014] NATIONal WheelCHAIR CURLING Ann Swisshelm [AAC, 2013] OUTReaCH DevelOPMENT DIRECTOR Beau Welling* [WCF, 2014] Marc DePerno, [email protected] Sam Williams [GNCC, 2014] HeaD ICE TeCHNICIAN * Board-elected Dave Staveteig, [email protected] ** Voice, no vote 701-772-0705 CONTENTS DEPARTMENTS // GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 04-05 // USCA NEWS 06-07, 19 // CHAMPIONSHIPS 07-09, 10-13, 15, 19 // OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC REsuLTS 08-09 // EIGHT ENDERS 14, 15, 24 // usWca NEWS 16-17 // CERTIFIcaTIONS 17 // COMIcs 18 U18 champions // ROCKET EXHausT 18 15 // ussMca NEWS 20 // BONSPIELS 21-30 COLUMNS // TaLES FROM SHEET NINE 31 // REPORTS FROM THE WARM ROOM 04 // TRAINING TIPS FROM JON 05 DIGITAL EDITION, BONUS PAGES // OLYMPIC RusH 33 // WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 38-43 // BEMIDJI OUTDOOR BONSPIEL 39 USA CURLING SPONSORS Dedicated Ice 14 Coming to Charlotte On the cover: (clockwise from top, center) 2014 world senior bronze medalists (Margie Smith rink), 2014 Junior National champions (Jake Vukich rink), 2014 Junior National champions (Cory Christensen rink), 2014 Women's National Bonus Pages champions (Nina Spatola rink), 2014 College National champs (Marina Hauser rink), 2014 Optimist U18 champs (Kent Suslavich rink), 2014 Men's National This cute baby & more champions (Pete Fenson rink), 2014 Mixed National champions (Greg Wilson 12 Florida Set to in the digital edition of rink), 2014 Club Nationals women's champs (Norma O'Leary rink), and 2014 Host Nationals Club Nationals men's champions (Washington Joel Larway rink). the Curling News Submitted photos // REPORTS FROM THE WaRM ROOM Taking a breath By Kim Nawyn, USCA Director of Growth & more about the sport. During the month of February, the “Clubs” Development, [email protected] section of the USA Curling website received ecently, I spoke with a curler from the more than 138,000 page views. The USA Curl- thousands of people in 160 countries. In addi- Dallas/Fort Worth Curling Club (DF- ing Gold Map page had more than 40,000 page tion to recognizing the modern Olympic Games, WCC). He mentioned that nearly 900 views. A total of 25,701 people were referred Olympic Day promotes fitness and healthy life- peopleR attended his club’s learn-to-curl classes, directly from the NBCOlmypics.com website. styles by introducing members of the public to which were designed to capitalize on attention There were more than 46,000 searches for curl- various Olympic sports. There are number of brought to the sport by the 2014 Olympic Win- ing clubs on the “Find a Club” area of the website. ways in which clubs can participate including ter Games. (For more information on Olympic In addition to searching for local clubs, members off-ice events using gym (rolling) stones. More recruiting events, see “Throw Enough Gumbo at of the public learned more about the sport and information is available on the website or by the Wall,” by Guy Scholz in the bonus pages of Olympic athletes, accessed information on how contacting Christy Hering at USA Curling with the digital edition.) Our conversation reflected to start a curling club, entered the 12 Days of any questions or information requests at christy. discussions I had with a number of other clubs Curling Giveaway (winners listed in the box on [email protected] or 715-344-1199, Ext 209. that experienced large crowds. After dedicating this page), and even downloaded materials devel- Applications for the Darwin Curtis Grant Fund so much time and effort to run well-attended oped to introduce curling in classrooms. These Program (due June 13, 2014) and the Volunteer of events, club members were left feeling the need to resources, which are geared toward elementary/ the year Award (due July 18, 2014) are also avail- take a breath before gearing up for the next curl- middle school students, can be found under the able on the website. n ing season or summer curling leagues. Sport Education/Youth Curling section of the While few U.S. clubs curl year-round, running website. Youth curling pins also were made avail- Results from the 12 Days of Curling Giveaway: a curling club often requires year-round efforts. able to teachers for distribution in their class- Day #1 (2/10/14): Pair of Go USA mittens and long- In addition to routine maintenance on dedicated rooms for students engaged in learning about the sleeve USA Curling logo shirt ice facilities and annual housekeeping items, sport of curling. Winner: Janelle Marling, Norwich, Ohio clubs will likely be dealing with questions of tran- As we anticipate that the summer/fall recruit- Day #2 (2/11/14): Curling Olympic pin collection sitioning potentially large groups of new curlers ing season will be strong for member clubs, USA Winner: Melanie Sampson, Bridgewater, N.J. into leagues and scheduling “refresher” or other Curling will continue collecting open house, Day #3 (2/12/14): USA Curling stuffed moose and training sessions at the start of the next curling learn-to-curl and other recruiting event infor- kid's gear season (for those curling during the summer, mation for inclusion on the “Find a Club” pages Winner: Mandy Kenoyer, Salem, Ore. such challenges are currently at hand). Similar to of the website under Clubs/Member Programs/ Day #4 (2/13/14): USA Curling logo glasses our member clubs, USA Curling is transitioning Gold Map. Similar to this season, brochures will Winner: Kirsten Collins, Midlothian, Va. from the wave of activity that occurred leading be available for clubs to request free of charge Day #5 (2/14/14): USA Curling blanket up to and during the Olympic Winter Games to to support these events. We are also working to Winner: Pat Toups, Metairie, La. focus on new programs for the upcoming season. complete the revisions of the Level II instructor Day #6 (2/15/14): USA Curling Nike jacket To support recruiting efforts in our member program and coursework for the youth and ju- Winner: Deb Iwanow, Dehli, N.Y. clubs, USA Curling staff spent many hours pre- nior coaching certifications. The organization’s Day #7 (2/16/14): USA Curling sweatshirts paring for the “Olympic rush.” Through collabo- first national Members’ Assembly is scheduled Winner: Justin Stachnik, Glendale, Calif. ration with NBC and the United States Olympic to take place in October. Specific dates and loca- Day #8 (2/17/14): Brooms Up bift certificate Committee (USOC), the Gold Map initiative was tions will be announced by the end of May.
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