GB 0219 Porter Gwynedd Archives, Caernarvon Record Office This catalogue was digitised by The National Archives as part of the National Register of Archives digitisation project NRA 29348 The National Archives PORTER & C 0. PAPERS Caernarvonshire Record Office 1961 AN XHXBB2M 1*131! of records deposited by Messrs. Porter and Co., Solicitors, Plas Vardre, Conraay, in the Caerma^onshire Iteeord Office in February 1901. ggeaegg of th'.*. Roart of Petty, fusions 1^0 Registers of the Court, 1337-96, 1005-1905. (There are 2 Registers covering the years 2/537-90; one was vised when the court cat at Corrvny, the other when it sat at Llazviudna.) 7. Rough Minute Book, 139-4-97* 8-9 J&gistrateo1 Clerk'3 Fee Books, 1379-3-4, 1909-14. 10. Security Book, 1397-1913. 11. Fsynsnts Book, 1334-90. 12. Social Sessions Boole, 1339-1955. 13. fctty Sessional Parser o, 3893-1919 (1 snail bundle) ^* BEBffc filiation Agreements and RcleeseCj, 1333-1924. (1 bundle) 13. Kteacranavira for the parish of Uynfnen to be policed by DenJjinhahire polios, 1390. (Hie pariah of Llynfaen VT&S, until 1922, a part of Caernar­ vorinhire.) Copy Shrievalty; ^ecprtU 10. letter Book covering the yearn 1391-92 an! 1923-24. Conray and Colwvn TVry Joint Water Supply Boajfl Recorcln 17. Reglctor of Mortgages, 1392-1909. 13. letter Book, 1892-3903. Receivers1 Records 25, Gro.rn Rentals: Ilarrlrcd of Isaf, 1902, 1901-05, 1908, 1910-11. 20. Artic3.es of clerkship, 1353-1325. Drafts (1 bundles 7 Items) 81* Abstracts of title, 1355-99, 1907-25. (5 bunllest a. lssitcrrs) These Abstracts touch Lady Srskins*s estate, parts of the ;tostyn, Baron Hill (1339), ?'aenan, Tlas lolyn, and Degansy estates, the Fffllycroehan estate, and the Colv/yn eatatej various hotels and inns inoludlng the Corrrcrcial Inn, Llaniudno, the Belle Vus Hotel, TrefriT?, Boyal Oak Hotel, Bctv/s-y-Coed, Hountain View Hotel, FermenTsarcr, Craig y Don, Llaniudna, and the Black Lione Cormy; many ferns including Ty Uchaf, Bryn Dychan, and ' er^lodd rfeTJydA, pa. of Caorhun, Cyffredin Alias Cae Porcin and Ffridd y Batten, pa. of Gyffin, Tyn Bhewl,' pa. of LlanefyuVl (Deribs.), Tyn Llv/yfan and lines y Bryn,,pa. of IAanfairfechan, and fecrn yr Ardda, i^a. of Llanbedr y Ccnnins numerous xn-en&scs in Uandudno (3ea View Kills, G-ranville House, Alexandra Rouse, St. Georges Crescent, etc.), Colsyn Bay (shops in ntation Road amongst others), Conmy, and ien­ mercnw (Stanley Buildings, etc.); Fronp^iincn Chapel (1333) in the pa. of Idanaarrtffraid Glan Consay (Dcnbs.) j and other iiroperty in the parishes of Llycfaen, IAanlrillo yti Ehos, Br/ygyfylchi, Llangwstenin, Llan­ gelynin, and Blanrvjst. 22. leases (drafts) 1353-77, 1330-33, 1338-93, 1301-02, 1907, 1313-14, 1913, 1923, 1930. (Approx. 35 bundles, 400 items) Xhese leases relate to property in the parishes of Befcws-y-Coed, reamenTtswr, Qonnay, Llandudno, Llysfaon, C&erhun, Hanswstenin, ftoygyfylchi, Banrjor, Gyffln, Idanfairfechan, Llandrillo yn Idios, Trefriw, Ilangelynin, Llanrhyeisv/n and Llaarhos, co. Caemarvoni Denbigh, Col-vyn Day, iSglvsysfach, and llaosantffraid Glan Contvay, co. Denbigh; Talargoch, co. Flint; Ffeatiniog, eo. nerion-rthj Roch­ dale, co. lane; and Daxwen, co. ?'ont­ goasry. (Hotels and inns figure prominently amongst the leases, e.g. Liverpool Anas (1369), B2ack Lion Inn (1371), Albion Vaults (1372), Barp Hotel (1389), stables and coach-house cf Gesrge end Dragon (1393), all at Consayj the Tudno Castle Hotel (1372), Aaelphi Hotel (lS7S)g Brynffordd Vaults (1002), Westminster Hotel (2839), and the King's Head Inn (1895), all at Llanlulno;. the Marine Hotel and the Red Lion (1378) at Colsyn Bay; the ftoyal Oak Hotel (1333) ana the Swan Hotel (1334) at Betws-y-CQedj the Forester1 a Araa (1893) at Gyftfin. But they relate to numerous other matters of Interest : Llanfairfechan later Co. ­ (1835), Public Baths, Beading Room, and Market Hall (1373 & 4) at Llandaino, gravel and stone quarries (1374) at Cox*mgra -a mill and factory (1332 aid 84) at" Ffestiniog (Her.), a mines (1333) and a mill (1393) at Gyffin, the tolls of Conchy Bridge (1335), mining rights at Tremstell te, Llangelynln (1392 and 1399), a blacksmith'a shop (1392) and 'Tha College* (1394) at Con.vay.) 2-3. Mortgages (drafts) 1333-67, 1070-94, 1836-99, 1901, 1910 ( Approx. 80 bundles, 1000 items) Thaws relate to property in the parish?a of Uangefni, co. Anglesey; IJLandn3.no, LJysfaen, Camay, Sglvys Rhoe, Gyffin, Llanos lynin, Caerhun, F&nmaeroaavr, Llan­ fairfeohaft, Pwygyfyichl, fJanrtrlllo, MangvfStenin, ftolgarroj?, Abbey, Llanbedrt BotffOt^-Ooed, co. Caernarvon; Hoole, oo. Chester] Llansantffraii Clan Corny, Colvryn Bayqp Llanrwst.% Ruabcsi, Eslv?ya?aoh, lAangomldv, Llangollen, Wreashaa, co. Denbigh] St. Asaph, Csm, Whltford and Trcmsirohion, co. Flint; Corwen, Festiniog, Llamber and Truwofynitytid, co. ttegionothj llanrtelAdr^-yi^-^^imnt, co. Ifoot] Stoke on Trent * co. Staffo. (Marr/ hotels anl inns ore raenticnedj thi Royal Cak Hotel (1976), Snan Hotel (1339) and Clan Aber l^tel (1890), all at Esto^y-Coed; Liverpool Anas (1379), Shite Horse Inn (133-3), George and Dragon Hotel (1330) anl Royal Oak Inn (1332), all at Conmyj Victoria Inn (1373), Uouniftin View Hotel (1332), Vam. Private Hotel (1099), all at ren.*msrcna??rj Pwllycroohon Hotel (1376) ana the Red Lion Tim (1331) both at Colv^n; Queen'a Head Inn (1331) at Llan­ g?;otenin, Marquis Inn (1397) at £langefni, etc. Of interest too are the mortgages touching the folleaoagi Reservoir and Water forks, Corr/ay (1376), Saw tail, Llonrwst (1377), Conv?ay Harbour (1330), parts of Bryncoracb estate (1024 and 1337), and the Mona Steam Laundry at lennacnmaivr (1399). 24. Conveyances (drafts) 1340, 1363-60, 1363-72, 1374-1903, 1905, 1907. (Approx. 80 bundles, 12(50 items) ' They touch property In the f ollsrdng parishes! Trefdraeth, co. Angleseyj BangOTf Owygyfylolii, retraaenntwr, Corway, Macnan, Llangrjstenin, Ilanlrillo yn Shoe, Llan­ gelynin, Dolwyddelan, Coffin, Ilyafaen, LlariTaii*f echan, Llanberia, Ffeimchno, Betws-y-Coe'l, Llanlulno, Llanllechid, Llan­ bedr-y-Ceiinin, Oaorhun, Aber, arrl Ll^nllyfni, co. Caernarvon; Cliester and Tranmere, co. Cheater; Col^yn 2iay, Llaneantffraid Glan CorcTay, Idanddulas, Llsndrillo, Ru&bon, Kglwyabach, Llanelian, Bet^a-yn-^ios, Moeh­ dre, Denbigh, Llancrch, TAanMewi, Llarkldogct ana Idanr.vnt, co. Denbigh; iteliden, ffcw­ markat and Khyl, co. Flint; Ffentiatag and Srawafyifydd, co. J*erioneth. (Many cf the ccowcyanceo relate to hotels anil inms already noted \uvler Leases and Mortgages above, bnt others are in eluded here. e.g, - Blue I^ell, Vcmin (1335), Fvenrhyn Arms, Eglvjys Fhos (13C3), Blue Bell at Conmy (1868), Coaoh and Horses Ina at Bethesda (1872;, etc. Cf intere:rt too are the follcrrrin^: Mild, at Oyffin (1335), St, Georges Hall at UandutaO (1339), transfer of shares in Llandudno Karket Ball Co. Ltd. (1370), Mil at Dwy-gyfylchi (1370), transfer of shares in the Gora"ay Gas Co. (1371), land for trustees of Welsh (CM.) connexion (1380), land at Camay for the Rational School for Girls (1896), etc. 25. Contracts (drafts),1372, 1874-79, 1832-33, 1333-97, 1399-1901. ( Approx. 25 bundles, 200 items) They relate to properties in tha following parishes: Llandiylno, Camay, Gyffin, Llsn­ gwatenln, Llysfaen, IXyg^ylchi, Eglv/ysrhos, Betws-y-Coed, Ilaridrillo-yn-TIhorj, and Llaribcris, co. Caernarvon; UanSrlllo, co. Denbich; Meliden, co. Plin£; and Ffcstiniog, co. Ferioneth. (Of psxlicular interest are those touching the Iron House or £hop, Psxeaemurr, the Harp Hotel, CorrTay, and the Birrainghani Arms Inn, Ll&rdudno, in 1872; the Veraon Vaults, LlanduSno and water for the term of Camay in 1874; farming stock at Idangrotenin Hall in 1375; Plas Heel Llys, Penraaenmwr in 1378; lind for the Holyhead and Horth "ales Gas and Water Company in 1339; var­ ious hotels anl inns in Conmy in the 1390s; the Prince of Vales Hotel at Llanberia in 1393; and the sale of lnnl at Cotsmy to the L.N.W.S. - 5 ­ In 0901. Includes! also are a fear catalogues of salet oitcs near Corrray (1076)t part of Marl Farm (1898) , and ilm Baltic Hotel, Bla&nau Efestiniog (1035). 26. Action Pajcra, 1007 (v. Willisae, Jfurder), 1091 (v. Williams, Manslaughter), 1393-4, 1393, 1900-01* (barter v. Evans), 1903, 1900, 1911, 1916. $pprox. 15 "bundles, 150 items) 27. Adnintstrati on and Executwrahip Papers, 1854-1316. (Approx. 14 bundles, 140 items) 23. Re^ois-itioaa on Title, 1376-99. ( l bundle, approx. 40 items) 29. Declarations, 1361-1908. ( l bundle, approx. 50 items) 50. Plan, 1353, of exchange of l*?.n3s between Sir Robert B.W. DuUceley arrl Lady Erskine in the parishes of Oyffin, Consay and IJangelynTLh.j. - 6 * AH SKEKB! UMS of additional records rlonooited hy ifeesrs. I ortop and Co., nolicltora, lias Varans, Convey, in the Cfe^r;^;a^analiiro Record Cf f ice in October XXI. Bsoords of the Court of Petty Sessions 1* Accounts of Finos and Peca, 230S-07- 2910-12; lSl?tlp. 2. Returm of Exchequer Pines, 2922-23. 1914*48 5, Ust of Jurors, j 1-919. 4. Weeding of Clubs, 1390-99; 1909; 2011; 1017-10. 5. List of Jetty Sessions Xktotlngs, 2S03-C4. 6. Dejx)sltiona (enaainations), 1917**29. 7. £depositiotti, petition, and other papers relating to the Pev. John v cod, who v*ao convict-ad of *exorcicing his calling en t*ic prosncnado at idanaudno vtiiich tended to en interference with the u^s of the prcsriomde by the pub2ic contrary to the ts/e*2ejrsj 2901. " rprtor ard CoTiA tlelicitora Over 5009 draft oonreyanoes, oortgaftjes, contracts, learns, etc., dealing minly with estates in the Coamj valley and along the North Caernarvonshire and iterihighrf&re coasts. 8, Lea3oo and Agrocjnunts, 2866; 2-370, 1373, 2379,^2095 , 2399, A2909, 2903'^19C'S-10, 2922, 13*S4*-34. (Included atnon^st those- learssB and agreement a are tho follotrlngji 20G3: ahcoting rights, Kglvyafoch, - co.
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