The 100th Annual Meeting of CSJ Program OKADA, Mayu; GU¨ NTERT, Peter; ITO, Yutaka(14:15~14:45) Room S5 2S5- 06 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Single-Mole- cule Imaging and Single-Particle Simulation of Self-Organization in a Living Cell(Grad. Sch. Frontier Biosci., Osaka Univ.; PRESTO, JST; RIKEN Lecture Hall Bldg. K702 BDR)○MATSUOKA, Satomi; UEDA, Masahiro(14:45~15:15) Chair: ITO, Yutaka(15:30~16:30) Fundamentals and Applications of Synchro- 2S5- 07 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Molecular Imaging of Living Cells by Sparse Multivariate Analysis of Raman Spectro- tron-based SAXS Measurement scopy(Research Org. for Nano & Life Innovation, Waseda Univ.; PRESTO, )○ ( ~ ) Sunday, March 22, AM JST ANDO, Masahiro 15:30 16:00 2S5- 08 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Spatiotem- (9:30 ~9:35 ) poral analysis of biomolecules via data assimilation to high-speed AFM 1S5- 01 Special Program Lecture Opening remarks on the recent measurement(Dep. Chem., Sch. Sci., Kyoto Univ.)○TAKADA, Shoji advances in SAXS (ICR, Kyoto Univ.)○TAKAYA, Hikaru(09:30~ (16:00~16:30) 09:35) (16:30~16:35) Chair: TAKAYA, Hikaru(9:35 ~10:35) 2S5- 09 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Summary 1S5- 02 Special Program Lecture Structure analyses bu Synchrotron (Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.)○TAMIYA, Eiichi(16:30~16:35) Small Angle X-ray Scattering Technique(ICR, Kyoto Univ.) ○TAKENAKA, Mikihito(09:35~10:05) 1S5- 03 Special Program Lecture Synchrotron radiation small-angle Innovative Catalysts: Electro- and Photo- X-ray structure analysis: Measurement methods and examples(JASRI) assisted Catalytic Reaction ○MASUNAGA, Hiroyasu(10:05~10:35) Tuesday, March 24, PM Chair: HONMA, Tetsuo(10:35~12:25) Chair: KITAGAWA, Hiroshi(13:30~15:30) 1S5- 04 Special Program Lecture Structural analysis of supramolecu- 3S5- 01 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Design of lar assemblies by small angle x-ray scattering measurements.(Grad. Sch. Eng., visible light responsive photocatalysts toward solar hydrogen production Kyoto Univ.)○NISHIMURA, Tomoki(10:35~11:05) (Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.)○ABE, Ryu(13:30~14:00) 1S5- 05 Special Program Lecture Small-angle and Ultra-small-angle 3S5- 02 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Design of X-ray Scattering Studies on Polymer Materials(IMCE, Kyushu Univ.) photoelectrochemical reaction field for the conversion of gaseous molecules ○KOJIO, Ken(11:05~11:30) (Fac. Env. Eng., The Univ. of Kitakyushu)○AMANO, Fumiaki(14:00~ 1S5- 06 Special Program Lecture In situ Analysis for Coagulation 14:30) Process of Cuprammonium Rayon by Small Angle X-ray Scattering(Asahi 3S5- 03 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Computa- Kasei Corp.)○SAKAMOTO, Naoki; YAMAGATA, Maiko; HIROSAWA, tional study on redox reactions of inhomogeneous catalyst(GREEN, Kazu; IWAMA, Tatsuhiro(11:30~11:55) NIMS)○TATEYAMA, Yoshitaka(14:30~15:00) 1S5- 07 Special Program Lecture Application of small-angle and 3S5- 04 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Low tem- wide-angle X-ray in biomass material structure research(JASRI)○KABE, perature heterogeneous catalytic reaction promoted by surface protonics Taizo(11:55~12:25) (Grad. Sch. Advanced Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ.)○SEKINE, Yasushi (15:00~15:30) (12:25~12:30) 1S5- 08 Special Program Lecture Closing Remarks(ICR, Kyoto Chair: NOZAKI, Kyoko(15:30~17:30) Univ.)○TAKENAKA, Mikihito(12:25~12:30) 3S5- 05 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Reaction Field of Solid Controlled by Microwaves(Sch. Mater. & Chem. Tech., Tokyo Tech.)○WADA, Yuji(15:30~16:00) Special Lecture 3S5- 06 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Frontiers of ( Monday, March 23, AM electron-driven catalytic reactions by nonthermal plasma Sch. Eng., Tokyo Tech.)○NOZAKI, Tomohiro(16:00~16:30) Chair: YORIMITSU, Hideki(9:30 ~10:20) 3S5- 07 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Catalytic re- 2S5- 01# Special Lecture Applications of Main Group Heterobimetallics: actions using electrochemical microflow reactors(Grad. Sch. Nat. Sci. Catalysis and Templated Metallation(Univ. of Strathclyde; Univ. de Huelva; Technol., Okayama Univ.)○SUGA, Seiji(16:30~17:00) Univ. Bern)○O’HARA, Charles; Martı´ nez-Martı´ nez, Antonio J.; Brun˜ a, 3S5- 08 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Mechanism Sonia; Fairley, Michael; Hevia, Eva; Kennedy, Alan R.(09:30~10:20) of light-induced water-splitting in natural photosynthesis(RIIS, Okayama Univ.)○SHEN, Jian-ren(17:00~17:30) Chair: MURAKAMI, Masahiro(11:30~12:20) 2S5- 02# Special Lecture Stereoselective Synthesis via Reactive Metal Carbene and Oxonium Ylide Intermediates(Univ. of Geneva) Gyroid in Materials ○LACOUR, Jerome(11:30~12:20) Wednesday, March 25, AM Integration of molecular dynamics analysis Chair: NISHIHARA, Hirotomo(9:30 ~11:00) 4S5- 01# Special Program Lecture Geometry in Soft Mater Gyroid: and information science to analyze ad- From a Numerical Study Viewpoint(Fac. Sci. Eng., Kindai Univ.) vanced cell functions ○DOTERA, Tomonari(09:30~10:00) 4S5- 02# Monday, March 23, PM Special Program Lecture Molecular Spin Gyroids Formed with Polyhedral π Conjugated Molecules(Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ.) (13:30~13:45) ○SHUKU, Yoshiaki; MIZUNO, Asato; AWAGA, Kunio(10:00~10:30) 2S5- 03 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Opening re- 4S5- 03# Special Program Lecture Supramolecular Structures with marks(Grad. Sch. Sci., TMU)○ITO, Yutaka(13:30~13:45) Metal-Oxalate Framework for Molecular Electronic Materials based on Gyroids(RIES, Hokkaido Univ.)○NAKAMURA, Takayoshi(10:30~ Chair: TAMIYA, Eiichi(13:45~15:15) 11:00) 2S5- 04 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Next Genera- tion Proteomics by Integrating Mass Spectrometry with Intelligent Statistical Chair: NAKAMURA, Takayoshi(11:00~12:30) Analysis(Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyoto Univ.)○ISHIHAMA, Yasushi 4S5- 04# Special Program Lecture Nanoporous frameworks with sin- (13:45~14:15) gle-layer graphene walls towards gyroid graphenes(IMRAM, Tohoku 2S5- 05 Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture Protein struc- Univ.)○NISHIHARA, Hirotomo(11:00~11:30) ture determinations in living cells(Grad. Sch. Sci., TMU; Goethe Univ.; 4S5- 05# Special Program Lecture Design of Functional Gyroid Sur- ETH)○IKEYA, Teppei; TANAKA, Takashi; TATEISHI, Yutaka; face through Self-organization of Liquid-crystalline Amphiphiles(Grad. Sch. 1 The 100th Annual Meeting of CSJ Fac. Eng., Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Technol.)○ICHIKAWA, Takahiro (11:30~12:00) Luminescence Chemistry Ensemble: Debate 4S5- 06# Special Program Lecture Construction of Huge Double the Mystery of Solid-state Light Emission! Gyroid Network Structure by Block Copolymers(Grad. Sch. Eng., Nagoya Univ.)○TAKANO, Atsushi(12:00~12:30) -From the Standpoint of Molecular Design, Synthesis, and Measurement- Wednesday, March 25, AM Room S6 (9:30 ~9:35 ) 4S6- 01 Special Program Lecture Opening Remarks(Fac. Edu., )○ ( ~ ) Lecture Hall Bldg. K703 Shinshu Univ. ITO, Fuyuki 09:30 09:35 Chair: KONISHI, Gen-ichi(9:35 ~11:00) 4S6- 02 Special Program Lecture Design of Highly Emissive Mole- The Next Generation of Medical Technology cules Based on Molecular Orbitals and Intermolecular Interactions(ICR, Innovated by Mass Spectrometry Kyoto Univ.)○HIROSE, Takashi(09:35~09:50) 4S6- 03 Special Program Lecture Understanding the mechanism of Sunday, March 22, AM circularly polarized light emission from a chiral excimer model compound (IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.)○ARAKI, Yasuyuki(09:50~10:05) (9:30 ~9:35 ) 4S6- 04 Special Program Lecture Molecular Design and Emitting 1S6- 01 Special Program Lecture Aim of this session(THCU) Properties of Amorphous Molecular Materials(Muroran Inst. of Tech.) ○MATSUMURA, Yuriko(09:30~09:35) ○NAKANO, Hideyuki(10:05~10:20) 4S6- 05 Special Program Lecture Fluorescence properties induced by Chair: MATSUMURA, Yuriko(9:35 ~10:00) molecular aggregation in highly purified organic crystals(Sch. Eng., Nihon 1S6- 02 Special Program Lecture Collaborative Research & Devel- Univ.)○KATOH, Ryuzi(10:20~10:35) opment for Advanced Healthcare utilizing the synergistic combination of 4S6- 06 Special Program Lecture From aggregates model to Amor- technologies in analytical science and medical diagnostic imaging(Shimadzu phous(Fac. Edu., Shinshu Univ.)○ITO, Fuyuki(10:35~11:00) Corp.)○YAMAGUCHI, Ryo(09:35~10:00) Chair: IKEDA, Hiroshi(11:00~12:25) Chair: OKURA, Ichiro(10:00~11:00) 4S6- 07 Special Program Lecture Design and intermolecular interac- 1S6- 03 Special Program Lecture Current status on the analysis of tion of mechanochromically luminescent organic crystals(Grad. Fac. Eng., functional components in agricultural products(NARO)○ORITO, Fumio; Yokohama Natl. Univ.)○ITO, Suguru(11:00~11:15) YAMAMOTO-MAEDA, Mari; KATADA, Kazuya(10:00~10:30) 4S6- 08 Special Program Lecture Single-Particle Emission Observa- 1S6- 04 Special Program Lecture Development and application of tion of Stimulation-Induced Structural Changes(MPRC, Kobe Univ.) analytical methods and software tools aiming to contribute to biomarker ○TACHIKAWA, Takashi(11:15~11:30) discovery and verification(Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.; Shimadzu Corp.) 4S6- 09 Special Program Lecture Structures and intermolecular in- ○IIDA, Junko(10:30~11:00) teractions of stimuli-responsive luminescent molecular crystals(Sch. Eng., Hokkaido Univ.)○SEKI, Tomohiro(11:30~11:45) Chair: OHTSUKA, Satoshi(11:00~12:30) 4S6- 10 Special Program Lecture Time-resolved Microspectroscopy 1S6- 05 Special Program Lecture MALDI-TOFMS-based plasma for Emissive Organic Single Microcrystal(Grad. Sch. Sci., Eng., Ehime biomarker analysis for early detectio of Alzheimer’s disease(Shimadzu Univ.)○ISHIBASHI, Yukihide(11:45~12:00) Corp.)○IWAMOTO, Shinichi(11:00~11:30) 4S6- 11 Special Program Lecture Changes in crystal structure invol- 1S6- 06 Special Program Lecture Application of Mass Spectrometry ving mechanochromism(IIS, The Univ. of Tokyo)○MUTAI, Toshiki to Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy(Shimadzu Corp.)○EZURE, (12:00~12:25) Toru(11:30~12:00) 1S6- 07 Special Program Lecture Discovery of bio marker for allergic (12:25~12:30) disease using mass-spectrometry(Grad. Sch. Agricultural and Life Sci., The 4S6- 12 Special Program Lecture Opening Remarks(Fac. Edu., Univ.
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