Average Daily Circulation jfor the Month of Jnly, l t 41 The Weather 6,784 Forecast of D. S. Weather Bureau Nctnber of tko Audit Occasional rain, slightly warm- Barauu of Circulatloa* er tonight; Tuesday eoasiderable cloudiness with showers. Mlphcheater-—A City of Village Charm ~ --------------------—^—•----------------------------- :— VOL. LX., NO. 278 (ClauUled Advertlaing On Page It) 4'CHE.STER. conn., MONDAY, AUGI ST 2.5, 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS British Rnd Rjtssian Forces Invade Iran Russian Submarines in the Making Premier Tells Japs ex- Clashes Are Reported Expansion Scheme Close to Border Must Be Stopped as lx Stand Next to Ameri*Z! ! ' u. s. Ponders Thrust Is Resisted Should the Lat* ReiB^rks of tcr^s Effort to Secure .Sudden Movement o f Soldiers Spreads the Peace in the Pacific Highlights of Notes British Head Fail; Highspots o f Talk War Across the Oil- Rich Kingdom; Veter- London. Aug. T jiu re h ill In fers Japan Sent to Iran Before an British Desert Fight- Prime Minister Churchill *Is Greater DHanger a n g e r to I ers Join Russian Cos-, warned Japan yesterday her; America Than to the | military expansion must atop Soviet-British Drive sacks in Big Drive to and pledged Great Britain to | Empire; The Reactions • By The As,sociated Press Uiey have stored for their criminai Oust Nazi Agents. range herself beside the j Washington, Aug. 2.5 ijPi — The following are textual high- alms more than 50 tons of explo- United States should the lat-| sives. In the suburbs of Teheran Winston Churchill's pointed em- light from the parallel British and Lorwlon. Aug. 25.—(IP)—. ter’s efforts to secure a peace- under the guise of hunting, they phasis on the delicate situstion In Russian notea to Iran, explaining Iran’s army of about 190,000 ful settlement in the Pacific carry out military training of their the far east attracted much atten- their joint invasion of that Asian criminai companions among Ger- men was reported authorita- fail. On the other side of the kingdom today as a precaution man subjects. tion here today, for the British against a Nazi coup. tively to<lay to be resisting world, he called the “ Atlantic Unfortunately, the Iranian gov- prime minister seemed to intimate Rusalan British-Russian invading charter” drawn by him and that the danger of trouble between emment have refused to take Recently . and particularly measures which would put an end forces, spreading the war President Roosevelt a Brit- the United States and Japan was from the beginning of the perfidi- greater than between Japan and to the troubles and disorders across that oil-rich kingdom ish-United States pledge to ous aggrearton of Hitlerite Ger- Britain. fomented by German agents, many against the U S S R., the ac- wedged strategically between destroy Nazi tyranny. Although there were many pas- as a result of thU, the Soviet gov- tivity of German-Nazl conapira- the Persian gulf and the Cas- In a broadcast to the world he sages in the prime minister's ad- Black Sea naval ernment have been forced to take described his meeting with the dress yesterday that provoked in- This picture was pian sea. The extent or place American executive as a "m ar- terest, moat of the diplomatic of the engagements was not shalling of the good forces of the speculation centered on Church- ' {r r e a ? " " ‘ to^rhe S^leT 4Ton'"*rn ‘’vR°tul‘ of disclosed here. world against the evil forces" and ' , Article 6 of the Treaty of 1921 IH’s pledge that Britain would a beacon of hope for all the con- (The German wirelesa stand by the United .States In the portent TC^fs into a d v ic e their quered nati<>ns of Europe. event of a show down in the Ori- {^ ^ s n troops provisionally into the terri- broadcast an Ankara dispatch State Traffic Problem Thousands Off Iranian departments, German tcry of Iran for the Promtaea Aid to RumU ent. purpose of j agents are trjing by all means to self-defense. , . stating that "‘‘clashes already Pending a careful study of In the German attack on Soviet ^provoke disorder and disturbance British: have b^n reported from the Russia, he aald Nazi blood for the Churchill’s report on his historic WPA Projects in Iran, to violate the'peaceful life During the past month the Brit- Caucasian border,” the p oi^ , first time “has flowed in a fearful Atlantic meeting with President Strictly an Urban One I of the Iranian people, to instigate Roosevelt, congressional comment ish government have repeatedly of entry for Soviet troops.) flood.” He promised aid to Rus- Iran against the U.S.S.R. and to warned the Iranian government of waa alow in forthcoming, but the Veteran Deaert Fighters sia and praised her efficiency and Leaving at the Rate of involve Iran in war against the potenUal dangers arising from the opinion among administration sup- , U 8.S.R. Veteran British deaert fighters equipment. Slate Motor Commis- Doctors Set to Perform presence ia Iran of an excessively TOrters aeemed to be that Japan 100,000 a Month But German Nazi agents,,. have moved eaat and north from Brit- If Germany were to defeat Rus- A 25-Cent Operation large German colony . under- aia and theh Britain in a policy had been given a warning that sioner Gives Result come now to the utmost of their ish-dominated Iraq, and from the could not be misunderstood. , Still Million Are Idle. ground m egsur^ taken by the Persian gulf and formed a fron- jjt daatmylng. hrt .opponents _ one subversive activities 4n organizing German government to apread Churchill, diplomatic sources . O f Survey for the Boston. Aug. 25.—(45—Doc- diversion and terrorist groups In-*^ tier threat at Baluchlatan, which by on*. Churchill expressed the tors at City hospital prepared German Influence In Iran and to opinion the United States would noted, bracketed Singapore and i Washington, August 25— tended to be transferred to ^ v let Ilea aoutheast of Iran. Some of tha lirst Half of Year. a establish eventually German con- be attacked next. the Philippines specifically aa the i tor 25-cent operation today. Workers are leaving W P A Jobs Azerbaijan . to Baku and other British landed from shlpa' in the That w-asn’t the cost, but the trol and domination In that coun- Persian guth “I rejoice to find that President two spots immediately menaced by most important Soviet frontier Hartford, August 2.5-State object. volunUrily at the rate of 100,000 ! **°/‘*‘ try obviously consUtute serious Russian Cossacka and mountM Roosevelt saw In their true light the present Japanese expansion I Motor Vehicles Commissioner Three-year-old Geraldine a month,month offiri.i.officials hidisclosed...___ _ today, * “ * ,‘*>* Or*- danger for the Iraaian.government infantrymen made up the Soviet and proportion the extreme dan- southward In Asia. Thereafter ' and preparing explosions on terri- themselves, os well as British In- Raphanella swallowed a quar- i)ut still to be solved is the prob- invading forces, moving toward gers by which the American peo- forts of the United -States to pre- I' John T. McCarthy said today that tory of the U.S.S.R. terests. India clearly cannot ^ ter yesterday, and the coin be- Junctiona with the British in a ple as well aa the British people however, the stress was on the ef- ’ lem of what to do with 1,000,000 Explosives Are Stored the pedestrian traffic accident synchronized invasion over baking are now beset,'* he said. serve peace In the Far East. came lodged In her esophagus In the neighborhood of Miane problem in Connecticut definitely who have been on the waiting list (Oontlaaed On Page F6nr) plains and mountains. His reference to Japan won most Are Using PsUenee In such a manner that medical was sn urban one, judging from since spring. Ouster of German agents was of the comment in the British “The United States," Churchill men said an operation would be Another source of worry for newspapers today.- said, "are laboring with Infinite the results of survey of adcidenU needed for removal. the announced Ruasiah-British aim. patience to arrive at a fair and during the first six months of this , W PA heads, whose appropriation Japau*s Grasping Hand for the current fiscal year was From Cairo, headquarters of the amicable settlement which will The Japanese, he said, "now year involving podeatrians over 16 i slashed sharply, are 1,000.000 per- FDR and Duke of Kent British middle east command, it give Japan the utmost reassur- stretch a grasping hand into the years old. ' sons who government officials and was reported that Indian mechaa- ance for her legitimate interests. southern seas of China. They labor representatives estimate will "We earnestly hope these nego- Of the 89 pedestrian fatalities I Ready to Back ired forces, strongly supported by side snatch Indo-China from the be thrown out of work by defense R AF squadrons, were in the van- tiations will succeed. But this I during that period, 46 per cent oc- : wretched Vichy French. They priority claims on materials. Back in Washington guard of the Invasion. must say. that If these hopes menace by their movements. Slam. curred- in the state’s six largest ' Last year the W P A received should fail, we ahall, of course, Townsend Plan (juided From Ships They menace the Singapore Brit- cities, Hartford, Bridgeport, New i (1,350,000,000 and maintained an An authoritative London sourca range ourselves unheaitatlnglv at ish link with Australasia and men- Haven, Waterbury, New Britain average of 1,700,000 workers.
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