THE TaTakinkingtgthehe CHURCHOF GospeGospelonlon ENGLAND tourtour Newspaper p9p9 25.05.18 £1.50 No: 6434 Established in 1828 AVAILABLE ON GooglePlay iTunes DIGEST Churches unitetoremember Youth Trust boost AYoung Leaders Award scheme runbythe Archbishop of York is to be expanded fatefulManchesterbombing nationally. CHURCHES in Manchester St Ann’s Squarewas the focal The Allchurches Trust this wereatthe centreofevents point for people’s grief when an week awarded agrant of over this weekmarking the first estimated 300,000 floral tributes £500,000 to the Archbishop of anniversaryofthe bombing and gifts wereleft in the Square. York Youth Trust to enable the in Manchester Arena. This year the flower festival expansion. The Bishop of Manchester, featured displays created by 23 Dr John Sentamu founded the theRtRev David Walker,said: groups of flower arrangers from Trust in 2009 with the aim of “At the heartofour commemo- around the country empowering anew generation rations will be those families Each of the 25 floral displays of young leaders. So far over mostaffectedbythe attack. We depicted an aspect of Manches- 63,000 young people across the will gatherwith them, first in ter.They included titles such as North of England have benefit- the cathedral and later outside ‘A City United’ sponsored by ted from the scheme. the Town Halland in St Ann’s Manchester City and Manches- Square. We will let them know ter United Football Clubs, ‘Suf- Kirkbacks same-sex theyare not forgotten, andthat fragette City’, a‘City of Prayer ourcommitment to them, and Contemplation’ and ‘Coro- marriage through word, prayer and nation Street’, complete with action, is not diminished by a pigeon and Minnie Caldwell’s year’s passing.” Bobby the cat. At the service the Bishop of Meanwhile the Bishops of the Manchester paid tribute to Diocese of Blackburnissued a those whose lives werelost that joint statement. night, and their families. But he The Rt Revs Julian Hender- added:“Iwant us also today to son, the Bishop of Blackburn remember those manyothers, and the Rt Rev Philip North, the The General Assembly of the whose lives werespared but Bishop of Burnley,said the Church of Scotland has voted in who suffered longlasting, often bereaved families wereintheir favour of legislation thatwould permanent, damage in the prayers and in the prayers of allowministers to carry out attack.” churches across Lancashire. same-sex marriages. He said: “Our society has ritu- They said: “Anniversaries can At avote last Saturday mem- als to mark adeath, and to con- be incredibly difficult times for bers voted 345 to 170 to instruct sole the bereaved. We lack any bereaved families and doubtless the Legal Questions Committee equivalent for those who have therewill be manyatthis to prepare legislationwith safe- lost limbs, suffered sensory time who will be playing guards. loss, or will never recover their throughintheir minds the hor- During the debate questions confidenceagain. rific events of 22 May last year wereraised about protection for “Todaywemark and acknowl- in the Manchester Arena. and enduring love of the hatred and anger. clergy who felt they could not edge their suffering, and pledge “So many wonderful lives bereaved families over the past “They will be in our prayers performthe ceremony.Asa to play ourpartfor their future weretaken away from us by the 12 months has been vital in and in the prayers of the church- result, it was agreed that legisla- wellbeing hereonEarth.” wicked actions of one man. showing us that compassion and es of Lancashireaswe keep this tion should only be drafted ifit And he concluded: “You, you However, the incredible dignity hope will always triumph over anniversary.” could “sufficiently protect who werehurtorbereaved 12 against the risks they identify”. monthsago today,are forever During the debate one minis- partofManchester,forever part ter,the Rev TomGordon said: of us.” Expansion for‘Places of Welcome’ “Give people achoice: allow And in St Ann’s Church a ANETWORK of communityPlaces of Wel- started in Birmingham, anew website has been their marriage to be conducted flower festival was held to mark comeistocome under the banner of Near created at www.placesofwelcome.org.uk. by aminister.With God’s bless- the anniversary. Classical and Neighbours, aChurch UrbanFund project Thereare currently 200 such projectsnation- ing.” Gospel music wereplayed and thatisfunded by theGovernment. wide, but organisers say itisrapidly expanding. In June last year the Scottish the church bell was rung to Organisers said that ‘Places of Welcome’ are Places of Welcome can be in any location includ- Episcopal Church also voted in mark the moment of the blast at runbylocal community groups who want every- ing churches, mosques, temples, community favour of allowing same-sex 10.31pm. one in their neighbourhoodtohaveaplace togo centres or housing associations. weddings in churches. Following the devastating for afriendly face, acup of tea and aconversa- Thereare no charges for joining Places of Wel- For the Church of Scotland, bomb at the Manchester Arena tionifand when theyneed it. come, and anyone can startone in their commu- the committee is expected to lastMay that claimed 22 lives To launch the expansion of the scheme, which nity. reportback in 2020. and injured hundreds of people, www.churchnewspaper.com [email protected] facebook.com/churchnewspaper @churchnewspaper 2 Friday 25 May,2018 THE CHURCH IN ENGLAND Picture: Keith Blundy DioceseofDurham The Rev Caroline Dick, whoisthe vicar at Diocese of Southwell AWitton Gilbert couple who have amassed St Michael’ssaid: “Eileen andJohn area and Nottingham morethan 100 years service to the St mostremarkable couple. Their dedication The Chapter House of South- Michael’s and All Angels Church have and hardwork havegone well beyond what wellMinster was afitting loca- stepped down. anyonewould expect -but they havedone it tion for the official launch on Johnand Eileen Perkins have been long- with great pride and passion, and without Wednesday of The White standing stalwarts in their worship and vari- them, the church wouldn’t be what it is Book; the first complete edi- ous roles at the church. Eileen (84)has today. tion of an invaluable and exten- served for 61 years as amember of the PCC “It is the hardwork of peoplelike John sive collection of medieval including 38 years as its secretary; while and Eileen that speaks volumes on the way documents compiled between John (85) has served for 46 years including churches and their people engage and around 1350 and 1460. 30 years as Churchwarden. become at the heartofthe community,and I Its name is derived from its Eileen has been attending the church would like to thank them personally. white vellum cover and its 500 since she was ababy andJohn hasbeen a “They areboth great examples of faithful pages record620 individual member since he moved to Witton in 1968. disciples, and in my time of knowing them, I documents fromaround “I was asked to stand as churchwarden in have been humbled by their willingness to 1100AD onwards. It was first 1972 -and Isaidatthe time, Ididn’t thinkI accept change, for example, the re-ordering brought to attention by pio- was ready just yet. Iwas persuaded to stand of the churchand accepting women’s min- neering local historianRobert and agreed to do it for awhile! So Iwas meeting and retired in2000!” istry. Eileen has agreat love of children and Thoroton (who died in 1677), churchwarden until 2000 and then again John added: “Wedecided thisyear that we has always befriended the little ones, and however this is the first sys- from 2010 to 2012,” said John. weregetting abit ancient and had beenon John has been at the forefront of maintain- tematic, complete, scholarly Eileen has been veryactive in the church the PCC longenoughsowedecided to ing the fabric of thechurch. They areboth edition. in other ways including undertaking alot of retire at this year’s AGM finally.” greatly loved members ofthe church and Thanks to their great variety, church tapestry, and she produced the Although John and Eileen may have well known throughout the village.” the documents areimportant parish’s first prayer kneeler.She said:“It retiredfromthe PCC,they remain very The Rt Rev Paul Butler,Bishop of not simply for ecclesiastical was in 1957 that my father came home from active in the church and have recently gifted Durham, wrote aletter of thanks to them to historybut for broader social achurch meeting to say that Ihad been co- an engraved glass entrance door to the be read out at their final meeting in which it and economic trendsin opted on to the PCC and it wasin1962 I church and arenow planningastained glass recognises their work and dedication medievalNottinghamshire agreed to be the PCC secretaryjust for one window for the future. throughout the years. either side of the Black Death. Diocese of Portsmouth beforethe Harbour Church service brand new family service at St Alban’s launched in arefurbished department Acongregation in Portsmouth will starts at 11am. Church, Copnor,building on the work storeinCommercial Road with acore move its main Sunday service to ahis- The Rev Alex Wood, who is vicar of alreadydone with families at its weekly group ofjust 20 people. The Bishop of toric church building after outgrowing HarbourChurch, will becomepriest-in- Tots and Toddlers group. The Rev Alex Portsmouth invited them to move from its current premises. charge of St George’s. The Rev Matt Wood is also priest-in-charge of St Brighton to set up abrand new church Harbour Church will work in partner- Bray,who is curate at both Harbour Alban’s. appealing to students and young people. ship with St George’s Church in Portsea Church and PortsmouthCathedral,will The new service at St Alban’s will be Now the new congregation is welcom- from this summer.The two congrega- take specific responsibility for the St launched on June 3.
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