TOMORROW: S unny High 79*/Low 42* MUSTANG DAIE CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY Obama J Jet dives into The Cal Poly men’s ^ artist •ym' Af ^ 'jniji Hudson river, all basketball team hosts Ends 155 passengers UC Santa Barbara on survive. Saturday night. fame. ‘, IN ARTS, 5 IN NEW S, 3 ONLINE Volume LXXII, Number 73 Friday, January 16, 2009 www.mustangdaily.net Bush says he acted in Cal Poly marchers nation’s best interest Deb Riechmann ASSO! KTI I) I’KhSS honor MLK’s dream WASHINiiTON (AP) — Reflecting on two tumul­ tuous terms in the White House, l^resident George W. Josh Ayers Bush defended his tenure in a farewell address Thurs­ M m MUS PANI, DAIIY day, arguing that he followed his conscience and always acted in the best interests of the nation. About 50 people participated in a silent inarch "You may not agree with some tough decisions I from Dexter Lawn to the red handprint area near have made, hut I hope you can agree that I was willing K the Sandwich Factory to honor the birthday and life to make the tough decisions,” Bush said, according to accomplishments of civil rights leader Martin Luther excerpts of his prime-time speech released in advance King Jr.,Thursday afternoon. by the White House. The march, which took place in unseasonably A bookend to eight years indelibly marked by ter­ warm weather, traveled uphill and seemed to sym­ rorism, two wars, recessions and a push for democracy, bolically mirror the uphill challenges that civil rights the speech offered Bush one last chance before he leaves leaders faced decades ago in their efforts to create a office Tuesday to defend his presidency and craft a first more equal American society. draft of his legacy for historians. He is scheduled to y -MJ' “ I recognize that over the past 40 to 50 years, we’ve deliver the speech from the White House East Room, had such an intense struggle with civil rights,” said with just 112 hours left in his presidency. Associated Students Inc. President Angela Kramer. Bush is spending his last weekend as president at “Since Dr. King, we really have come a long way.” Camp David. The speech is his final public appearance Kramer gave a brief speech prior to the march in until he greets President-elect Barack Obama on Inau­ which she touched on the upcoming inauguration guration Day at the White House’s North Portico. of President-elect liarack Obama, which will take Bush called the inauguration of Obama, the first Ï... ' i r 1 0 ^ place the day after the Martin Luther Kingjr. holiday black president, a “moment of hope and pride” for Monday. America. “It’s kind of nice to be celebrating the birth of “Standing on the steps of the Capitol will be a man Dr. King and also the birth o f a new nation at the whose story reflects the enduring promise of our land,” leadership of a president that happens to be African he said in wishing the best to Obama, incoming first American,” she said before her speech. lady Michelle C'ibama, and their two daughters. But even with the paramount accomplishments Bush’s presidency began with the worst terrorist at­ of the civil rights movement, Kramer said that there tack on U.S. soil and ends with the worst economic is still a lingering attitude of abhorrence toward the collapse in three generations. idea o f diverse society. “Even in the toughest times, we lift our eyes to the “ It’s also a reminder of how much further we have broad horizon ahead,” Bush said with his trademark op­ to go,” she said with regards to the recent presidential timism. “I have confidence in the promise of America election. “Even now in 2(K)9, you have parts of the because 1 know the character of our people. This is a country and even in this area, with people who are nation that inspires immigrants to risk everything for so filled with hatred based on something so cultur­ the dream of freedom. This is a nation where citizens ally important, but so trivial as race.” JOSH AYERS MUSTANG DAILY show calm in times of danger and compassion in the March participants were mostly faculty and staff ASl President Angela Kramer marches with a crowd of faculty and students face o f suffering.” to commemorate the birthday of peace activist Martin Luther King Jr. see King, page 2 see Bush, page 2 When the gym is not an option Cassandra Keyse Poly Escapes the trip provided both car­ siology senior Dany Barragan MUSTANt; DAILY On campus, Poly Escapes diovascular and upper body said. “You learn the funda­ combines endurance, car­ training. mentals from the beginning. Are you tired o f waiting in diovascular and upper-body “You have to hike out in There are skills testing that line for a half hour or more strength training with a love the snow to get to the climb­ involve learning something to get on that elliptical ma­ o f all things outdoors in or­ ing spot which is where you in order to teach it back to chine at the gym? Would you der to provide students with get more of the cardio, and someone. It’s mostly cardio, rather not have to wake up an alternative workout. Ac­ then you are pulling yourself but it’s a good workout.” at the crack of dawn or wait tivities such as rock climb­ up the wall,” he said. Each of the kinesiology until late at night to work out ing at either the rock wall in classes are one to two unit without being surrounded by the University Union, or a Physical Education Class courses and are open to all the crowds of students? trip to Cabrillo or Bishop’s for Units majors, however some spaces If you answered yes to ei­ Peak build “both mental and If you are in need of a few are reserved for kinesiology ther of these questions, then physical strength for the core extra units, one option is to majors. maybe an alternative workout and upper body,” said Austin enroll in a kinesiology course is for you.There are a variety Gardner, industrial engineer­ such as a team sport or an Self-Defense Class of ways to get fit that are not ing senior and Poly Escapes aquatics class to get fit on a Another useful workout only beneficial to your body, front line representative. bi-weekly basis. opportunity is to take a self- but provide other useful perks Gardner went ice climbing “The classes are all based defense class at the Recre- OMAR SANCHEZ m u s t a n g d a ily as well. during his first trip with the on one sport like basketball, Riding a bicycle to campus is a great way to get some organization and thinks that wrestling, or football,” kine­ see Workout, page 2 exercise and avoid the hassles of driving to school. 2 News editor; Rachel Cìlas; News desi|;iier: Omar Sanchez M u si anc ; D aiiy imistan|;duilynews(a giiiail.coni Friday, January 16, 2009 www.niustangdaily.net : New s .. i i Hream" speech, which he de­ harsh interrogation of suspected Workout King livered to 2,S(l,(Kl(l people at the Bush terrorists. 1 iiicoln Monument in Washing­ “There is legitimate debate l outinufd fioni pii^c I continued fi'oni pugc I continued fi-oni pupc / ton on Aug. 2-i, 19()3. about many of these decisions, but ition ('enter. I Ins quarter, m.irti.i! Above all things. King eni- An .ludiciicc of .ibout 2(M> peo­ there.c.m be little debate about the arts classes such as Shonn-ryii ka- ' ph.isi/ed the importance of 11011- ple were being .issembled to listen results," s.iid Bush, who also reiter­ rate or .Mna\ 1 li.n kickbo.xmi; ot­ \ lolent protest. to the speech .it the White I louse. ated Ills belief that spre.iding hu­ Wediiesd.iy's march featurei.1 ter baste selt-iietense techniques They include .ibout 4.3 people cho­ man liberty and freedom offers an speci.il guest and Salinas resident alternative to extremism. “America .iik I detensive skills that nn^ht sen for their person.il stories,.! pr.ic- Sandra Towner, 49, who orga­ has gone more than seven years come in handy in the tiiture. tice iiorni.illy reserved for .1 State nized the 0 1 1-again, off-again an­ without another terrorist attack on "Kight now we are learning of the Union address. The venue is nual m.ircli while attending C^il our soil.” how to attack first, because it you a break from farewell adtlresses by Poly in the early 19S(ls. I’residents Bill Clinton and Ronald Critics claim that while there don't know how to attack and only f ¡» V % “Pulling it together, I didn't has not been another attack on U.S. know how to defend, \ani will Keagaii, who spoke to the nation think it was going to happen," from the Oval Office. soil, the number of terrorist acts usually get twer-taken tgiite eas­ she said as she recalled the first “l.ike all who have held this of­ around the world has increased; ily," saiil mechanical engineering march. fice before me, 1 luive experienced Iran has gained influence in the st)phomore Matthew 'West of the She said that during those‘SOs setbacks,” said Bush, whose perfor­ Mideast; N orth Korea still hasn’t Muay Thai class.
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