Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For The Week Ended Cloudy, cool, periods of rain September 12,-1970 likely through Tuesday. Low to­ night In 50s. Wednesday cloudy, milder, ' continuing chance of 15,792 showers. Manchester— -A City of Village Charm VGL. L X X X IX , NO. 293 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONpAY, SEPTEMBER i4, 1970 (Clasoifled Advertlsiiig on Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS Communists Four Towri^ Israelis Threaten F o r c e Back End Strikes Cambodians At Schools Liv^s of 450 Arabs By JOHN T. WHEELER By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press.Writer Schools opened this morning By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rlllas convicted by Israeli courts The guerrilla leadership re- PHNOM PENH (AP) — Ene- in three tbwns that were strlke- and to confiscate their property, vised Its figure today on the my troops smashed the van- bound last week—New London, Israel has warned Pales- a known sympathizer of the number of remaining hostages guard of the Cambodian govern- Middletown and Milford—but tinian guerrillas it will im- popular Ftont for the Libera- to “ about 60” after airline offl- ment's first major offensive of there was one new walkout pose the death penalty on tlon of Palestine, which is hold- dais reported 55 persona still the war ^ a y , forcnlg Cambo- casualty—West Haven, 450 sympathizers rounded Ing the hostages, the Nablus' unaccounted for. The Popular dlan - soldiers back after an In Bristol, teachers voted 484- up in occupied Arab ten’i- doctor was one of three Arab Front had claimed Saturday It abortlve attempt to recapture 65 this morning to go back to tories if the remaining hi- emissaries dispatched to Jordan retained only 40 capUyes. an Important position In the work with a negotiated contract jack hostages are harmed, Israelis. The last of the other 267 host- (C) country’s heartland. still requiring approval of the ges, held for as long as a week, Enemy gunners fired more an Arab emissary” disclosed After the three arrived in Am- <C) Board of Finance. Schools In reached Nicosia Sunday. Many t l ^ 400 mortar shells into for­ Bristol, closed since the sched­ today. man, the Israelis disclosed they (C) had rounded up 450 Arabs In then left for Zurich and London, V ward positions o f ' the govern^ uled start-of classes Wednesday, Dr. WeizI Qamhawi of Nablus while others spent their first (C) ment soldiers In the village of will open Tuesday in Israeli-held Jordan said he Jordan’s occupied west bank and in the Gaza Strip. night of freedom In' Cyprus. lood Talng Rauk, 65 miles north of The proposed contract, accept­ carried the warning to Amman They were passengers in a crct Phnom Penh, and followed the over the weekend at the behest The Popular Front said Sun­ to ed by negotiators for Bristol Swissair DCS and a Trans World em­ barrage with ground assaults teachers and the school board, of the Jerusalem government. day it would retaliate for the Airlines Boeing 707 that the its and volleys of rocket grenades. He said the Israelis also threat­ mass arrests ’’with complete lose calls for an additional appropria­ Popular Front hijacked Sept. 6 lenn Twenty Cambodlait . soldiers tion of $575,000 for teachers’ ened to blow up houses of guer- ruthlessness.’’ and a BO AC VCIO comman­ yth, were killed and more than 60 salaries and other Improve­ deered last Wednesday. The’ ans. wounded In the attack that last­ Don ments. Last week the finance commandos had demanded the ed from just after midnight uh- ( 0 ) tioard turned down a proposal release of seven Arab prisoners lulet tU past dawn. Life with Hijackers Join cdlling for an extra appropria­ of Britain, West Germany and Communist losses were gdven tion « $600,000. Switzerland as the price of their by government commanders as (C) Teach^rg^ voted 425-64 in Mil­ hostages’ freedom. 20 dead left on the battleground ford this Corning to stay off However, the seven remained and an estimated 200 more dead the job, but schools opened for Desert Diary Tells (C) and wounded carried away dur­ Imprisoned and a Popular Front rson ing the night. the first time slhbe they were statement Sunday night did not Joey ordered closed Wednesday mom- spell out terms for the release 1 13- The government operaUon iiino. was aimed at reopening 60 Stewardess Story of the rerrtalnlng hostages. It <C) said the demands have been miles of Route 6 from Skoun to Teachers In New London ehdr^ NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — The mitted aboard for the first time, ( 0 ) communicated to ftie govern­ <C) the provincial capital of Kom- ed a two-day walkout and re-' three stewardesses said: He came each day until Thurs- ither turned to classes this morning, ments Involved. < (C) pong Thom, 80 miles north of "We thought at times we day. i Phnom Penh. The 60-mile seg­ but schools were scheduled to would die within the week. One TUESDAY 'The statement telephoned to oung ment has been In enemy hands be closed Tuesday because more news agencies In Beirut said, lose of the hardest things was not Klas, for three months. teachers face contempt of court ’’The PFLP has made these as Ken- Although an amphibious force hearings. the ou^SdTwarld^rd existing In usits iinaifinal uemanusdemands anaand wmwill aeiuesettle broke the siege of Kompong Judge David Shea of Superior . uncertainty.' hard a state of constant uncertahlfy.’ ’ guemllas searched!e a rcte d 'Toui i^ ‘''h^dhand Ttional surrender to themuncondl- by all ^ Ml- Thom last Wednesday in a Court meted out fines totaling The stewardesses were strike up a flood swollen river $7,550. against the New London luggage. ’They asked many g-ovemments concerned.” Car- aboard the TWA 707 hijacked quesUons of passengers who (C) from Cambodlo.'s huge lake of Education Association, the Sept. 6 on a flight from Tel Aviv («) Tonle Sap, success of the entire group’s officers and 43 teeichers were found to have dual citizen- secretary Ronald (C) to New York via West Ger­ and operation would be judged on Saturday. Members of the many. They are Bettie Mc­ ship (Israell-American). The Ziegler encountered a bar- the government’s ability to re­ NLEA voted Sunday night to go guerriUas pressed about connec- questions and came Mo- Carthy, 'Vicki MeVey and Rose­ Uons with the Israeli mllita^ or ^ Slgn open Route 6 and retake more back to work and said they marie Metzner. All live in the than 1,000 square miles of rich would appeal the fines. New Yrk area. anything to do with Israel at ^l. administraUon is attempting rice and food producing area, In Middletown, where schools They described /their week ’They were quite obsessed ^ secure the prompt release of in other battlefield action: this. We were outside the plane remaining hostages and opened for a couple hours each ' ' i . this way: \ —flhe North Vietnamese kept of three days last week, teach­ for about 1% hours. It was un- conUnuing. up their siege of Fire Base ers were back on the job this SUNDAY comfortably hot in the afternoon O’Reilly In the northern quarter morning while negotiations were $ One hour out of Frankfurt, a hours when the temperature detail. But he did say of South Vietnam despite an scheduled to continue. man waving a gun and a bomb, really soared outside, but it nev- Holli- eighth straight day of heavy air School Supt. Clarence Green and-------- a woman--------- with a bOmb, Jtd- er got really stifling Inside. At jggpjy g<),j. <C) strikes by American Bohibers. of Middletown said teacher at­ * jacked the plane. ’There were no midnight the guerrillas took out ggmed for the passengers that aburg Enemy gunners poured more threats to the passengers, "rhe six men and we never saw them unaccounted for and still tendance for a two-hour orienta- Phyllis George takes crown ,as Miss America 1971 (C> than 100 rounds of mortar shells woman announced over the In- again. presumably held." (C) Into the base near the Loatian (See Page N ln e^n ) from her predecessor, Pam Eldred. (AP Photofax) Beauty Queen tercom, "You are going to a WEDNESDAY Ziegler jvas asked how the 1, as border and South Vietnamese Andy friendly country and will be re-- ■ rpf,g excitement of the day United States feels about the Is- m of positions around It and clashed celved by friendly people.” jjjg landing of the hijacked raell roundup of 450 Arabs. He ‘‘turn with government infantrymen Places Faith gs — When the pleme landed In Jor- British airplane at the airstrip, said he had no comment, indent Sunday. Field reports said 10 dan at the- griqrrillas” desert were told that the same hi- The press secretary side- North Vietnamese soldiers and' airstrip in the\ early evening, jggjjgr who took our plane also stepped a direct answer to a two South Vietnamese troops Auto Worker Strike Expeeted In U.S. Youth there was a joyods welcome glv- hijacked that one. At about the question whether this country were killed and five government en— by th*e hijackers’ compa- y^ g rumors spread-that backs Israel and whether the By G.G. LABELLE soldiers wounded. •billty of a strike, but indicated trlots. "Stay In your seats,” ™ “ g bggn"a few passen- roundup was a joint retaliatory Sir DETROIT (AP) — With both A strike would Idle about Associated Press Writer 007s, —The U.S. Command said ac­ 344.000 union members in 145 lo­ he saw little chance of White they ordered. Then the hijack- aboard the hijacked jclrnbo move.
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