Sitã in Tulasidãsa' s Rãmachari tamãnasa: Implications for the Modern Hindu Woman by Karen E. Green Submiued to the #ii:t Graduate studies in Partial Fulhlment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS Department of Religion University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba (c) August, 1993 NationalLibrarY Bibliothèque nationale W@W du Canada et Acouisitions and Direction des acquisitions BibliograPhic Services Branch des services bibliograPhiques Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington 395 (Ontario) Otiawa, Ontario Onawa K1A ON4 K1A ON4 YNt Iile Volre rèlërffie Our lile Nolre èl,ffie The author has E¡'anted an ß-'auteu¡r a accordé !'Jne ßice¡rce et non exclusive i nrevocable non-exclus¡ve licemce irnévoeable tslbliotlrèque allowing the frtüatio¡'lal ü-ibrary of perrnettarxt à la Ca¡rada to reproduce, loan, matio¡'¡ale du Canada de distribute 0r sell cop¡es of reproduire, Prêter, distribuer ou sa thèse his/l,er thesis bY anY sneans and vendre des coPies de sous in any for¡m or format, maldng de quelque manière et que ce soit this thesis available to interested EuelEue for¡ne Pour de cette persons. mettre des exemPlaires thèse à !a disPosition des personnes intéressées. du The author retains owt'lershiP ot t-'auteur conserve la ProPriété the copyrlght in his/her tl'lesis' droit d'auteur qu¡ Protège sa ¡ri des extraits hleither the thesis nor substantia! thèse. F',üi !a thèse ne extracts from it maY be Printed or substantiels de celle-ci otherwise reProduced without doivent être irnPrimés oL¡ son his/her permiss¡on" autrement reProduits sans autorisation. rsBN 0-315-92269-9 il,asåad?d Sitã in Tulasidãsa's Rãmacharitamãnasa: Impiications lor the Modern Hindu Woman by Karen E. Green A Thesis submitted to the Faculfy of G¡aduate Studies of the University of Manitoba in pariial fuifillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS o 1993 pe¡mission has been granted to the LIBRåRY OF TI:IE UNII/ERSITY OF ¡vÍANTTOBA to le¡rd or thesis and sell copies of this thesis, ûo the NATIONAL LIBR.{RY OF C4.Nå.DA to micofilm this tolendorsellcopiesofthe6lm,a¡tdUNT\TERSITYMICRoEII.IVÍStopublíshanabstractofthis thesis. Ttre author reser/es other publications ¡ights, a¡rd neither the thesis nor extensive extracfs Êom it may be printed or otherwÍse reproduced without the autho/s perrrission TABLE OF CONTENTS page Chapter i ABSTRACT I I. INTRODUCTION 1) Method 1 2) Evolution of the RãmãYala 5 11 3)-t Tulas-rdãsa a) Works l4 b) PhilosoPhY 18 c) Evolution of RãmaYaza Thought 2l II. SITA 26 21 1) History of Sita 2) Tulasidasa's Rendition of Sltã 33 a) Pre-Marital Sita 3s i) Bow-Sacrihce 37 b) Post-Marital Sita 42 c) Forest Sttã 47 d) Post-KidnaPPing 49 51 3) Sna as Worshipper a) Pre-Marital 52 b) Post-Marital 54 4) As a Goddess (worshipped) 55 a) Sttã's Dream 60 b) As Nature 61 64 5) Snã as Plot III. SITA AND FAMILY: RELATIONSHIP AND ROLE 68 69 1) Father 2) Mother 79 87 3) Parents in Forest (transition to in-laws) a) Father-in-Law 91 b) Mothers-in-law 9s IV. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RAMA AND S-TTÃ: RELATIONSHIP AND ROLE OF SITA iO4 i0s 1) Secular 105 a) Pre-Marital Ð Meeting in Garden 105 ii) Bow-Sacrif,rce 108 b) Post-Mantal It2 Ð AyodhYã tt2 ii) Forest tl7 lll) AranYa-Kãnda t2l iv) Kiskindha--Kãnda 130 v) Sundara and Lankã Kãndas (fîre ritual) 133 vi) Reunion in AYodhYã 148 r52 2) Transcendent c) Love r52 Ð Dehnition 153 ü) An Old Love 155 lll) LoveBetween a Man and Woman (arranged marriage) r57 d) As a Bhaktã, as MaYa and as Sakti t62 Ð Asa Bhakø r62 ii) Rãma and Sita as God and MãYã 168 iii) SÍtã as Saktiof Rãma r82 V. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SiTÃ AND OTHER MEN 183 183 1) Rãvana a) Secular 183 Ð KidnaPPing 184 ii) Rãvana and Sita 189 b) Transcendent t96 Ð VidYãand AuidYtì 196 20t 2) Hanuman a) Hanuman and Slta 201 b) Refusal to Return 205 c) Hanuman as Messenger 208 212 3) Sitã and Laklma+a 212 a) Secular b) As MãYã and ltva 2t9 VI. CONCLUSION 222 1) Connection between Traditional Sttã and Contemfrorary Hindu Women 222 a) Ideals and ldeologY 224 Ð How'Women Learn Their Roles 230 ii) Purity 233 b) Performing Tradition 235 c) Relevance to Social Evils 237 d) Possibilities for the Future of Hindu Women - Insights and Suggestions 240 Ð Education 240 ii) Urban UPPer Classes 243 246 2) Concluding Remarks VII. SELECTEDBIBLIOGRAPHY 249 PRIMARY SOURCES 249 SECONDARY SOURCES 249 GENERAL SOURCES 252 253 CWDS SOURCES ARSTRACf The study conducted within this manuscript concerns "Indian women and is religion.,, The goddess Sttã and her role in the Rãmacharitumùnasa of Tulasldãsa plays as of central concern. The focal point involves an examination ofl the role Sitã a goddess and as a woman in a Hindu text. Sitã is not examined as a norrn for Indian women, rather possible influences that SItã hashadon Indian women and possible reasons behind the evolution of Srtã, is studied an evolution resulting in Tulasrdãsa's depiction, are explored. Further, she might be within several contexts, in terms of those aspects of her character which woman is emphasized and developed in the future. Srtã, conceived as an idealHindu of particular concern. Tulasidâsa made several changes to the Ramayana of Valmlki, many directly made affecting the portrayal of Sfta. In a traditional sense, many of the changes question involving Slta may be interpreted as positive ones; however, one may also her as a dynamic these changes and the elimination of characteristics which portrayed Rãmãyana character. Earlier versions of the Rãmãyana, particularly, the Adhyãtma both the subtle and and the Rãmãyanaof Valmlki, are referred to, in order to highlight the obvious modihcations, omissions, and additions which have affected Sitâ. The Indian television Series, "Rãmãyan," primarily based on the Rãmacharitamãnasa of Tulas1dãsa and the Valmlkt Rãmãyana, is referred to as a modern version of this ancient epic. Of particular importance in the television series are have certain sc€nes involving portrayals of Srt¿ and how the creators of this series chosen to deal with them. Inconclusion, themeans by which perceptions of traditional figures such as Sitã possible to can alter and ultimately transfoûn are pursued. One must ask if it is preserve traditional texts in a manner which is relevant for today's social-ethical media play concerns. Education, women's groups, and the depiction of women in the alargerole, and are therefore, addressed in this study' I. INTRODUCTION 1) Method My primary interest in this study involves the f,rgure of Sit¿. In this study I wish will be to pursue Sna and her role in the Rãmacharitamãnasa(hereafter RCM). Sitã prior to this text, examined as portrayed by Tulasrdãsa, as portrayed through history the text and as as seen through her various relationships with other characters within the history seen as an individual character. As a first step I intend to briefly introduce of the Rãmãyana story, the RCM and the author of the text with which I will be working, Tulasidãsa. My central intention and second step is to conduct an in-depth study of the role that Sitâ has played in the RCM. My focal point involves a study of the role Sitã plays as a goddess and as a woman in a Hindu text. This study includes examinations men in the of Stta as independent, SItã's relationships with Rãma, SItã with other text, and SIta \ /ith her familY. Sitã is not to be examined as a nonn for Indian women, for there is no such that SItã evidence that she has ever been a nonn. We will look lor possible influences (and has had on Indian women (and men) and possibleinlluences that Indian women men) have had on her development, resulting in Tulasidãsa's depiction. Further, she be emphasized will be examined, in terms of those aspects of her character which might and developed in the future. SItã, conceived as an idealHindu woman is of particular concern; this matter will be addressed throughout the work' There are several points to keep in mind regarding the methodology olthis work. Firstly there is the diffrcult task of dealing with the many levels on which this text is structured. At least two general levels are worked with, the transcendent and the secular. Throughout this work aclanfication will bemade as to what level is being dealt with. Secondly, the reader should always realizethatthe characters involved and their portrayals are primarily based on the work ofTulasrdâsa. Mention will be made when a different version of the Rãmãyanais used lor comparative purposes. By examining the sources ofTulastdãsa, I intend to expose what he has omitted, what he has added and what he has expanded regarding women, particularly sections involving Srtã, her character and her relationships. This method will be used as opposed to a method of solely comparing the works. To discover only the similarities between Rãmayanalexfs does not tell us how Sitã has evolved, or how great was the impact of Tulasldãsa's rendition of Srta. The Indian television Series, "Rãmãyan," primarily based on the RCM of Tulasrdâsa and the Valmtki RAmãyana(hereafter VR), will be referred to throughout 2 used includes English this work as a modern version of this ancient epic.t The version sub-titles. What is of particular importance in the television series are those sc€nes deal with involving portrayals of Srta and how the creators of this series have chosen to with Slta, them.
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