SERVING LOGAN & McPHERSON COUNTIES THE STAPLETON FOR OVER 100 YEARS SinceLOGAN 1912 COUNTY, • creativeprintersonline.com STAPLETON NEBRASKA 69163 (USPS THURSDAY, 518780) APRIL 23, THURSDAY, 2020 JANUARY 5, 2017 NO. NO. 1 17 America relearning lessons of Clean-up day will 1918 Spanish Influenza focus on bacterial infection caus- families MARCIA HORA ing pneumonia after viral influenza infection. working There was lots of advice Frequently, the advice given to people in 1918 on given seemed more rea- how to combat the “Span- sonable, “Nature will together ish Flu.” Don’t wear tight throw off the attack if The annual community shoes or tight collars or only you keep your clean-up day sponsored tight clothes. Force your- strength.” Other advice by Stapleton Public self to sneeze night and related to diet and exer- Schools, the Village of Sta- morning, then breathe cise, such as “take sharp pleton, and Stapleton deeply. Do not wear a walks regularly and walk Area Chamber of Com- muffler. home from work; eat merce won’t be stopped Larry Hardesty, retired plenty of porridge.” Good by COVID-19. dean of the library at the diet and exercise, of The school has cancelled University of Nebraska at course, may seem like all extra-curricular activi- Kearney, and Stapleton sensible advice, but it ties due to restrictions set High School graduate, probably had little impact by the state and will not who writes periodically on preventing the disease. be able to help with this for The Enterprise, has The young and the year’s organized day. been writing about the healthy proved most vul- The Stapleton Area 102-year old epidemic for nerable because the dis- The lack of reporting on and Valentine. The flu Chamber of Commerce the noon Kearney Rotary “Within three short ease over stimulated the the situation may have reached even the isolated and Village of Stapleton club. weeks Spanish Influenza body’s immune system been part of the effort to ranches in Cherry will be promoting and Hardesty said there was has developed and spread and turned the immune avoid panic. Some writers County. She concluded, calling for an all out “It’s a lot of misinformation so widely and rapidly that system against the body. believe the government “the most over-arching A Beautiful Day in the regarding Spanish In- America’s death toll here Having a strong immune outright lied to citizens conclusion based on the Neighborhood” week and fluenza, that also in- at home is greater than system put individuals regarding the impact of evidence from this study inviting everyone to join cluded “see how high you that of all of her huge more at risk. One of the the disease, and lack of ac- is that nothing can com- in to help make our Vil- can hold your hands and armies in Europe. More- cruel ironies of the dis- cess to information pro- pletely protect you from lage an even better place how deeply you can over, the number of pros- ease is that it affected the longed the epidemic. influenza, and some rural to live, work and play. breathe whenever you are trations from this disease healthiest, particularly A statewide quarantine communities may have a Each day from May 10-16 out-of-doors.” from day to day in Amer- from the age range of 20 in Nebraska was an- false sense of security if will be specifically desig- The virtues of various ica is probably greater to 40 years old. nounced on October 22, they think influenza can- nated. These are not “set medications, including than the combined casu- Flu Invades Nebraska 1918, and was to run until not reach them. This in stone” guidelines. You Vick’s VapoRub had drug- alty lists of all of the fight- In 1918, the virus had Sunday, November 2. study shows that in- can do one or all, and gists conserving stocks of ing forces engaged in this been spreading for Deaths continued to fluenza can and will even more if you choose it for use in flu districts. great World War. The months. Symptoms in- pour in and bans were spread anywhere geo- to do so. Tanlac, a patent medicine number of cases in New cluded high fever, cough, again implemented and graphically, even to the It’s a great time to work consisting of about 16 to York City alone has in- dizziness and heavy per- strict closing orders were most remote locations. together as a family to 18 percent alcohol (some creased from a total of 47 spiration. Bronchial given for all places of Few things can stop spruce up, clean up, and account describe it as a 36 cases and no deaths, to pneumonia developed businesses. pathogens in pursuit of help others. Here’s what proof mixture of wine, 4,293 new cases and 393 frequently and death Spanish Influenza In infection.” is scheduled for the week: glycerin and bitter herbs) deaths in a single day.” often followed. Rural Nebraska Hardesty has researched Sunday, May 10: Moth- was also recommended. In the interest of na- During World War I, the Hardesty said Spanish deaths in rural counties er’s Day. Plant flowers Some authorities tried tional efficiency and United States and other flu hit rural Nebraska and believes there were with your mother. Adopt to pass off the epidemic safety the Federal Govern- countries censored bad very hard. A doctoral dis- about four or five deaths a mother if you don’t as nothing more than an- ment has recently ex- news to keep it from their sertation completed in in Logan County; nine or have one nearby, and other seasonal flu, with a tended its ownership and enemies. The illness was 2015 at the University of ten in Thomas County; plant or give her flowers. headline in the Kearney control has gone in a dubbed the Spanish flu Nebraska Medical Center and maybe one or two in Monday, May 11: Trash Hub reporting, “Nothing manner scarcely dreamed because people assumed by Kristin Watkins enti- McPherson County. Pick-Up Day. Grab a bag New – Simply The Old of by even the most radi- it came from Spain. That tled, “It Came Across the The Enterprise Reports and pick up trash around Grip, or la Grippe that cal. was later proven wrong, Plains: The 1918 In- October 31, 1918: There town. There’s plenty of was Epidemic in 1889-90 - A commission of Omaha but the name stuck be- fluenza Pandemic in were more American fa- places that need picked Only then it came from cause Spain was neutral Rural Nebraska,” looks at talities from the new epi- up. Look at the road Russia by Way of France in the war and didn’t cen- several small cities and demic here than from ditches, around the ball and This Time By Way of See Influenza sor press reports of the ill- towns, including Anselmo German guns in France. Page 12 diamond, the Stapleton Spain: No Occasion for ness. Park, and more. Panic.” In October of 1918, the Tuesday, May 12: Yard At the time it was widely Spanish flu reached Ne- Clean-Up Day. Look reported it had “a very braska. around your yard. Get rid low percentage of fatali- All schools, churches, of old appliances, paint, ties – not over one death places of entertainment and items you don’t use out of every 400” or about or public congregation, anymore. If it’s junk and .25 percent. This is a sub- pool halls and other it’s unsightly, it’s got to go! stantial underestimation places of amusement Wednesday, May 13: of the actual death rate of were ordered closed on Spruce-Up Day. Look for two to three out of every October 7. Mail carriers areas outside that need hundred. Some underesti- worked, but wore white your attention. Is there mation is understandable face masks. All sick peo- something that needs since early on the flu had ple were quarantined. painted? Would lawn or- been relatively non-lethal. Flu Becomes More Lethal naments or decorations Nevertheless, as it mu- As the flu mutated it be- spruce things up a bit? tated, as one writer noted, came more deadly. Nearly Look around and get to it. the second wave “made one-quarter of all 103 mil- Thursday, May 14: Lend up for it in spades.” lion Americans con- A Helping Hand Day. People desperately tracted it, and two or Look for problem areas in sought good news and three of every hundred the Village and lend a some medical authorities patients died. In one year, helping hand. Ask per- even reported “Spanish the life expectancy in the mission and then pitch in Influenza Vaccine Discov- U.S. tumbled by 12 years. and help improve proper- ered.” Again we now The University of Ne- ties. know that a virus caused braska at Lincoln sus- Friday, May 15: Invest In the influenza, and none pended classes in late NEBRASKA HISTORICAL SOCIETY PHOTO Our Future. Plant a tree of the vaccines protected September 1918 and did The 1918 Spanish flu outbreak was Nebraska’s last great pandemic. In today’s or shrub for future gener- against it. At best, some of not resume normal oper- Throwback Thursday Photo, a group of men wearing protective masks in front the vaccines may have re- ations until after Thanks- of the Fred J. Stain Furniture and Undertaking Store in Shelby, Nebraska on See Clean-Up duced the attack rate of giving. December 8, 1918. Page 9 -- News Briefs -- McPherson Notices Weather Index Baker Rural/ Virtual Co.
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