Michigan State University FOIA request logs, 2017 - June 2018 Brought to you by AltGov2 www.altgov2.org/FOIALand DATE: June 28, 2018 FROM: Ellen Armentrout, FOIA Officer and Associate General Counsel Michigan State University Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Office SUBJECT: FOIA Response This is written in response to the FOIA request that you emailed to this Office on June 6, 2018. Previously released lists of FOIA requests received by this Office in the time period specified in your request accompany this letter at no cost to you. If you seek other data than those reflected on the attached list, please advise, and we will respond accordingly. Pursuant to Section 4(4) of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (MIFOIA), the University’s procedures and guidelines for processing MIFOIA requests can be found at http://foia.msu.edu. FREEDOM OF Attachment INFORMATION ACT OFFICE MSUF066218 Michigan State University 408 West Circle Drive Room 1 Olds Hall East Lansing, MI 48824 517-353-3929 Fax: 517-353-1794 [email protected] http://foia.msu.edu SZUBERLA,Nick- ailrecords re: social mediaservices information access and acquisition, softwaredesigned to accesssocial media S611/ices info., etc. TZAFAROGLOU,Stephanie (Nichols Law Firm) - MSUPD recordsre: client . DAVIES, P. Pamela(McGinty, Hitch, Housefield,Person Yeadon &Anderson, P.C.) MSUPD recordsre: client arrest December 1, 2016 DA VIES, P. Pamela(Mcginty, Hitch, Housefleld, PersonYeadon & Anderson,P.C.) MSUPD recordsre: clientarrest December 1, 2016 O'BRIEN, Rebecca(The WallStreet Journal) - pel'$0nnelfile for former MSU doctorLawrence (Larry) Nassar WILSON,Wm - emailsbetween MSU athletic director, or any assistantor associateAD and LEAD1ffom McMillen (O!!J811izafionof athleticdirectors) from the last 12 months LAWLER (MUve)- communicationsfrom Hollis, Klages,curter, Rowe, Weise,Sarff, Bitz& Gunter containingthe word "Nassar" 01/1/14-12/28/16;Nassar police report and internal investigationresults VAN HUYSSE, Michael(MCV Law PLLC)-MSUPD records re: client circaJune 2015 MENCARINI, Matt (Lansing State Journa0- emailsto/from 14 University employees2014-2016 includingkeywords "Larry' 'Nassar" or "sexual assault" WOLCOTT, RJ (Lansing State Journal)-MSUPD records re: Feb 2014 Hubbard Hall robberies SPENCER, Andy -recordsassociated with agreements between MSU and Osage University Partners specificto exclusivity clauses LAW, Christopher (BrighamYoung University)-salariesfor tenured professora employedby the MSU business school foreach year 1990-2016 HOGAN, Johnathan- specifiedMSUPD sexual assault reports HILL,Toni (AcmeResearch) - recordsthat specifysubcontractors for construction/renovationprojects valued at $1,000,000or more, toinclude current and completedsince October 1, 2016 EDWARDS, Brad (CBS)-MSUPD recordsinvolving the eyberattack on 11/13/2016 REMAK,Beret (HBO Sports)-recordsoffonner MSU employeeDr. LarryNassar toinclude investigations,complaints, personnelfiles, etc. WEIDMAYER, Marie(State News)-MSUPD records re: cases 1658103962 & 1658104250 RUSEK,Alexander (White Law PLLC) - coolracls/agreernentsMSU/Nassar, USA Gymnastics, TwistaraUSA; TitleIX Nassar investigation;emails to/from MSU employees re: Nassarsince 1995 LENZI, Rachel(Aflanta Journal Constitution Landof1 0.com/Michigan) - coachDantonio's employment contract CHANDLER, Jeff -MSUbookstore contract with Follettor NebraskaBook Company HOMA, JonathonGRAVES, James(Sinas, Dramis, Brake, Boughton& McIntyre,P.C.)-MSUPD records re:03/24114 LarryNassar Incident TALLURI, Krish - Business collegecontract with HarvardBusiness School Publishing for access to/usage of HBS case studies IDSVOOG, Karl(Drake Group, Inc.)-recordsregarding academicintegrity in the Intercollegiate AthleticsDepart ment BERKOWITZ, Steve (USAToday)-2016 NCAA report; coachcontracts; outside income forms; non-conferencefootball gamecontracts WOLCOTT,RJ (Lansing State Journal) -general liability, employment practicesliability and medical professionalliability policies TRAMMELL,Mark (Young America's Foundation)- recordse "Quill: QueerInclusive Learning and Leadership" (formertyknown as 'SafeZone training');diversity and Inclusion training requirements HOMA, JonathonGRAVES, James (Sinas, Dramis, Brake, Boughton & McIntyre, P.C.)-MSUPD recordsre: 03124114Larry Nassar incident HOMA, JonathonGRAVES, James (Sinas,Dramis, Brake, Boughton& McIntyre,P.C.)-Registrar's Office records re:requester'sclient WASKEY, Lindsay(PETA)- mink el(l)erimentcontracts/agreements/emails ref. SBursian; Guelph, Georgia Mason MENCARINI, Matt(Lansing StateJournal) - recordsreleased in responseto FOIA requests from Felton, Alesia,Stanco, Baker, Gorchow HOMA, JonathonGRAVES, James(Sinas, Dramis, Brake, Boughton& McIntyre,P.C.)- OIE recordsre: March 2014 investigation Nassar HOMA, JonathonGRAVES, James (Sinas,Dramis, Brake, Boughton& McIntyre, P.C.)-OIErecords re: March 2014 investigationNassar MENCARINI,Matthew (Lansing State Journal)- MSUPD recordsre: prostitutionrelated arrests or investigations03/25116-01/24/17 BINKLEY, Collin (TheAssociated Press) - mostreoent annual costfor ch arteredflights fur employees and number of flights calendar or FY2016 HOMA,Jonathon GRAVES, James (Sinas, Dramis, Brake, Boughton& McIntyre, P.C.)-fromHuman Resources,119 raonnelfile and investigativereports/records Larry ref Nassar and 03124/141ncident" HOMA,Jonathon GRAVES,James (Sinas, Dramis, Brake, Boughton & McIntyre, P.C.)-from Human Resources,personnel file and investigative reports/records rel LarryNassar and 03/24114'incident' KANTER, Richard- baseball and basketball coach contracts ILITCH, Alexandra (WLNS TV) - Larry Nassar personnel file ILITCH, Alexandra (WLNS TV)- MSUPD records01/01/98-09/30/16 ref, Larry Nassar ILITCH, Alexandra(WLNS TV) - 01/01/98-09/30/16 allMSUPD reportsinvolving specified sexual assault terms ref. MSU SportsMedicine Clinic CANCRO, Bob-2015-16 NCAAreport MENCARINI, Matthew(Lansing StateJournal) -emails Nassar/Slrampeland Nassar/Mukherji ILITCH, Alexandra(WLNS TV)- Larry Nassarbilling records via SportsMedicine Clinic 01/01197- 09/30/16 ILITCH, Alexandra(WLNS TV)-all physicians' billing recordsvia SportsMedicine Clinic 01/01/97-09/30/16 ELKINS, Kiana -racialbias incidents data 2014-2017, and lengthof timefor cases toclose CONNOR, Tracy(NBC News)- personnelfile of BrookeLemmen, including !Brminationnotice and responseto termination notice SEVERINO, Mike -- MSU College of Nursing/DedicationEducation Unit (DEU) at Sparrow Hospital records ILITCH, Alexandra(WLNS TV)-all emails between K. Klagesand M. Hollis from01/01197 until 09/30/16 MARRULLIER, Adrian (Sextant Marketing, LLC) - MSU/Bisk Education contractsref. online education provision BRITTON,Jake (Phillip Merrill College of Journalism)- records re: student-athletes & prospectivestudent-athletes social media accts MENCARINI, Matt (Lansing State Journal) - Dr. Brooke Lemmen; personnel file,complaints, investigations; amended via email on 02/23/17 to be between 08/01/16 & 02/23/17 EALEY, Tom (Alma College) -healthcarerisk mgUphysician practice mg! policies, guidelines and related records FOX, Andy-student directory information including addresses, etc. MENCARINI, Matt (Lansing State Joumal)-all emails to/from Alan Haller including word 'Nassar''between 09/01/16 and 12/31/16 CARMIN, Mike (Journal& Courier)-NCAAreport for 2015-16 GARDNER, Robert- Associate General Counsel Michael Kiley's cell phone number and carrier WEIDMAYER, Marie (State News)-specifiedMSUPD incident report case 1758100315 WEIDMAYER, Marie (State News)-specifiedMSUPD incident reportcase 1758100256 WEIDMAYER, Marie (StateNews)- specifiedMSUPD incident report case 1758100004 WEIDMAYER, Marie (State News)- specifiedMSUPD incident report case 1658104316 WEIDMAYER, Marie (State News)-specifiedMSUPD incident report case 1658103974 WEIDMAYER, Marie (State News)- specifiedMSUPD incident report case 1658103974 WEIDMAYER, Marie (StateNews)-specified MSUPD incident report case 1578100298 COHEN, Kevin (WinthropIntelligence, LLC)-2015-16 NCAA financialreport and audited financial report (Agreed Upon Procedures) KORTE, Woody (Feyen Zylstra)- FD Hayes telecomm system low voltage communication & electricalcontractor labor pricing rates GILLETTE, Tim (WILX-TV)- Larry Nassar personnel file WOLCOTT,RJ (Lansing State Journal) - Jim Rhodes Jr.'s personnel file WEIDMAYER, Marie (State News)-MSUPD incident reportcase 1758100315 KENNEDY, Brigid (State News)- all records related to 4 specifiedsexual harassment and stalking cases of terminated and disciplined employees as listed in "the most recent Title IX report' KILLINGSWORTH, Mark (Rutgers)-2015-16 NCAAreport MANLEY, Michael (Michael P. Manley, PC)- MSUPD policies/proceduresre: alcoholtesting, MIP arrests, all appearance tickets, booking and lodging informationfor MCL436.1703 violations last 90 days DEAVERS, Lisa-disciplinary action details re: specifiedemployees Jan-Feb 2017 JONES, Ross (WXYZ-TV)- all emails 2005 through August 2016 senUreceivedby Hollis, Ianni, Pignataro, Smith, Vanderveen including the name Nassar HAWLEY, Ian - all FOIA requestsmade by MSU 2016-present including federal, state & local requests ANSTETT, Phil (OST)-Venturit, Inc. bid submission forRFP 16-JKC-026 BeSocratic and revised SOW 100ct2016 VEGOE, Eric (GopherPuckLive) - contracts and salaryfor Men's Ice Hockey head coach and assistant coaches BAUMBACH, Jim (Newsday) - head football coach Mark Dantonio's contract and most recent outside incomeform DONNELLY, Francis (Detroit News) - LarryNassar personnel file and any documents related to Title IX Nassar investigation
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