Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83672-2 - Ravenna in Late Antiquity Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis Index More information Index Aachen, 231, 277, 298, 349 Alaric I, king of the Visigoths, 53 Acacian Schism, 113, 142 Alaric II, king of the Visigoths, 109, ad Chalchi, Ravenna, 146 110 Adaloald, king of the Lombards, 206 Alboin, king of the Lombards, 205–6 Adeodatus, primus strator, 220 Alexandria, 290 Adria, 25 altarcloth, 212–13, 218–19 Adriatic Sea, 4, 13, 21, 23, 24, 27–8, 34, Amalaberga, 110 40, 110, 118, 125, 282, 288, 314 Amalafrida, 110 Aedificatio ciuitatis Rauennae, 7–8 Amalaric, king of the Visigoths, 110 Aetius, 44–5 Amalasuintha, queen of Italy, 113–14, Agapitus, pope, 211 136–7, 200, 207, 223, 259 Agatho, pope, 284 Amalasuntha, queen of Italy, 343 Agilulf, king of the Lombards, 206, ambo, 150, 176, 213–14, 220, 256, 257, 278 275, 289 Agnellus, Andreas, historian, xix, 1, Ambrose, St. and bishop of Milan, 70, 5–8, 10, 13–14, 28, 38, 39, 48, 84, 86, 89, 93, 95–6, 218, 223, 224, 51–2, 56–7, 59, 61–5, 67, 70, 72–3, 250, 326, 353 83–9, 94, 100–4, 107, 115–16, ampullae, 269 119–22, 124–5, 132–3, 138, 144, Anastasia of Sirmium, St., 175 146–74, 177–8, 181, 188–90, anastasis, 85, 174–5 192–3, 196–200, 203–4, 206, 210, Anastasius, emperor, 110, 113 212–13, 218–20, 224–5, 241, 250, Ancona, 205 252, 255–6, 258–60, 263, 264, 268, Andrew, St., 186, 189–90 271, 272, 274, 276–8, 282–92, angels, 3, 147, 152, 159–60, 166, 196, 294–8 238, 248, 252–4, 257, 266, 270 Agnellus, archbishop of Ravenna, Anonymus Valesianus pars posterior, 107, 144–6, 152, 164–6, 173, 210, 110, 112, 119, 122, 124, 129, 212–14, 257, 356 142–3, 317, 324 Agnellus, iatrosophist, 289, 374 Anthemius, emperor, 104, 320 Agnes, St., 168 Antioch, 290, 325, 385 Aistulf, king of the Lombards, 282–3, Golden Octagon, 231 285, 289, 292, 357 Antiochus, prefect, 207 Alamanni, 36, 205 Antonina, 211, 242 435 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83672-2 - Ravenna in Late Antiquity Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis Index More information 436 Index Apollinaris, St. and bishop of Ravenna, Bacauda, 200, 250, 252, 254 38–9, 48, 167, 168, 256, 258–60, Badarenus, 288 268–70, 274, 296, 298, 317, 357, Baduarius, 104, 206 358, 389 Banca Popolare (archaeological site), portrait in Sant’Apollinare in Classe, 14, 24, 32, 34, 219, 313, 318 268, 270–1 baptism, 88, 93, 197 apostles, 97–8, 134–5, 183, 185–6, 194, Arian, 178–9 247 basilica Herculis, Ravenna, 123–4 Apostles, church of, Ravenna. See San Battle of Fontenoy, 286 Francesco, Ravenna Belisarius, 137, 204–5, 211, 239, 242 Appian, 27 Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity, aqueduct, Ravenna, 34, 60, 100, 122–3, 222 191, 201, 204, 313, 338 Bidente, river, 21, 122 Aquileia, 18, 24, 27, 31, 36, 38, 45, 47, Biondo, Flavio, 8 62, 86, 89, 100, 188, 204, 211–12, Boethius, 112, 114, 127, 143, 350 321, 325, 335, 376 Breviarium ecclesiae Ravennatis, 278 mint, 59 bricks, 19, 24–5, 53, 61, 64, 70, 72, 74, Arabs, 279–80, 282 89, 103, 148, 176, 180, 191, 198, Arator, 112 268 Arcadius, emperor, 43–4, 47, 68 Julian, 176, 220, 251, 257, 262, 274 Ardabur, 174, 356 vaulting, 76, 176, 180, 192, 194, 229, Ardabur Aspar, 44, 46, 53, 141 230, 262 Argenta, 279 bricks, 274 Arianism, 139–40 Bulgars, 279, 281 and iconography, 156–7, 169–70, 172, 178, 184–5, 187, 196, 249–50, Ca’Bianca, 15, 89, 180, 197–9, 257, 319 254, 270 Caesar, Gaius Julius, 26, 33 and Theoderic, 113, 140–6 Caesarea, 56, 116, 206, 258, 292–4 Arian Baptistery, 15, 89, 141, 144, 163, Caesareum, Ravenna, 33 170, 177–87, 196, 198, 340, 365 Calocerus, bishop of Ravenna, 258 dome mosaics, 4, 179, 182–7 Camaldolesians, 261 Arian cathedral. See Santo Spirito Canosa, San Giovanni, 180 Aspar, 174, 356 capella arcivescovile, 5, 73, 172, 186, Athalaric, king of Italy, 113–14, 133, 188–96, 219, 254, 262, 267, 294, 136–8, 207 331, 340 Athaulph, king of the Visigoths, 44 Cassiodorus Senator, 106–7, 111–13, Attalus, 43, 53 116–20, 122, 124, 128, 136, 138, Attila, king of the Huns, 45 174, 188, 202–3, 314, 325 Audofleda, 109 cathedral. See Ursiana, cathedral of Augustine of Hippo, 61 Ravenna Augustus, emperor, 24, 26–7, 33, 126 cemeteries, Ravenna and Classe, 35–8, Aurelian, bishop of Ravenna, 113, 187, 61, 125, 259, 291, 318, 327 341 Charlemagne, 231, 285–6, 297, 298 Ausonius of Bordeaux, 38, 49, 51, 116, Charles the Bald, emperor, 286 290 Chlodosinda, queen of the Lombards, Authari, king of the Lombards, 206 205 autocephaly, 283–4 Chronica de ciuitate Rauennatis, 7–8 Avars, 279 Ciampini, G. G., 8, 253, 329, 359, Avitus, emperor, 104, 320 385–6 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83672-2 - Ravenna in Late Antiquity Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis Index More information Index 437 ciborium, 150, 210, 213, 219, 236, 258, palace, 162, 209, 341 271, 294–5 Sts. Sergius and Bacchus, 225, 230–2 Cicero, 26 Constantius II, emperor, 68, 139, 346 cipollino rosso, 234, 256 Constantius III, emperor, 43–4, 68, 73, circus, Ravenna, 59–60, 350 334–5 Classe, city of, 9, 14, 30, 37–8, 54, 58, Cosmas and Damian, Sts., 194, 253, 117–18, 196–7, 206, 258, 260, 274, 254 282, 289, 341, 363 Cosmographer, anonymous of walls, 102 Ravenna, 290, 345 Classe, harbor, 26–8, 37, 117–18, 277, Council of Chalcedon (451), 142, 168, 288–9 211 Claudian, 48–9, 53 Council of Constantinople (381), 139, Cleph, king of the Lombards, 206 368 Clovis, king of the Franks, 109, 110 Council of Ephesus (431), 62, 85, 142 Codex Bavarus. See Breviarium ecclesiae Council of Hiereia (754), 284 Ravennatis Council of Rome (731), 284 Comacchio, 279, 282 Council of Rome (769), 284 Constans II, emperor, 272, 277, 280, Council of Sardica (343), 213 283 curia of Ravenna, 117, 201, 208, 287 Constantine I, emperor, xviii, 2, 18, 36, Cyprian, comes sacrarium largitionum, 41, 48, 50–1, 56–7, 70, 74, 88, 139, 113 162–3, 231, 252, 335, 390 Constantine IV, emperor, 272, 280, Damian, archbishop of Ravenna, 260, 284 290 Constantine, emperor, 68 Diocletian, emperor, 2, 36, 41, 127, Constantine, pope, 281 350 Constantine, umperial usurper, 43 Diploma of Valentinian III, 84, 283, Constantinople, 2–3, 15, 17–18, 35–6, 376 41, 43–5, 47–8, 50–1, 59, 62, 84, Donus, pope, 283 102, 104, 106, 109, 110, 113–15, Droctulfus/Drocton, 177, 206, 378 118, 126, 137, 140–3, 148, 150, 176, 181, 190, 194, 198, 201, 207, ecclesia Gothorum, Ravenna, 144, 292 208, 211, 213, 218–19, 223, 231–2, Ecclesius, bishop of Ravenna, 113–14, 242, 252, 279–84, 286–7, 290, 296, 118, 187, 198–200, 219, 221–6, 327, 350 232, 236, 255, 270 Anastasia, church, 174 portrait in San Vitale, 238–9, 243, aqueduct, 122 248, 250, 255 Augusteion, 120 portrait in Sant’Apollinare in Classe, Chalke gate, 57, 362 270–1 Chalke Gate, 73, 163, 330, 366 Einhard, 298 church of the Virgin, Blachernae, Eleuchadius, bishop of Ravenna, 258 222, 330 Eleuchadius, St. and bishop of Daphne´ palace, 56 Ravenna, 258 Hagia Sophia, 134, 361, 376, 381 Eleutherius, exarch, 279, 286 Hebdomon, St. John, church, 66, emphyteusis, 287 380 Ennodius of Pavia, 106, 111, 112, 116, Holy Apostles, church, 70, 103, 135, 119, 187, 343, 350 354 episcopium, Arian, Ravenna, 116, 144, mint, 58 177, 294, 298 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83672-2 - Ravenna in Late Antiquity Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis Index More information 438 Index episcopium, orthodox, Ravenna, 34, Gamzigrad, 127, 130, 353 100–1, 188–9, 201, 213, 219, 286, Gaza, St. Sergius, church, 172 294 Gelasius, pope, 49 bath complex, 219 Genoa, 279 domus Felicis, 294 George, archbishop of Ravenna, 286 domus Valeriana, 294 George, St., 144 Tricollis, 188–9, 212–13 Gepids, 205 vivarium, 294 Germanus of Auxerre, St., 62 Etruscans, 22–3 Gervase and Protase, Sts., 223, 224 Eudocia, daughter of Valentinian III, Gesalic, king of the Visigoths, 110 45 giallo antico, 76 Eudocia, wife of Theodosius II, 68 gladiators, 26, 31 Eudoxia, wife of Arcadius, 68 Glycerius, emperor, 104, 320 Eugene II, pope, 286 Grado, 100, 180, 391 Eunomius, 178 Gratian, emperor, 68 Euphemia of Chalcedon, St., 168, 194 Gratiosus, archbishop of Ravenna, 285, Eusebius, 36 289 Eusebius of Caesarea, 168 sarcophagus, 291 Eusebius of Nicomedia, St., 145 Gregory I, pope, 202–4, 206, 210, 257, Eusebius of Vercelli, St., 144 260 Eutharic, 114–15, 143, 325, 346 Gregory II, pope, 282 Eutropius, 36, 318 Gregory III, pope, 282, 284 Eutychius, exarch, 282, 286 Gregory of Tours, 168 Exuperantius, bishop of Ravenna, 85, Gundobad, 46 102–3, 341 Hadrian I, pope, 285, 298 Fano, 205 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, 124, 130 Faroald, duke of Spoleto, 206, 282 Helena, empress, 74 Felix IV, pope, 194, 199 Helpidius, 112 Felix, archbishop of Ravenna, 84, 222, Heraclius, brother of Constantine IV, 271, 281–2, 284, 289, 290, 294, emperor, 272 326 Heraclius, emperor, 279–80 Ferrara, 279, 282 Herminifrid, king of the Thuringians, fleet, Roman, 28–30, 36 110 floor mosaics. See pavements, mosaic Heruls, 205 forum, Ravenna, 33, 124 Honorius, emperor, 3, 43–4, 46–9, 51, fossa Amnis, 101, 256 53, 56–8, 61, 68, 83, 330, 334, fossa Asconis, 55, 288 341 fossa Augusta, 27–8, 35, 37, 55, 315 Hormisdas, pope, 113, 211 fossa Lamisa, 25, 55 house of Drocton, Ravenna, 144, 177 Franks, 166, 205–6, 278, 284–5, 346 Huneric, king of the Vandals, 45 Fredegar, 112 Huns, 45, 204 Galeata, 122 Iconoclasm, 282, 284, 360 Galla Placidia, 6, 7, 43–5, 48–9, 51, 56, impost blocks, 17–18, 64, 65, 87, 94–5, 62–3, 67–70, 74, 79, 83–5, 104, 102–3, 148, 176, 192, 226, 231–3, 138, 148, 241, 297, 324, 328, 330, 236, 257,
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