QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Wednesday, 9 April 1997 COUNCIL 1511 Wednesday, 9 April 1997 Premier: alcohol purchases 196. THE HON. T.e. THEOPHANOUS - To ask the Honourable the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology (for the Honourable the Premier): Since 3 October 1992 what are the details of all alcohol purchased by the Premier or his office indicating in respect of each purchase the - (i) date; (ii) value; and (iii) item. ANSWER: I am informed that alcohol for official hospitality purposes is purchased from Departmental funds and no separate requisition is made for the Premier's office. Premier: advertising 211. THE HON. T.e. THEOPHANOUS - To ask the Honourable the Minister for Industry, Science and Teclmology (for the Honourable the Premier): In respect of each department, agency and authority within his administration, what are the details of all advertising campaigns since 3 October 1992 to date, indicating - (i) the purpose and total costs of each campaign; and (ii) the total advertising budget in his ministerial portfolio for the 1992-93, 1993-94 and 1994-95 financial years. ANSWER: I am informed that: Department of Premier and Cabinet (Incorporating Multicultural Affairs) (i) Advertising undertaken since 3 October 1992 Details Cost $ ope contribution, in conjunction with the Department of 200,000 Business and Employment, to industrial relations community awareness program Newspaper Inserts - Victoria on the Move 133,174 Advertising for 'Victoria's Open House' exhibition held in 258,984 October 1995 Advertising for opening of the Melbourne Exhibition Centre 116,482 durin~_February1996 TOTAL $708,640 (ii) Advertising Budget The general advertising budget for the Department for the 1992/93,1993/94 and 1994/95 financial years was $0, $35 000 and $35 000 respectively. These amounts were budgeted to cover general advertising costs such as newspaper advertising of staffing positions, tenders and seeking expressions of interest for consultancies. The expenditure detailed in (i) above are whole-of­ government initiatives for which purpose-specific funding was provided outside the department's annual appropriation. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE 1512 COUNCIL Wednesday, 9 April 1997 Ombudsman's Office (i) Advertising campaigns undertaken since 3 October 1992 The Ombudsman's Office has incurred advertising expenses of $10,722 since 3 October 1992. The expenditure was for advertising country visits undertaken by staff of the office to provide advice to country residents. (ii) Advertising Budgets There were no specific budget allocations for advertising for 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-95 financial years. Office of the Governor (i) Advertising campaigns undertaken since 3 October 1992 Since 3 October 1992, the Office of the Governor has spent on $16 497 on advertising campaigns for Government House Open Days. (ii) Advertising Budgets The Office of the Governor did not set advertising budgets for the 1992-93, 1993-94 and 1994-95 financial years. Office of the Auditor-General (i) Advertising campaigns undertaken since 3 October 1992 The Office of the Auditor-General has not conducted any advertising campaigns since 3 October 1992. (ii) Advertising Budgets The advertising budget for 1992-93, 1993-94 and 1994-95 was $3 000, $2000 and $7000, respectively. The Victorian Relief Committee (i) Advertising campaigns undertaken since 3 October 1992 The Victorian Relief Committee has not incurred any advertising expenses since 3 October 1992. (ii) Advertising Budgets The Victorian Relief Committee does not have an advertising budget. Multicultural Affairs: advertising 223. THE HON. T.e. THEOPHANOUS - To ask the Honourable the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology (for the Honourable the Minister for Multicu1tural Affairs): In respect of each department, agency and authority witltin his administration, what are the details of all advertiSing campaigns since 3 October 1992 to date, indicating - (i) the purpose and total costs of each campaign; and (ll) the total advertiSing budget in his ministerial portfolio for 1992-93, 1993-94 and 1994-95 financial years. ANSWER: I am informed that: The answer to this question has been incorporated in the Department of Premier and Cabinet response to Parliamentary Question No. 211. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Wednesday, 9 April 1997 COUNCIL 1513 Premier: ministerial offices 232. THE HON. T.e. THEOPHANOUS - To ask the Honourable the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology (for the Honourable the Premier): What are the details of the total operating costs for ministerial offices for each of the financial years 1992-93, 1993-94 and 1994-95. ANSWER: I am informed that the time and resources required to provide detailed information for the period 3 October 1992 to 30 March 1996 cannot be justified. Multicultural Affairs: consultancies 271. THE HON. T.e. THEOPHANOUS - To ask the Honourable the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology (for the Honourable the Minister for Multicultural Affairs): In respect of each department, agency and authority within his administration, for the periods 3 October 1992 to 30 October 1993, and 1 June 1994 to 23 November 1995, what are the details of each consultancy commissioned, indicating - (i) date; (ll) cost; (ill) purpose; (iv) name and address of consultant; (v) recommendations made; (vi) action taken in response to any recommendations; and (vii) whether tenders were called. ANSWER: I am informed that: The answer to this question has been incorporated within the Department of Premier and Cabinet response to Parliamentary Question No. 258. Multicultural Affairs: DDB Needham 405. THE HON. M. M. GOULD - To ask the Honourable the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology (for the Honourable the Minister for Multicultural Affairs): In respect of each department, agency and authority within his administration what are the details of consultancies, engagements or contracts for work undertaken by DDB Needham Melbourne Pty Ltd and/ or DDB Needham Worldwide Pty Ltd since October 1992 to publicise, promote, highlight or in any way assist with the public relations or information dissemination activities, indicating - (i) what was or is the purpose of the consultancy, engagement or contract; (ll) what was or is the period of the consultancy, engagement or contract; (ill) the cost of the consultancy, engagement or contract; and (iv) whether tenders were called. ANSWER: I am informed that the answer to this question had been incorporated within the Premier's response to Question on Notice 404 tabled on 3 December 1996. Premier: Melbourne Major Events chairman 521. THE HON. T.e. THEOPHANOUS - To ask the Honourable the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology (for the Honourable the Premier): If he will ascertain and inform the House what are the details of all domestic and international travel undertaken by Mr Ron Walker in his capacity as Chairman of Melbourne Major Events, indicating in respect of each trip the - (i) date; (ii) purpose; (ill) carrier; (iv) destination; (v) number of days; and (vi) cost. ANSWER: I am informed that, as a registered public company, Melbourne Major Events Corporation is required under section 335 of the Corporations Law to lodge its annual return with the Australian Securities QUESTIONS ON NOTICE 1514 COUNCIL Wednesday, 9 April 1997 Commission. Information relating to any Director's remuneration is disclosed in the financial accounts lodged with the ASC. Police and Emergency Services, and Corrections: office expenses 524. 525. THE HON. P. POWER - To ask the Honourable the Minister for Roads and Ports (for the Honourable the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, and Minister for Corrections): From 3 October 1992 to 30 March 1996, what are the details of expenses of the office of the Minister or the Minister's predecessor. ANSWER: I am informed that: The response to these questions is provided in the answer to question number 249 in the Legislative Assembly, a copy of which is attached. Question on Notice No. 249 I am informed that: The details below generally cover costs incurred by me or my staff during the period since 30 March 1996 up to the time specified. Where the detailed information is not readily available I have provided aggregate figures which are readily available. The time and resources to provide detailed information concerning costs incurred by my predecessor during the period earlier than 30 March 1996 cannot be justified. The total figure for the operating expenses of the Minister's office is $155 574 and includes the cost of purchase of the ministerial car as well as disposal. It should be noted that this figure does not include salary and salary-related costs, but it does include all other costs. Cost of ministerial contract staff $198738.00 (This is the estimate for the entire 1996/97 year and includes salary related costs) Ministerial Travel Paid by Dept of Premier $ 375.40 & Cabinet (For period 1 April 1996 to 1 March 1997) Minister's office operating expenditure $155574.00 (This is for the period 1/4/96 to 25/3/97) The type of cost items which fall within the office operating expenditure are as follows. Figures on actual costs incurred are indicated for specified periods. It should also be noted that these figures are components of the $155 574 identified above. Entertainment expenses $ 3776.60 (This is for the period 31/3/96 to 25/3/97) Assorted Beverages (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) $ 361.59 (This is for the period 31/3/96 to 25/3/97) Ministerial Travel (Minister and staff) $ 48156.00 (This is for the period 1/4/96 to 25/3/97 and includes charter travel) QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Wednesday, 9 April 1997 COUNCIL 1515 Credit Card Purchases (For period 31/3/96 to 4/12/96) Minister's Card $ 3087.20 First Staff member's Card $ 2 904.55 Second Staff member's Card $ 852.45 "'It should be noted that some expenditure listed under 'entertainment' and 'assorted beverages' and 'travel' was paid for by credit card.
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