TI{E STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS OF HOUSING, POLITICS AND THEORY: THE HOUSTNG ACTION COAIITION EXPERIENCE A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES IJNIVE]ìSITY OF I'ÍANITOBA IN PARTIAL FULFILLI'{ENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE MASTER OF CITY PLANNING IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING BY ROB DEYMAN JANUARY 19BO THE STRATE'GIC IMPLICATIONS OF HOUSING, POLITICS AND THEORY: THE HOUSING ACTION COALITION TXPERIINCE hV DT ROBTRT HARRY JOHN DEYMAN A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies oi the U¡riversity of Manitoba in partial fulfilhnent of the requirentertts of the degree of IqASTER OF CITY PLANNING o\ 1980 Permission has been grattted to the LIBIìARY OF TFIE UNIVER- SITY OF MANITOBA to lend or sell copies of this thesis. to the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA to nricrofilnr this thesis and to lend or sell copies of the film, and UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS to publish an abstract of this thesis. The author reserves other publicatiotr rights, and neither tlte thesis nor exte¡lsive extracts fronl it nray be ¡trinted or otlier- wise reproduced without tire author's writtell perntissiott. ABSTRACT Housing Action Coalition is a voluntary group of individuals who live ín \,Iinnipeg's ínner city or r^¡ork for social agencies in the j-nner city. The Coalition v/as formed in the spring of L977 in reaction to deteriorating housing conditions in terms of poor quality housing stock, an inadequate supply of 1ow income housing, and affordability problems of residents within the inner city. The Coalition has presented briefs and met with officíals of the 1oca1, províncial, and federal 1eve1s of the state with the objective of lobbying them to move to\,rards policy positions whích would alleviate the housing crisis. HAC has directed its prime lobbying effort at the loca1 1eve1 in the belief that housing conditions and policy solutíons may most sensitívely be monitored and implemented at the local planning level. Restraint minded governments have been unsympathetic to the Coalitionrs demands for íncreased ínvolvement in social housíng policy and programs. HACrs efforts have been unsuccessful to the point where the group is in danger of dissolving in the face of failure and frustratíon. The methodological thread that runs throughout this thesis is ¡L^ 'l i-l--l-^ tpraxisr Lr¡ç rrrrNlrró v!^ç ^yractíce and theory. This linkage or creates the clarity necessary to suggest future action. The first part of this thesis links HACrs daily actions vith the recent theory ii of housing crisis, the theory of the role of the state, and the theory concerníng urban political action. The clarity achieved through this exploration demonstrates that the Coalitionts analysis of housing and the role of the state, as well as its organizational and strategic thrust render it incapable of aËtaining social change. HACrs current acËion and analysis enable it to achieve only reform or changes r¿ithin the existing urban sysLem. The latter part of this thesis examines HACrs strategic actions within the framework of a theoretical model of political responsiveness. This study demonstrates that the Coalitionrs lobby orientation vrill likely be unsuccessful against the I^Iinnipeg City Councí1. The results of a survey of councillors indicate that the majority have firmly entrenched housing positions opposite to those of the Coalition. The findings of this thesÍs gained from an examination of strategic options drawn from theory, have índicated that the Coalition should abandon its lobbying efforts in favour of rreform electoralf activity. This strategíc option most closely suits HACrs analytical and organizational state. In addítion, it has a greater chance of achieving the reform objective of improved housing conditions through policy changes. al_I ACKNOI^TLEDGEMENTS This thesis would not have been possible without the assisLance of the following people. I am grateful for the valuable guidance offered me throughout this project by my advisor, Dr. Kent Gerecke. His encouragement and sound advice concerning the theoretical aspect of this work was of special Ímportance. Special thanks to my readers, Professors Mario Carvalho and Greg Mason, for their cornments and criticisms during the later stages of the thesis. I am especially indebted to all the people who partícipated in the Housing Actíon Coalitíon for their co-operation with this project, and their energy and commitment when dealing rvith a difficult problem and an uns;.rnpathetic adversary. I would also like to e-xtend thanks to Matt Kiernan for his rThesis | involvement in Anon¡rmous ; to Wade Osipa for lending his excellent graphic ability; and to my typists, Va1 Sangster and Pam Fawcett. Finally, I would like to thank Sybil for putting up with my constant demands for instant feedback and her assistance durins the rough spots I encountered rvhile completing this thesis. Ív TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ACICIOWLEDGEMENTS íií LIST OF TABLES VA LIST OF FIGURES VÍi ñl- a^+^- urt4P LEL I. ]NTRODUCTION A SLatement of the Problern, Purpose of the Study; Limitations and Boundaries; Thesis Logic and Methodology; Thesis FormaL HOUSING II. ACTION COALITION: A BIOGRAPHY -LO HACrs Origín and Organization; General; A Biography; Surmnary III. THE HOUSING CONTEXT AND HOUSING ACTION COALITION 48 The Housing Question; The Housing Question in the Winnipeg Situation; Housing Quality; Housing Supply; Affordability; Housing Action Coalitionrs Interpret.ation of the Housing Crisis in Winnipeg IV. THE POLITICAL_ADMINISTRATIVE CONTEXT AND HOUSING ACTION COALITION B2 The Role of the State in Theory; The Tederal LeveI and Housing Policy; The provincial Level and Housing Policy; The Local Level and Housing Policy; Housing Action Coalitionrs Interpretation of the Role of the State in Housing V. THE URBAN POLITICAL ACTION CONTEXT AND HOUSING ACTION COALITION 1O9 A Theoretical Continuum of Urban political Action; Housing Action Coalition and the Context of Urban Political Theory: An Evaluation VI. THE ]MPLICATIONS OF HOUS]NG ACT]ON COAIITIONIS CURRENT ORTENTATION I37 The i^IíIl of Housing Action Coalition Èo Act; The Abí1íty of HAC to Produce Policy Change I^Iithin City Council VII. ALTERNATIVES FOR STRATEGIC INTERVENT]ON IJð Options for Strategic Tntervention; Conclusions: Toward an Effective Strategic Position VIII. SUI'O4ARY AND CONCLUSTONS Ll.+ Sunnnary of the Thesis Logic; Surnmary of Major Findings; Areas for Further Research; Epilogue APPENDICES 190 SOURCES CONSULTED 209 V]. LIST OF TABLES Housíng Market Activity in I^Iinnipeg - Average Annual Change L973-I977 64 2. Unemployment in Major Canadian Cíties 1976 66 J. Multipl-e Family Rental Units Lost By Dernolition and Closure-City of I,trinnipeg - January 1, :.972 - June 1, 1978 72 Low Rent Units Lost and Units Replaced in Former Midland and Centennial Cormnunity Committees (Inner City Communities) - January 1, 1976 - June 30, 1978 74 Proportion of Income to Housing Cost 75 Average Yearly Percent Increases of Inner City Low and Medium-Rise Blocks Compared with Increases in All Other Apartment Buíldings I972-L976 -t -7 7 Proportion of Capital BudgeL Allocations DevoLed to Suburban GrowËh 95 B. Councillor Classification by Factor r48 o Councillor Classification by Grouped Factor Category 150 10. Key Cormnittees - Councillor Classifícation by Grornprl Factor Category 153 VI]- LIST OF FIGURES I Location of Inner Citv Studv Area in Relatíon to Winnipeg Census MetropoliLan Area 5 2. I IICTTÞ LUEIL L2 Inner City Housíng Condition by Census Tract 6B Non-Profít Housing Corporation Voting Results 100 5. Continuum of Urban Political Acti-on 113 6. 0ptions for Strategic Intervention 160 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION AND LOGIC A Statement Of The Problem Housing conditions in Winnipegts inner cíty are deteríorating and continue to decline. Recent planning and goverrment rePorts note that l^Iinnipegrs inner city is second only to Montreal in its percentage of poor quality older inner city housing. This fact coupled with a decline in 1ow cost housing starts compaled to an acceleration of demolition, closure, and conversíon of 1o\^7 cost ol-ugI.^1J^- ,,-iUIIILti ¡¡ t ¿lIIU.--l 5eVefÕ^i,^r^ g drrurudullrLJnFF¡-,1âl-.:'l -'+,, --^L1^-^P!9ursrrrÞ f Of lOW ínCOme ínnef city residents, índicates a housing crisis of some magnitude. These conditions have not escaped the attention of the media and social critics. Over the past t\¡Io years (1977 to I97 9) headlines such as, "Victim of Past Indifference; Rot Eating Away Cityrs Core Area?"1 h"ve been frequently appearing in Winnipegts two daily ne\.üspaPers. These conditions combined ivith ever increasing social agency case loads of individuals experiencing housing related difficulties *AllanI in/i1son, "Victim of Past Indifference; Rot Eating Away CityIs Core Area?" \^IinniÞeg Free Press, 30 October 1978, p. 1. precipitated the formation of the Housing Action Coalition (HAC). HAC is a volunteer organízation of persons ¡¡ho live and/or work in the inner city of lalinnipeg. Very early in the groupts existence it became clear that government appeared unable, or more probably was unwilling to amelíorate the decline in housÍng conditions. The civíc or local- level v/as most noticeable in this regard. Since the spring of L977 i{At has been active in an effort to promote housing policies for Winnipegts inner city, with the bulk of the pressure being applied on the 1ocal government 1evel. The efforts of the Coalition have been unsuccessful in pressuring the city government into instituting remedial housing policy initiatives. In the meantime housing conditions continue to decline and inner city residents conËinue to exPerience housing related difficulties. Purpose Of The Study Housing Action Coalition has failed to produce positive changes in city housing policy while pursuing its strategic role as a polícy lobby group. Since HAC is a volunteer organization, all available energy has been directed to action leaving little room for reflection or self analysis. This thesis intends to explore and understand HACts action and analysis in light of recent bodies of theory concerning housing, the role of Ëhe state or all levels of government, and urban political action.
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