If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. • , ,>'~ .--.-... --.~.~~-~, .---.-- U.S. Department of JliStice Bureau of Justice Statistics National Criminal Justice Reference Service \ This microfiche was produced from documents received for Censu' of Jail , 197 inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise control over the physical condition of the documents submitted, the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on Vol. IV. Data for Individual Jails in the West this frame may be used to evaluate the document quality. < "u.1~,a:_.~~,_.~..::~_:.'_.J:!::,--':'::;':_:::' __ '1:"::':':':-~ _' • 10", " ....-w" ..;:;;:,)lv~"", .... 2 5 Number of jails, 1.0 :~ 11111 L8 11111 . 3 2 by region, 11111 . 2 I"D~ I . IE III~~ 1978 !.IiIl.iU 1_11U,i2 I .0 ~ 110 1.1 LllLUI. --- 111111.25 111111.4 \\\\\1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS·1963·A t 1.1 ", . .' _.... ...... ." " ... ~ r"" Microfilming proced~;es ~sed to create this fiche comply witl1' ' the standards set forth in 41CFR 101-11.504. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are • o· 1 those of the author(s) and do not represent the official :DATE FI LMEO !, position or policies of the U. S. Department of Justice. ..~ .-"('" 't'~"""'-i~"'J'i,'':'~''_'''''''''' '''-''' "'"7""'-'~"'/ I , "'( 'L 2-8-82 ,) l Bureau of Justice Statistics Reports Applications of the National Crime State and Local Probation and Parole Systems, U.S. Department of Justice Survey Victimization and Attitude Data: NCJ-41335 . Single cop leI are available at no charge from the Public Opinion About Crime: The Attitudes State and Local Prosecution and Civil Attorney Bureau of Justice Statistics National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Box 01 Victims and Nonvlctlms In Selected System I, NCJ-41334 6000, Rockville, Md. 20850. Multiple coplelare for CIties, NCJ-41336 Nallonal Survey of Court Organization: IIIle by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Local Victim Surveys: A Review 01 the 1977 Supplement to State Judicial Systems, NCJ-40022 Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Issues, NCJ-39973 & 20402. *The Police and Public Opinion: An Analysis '* 1975 Supplement to Slate JUdicial Systems, 01 Victimization and AttitUde Data Irom NCJ-29433 National Crime Survey: 13 American Cities, NCJ-42018 1971 (full report), NCJ-11427 Criminal V1ctlmlUltion In the United SlaOea An In!roductlon to tho National Crime State Court Model Statletlcal Dlcllonary, (annual): Survey, NCJ-43732 NCJ-62320 Summary Findings of 197.8-79 Changes In Compenaatlng Victim. 01 Violent Crime: State Court Caselood StallstlcI: Crime and of Trends Since 1973, NCJ- Potential Costs and Coverage 01 a National The State 01 the Art, NCJ-46934 62993 Program, NCJ-43387 Annual Report, 1975, NCJ-51885 Census of Jails, 1978 A Description of Trends from 1973 to 1978, Rape Victimization In 26 American Cltlea, Annual Report, 1976, NCJ-56599 NCJ-66716 NCJ-55878 A CroBI-Clty Comparison of Felony Case 1978 (final report), NCJ-66480 Crlmll Against Persona In Urban, Suburban, Proltleaslng, NCJ-55171 Vol. IVs Data for Individual 1977, NCJ-58725 and Rural Areaa: A Comparative Analysis 01 1976, NCJ-49543 Victimization Rates, NCJ-53551 1975, NCJ-44593 Criminal Victimization In Urban Schools, Trendu In Expenditure and Employment Dah1 1974, NCJ-39467 NCJ-56396 for the Criminal Justice System, 1971-77 Jails in the West *1973, NCJ-34732 Restitution to Vlctlma of Peraonaland (annual), NCJ-57463 Tho Cost of Negligence: Losses Irom Houll8hold Crimea, NCJ-72770 Expenditure and Employment Data for the Preventable Household Burglaries, Criminal Justice System (annual) NCJ-53527 1979 advance report, NCJ-73288 Alaska The Hispanic Victim: Advance Report, 1978 Summary Report. NCJ-66483 NCJ-67706 Myths and Realities About Crime: A 1978 final report, NCJ-66482 Arizona 111t1mate Victims: A Study 01 Violence Arriong Nontechnical Presentation 01 Selected 1917 final report; NCJ-53206 Friends and Relatives, NCJ-62319 Inlormation Irom the National Prisoner Crime and Seasonality, NCJ-64818 Statistics Program and the National Crime California Criminal Victimization of New York State Survey, NCJ-46249 Residents, 1974-77, NCJ-66481 Justice Agencies In the U.S.: 72282 Summary Report of the National Colorado U.S. Department of Juslice Criminal Victimization of California Residents, Justice Agency List, NCJ-65560 National tnstitute of Justice 1974-77, NCJ-70944 Hawaii Indicators of Crime and Criminal Justice: National Prisoner Statistics: ! hl~ (1()(;UlIIC!I1t hil~ been ropw(lu(.(!tI ""'ICily d', f(!(;{OIVl!d Irol1l !fl() Quantitative Studies, NCJ-62349 ~:' ... ; ,\ Capital Punishment (annual): Dlcllonary of Criminal Justice Data Terminology: Idaho PPI~(111 Of Ofg,lIllZlIllUIl 0110111,1111'[111 POllllh oi \11'1\'01 oprnlt'IlS sl,lI!'(1 Criminal Victimization Surveys In 13 Terms and Definitions Proposed for Interstate ~ 111 IhlS document are Ihose ot Ihe authors dod do r'ol nec;cssmily 1979, NCJ-70945 ~ American cities (summary report, 1 vol.). and National Data Collection and Exchange, '!-,lIt . represenl tile official pOsition ot poliCies of Ihe tj(liional InSllll;IO of NCJ-18471 Prisoners In State and Federallnatltutlonl on NCJ-36747 • Montana Jusllce. Boston, NCJ-34818 December 31: i k", ~ -'. Bullalo, NCJ-34820 1979. NCJ-73719 i­ Nevada !. t i'l!IllliSSIOIl 1(1 ruplml(lcP 111Is I". ',' -01 IItdlt'lIi1lhdS 1,1('tlll Cincinnati, NCJ-34819 *Censu8 of State Correctional Facilities, 1974 f f· grantecl by Houston; NCJ-34821 advance report. NCJ-25642 Utilization 01 Criminal Justice Statistics " New Mexico Miami, NCJ-34822 Profile of State Prison Inmates: Project: Public Domain Milwaukee, NCJ-34823 Sociodemographic Findings Irom the 1974 Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1980 Bureau'of--Justice Statisitics Mlnnltapolls, NCJ-34824 Survey 01 Inmates 01 State Correctional (annual), NCJ-71096 Oregon New Orleans, NCJ-34825 Facilities. NCJ-58257 * Offender-Based Transaction Statistics: New to Ille Naltonal Crrminal JUstlCO R('ferenc(; S('I\'ICC (NGJRS). Oakland, NCJ-34826 *Censul of Prisoners In State Correctional Directions in Data Collection and Reporting, Utah Pittsburgh, NCJ-34827 Facilities, 1973, NCJ-34729 NCJ-29645 San Diego, NCJ-34828 ~lIrlllar rcproduclron outslclo of tho NC.JfH; ·,y~l['rn r['fI"ffP" permis­ Census of Jails and Survey of Jail tnmates, Sentencing of California Felony Offenders, Washington SIOIl of liI(' ~ OW"l" San Francisco, NCJ-34829 1978, preliminary report, NCJ-55172 NCJ-29646 * Washington, D.C., NCJ-34830 Profile of Inmates of Local Jails: Socio­ Crime-Specific Analysis: Wyoming Public Attitude. About Crime (13 vols.): demographic Findings from the 1978 Survey * The Characteristics of Burglary Incidents, Boston, NCJ-46235 of Inmates of Local Jails, NCJ-65412 NCJ-42093 Bullalo, NCJ-46236 '" The Nation's Jails: A report on the census An Empirical Examination of Burglary Cincinnati, NCJ-46237 of jails Irom the 1972 Survey olin mates of Offender Characteristics, NCJ-43131. NCJ-72282 Houston, NCJ-46238 Local Jails, NCJ-19067 *An Empirical Examination of Burglary Miami, NCJ-046239 Offenders and Offense Characteristics, August 1981 Milwaukee, NCJ-46240 NCJ-42476 * Minneapolis, NCJ-46241 Sources of National Criminal Justice New Orlenns, NCJ-46242 Uniform Parole Reports: Statistics: An Annotated Bibliography. Oakland, NCJ-46243 Parole In the United States (annual); NCJ-45006 Pittsburgh, NCJ-46244 1979, NCJ-69562 Federal Criminal Sentencing: Perspectives San Diego, NCJ-46245 1978, NCJ-58722 , of Analysis and a Design for Research. San Francisco, NCJ-46246 1976 and 1977, NCJ-49702 NCJ-33683 Washington, D.C., NCJ-46247 Variations In Federal Crlmlnaf'Sentences: Criminal Victimization Surveys In Chicago, A National Survey of Parole-Related * legislation Enacted During the 1979 A Statistical Assessment at the National Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, and Level, NCJ-33684 Legislative Session, NCJ-64218 Philadelphia: A Comparison 01 1~72 and Federal SentenCing Patterns: A Study of Characteristics of the Parole Population, 1978, 1974 Findings, NCJ-36360 Geographical Variations, NCJ-33685 NCJ-66479 Criminal Victimization SurveYlln Eight Predicting Sentences In Federal Courts: The American CIties: A Comparison 011971172 Feasibility 01 a National SentenCing Policy, and 1974/75 Findings-National Crime NCJ-33686 Surveys in Atlanta. Baltimore, Cleveland, Children In Custody: Juvenile Detention and Dallas, Denver, Newark, Portland, and St. Correctional Facility Census Louis, NCJ-36361 1977 advance report: * Criminal Victimization Surveys In the Census 01 Public Juvenile Facilities, Nation's Five Largest CIties: National NCJ-60967 '" . Crime Panel Surveys In Chicago, Detroit, , Census of Private Juvenile Facilities, Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia, NCJ-60968 1972, NCJ-16909 1975 (final report). NCJ-58139 * Crimes and Victims: A Report on the Day toni 1974, NCJ-57946 San Jose Pilot Survey 01 Victimization, 1973, NCJ-44177 NCJ-013314 *1971, NCJ-13403 *out of stock but available on interl ibrary loan ./ . U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics Contents Benjamin H. Renshaw III Acting Director Selected findings, 1 Data tablfls by county and by local jail within Charles R Kindennann, Ph.D. county, 1978: Acting Director Introduction, 2 1. Inmate data, 8 Statistics Division Organization of this report, 2 2. Institutional data, 38 3. Employment data, 68 Historical development, 2 1970 jail census, 2 4. Medical services, 98 1972 jail census, 2 Acknowledgements. This report
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