i ^ - r s IE.i i — : G o o d mnorning Heraldiring the holilidays Today’s forecaslast: 4 ctio in sou;Ight Portly cloudy with'ith light east winds, H ig h s 2 0 10 25. L o wws s zero to 10 a b o v e , P * 0 e A 2 €on salImon p la n b e A s s o d a te d Press produce its llnalInal report as .soon as ptissi- ble," they said,id. City discloses creditcr card use ■ WASHINGTON — Two o f th c I>a- H atfield is; illieIk ranking Republican t)ii _ City employees ha\have used city credit fic Northwest's mosl influentntiul mcm- the Scnnte AppApproprialions C'oniniiltoe, cards to purcluise abou)out S34,060 in goods :rs o f Congress are urging thi[he Clinton which approveoves all federal .spending tVid s e rv ic e s sin c e 198)98 8 . Iministnilion to spare no cxsxpcnse in bills, P a g e B l oving to save troubled salmoion .spccic.s The Commercnerce D epannicnt's Nation- omextinciion. al Marine Fish-isherics Service ha.s ile- Black calls ODD>DIM hearing A draft plan for rebuildinglg salmon dared the Snake.Sm R iver's suek-cyc p oipulations p u should bc for- Imon :in endangered Rep. Ron Black hasha set a three-day Dlized as soon as possible, I e cic s a n d it.s c h in o o k ru n s hearing on outcomc-bi‘•based education for H o3USC u s S p e a k e r T o m F o le y . I rcatcned under the Endan- Ihe 1994 Legislature. -W ash., and Sen, Mark I red Spccies Act. ' - P a g e B I H ulflinfield, R-Ore,, told Com- | Environmcntalisis are ask- :rcc Sccrctary Ron Brown ■ g the agcncy to list C0I 10 a letterlc this week. 1^I ' sahno^Imon as ihre:itcncd or cn- Scientists on ihc govern- ft ngered tliruughnui thc I’a- - cnt’s sulmon-recovery B lc Northwest, Hospital annexaication um told members of B rhe fisheries service is rc- C oingress n g at an October I onsible for wriiing a plan * Burley city 6 ffic iaials li arc considering iefing lhat the plan would I It w ill h e lp re s to re th c p ru ­ annexing a pCoposcd:d newi hospital and a lteer r fishing practices, log- I ned fish populations. All ‘ plan to consult tlie publ ublic next month. lg near sueams and man- * — ^ federalleral agencies are required P a g e B 3 a g cem m ent of hydropower Foley ID obtiobtain NMFS permission ms. b e fofore re taking any action — ‘W hile these activities are costlyc to from Fore.st ServiccSer logging to Army ■ o u rr rcregion, wc know that theyy must be Corps of Enyimginecrs dredging — that timed lo prolcct the speciess and1 that may jeopardizeze thetl protected salmon. Unbeatens are theretli y arcu best developed wilhin1 the1 con* "Given theIC geographicg range of t o f a comprehensive plan.n.” Foley anadromous fish in the Pacific Nonh- Nebraska and Westit Virginia\ w ound up 1 H atfield wrote; wesl, thc scopepe ofc the required consul- undefeated regular fooirootball seasons Fri* 'W e therefore urge you to) provide] lalion processs is quite broad and will day^ N ow they must waitwa to see how they otever resources arc neces.satary to ai- significantly afTectafTe important activities fare in the bowl votir)ting against teams lo w! the recovery team to compipletc the in our region,I. includingin fisheries pro- ■ with lesser rccords. cpendent pecr-rcvicw proci•cess and ^ Plea P a g e B 6 >lease see SALMON/A2 Eagles grab No.'1.7 College of Southern:m Idaho beat Allc- R^evampiing foreijign aid gahy o f Pittsburgh for its seventh win Friday and goes againsiinst highly-regarded ' Hagerstowd; Md., tonigllig h t. ; m P a g « B 6 iext on CI^linton aagenda TheW• W a s h in g to n P o s t • development"' andan "prom oting peace" UKEBALSa^iauRY/nwnn m n »»n rather ihan suppupporting individual na- Stouthearted sp ec^^ r s brave cold temperiratures Friday night tto o v ie w a fire- w/ASHINGTON a ; — The Clininton ad- lions.’ d is p l a y a t thie e tthird a n n u a l edition o>fChHstt^asIn;tj^Nlgh f [gh ttim e . listration has proposed a cocomplete Additionally,y. allal foreign aid programs rhaul o f thc nation’s foreigign assis- would emphasiziisize poptjiation control, Cotninshove ; :~^»lW <» liibraH en.^Q irgiiw tticfb^w berty^iN brsertaES-tiw n^acIc 1 kW riihtrthe CC program s that w ould'gigive the environmentalI proitclidnpn and improve- , • Tom and Roberta FortFo have returned event collectt ChristrIstmaS t o y s a n d fo o d t o beb distributed by chariaritable orga- p residlident e broad flexibility to usiise aid to menis in the statuitatus of women in dcvcl- from 17 yeare o f niissioriion scrvice in Zam> nlzatiohs w hile provicivlding holiday entertalnr a d v aancc n t his foreign policy goi,oals and oping countries,cs. InI an echo of the do- bio. It w as good, they sasa; y . n m e h t f o r th o u s a n d s . I wouldlid jettison cxi.sting nrogron\m s con- mestic antipovert> P a ^ B 4 >- /erty nrot;rum of the John- ___._______ c c iv/ed e d primarily to combat comc( m u- son adminisimtiorItion. planning o f aid pro- n. grams would requirercq "active involve- Innocent or guilt}Ity? (Chicken Ipox yacciiii0 on th<le w a y "t-isiead of distributing fund.s.s pnnci- meoL.., ofpoicntiiential recipients." Columnist Clark Mlorphew on talks about •/ p a llyy totc support friendly regimes:s fri spe- Tlic proposeded newi approach to for* _thc accusation agajnsinst Cordinal Ber- __ iTTie i ,^3aociated Press ' _ - Ab<■bout 3;9 million Amcricaican.s. mostly chil- cific :cc countries, as the United Statlatcs typ- eign aid, whichh .seeks.se to bring all feder- nHtBin. drctv;'%”gc't clM ck^pox «vcryy >year. Claused by 1251171! •7 fo re ig n iil a g e n c ie s w ithith intemutionali: progniim P » g « B 4 W a s h i n g t o n — c hhildren iic may got yet the hi;highly contogious variccllaUa v iru s, h typical- o»d wcw ould be used lo advanciice such imo a coordinatedItcd a.ssistancc elTorl. was another shot when they ^jo tot the doctor next lyjusiist causes severe itching andan( rash. broadid 1 policy objectives as proiomoting s^nt to key mennembers Congress this spring, as (he governmentt preparespr to approve But ocraey, encouraging free tra ut about 9,000 people dcvlevelop complica- dcmocr radc and ^^eek in the forniirm o f a 1 3 6 *page bill la* a vaccine to prevent that ilchjichy rile o f childhood tions nfcctions to brain combatbatting terrorism und nuclear .5 ranging frotn'blood infc arprolif- M ed "discassionion drafl," in anticipation called chicken pox.. dama{lage. An average o f 92 diedicd cach year from eration.o n. icxt ye ar. ' And doctors are picdictircting a rush for the . 1987.17 to 1 9 9 1 . A id tot Israel and Egypt — hististorical- 9r=n«c™ ="ln“ ' cosure would repeal the • 'n-ade barriers co:cost billions vaccineva — not beca^'-porair^ts know the dis-,jC hrhrislppher.Chinnes, 12, wiwas one of those ly theie 1 largest recipients of U.S.S . a s s i s , Aid Act and a long list of Trade barriers cost AAmericans n $19 bil- ^ e kills about 90 peof>Ie-a:••a year; but bccpu^ v * ^ nims. i The steroids the Nortorth Carolina boy lancec — — would bc prolecled. ancnd pbni IM ' F"^8n Aid md couniry*spccific pro* lion a year by drivingg upu thc price of a they think it is such a nuisanca n c e ,,. titaking for a severe'asthithma attack sup- to help;lp ftnancc Russia's move to'toward a amendmenis und be prc- visions that have wide vw ety of productsicts, according to a ■•Some people have wondcndcrcd if the gain'isr-jftcsses e d h i s im m u n e .<sysiem. allowingal chicken free mim arket economy would b IVC b e e n a d d e d to il. in* new goivemmcnt reportrt wworth the cost o f a vaccinenc Ifor chicken pox,’*' pox to shut dow n hw brgans onio n e b y o n e , .served.cd. But otherwise the workk o f the eluding the Sccuecurity Assistance Act. P < g « C 1 said Dr. Sam uel Katz, a pedpediatrician al Duke "Itt w1 ould have been kinder:r 1to shoot him ... Agcncyney for Intcmationoi Dcvelo]lopment, which providedcd 1funds to many Icss- University M cdical Ccnter,r, “But“] parents are ,„ than tlthe w ay he died,” said hislis mother. Rebec- whichch m anages U.S. aid progjgram s. ihan-democraticic regimesr that opposed saying they w ant this vaccinc.inc." -cn Col!oIe, w ho has lobbied for vavaccine approval, wouldId ; aim at enhancing "sustatainablc communism durin]iring ihe Cold War. ___________________ I___________ /h a t t o lo o k fo r Hogs, hats, hambiburgers B:27pja:Fou Foi moon contacts Mbuntitain mai — outecpaniport n> garth'd «b<i>1nu/_____ ____________ ..............D e v e l o p e r s h o p e a rm assive“ farm ■ ttMponunimribrB.
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