The R User Conference, useR! 2017 July 4-7 2017 Brussels, Belgium Book of Contributed Abstracts Contents I Talks MCMC Output Analysis Using R package mcmcse 24 A. Crippa and N. Orsini difNLR: Detection of potentional gender/minority bias with ex- tensions of logistic regression 25 Adéla Drabinová factorMerger: a set of tools to support results from post hoc testing 26 Agnieszka Sitko and Przemysław Biecek Interactive graphs for blind and print disabled people 27 A. Jonathan R. Godfrey Paul Murrell and Volker Sorge Bayesian social network analysis with Bergm 28 Alberto Caimo The renjin package: Painless Just-in-time Compilation for High Performance R 29 Alexander Bertram R-Ladies Global Community 30 Alice Daish, Hannah Frick, Gabriela de Queiroz, Erin LeDell, Chiin- Rui Tan, Claudia Vitolo Neural Embeddings and NLP with R and Spark 31 Ali Zaidi R4ML: A Scalable R for Machine Learning 32 Alok Singh Curve Linear Regression with clr 33 Amandine Pierrot, Yannig Goude and Qiwei Yao Clustering transformed compositional data using coseq 34 Andrea Rau, Antoine Godichon-Baggioni and Cathy Maugis-Rabusseau The use of R in predictive maintenance: A use case with TRUMPF Laser GmbH 35 CONTENTS CONTENTS Andreas Prawitt Updates to the Documentation System for R 36 Andrew Redd Can you keep a secret? 37 Andrie de Vries and Gábor Csárdi When is an Outlier an Outlier? The O3 plot 38 Antony Unwin jug: Building Web APIs for R 39 Bart Smeets How to Use (R)Stan to Estimate Models in External R Packages 40 Ben Goodrich Text Analysis and Text Mining Using R 41 Benjamin French, Munechika Misumi, Kyoji Furukawa and John B Cologne Analysis of German Fuel Prices with R 42 Boris Vaillant Dynamic Assessment of Microbial Ecology (DAME): A Shiny App for Analysis and Visualization of Microbial Sequencing Data 43 Brian D Piccolo, Umesh D Wankhade, Sree V Chintapalli, and Kartik Shankar Hosting Data Packages via drat: A Case Study with Hurricane Exposure Data 44 Brooke Anderson and Dirk Eddelbuettel Collaborative Development in R: A Case Study with the sparsebn package 45 Bryon Aragam rags2ridges: A One-Stop-Go for Network Modeling of Precision Matrices 46 Carel F.W. Peeters, Anders E. Bilgrau, and Wessel N. van Wieringen countreg: Tools for count data regression 47 Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis Diversity of the R Community 48 Christina Knudson, Charles Geyer and Galin Jones Sports Betting and R: How R is changing the sports betting world 49 Christina Knudson, Charles Geyer, Galin Jones Link2GI - Easy linking Open Source GIS with R 50 3 CONTENTS CONTENTS Christoph Reudenbach, Florian Detsch and Tim Appelhans A restricted composite likelihood approach to modelling Gaus- sian geostatistical data 51 C. K. Mutambanengwe, C. Faes and M. Aerts A Benchmark of Open Source Tools for Machine Learning from R 52 Claus Thorn Ekstrøm and Anne Helby Petersen Dynamic modeling and parameter estimation with dMod 53 Daniel Kaschek, Wolfgang Mader, Mirjam Fehling-Kaschek, Marcus Rosenblatt and Jens Timmer Scraping data with rvest and purrr 54 Daniel Nüst and Matthias Hinz MarkovSwitching GARCH Models in R: The MSGARCH Pack- age 55 David Ardia and Keven Bluteau and Kris Boudt and Leopoldo Catania and Brian Peterson and Denis-Alexandre Trottier Package ggiraph: a ggplot2 Extension for Interactive Graphics 56 David Gohel Change Point Detection in Persistence Diagrams 57 David Letscher and Darrin Speegle We R What We Ask: The Landscape of R Users on Stack Overflow 58 David Robinson ompr: an alternative way to model mixed-integer linear programs 59 Dirk Schumacher Easy imputation with the simputation package 60 Dootika Vats, James M. Flegal, John Hughes, Galin L. Jones Using the alphabetr package to determine paired T cell receptor sequences 61 Edward S. Lee Scalable, Spatiotemporal Tidy Arrays for R (stars) 62 Edzer Pebesma, Etienne Racine, Michael Sumner Interfacing Google’s spherical geometry library (S2) for spatial data in R 63 Ege Rubak ICAOD: An R Package to Find Optimal Designs for Nonlinear Models with Imperialist Competitive Algorithm 64 Ehsan Masoudi 4 CONTENTS CONTENTS 2 Rc : an Environment for Running R and Spark in Docker Con- tainers 65 E. James Harner and Mark Lilback Ranking items scalably with the Bradley-Terry model 66 Ella Kaye and David Firth Extracting Meaningful Noisy Biclusters from a Binary Big-Data Matrix using the BiBitR R Package 67 Ewoud De Troyer, Ziv Shkedy, Adetayo Kasim and Javier Cabrera Interactive and Reproducible Research for RNA Sequencing Anal- ysis 68 Federico Marini and Harald Binder Data Carpentry: Teaching Reproducible Data Driven Discovery 69 François Michonneau and Tracy Teal Stream processing with R in AWS 70 Gergely Daroczi The analysis of R learning styles with R 71 Gert Janssenswillen and Benoît Depaire Too good for your own good: Shiny prototypes out of control 72 Grace Meyer Daff: diff, patch and merge for data.frames 73 Gregory R. Warnes and Edwin de Jonge R goes Mobile: Efficient Scheduling for Parallel R Programs on Heterogeneous Embedded Systems 74 Helena Kotthaus, Andreas Lang, Olaf Neugebauer, Peter Marwedel Developing and deploying large scale Shiny applications for non- life insurance 75 Herman Sontrop Quantitative fisheries advice using R and FLR 76 Iago Mosqueira, Ernesto Jardim, Finlay Scott, Laurence T. Kell implyr: A dplyr Backend for a Apache Impala 77 Ian Cook mlrHyperopt: Effortless and collaborative hyperparameter op- timization experiments 78 Jakob Richter and Jörg Rahnenführer and Michel Lang moodler: A new R package to easily fetch data from Moodle 79 Jakub Chromec and Libor Juhanak RQGIS - integrating R with QGIS for innovative geocomputing 80 5 CONTENTS CONTENTS Jannes Muenchow, Patrick Schratz and Alexander Brenning R Package glmm: Likelihood-Based Inference for Generalized Linear Mixed Models 81 Jan Wijffels odbc - A modern database interface 82 Jim Hester manifestoR - a tool for data journalists, a source for text miners and a prototype for reproducibility software 83 Jirka Lewandowski jamovi: a spreadsheet for R 84 Jonathon Love, Damian Dropmann and Ravi Selker Interacting with databases from Shiny 85 José de Jesus Filho and Julio Adolfo Zucon Trecenti How the R Consortium is Supporting the R Community 86 Joseph Rickert and David Smith Text mining, the tidy way 87 Julia Silge and David Robinson Exploring and presenting maps with tmap 88 Julie Josse and the R taskforce on women Detecting eQTLs from high-dimensional sequencing data using recount2 89 Kai Kammers, Leonardo Collado-Torres, Margaret A Taub, and Jeffrey T Leek Clouds, Containers and R, towards a global hub for reproducible and collaborative data science 90 Karim Chine Architectural Elements Enabling R for Big Data 91 Kenneth Benoit Improving DBI 92 Kirill Müller R-based computing with big data on disk 93 Kylie A. Bemis and Olga Vitek Programming with tidyverse grammars 94 Lionel Henry and Hadley Wickham Distributional Trees and Forests 95 Lisa Schlosser, Torsten Hothorn and Achim Zeileis 6 CONTENTS CONTENTS Community-based learning and knowledge sharing 96 L. Lahti L, J. Lehtomäki, and M. Kainu papr: Tinder for pre-prints, a Shiny Application for collecting gut-reactions to pre-prints from the scientific community 97 Lucy DAgostino McGowan, Nick Strayer, and Jeff Leek addhaz: Contribution of chronic diseases to the disability burden in R 98 Maëlle Salmon, Sreekanth Vakacherla, Carles Milà, Julian D. Marshall and Cathryn Tonne Stochastic Gradient Descent Log-Likelihood Estimation in the Cox Proportional Hazards Model with Applications to The Cancer Genome Atlas Data 99 Marcin Kosinski Statistics in Action with R: An Educative Platform 100 Marc Lavielle shiny.collections: Google Docs-like live collaboration in Shiny 101 Marek Rogala and Filip Stachura Integrated Cluster Analysis with R in Drug Discovery Experi- ments using Multi-Source Data 102 Marijke Van Moerbeke, Nolen-Joy Perualila-Tan, Ziv Shkedy and Dham- mika Amaratunga Estimating the Parameters of a Continuous-Time Markov Chain from Discrete-Time Data with ctmcd 103 Marius Pfeuffer RL10N: Translating Error Messages & Warnings 104 Mark Hornick Maps are data, so why plot data on a map? 105 Mark Padgham Morphological Analysis with R 106 Markus Voge brms: Bayesian Multilevel Models using Stan 107 Mark van der Loo Interactive bullwhip effect exploration using SCperf and Shiny 108 Marlene Silva-Marchena Ensemble packages with user friendly interface: an added value for the R community 109 Martin Otava, Rudradev Sengupta, Ewoud de Troyer and Ziv Shkedy 7 CONTENTS CONTENTS Biosignature-Based Drug Design: from high dimensional data to business impact 110 Marvin Steijaert, Griet Laenen, Joerg Kurt Wegner, Vladimir Chu- pakhin, José Felipe Golib Dzib and Hugo Ceulemans A quasi-experiment for the influence of the user interface on the acceptance of R 111 Matthias Gehrke and Karsten Luebke Modelling Censored Losses Using Splicing: a Global Fit Strategy With Mixed Erlang and Extreme Value Distributions 112 Michael Dietze Visual funnel plot inference for meta-analysis 113 Michael Kossmeier, Ulrich S. Tran and Martin Voracek Integrated analysis of digital PCR experiments in R 114 Michał Burdukiewicz, Piotr Sobczyk, Paweł Mackiewicz, Andrej-Nikolai Spiess and Stefan Rödiger IRT test equating with the R package equateIRT 115 Michela Battauz Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing in R 116 Miguel Fierro and Angus Taylor metawRite: Review, write and update meta-analysis results 117 Natalia da Silva, Heike Hofmann and Annette O’Connor FFTrees: An R package to create, visualise and use fast and frugal decision trees 118 Nathaniel D. Phillips, Hansjoerg Neth, Wolfgang Gaissmaier and Jan Woike naniar: Data structures and functions for consistent exploration of missing 119 Nicholas Tierney, Dianne Cook and Miles McBain Letting R sense the world around it with shinysense 120 Nick Strayer and Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, and Jeff Leek An LLVM-based Compiler Toolkit for R 121 Nick Ulle ReinforcementLearning: A package for replicating human be- havior in R 122 Nicolas Pröllochs, Stefan Feuerriegel and Dirk Neumann Differentiation of brain tumor tissue using hierarchical non-negative matrix factorization 123 Nicolas Sauwen 8 CONTENTS CONTENTS Show me the errors you didn’t look for 124 N.
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