Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 44938-RW THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION AND Public Disclosure Authorized THE MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY COUNTRY ASSISTANCE STRATEGY FOR THE REPUBLIC OF RWANDA FOR THE PERIOD FY09-FY12 August 7,2008 Public Disclosure Authorized Eastern Africa Country Cluster 2 (AFCE2) Africa Region The International Finance Corporation Sub-Saharan Africa Department The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Public Disclosure Authorized This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. LASTINTERIM STRATEGY NOTE: SEPTEMBER 7,2006 (REPORTNo. 35331-RW) CURRENCYEQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective June 11,2008) Currency Unit = Rwanda Francs (Rwf) US$l.OO = 538.050 Rwf FISCALYEAR July 1-June 30 ABBREVIATIONSAND ACRONYMS AAA Analytical and Advisory Activities AfDB African Development Bank AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome BADEA Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa BCR Banque Commerciale du Rwanda BNR Banque Nationale du Rwanda BRD Banque Rwandaise de Developpement BSHG Budget Support Harmonization Group CAS Country Assistance Strategy CEDP Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project CEM Country Economic Memorandum CEPEX Central Public Investment and External Finance Bureau COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa CPAF Common Performance Assessment Framework cso Civil Society Organization DfID UK Department for International Development DHS Demographic and Health Survey DPCG Development Partners Coordination Group DPL Development Policy Lending DRC Democratic Republic of Congo EAC East African Community EC European Commission EDPRS Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy EFA FTI Education For All Fast Track Initiative ESMID Efficient Securities Markets Institutional Development ESW Economic and Sector Work FDI Foreign Direct Investment FDLR Forces Democratiques de Liberation du Rwanda FY Fiscal Year GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization GDP Gross Domestic Product GFDRR Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery GFRP Global Food Crisis Response Program GNI Gross National Income GoR Government of Rwanda HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (Initiative) HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HRIG Health Results Innovation Grant ICA Investment Climate Assessment ICR Implementation Completion Report IDA International Development Association FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IEG Independent Evaluation Group IFC International Finance Corporation IFDC International Fertilizer Development Centre IMF International Monetary Fund ISN Interim Strategy Note MDGs Millennium Development Goals MDRI Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency MINALOC Ministry of Local Government MINECOFIN Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning NBR National Bank of Rwanda NGO Non-Governmental Organization NISR National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda ODA Official Development Assistance PCPI Post-Conflict Performance Indicator PEFA Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability PFM Public Financial Management PRSG Poverty Reduction Strategy Grant PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper PSCBP Public Sector Capacity Building Project PSI3 Private Sector Development RAP Rwanda Aid Policy RDRP Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Program RIEPA Rwanda Investment Promotion Agency ROSC Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes RPPA Rwanda Public Procurement Authority RSSP Rural Sector Support Program RWF Rwanda Francs RURA Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency SDR Special Drawing Rights SLM Sustainable Land Management SME Small and Medium Enterprise SWAP Sector-Wide Approach SOE State-Owned Enterprise TA Technical Assistance UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Program WP Vision 2020 Umurenge Program IDA IFC MIGA Vice President Obiageli Katryn Ezekwesili Thieny Tanoh James Bond (Acting) Country Director C. Sanjivi Rajasingham (Acting) Jean Philippe Prosper Frank J. Lysy Task Team Leader Victoria Kwakwa Dan Kasirye Thomas A. Vis The core team for this CAS included Alema Siddiky, Amadou Dem, Dan Kasiyire, Diego Martin, Dimitrie Mukanyiligira, Erik Fernstrom, Jennifer Asego, Johannes Widmann, Kene Ezemenari, Louis de Merode, Lewis Murara, Loraine Ronchi, Mark Williams, Peter Isabirye, Rema Balasundaram, Stefanie Teggemann, Thomas Vis, Verdon Staines, Victoria Gyllerup and Victoria Kwakwa. Substantive inputs were also received from Diep Nguyen Van Houtte, Edith Kikoni, Frode Davenger, Papa Thiam, Peter Osei, and other country team members. - This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not be otherwise disclosed without World Bank authorization. COUNTRY ASSISTANCE STRATEGY FOR THE REPUBLIC OF RWANDA TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... i I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1 I1. COUNTRY CONTEXT .......................................................................................................................... 1 A . Politics and Governance ...................................................................................................................... 1 B . The Economy ....................................................................................................................................... 2 C . Progress toward the Millennium Development Goals ......................................................................... 4 I11. RWANDA’S MAIN DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES............................ 6 A . Transforming the Economy to Sustain Rapid and Inclusive Growth .................................................. 6 B . Developing Human Capital ............................................................................................................... 10 C . Building an Effective State ................................................................................................................ 11 D. Promoting Peace and Social Cohesion .............................................................................................. 12 IV . RWANDA’S LONG TERM VISION AND MEDIUM TERM PRIORITIES .................................... 13 A . Vision 2020 and EDPRS ................................................................................................................... 13 B . Economic Outlook over the CAS Period ........................................................................................... 14 V . WORLD BANK GROUP ASSISTANCE STRATEGY ....................................................................... 17 A . Lessons from Implementing the Last CAS ........................................................................................ 17 B . The Current World Bank Group Program ......................................................................................... 17 C . The Program of Support FY09-12 ..................................................................................................... 18 D. Scaling Up Support to Rwanda ......................................................................................................... 30 E . Partnerships........................................................................................................................................ 30 F. Results Monitoring and Management ................................................................................................ 31 VI. MANAGING RISKS ............................................................................................................................ 32 Table 1: Growth and share of GDP ............................................................................................................... 3 Table 2: Progress toward the MDGs ............................................................................................................. 4 Table 3: Key Macroeconomic Indicators .................................................................................................... 15 Table 4: Financing Plan 2008-1 1 (US$ million) ......................................................................................... 16 Table 5: Strategic Themes and Outcomes ................................................................................................... 19 Table 6: Proposed IDA Financing FY09-12 ............................................................................................... 21 Table 7: Economic and Sector Work actual (FY08) and proposed (FYO9-12) ........................................... 22 Annexes: Annex 1: Results Framework for the Rwanda CAS FY09-FY12 ............................................................... 33 Annex 2: Selectivity of the CAS Program .................................................................................................. 40 Annex 3 : Rwanda’s Joint Governance Assessment .................................................................................... 41 Annex 4: Capacity Building Filter .............................................................................................................. 43 Annex
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