E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2006 No. 96 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, FANNIE LOU HAMER, ROSA called to order by the President pro indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. PARKS, AND CORETTA SCOTT tempore (Mr. STEVENS). The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The KING VOTING RIGHTS ACT REAU- Senator from North Carolina. THORIZATION AND AMENDMENTS PRAYER ACT OF 2006 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- f The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under day’s prayer will be offered by the Rev- the previous order, the Senate will pro- erend Ed Sears, Grace Baptist Temple, REVEREND ED SEARS ceed to the consideration of H.R. 9, Winston-Salem, NC. Mr. BURR. Mr. President, it is my which the clerk will report. The guest Chaplain offered the fol- honor and pleasure to welcome our The legislative clerk read as follows: lowing prayer: guest Chaplain this morning, the Rev- A bill (H.R. 9) to amend the Voting Rights Let us pray together. erend Ed Sears of Winston-Salem, NC. Act of 1965. Our Father and our God, as we as- Reverend Sears is from my hometown, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER semble today in the Senate Chamber, and it is an honor to have him in Wash- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The we do so with a keen sense of aware- ington today blessing the Senate. majority leader is recognized. ness of our special need of You. Our Na- Reverend Sears is the senior pastor SCHEDULE tion has a rich history of Your many at Grace Baptist Temple in Winston- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- blessings, and we ask for those bless- Salem. He has faithfully served Grace ing we are proceeding directly to H.R. ings to continue upon us. May Your Baptist’s congregation of over 1,000 9, the voting rights reauthorization presence be felt, and may Your hand of members for the past 25 years. Rev- bill. We have a unanimous consent divine provision be realized. erend Sears first heard his call to serve order that provides for up to 8 hours of In this awesome assembly today, give in 1971 and has since used his faith to debate today, although I do not expect to each person wisdom and under- minister and lead. In addition to his all that time will be necessary. We will standing for the times that are at service to his church and his commu- proceed to a vote on passage of H.R. 9 hand. With the rich bounty of our his- nity, Reverend Sears holds the distinc- whenever that time is used or yielded tory and the awesome opportunities of tion of blessing both the House of Rep- back, and therefore that vote will this present hour, may we move into resentatives and the Senate. In 2003, occur sometime this afternoon, and I this day with a special sense of Your Reverend Sears was the guest Chaplain expect passage of that voting rights re- call. in the House and now honors us this authorization bill. With our confidence in You and our morning in the Senate. Grace Baptist There are several circuit and district responsibility to each other, we invite Temple, the city of Winston-Salem, court judges that will require some de- Your guidance and direction in the af- and I appreciate his faith and fellow- bate and votes today. We will have a fairs of state this day. In times of de- ship. unanimous consent agreement on those bate and difference, may we remember Reverend Sears has been happily debate times shortly, and we will like- that at the end of the day we are, in- married for 39 years. His wife’s name is ly consider those judicial nominations deed, ‘‘one nation under God.’’ Linda, and they have three daughters, following the passage of the Voting Protect those who serve the cause of Kelly, Millicent, and Heather. I would Rights Act. freedom around our world, especially also like to congratulate Reverend We have been working on an agree- those serving in our Armed Forces. Sears on the newest addition to his ment on the child predator legislation May the love of God the Father, the family, his youngest granddaughter, for a short debate and vote, which will grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus, and Anna Claire Walker. occur today, and we hope to have that the communion of Thy spirit rest upon Mr. President, it is our privilege to agreement as well. Finally, we have an order to proceed the Members of this Senate as they have Reverend Ed Sears lead the Sen- to the child custody protection bill gather to conduct our Nation’s busi- ate in its opening prayer. ness. In Jesus’s Name. Amen. today, and we have Senators who would like to speak on this issue later f f today as well. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Having said that, the schedule will The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME require votes over the course of the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under day—possibly into the evening—in I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the previous order, the leadership time order to finish. Although there is a lot United States of America, and to the Repub- is reserved. to do and people have requested time ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7949 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:03 Jul 21, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JY6.000 S20JYPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with SENATE S7950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 20, 2006 to be set aside, I think a lot of that record that the Supreme Court has re- similar success. The State’s voting age time can be yielded back over the quired very extensive records. The Su- population is 34 percent African Amer- course of the day and we will be able to preme Court struck down parts of the ican. Almost 30 percent of its rep- complete the schedule as I have laid landmark legislation protecting resentatives in the State House and 25 out. women against violence because the percent of its delegations in the U.S. In a few moments, after the chair- Court disagreed with the congressional House of Representatives are African man makes his opening statements on ‘‘method of reasoning.’’ It is a little American. the Voting Rights Act reauthorization, hard to understand that conclusion, The Congress of 1965 relied on evi- I will return with an opening state- but they have the final word. They dence that Black registration was so ment as well. It has been a process we have a test on the adequacy of the dramatically lower than White reg- have expedited in many ways because record; that it be congruent and pro- istration that the differences could the importance and significance of this portional. It is sometimes hard to un- only be explained by purposeful efforts legislation is very clear. So I am de- derstand exactly what that test is, but to disenfranchise Black citizens. In- lighted that we are moving to it this we are on guard to compile a very ex- deed, in some cases, the gap was 50 per- morning and that we will be passing it tensive record in order to avoid having centage points. In Alabama, Black reg- later this afternoon. the act declared unconstitutional. istration was just at 18 percent, and in The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The bill which we will vote on today Mississippi, a little over 6 percent. Senator from Pennsylvania is recog- accomplishes many important items. Today, in Alabama and Louisiana, nized. First, it strengthens voting rights pro- Blacks are registered at approximately Mr. SPECTER. Are we prepared to tections nationwide by allowing voters the same rate as White voters, and in proceed at this time with the consider- who successfully challenge illegal vot- Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, ation of the Voting Rights Act? ing practices to recover reasonable ex- and Texas, Black registration and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. That penses of litigation. Second, it extends turnout in the 2004 election was higher is correct. the protections for voters with limited than that of the Whites. Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, this is English skills for 25 years. Those vot- The Congress of 1965 relied on find- a historic day for the Senate and really ers will continue to enjoy the protec- ings of Federal courts and the Justice a historic day for America as we move tion of bilingual ballots and assistance Department that the covered States forward with Senate action to reau- at the polls. It also extends for 25 years were engaged in the practice of delib- thorize the Voting Rights Act. This ac- the requirements that the Department erate unconstitutional behavior. For tion, coming from the Judiciary Com- of Justice preclear any voting change example, the 1965 Senate report noted mittee in our executive session yester- in certain covered jurisdictions where that Alabama, Louisiana, and Mis- day afternoon, passed unanimously—18 there has been a history of discrimina- sissippi had lost every voting discrimi- to 0—moves the Senate toward comple- tion. The bill clarifies how the nation suit brought against them, and tion of this reauthorization today and preclearance protections should work, in the previous 8 years, each State had for submission to the President and for guaranteeing that voting laws enacted eight or nine courts find them guilty of the formal signing next week.
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