1897. .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1863 The reading of the bill was resumed, as follo~s: APPOINTMENT IN THE NAVY. Schedule K.-Wool and manufactures of wool. Raymond Spear, a citizen of Pennsylvania, to be an assistant Ml·. VEST. We-do-not want to go on later this evening. surgeon. Mr. JONES of Arkansas. Does the Senator from Iowa propose PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. to proceed further this afternoon? Lieut. (Junior Grade) John F. Luby, to be a lieutenant. Mr. ALLISON. Being Saturday afteTiloon, and l;Laving com­ Ensign George W. Logan, to be a lieutenant (junior grade). pleted Schedule J, I move that the Senate proceed to the consider­ Lieut. Commander Eugene de Forrest Heald, to be a com- ation of executive business. mander. Mr. MANTLE. I ask the Senatorfromlowa to yield tome for Lieut. George P. Colvocoresses, to be a lieutenant-commander. the purpose of asking the present consideration of Senate bill164. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Lewis J. Clark, to be a lieutenant. Mr. ALLISON. I will withhold the motion for a moment. SOLICITOR OF THE TREASURY. PUBLIC BUILDING AT BUTTE CITY, MONT. Maurice D. O'Connell, to be Solicitor of the Treasury. Mr. MANTLE. I ask the Senate to p1·oceed to the considera­ DEPUTY AUDITOR FOR WAR DEPARTMENT. tion of the bill (S. 164) to provide for the construction of a public building at Butte City, Mont. Daniel A. Grosvenor, of Maryland, to be deputy auditor for the · There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the War Department. Whole, proceeded to consider the bill. It directs the Secretary of COMMISSIONERS. the Treasury to purchase, acquire by condemnation, or otherwise Caldwell W. Tuttle, of Columbia City, Ind., to be a commis­ provide a site, and cause to be erected thereon a suitable, com­ sioner in and for the District of Alaska, to reside at Sitka. modious. and substantial building, including fireproof vaults, Clinton A. Snowden. of Tacoma, ·wash., to be commissioner for heating and ventilating apparatus, eievatorf'!, and approaches, for lands of the Puyallup Indian Reservation in Washington. the use and accommodation of the United States post-office, inter­ Cla1·ence L. Chaffee of .Omaha, Nebr., to be a member of the nal revenue and other Government offic.es, in the- city of Butte Missouri River Commission, provided for by the act of Congress and State of Montana; the cost of the site and the building, approved July 5, 1884, entitled "An act making appropriations including fireproof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, ele­ for the construqtion, repair, and preservation of certain public vators, and approaches, complete, not to exceed $300,000. works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes." The bill was :.;eported to the Senate without amendment, ordered COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed. Levi M. Willcutts. of Minnesota, to be collector of customs for EXECUTIVE SESSION. the district of Duluth, in the State of Minnesota. Mr. ALLISON. I move that the Senate-proceed to the consid­ eration of executive business. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the con­ SENATE. sideration of executive business. After. eight minutes spent in executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 4 o'clock and MONDAY, June 21,-1897. 10 minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, June 21, 1897, at 11 o'clock a.m. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. Prayer by Rev. JoHN F. GouCHER, D. D., of Baltimore, Md. NOMINATIONS. The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was read and approved. Executive nominations received by the Senate Jtme 19, 1897. MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION CONTRACTS. CONSULS-GENERAL. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Hector de Castro, of New York, to be consul-general of the tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter from the United Btates_at Rome, Italy, vice Wallace S. Jones, resigned. president of the :Mississippi River Commission, Col. G. L. Gilles­ Charles L. Cole, of Pennsylvania~ to be consul-general of the pie, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, calling attention to United Btates at Dresden, Saxony, vice WilliamS. CalToll, resigned. an error in the statement of tha.t commission published in Senate Charles E. Turner, of ConnectiC1lt, to be consul-general of the Document No. 144, Fifty-fifth Congress, first session; which, with United States at Ottawa,. Canada, vice John B. Riley, resigned. the-accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Com­ CONSULS. merce, and ordered to be printed. Hilary S. Brunot, of Pennsylvania, to be consul of the United PETITIONS. AND MEMORIALS. States at St. Etienne, France, vice Charles W. Whiley, jr., re­ Mr. ALLEN presented a petition of the Commercial Club, of signed. Omaha, Nebr., praying for the enactment of legislation to stimu­ George F. Lincoln, of Connecticut, to be consul of the United late and re-create our merchant-marine interests; which was re­ States at Antwerp, Belgium, vice Harvey Johnson, resigned. ferred to the Committee on Commerce. Walter Schumann, of New York, to be consul of the United He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Battlecreek, States at Mayence, Germany, vice Perry Ba.1·tholow, resigned. Nebr., praying for the early enactment of a protective-tariff law; COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE. which was ordered to lie on the table. Albert B. White, of West Virginia, to be collector of internal H8 also presented a petition of the Nebraska Beet Sugar Asso­ revenue for the district of West Virginia, to succeed Ed win M.. ciation, praying for the adoption ·of the proposed sugar schedule Gilkeson, resigned. · in the pending tariff bill; which was ordered to lie on the table. MARSHAL. He also presented sundry papers to accompany the bill (S. 2094) Addi'lon Davis James, of Kentucky, to be marshal of the United setting apart Fort Omaha, in the county of Douglas and State of States for the dist1·ict of Kentucky, vice James Blackburn, whose Nebraska, for a school to be used for the education of Indian youth, · term expired April2r 1897. · and for other purposes; which were referred to the Committee on REGISTER OF LAND OFFICE. Indian Affairs. Thomas A. Roseberry, of Susanville, Cal., to be register of the Mr. HALE presented memorials of the Pray-Small Company, of Auburn; of Wise & Cooper, of Auburn; of the Johnson Bros. land office at Susanville, Cal., vice Frank F. Peck, removed . Shoe Manufacturing Company, of Hallowell; of C. A. Allen &Co., RECEIVER OF PUBLIC MONEYS. of Portland; Foss, Packard & Co., of Auburn; the Hodson Shoe Alfred H. Taylor, of Cedarville, Gal., to be receiver of public Company, of Yarmouthville; E. G. Sprigg, of Auburn; the G. A. moneys at Susanville, Cal., vice James Wylie, resigned. Cushing Shoe Company, of Freeport; the Bloomfield Shoe Com­ COMMISSIONER FOR ALASKA. pany, of Skowhegan.; Lynn, Ashe & Noyes, of Auburn; the Amer­ Philip Gallinger, of New Whatcom, Wash-~ to be a commissioner ican Shoe Manufacturing Company, of Auburn; the Brunnel­ in and for the District of Alaska, to reside at Kad.iak, vice Alphonso Higgins Shoe Company, of Portland; the Shaw-Godding Shoe C. Ed wards, resigned. Company, of Springvale; G. H. Barr & Co., of Wilton; Butler & PROMOTION IN THE NAVY. Clark, of Springvale, and of H. E. Pinkham, of Portland, all in Ensign Edward Moale, jr., to be a lieutenant (junior grade) in the State of Maine, remonstrating against any increase in the the Navy, from the 4th day of June, 1897, vice Lieut. (J1:1llior present rate of duty on tanned skins for morocco or a duty on raw Grade) Lewis J. Clark, promoted. goatskins; which were ordered to lie on the table. Mr. PLATT of New York presented a petition of sundry citi­ CONFIRMATIONS. zens of Corfu, N.Y., praying for the early enactment of a pro­ tective-tariff law; which was ordered to lie on the table. Ex.ecutive nominations confirmed lnJ the Senate June 19, 1897. He also presented sundry memorials of citizens of New York ENVC'~ EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY. City. Long Island, and Wappinger Falls, all in the State of New Stewart L. Woodford, of New York, to be envoy extraordinary York, remonstrating against the proposed increase of the tax on and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Spain.)' .beer;. which were ordered to lie on the table. 1864 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 21; Mr. HOAR presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Massa­ A bill (S. 2243) granting an increase of pension to Fordyce M. chusetts, remonstrating against an increase in the present rate of Keith; duty on tannedskins for moroccooradutyonrawgoatskins; which A bill (S. 2244) for the relief of Henry A. F. Worth; was ordered to lie on the table. A bill (S. 2245) granting a pension to Rafael Chacon; Mr. CHILTON presented memorials of Pat O'Keefe and sundry A bill (S. 2246) granting a pension to John Burns: other citizens, of R. E. L. Knight and sundry other citizens, of A bill (S. 2247) granting a pension to Charles E. Mann; R. B. Allen and sundry other citizens, and of Charles Fred Tucker A bill (S. 2248) granting a pension to Charles A. Hutchings; and sundry other citizens, all of Dallas, in the State of Texas, A bill (S. 2249) for the relief of Henry Hegwer, of Denver, Colo. remonstrating ·against the enactment of legislation intended to (with accompanying papers); and destroy the present system of ticket brokerage; which were re­ A bill (S. 2250) directing the Secretary of the Interior to pay to ferred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. Andrew Bevins Read, administrator of the estate of Phineas W.
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