Legislative Reports on Human Services, during which all remaining stages the following the philosophical differences be- day. The Act designates the fourth tween the two parties were pre- Saturday in November each year as sented and debated. a day on which to acknowledge and The Public Service Essential Services recognize the starvation, hardships Act establishes a framework in and death suffered by the Ukrainian which the rights of workers are bal- people during 1932-1933. The anced with the need to ensure that Holodomor is particularly signifi- essential services are provided dur- cant in Saskatchewan which bene- Saskatchewan ing labour disputes. The act defines fitted from the large number of what services are essential and out- Ukrainian immigrants who settled lines the process to be followed to in and contributed to the growth of he first legislative session under identify those employees necessary the province. the government of the Saskatch- T to maintain services during a work ewan Party came to a close on May By-election results stoppage. 15th. The session was shorter than is the norm under the Assembly’s par- The newly amended Trade Union The by-election to fill the vacancy in liamentary sitting calendar as it was Act now requires 45% written sup- the constituency of Cumberland the first session of a new Legisla- port for an application to certify or was held on June 25th. The by-elec- ture. When the calendar was decertify a union and for any such tion was prompted by the resigna- adopted, allowances were included votes to be conducted by secret bal- tion of Joan Beatty who chose to to afford a new government the lot. Employers will be permitted to resign to seek election to the House flexibility to arrange its parliamen- communicate their views and posi- of Commons in the federal by-elec- tary affairs and not be bound by the tions to their employees. tion for Desnethé-Missinippi-Chur- usual calendar provisions. These The committee chose to devote its chill River. Doyle Vermette special rules take precedence over time to questioning the Minister retained the seat for the New Demo- those used under the regular calen- and his officials rather than invite cratic Party, in a narrow victory dar and are meant to accommodate members of the public to make rep- over the Saskatchewan Party candi- the uniqueness of the first session resentations. The Public Service Es- date, Dale McAuley. An adminis- after a general election. Even sential Services Act became the first trative orientation and swearing in though the government was re- bill to be subject to the expedited ceremony was held for Mr. lieved of the burden of abiding by bills process. Under the Rules of the Vermette in July. the calendar, this did not prevent Assembly, a bill that has received a Death of former MLA other issues from arising and lead- minimum twenty hours of debate ing in part to the introduction of ex- over all stages must be brought to Former Deputy Premier Ed tended hours motions. an automatic vote on the second last Tchorzewski passed away on June Thirty-nine of the forty-two bills day of the session. Both bills re- 6, 2008. Mr. Tchorzewski’s tenure introduced were passed. Notewor- ceived Royal Assent before the in the Assembly began in 1971 and thy among these were two bills that Assembly’s summer adjournment. spanned a total of 25 years over two attracted considerable debate in the The Ukrainian Famine and Genocide periods. He represented the House and in committee. Both The (Holodomor) Memorial Day Act was Humboldt area from 1971 to1982 Trade Union Amendment Act, 2007 introduced in the Assembly on May and later the constituencies of Re- and The Public Service Essential Ser- 6thbyDeputyPremierKen gina Northeast and Regina vices Act were the subject of lengthy Krawetz. With the consent of the Dewdney from 1985 to1999. The hearings in the Standing Committee Assembly, the bill passed through veteran member served on both AUTUMN 2008/CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW 39 sides of the House and in the cabi- cially opened on May 22, 2008, and and a trial division, into two courts, nets of Premiers Allan Blakeney is located on the first floor of the the Supreme Court (currently the and Roy Romanow. Among the se- Hon. George Coles Building, imme- trial division) and the Court of Ap- nior portfolios held by Mr. diately adjacent to Province House. peal (currently the appeal division). Tchorzewski were Finance, Health, The library has gathered together a Domestic Relations Act (Bill No. Education and Continuing Educa- core collection of documents that in- 33) is an omnibus Act which tion, Culture and Youth, Consumer cludes annual reports from depart- changes gender-specific references Affairs, and Municipal Govern- ments, commissions, agencies, and in 29 other Acts to gender-neutral ment. He also was responsible for boards; budgets and fiscal esti- language. In the main, the defini- two provincial Crown corporations, mates; statistical reports; electoral tion of spouse has been amended to Saskatchewan Government Insur- information; and a small collection recognize same-sex married and ance and SaskTel. of public policy, agricultural and common-law relationships. Like- reference works. The legislative li- wise, references to “mother and fa- Margaret (Meta) Woods brary has partnered with local doc- ther” have been replaced with the Clerk Assistant ument collections, including the generic term “parent.” One section University of Prince Edward Island of the bill adds provisions to the and the Government Services Li- Child Status Act setting presump- brary, to offer better service while tions concerning the parents of a the collection grows. Both Research child in certain situations, including Librarian, Laura Morrell, and Re- the case where the child is born by search Officer, Ryan Conway, are assisted conception. In addition, it working diligently to satisfy the will now be possible to file declara- reference and research needs of the tions of parentage in the office of the Legislature, its staff, and its Director of Vital Statistics, replacing Prince Edward Island committees. a provision that allowed only the Parliamentary Calendar filing of a declaration of paternity. n May 22, 2008, the Second Ses- Index to Work of the Standing Osion of the Sixty-third General In its April 2008 report, the Standing Committees Assembly adjourned to the call of Committee on Rules, Privileges and the Speaker after 28 sitting days. Private Bills recommended the Index of Committees is a new Hansard One bill, 20 government motions adoption of a parliamentary calen- publication that aims to help MLAs, and 13 motions other than govern- dar, a historic first for Prince Ed- staff, bureaucrats, journalists, wit- ment remain on the order paper. To ward Island. The spring sitting of nesses and other interested parties date during this Session, a total of 36 the Assembly will commence dur- navigate through the various stand- bills have received Royal Assent; 53 ing the first week of April each year, ing committees of the Legislative motions were tabled; 115 ministe- and the fall sitting will open on the Assembly of Prince Edward Island. rial statements were read; and 81 first sitting day following Remem- Published for the first time in July members' statements made. brance Day each year. This means 2008, the Index covers the time pe- Opening of Parliamentary Library the sitting is scheduled to open on riod of October 2007 to March Wednesday, November 12, 2008. 2008-a time period which coincides In September 2007, the Standing Significant Legislation with the heaviest workload for the Committee on Legislative Manage- committees. The Index will be pub- ment approved the idea of re-estab- During the Session, a number of lished annually, and is available on- lishing a legislative library to pieces of significant legislation re- line at www.assembly.pe.ca. support members, committees, and ceived Royal Assent, including: Conference Activity house officers in their work. The Judicature Act (Bill No. 21) re- legislative library has had a number places the Supreme Court Act as the Prince Edward Island was pleased of incarnations over the years and legislation governing the superior to host the Twenty-seventh Atlantic since 1971 had been the responsibil- court of Prince Edward Island. The Provinces Parliamentary Confer- ity of the provincial Department of Act provides a legislative and pro- ence in Charlottetown from June Education. The renewed legislative cedural separation of the Supreme 19-22, 2008. Business session topics library and research service offi- Court, which has an appeal division included Challenges of a Party of 40 CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW/AUTUMN 2008 One in a 48-seat Legislature; at 10.3%; farm cash receipts of $364 the Prince Edward Island Nunavut's Consensus Style Gov- million; and 750 housing starts. The BioAlliance (a network of leading ernment; Democracy 250; the The- entire review can be viewed online edge biosciences businesses and re- ory and Practice of Youth at:www.gov.pe.ca/photos/original/ search organizations); and Dr. Ed Engagement in Party Policies; and pt_annualreview.pdf. Tyrchniewicz, associate dean of the Role of the MLA; A New Member's Former Provincial Treasurer Asper School of Business at the Uni- Perspective. Of particular interest Appointed Kindergarten versity of Manitoba and former pro- was a session presented by Lori Commissioner fessor of agricultural economics. Turnbull, Assistant Professor, De- Other members of the commission partment of Political Science, In the April 2008 Speech from the include representatives from indus- Dalhousie University; and Ivan Throne, the province announced its try and the community. MacArthur, an advocate of the Citi- intention to bring the Prince Ed- zens' Assembly, on the topic of pub- ward Island kindergarten system Marian Johnston lic engagement and legislatures.
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