A Bibliography of Papers in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012): Volumes 7450{7499 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 14 October 2017 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference (1,λ) − σ [744]. 2:5 [123]. 2 × 2 [283]. 3 [459, 476, 251, 339, 256, 441, 455, 474]. ∗ 2 ++ 2 4 [754]. [51]. PB [211]. C [740]. EL [145]. χ [644]. [769]. µ [886, 659]. 0 N [243, 754]. O(1) [745]. [874, 812]. Σ3 [101]. -Calculus [886, 659]. -composite [740]. -Gram [243]. -MOEA [769]. -tuples [754]. 0/1 [770]. 0x [393]. 1 [634]. 1.1 [665]. 10th [954, 968]. 12th [944, 933, 964, 965, 932]. 13th [959]. 15th [937, 949, 971, 956, 930, 972]. 160 [585]. 17th [934]. 18th [966, 957, 953]. 19th [935, 931, 963]. 2 [666]. 2.0 [579, 705]. 2008 [503]. 2009 [542]. 20th [941]. 23rd [929]. 1 2 3 [313, 719, 715, 239]. 34th [950]. 36th [950]. 37th [939]. 3GPP [385]. 5PM [638]. 5th [944, 925, 951]. 6DOF [475]. 6th [970, 969]. 7th [943, 952]. 8.9/TC [940]. 802.11s [528]. 802.16 [542]. 802.16-2009 [542]. 802.16m [376]. 8th [936, 960, 958]. 9th [955, 942]. Aardvarks [295]. ABC [206]. ABC-Miner [206]. Abduction [880]. ABE [845]. Abilities [264]. Ability [257]. ABS [845]. Abstract [537, 192, 194, 203, 191, 244, 245]. Abstraction [196, 68, 407, 83, 193]. Abstractions [78]. Abuses [179]. Academia [967]. Academic [695]. Acceleration [752]. Acceptance [36]. Access [231, 877, 961, 224, 164, 371, 853, 299, 784, 16, 731, 540, 574]. Accessibility [325, 520]. Accessibility-Based [325]. Accidents [157]. Achieve [85, 151]. Achievements [449]. ACO [208, 747, 774]. AcoSeeD [223]. Acquiring [354]. Acquisition [130, 923, 124, 127, 266, 12, 932]. ACRI [968]. across [416]. Action [658]. ActionScript [239]. Active [708]. Actively [639]. Actively/Covertly [639]. Activities [790, 793, 357]. Activity [138, 260]. Acyclic [826]. Ad [517, 233]. Ad-Hoc [517]. Adapt [258, 764, 407]. Adaptation [743, 314, 322, 327, 329, 403]. Adapting [317, 321]. Adaption [502]. Adaptive [383, 615, 529, 544, 94, 721, 218, 221]. Addition [489]. Additive [248]. Additively [598]. Address [161]. Addressing [126]. Adjacency [524]. Adjoining [102]. Adjunctions [391]. Adjustment [448, 384]. Administration [47]. Administrative [42, 34]. Admissible [103]. Admission [387]. Adoption [92]. Advanced [383, 960, 719, 245, 568]. Advances [286, 882, 963]. Advancing [927]. Adversaries [641]. Advertising [545]. AEGS [946]. AES [639]. Affect [366]. Affecting [31]. Affective [408]. affine [450]. against [231, 928, 174, 243, 238, 912, 426]. Agencies [580]. Agency [400]. Agendas [562]. Agent [137, 401, 404, 652, 959, 399, 92, 152, 649, 930, 397, 797, 89, 138, 83, 139, 648, 658]. Agent-Oriented [401]. Agents [650, 406, 398, 946]. Aggregate [632, 762]. Aggregation [56, 386, 143]. Agile [768]. Ahead [247]. AHNE [362]. AI [143]. Aided [312, 184]. Air [57]. Aires [931]. Airport [447]. AK [233]. AK-PPM [233]. Alarm [371]. ALERT [240]. ALERT-ID [240]. Algebra [890]. Algebraic [62]. Algorithm [428, 277, 89, 775, 865, 148, 337, 422, 872, 205, 766, 220, 565, 211, 620, 908, 742, 430, 771, 206]. Algorithm-Dependent [742]. Algorithmic [117, 761, 830]. Algorithmics [269]. Algorithms [208, 748, 677, 457, 764, 210, 741, 739, 193, 490, 538]. Aligned [914]. 3 Aligning [372, 554]. Allocation [132, 725, 86, 85]. Alternating [899]. Alternating-Time [899]. Alternations [922]. Alternatives [303]. Always [270]. Amalfi [958]. Ambient [651]. Ambiguity [331, 913]. among [795, 580]. Amortized [628]. Amplifier [439]. Amsterdam [937]. Analogies [757]. Analogy [259]. Analyses [186]. Analysing [207]. Analysis [561, 296, 58, 748, 197, 675, 7, 790, 949, 181, 167, 224, 311, 188, 243, 92, 677, 189, 18, 102, 202, 384, 457, 759, 22, 127, 234, 187, 564, 570, 515, 232, 813, 935, 446, 445, 826, 728, 528, 306, 907, 885, 452, 741, 402, 746, 67, 429, 796]. Analytics [961]. Analyze [240, 503]. Android [165, 163]. Anisotropic [471]. Annotated [919]. Annotation [150, 918, 466, 914]. Announcement [82]. ANNPR [951]. Anomalous [414]. Anomaly [594]. Anonymous [629, 850, 843]. Answer [871, 658]. Answering [960, 869, 131, 663]. Answers [874]. Ant [223, 224, 785, 206, 217]. Ant-Based [224, 206]. Antenna [529]. Antennas [383]. Anticipatory [96]. ANTS [936, 221]. Anytime [464]. Apache [785]. Apartments [354]. Apiary [773]. Appearance [683]. APPification [303]. Appliances [364]. Application [132, 294, 720, 659, 302, 610, 683, 776, 97]. Applications [313, 806, 671, 850, 165, 971, 1, 380, 371, 948, 614, 103, 904, 4, 898, 6, 558, 731]. Applying [709]. Appraisal [315]. Approach [140, 111, 887, 656, 633, 602, 222, 557, 660, 713, 41, 179, 870, 18, 36, 610, 922, 291, 564, 23, 327, 813, 328, 655, 516, 831, 350, 520, 860, 624, 382, 498, 237, 889]. Approaches [671, 530, 19, 390, 93]. Approbation [45]. Appropriation [95]. Approximate [279, 125, 587, 739]. Approximation [282, 249, 767]. Approximations [618]. Apps [302]. Apron [447]. Arabia [31]. Arborescence [210]. Architecting [550]. Architecture [408, 553, 541, 724]. Architectures [547, 733]. Archives [697]. Archiving [764]. Area [613]. Areas [289]. ARES [940]. Argentina [931]. Argument [912]. Argumentation [878, 647, 660, 659, 655, 672, 21]. Argumentation-Based [655]. Arithmetic [105]. armed [214]. Arrays [824]. Arrows [110]. Art [711]. Articles [680]. Articulated [450]. Artifacts [562, 366]. Artificial [933, 500, 321, 291, 142, 495, 771, 951]. Artistic [355]. ASK [615]. ASLan [170]. ASP [879]. ASPDA [879]. Assembly [217]. Assess [521]. Assessing [263, 228]. Assessment [447, 881, 57, 461, 522]. Assessments [688]. Assignment [179, 909]. Assistance [266, 444]. Assisted [227, 256, 776]. Associated [494]. Associative [708]. Assumption [672]. Assumption-Based [672]. Assumptions [630, 856, 628]. Async [187]. Async-Finish [187]. Asynchronous [76, 104]. Athens [947]. ATL [653]. Atl* [75]. Atomic [727]. Attack [165, 176, 427]. Attackers [171]. Attacks [231, 937, 174, 643, 585, 229, 237]. Attitudes [649]. Attribute [629, 323, 853, 911]. Attribute-Based [853]. Attributes [140]. Attribution [233]. Auction [88]. Auction-Based [88]. Audio [364, 439, 699, 943, 501, 353, 358, 365, 362, 354]. Audio-Haptic [364, 353, 358]. Audio-Tactile [362]. Auditory [352]. Augmenting [361]. 4 August [944, 959, 955, 957, 943, 950, 940, 939, 938, 953]. Austria [928, 967, 926, 960, 925, 927, 970, 950, 963]. Austrian [37]. Authenticated [596, 858, 233, 857]. Authentication [535, 584, 426, 588]. Authorization [169, 16]. Autocorrelation [516]. Automata [78, 820, 69, 66, 821, 71, 829, 823, 825, 831, 832, 836, 833, 968, 838]. Automata-Based [831]. Automated [508, 111, 885, 482]. Automatic [196, 561, 123, 208, 124, 918, 708, 402]. Automation [534]. Automaton [839]. autonomous [253]. Autonomy [324]. Auxiliary [626]. Auxiliary-Input [626]. Availability [940]. Avatars [402]. Avoiding [69]. Aware [405, 173, 290, 592, 510, 866, 50, 654, 913, 555]. Awareness [373, 343, 634]. Axis [261]. B [887, 889, 481]. B-Spline [481]. Back [10, 27, 59, 98, 367, 395, 409, 420, 462, 505, 582, 661, 673, 692, 798, 818, 861, 900]. Backward [200, 872]. Bad [108]. Balance [291]. Balancing [400, 617]. Band [531]. Bandit [214]. Bare [209]. Barrier [727]. Based [312, 307, 537, 310, 750, 563, 140, 68, 313, 592, 877, 289, 383, 866, 408, 890, 534, 850, 125, 458, 51, 315, 447, 176, 345, 224, 599, 147, 470, 342, 765, 86, 311, 535, 320, 148, 417, 829, 427, 677, 138, 791, 321, 300, 643, 881, 610, 322, 155, 323, 158, 325, 326, 133, 922, 169, 202, 552, 483, 578, 424, 53, 327, 328, 501, 655, 769, 802, 831, 122, 853, 753, 299, 363, 88, 430, 542, 206, 16, 451, 444, 844, 468, 539, 672, 558, 97, 751, 624, 524, 626, 724, 854, 94, 3, 851, 348, 435, 431]. Based [797, 889, 941]. Baseline [455]. Bases [863, 190, 657]. Battery [50]. Battery-Aware [50]. Bayesian [206]. Be [295, 711]. beam [383]. Beanplots [689]. Beats [747]. Bee [771]. Been [373, 707]. Behavior [835, 399, 424, 695, 773, 834, 520, 429]. Behavioral [580]. Behaviors [83, 443, 595]. Behaviour [744, 408, 414]. Behaviours [318]. Belgium [936]. Belief [112]. Benchmark [730, 729]. Benchmarking [677]. BETA [889]. Better [407, 688]. Between [143, 58, 57, 257, 524, 347]. Beyond [864, 715, 678]. BGV [627]. BGV-Style [627]. Bi [208, 114]. Bi-implication [114]. Bi-objective [208]. Bias [753]. Bidirectional [390]. Big [824]. Bigraph [523]. Bigtable [3]. Bigtable/MapReduce [3]. Bigtable/MapReduce-Based [3]. Bilateral [193]. Bilinear [841, 857]. Bilingual [914]. BIM [335]. Binary [243, 832]. Bio [926, 207]. Bio- [926]. Bio-PEPA [207]. Biobjective [748]. Bioimpedance [26]. Biological [223, 21]. Biology [142]. Bipolar [647]. Bisimulation [659]. Bit [846]. Bit-Commitments [846]. Blackbox [634]. Blends [291]. Blind [631, 600, 154]. Block [489]. Blocking [734]. Blocks [592]. Blood [17]. Bloom [855]. BOA [753]. Bones [209]. Books [699]. Boolean [747]. Boosting [166]. Bootstrapping [762]. Boston [947]. Botnets [245]. Bottom [93]. Bottom-Up [93]. Boundary [742, 915]. Bounded [277, 278, 91, 650]. Bounds [108, 587]. BPM [954, 550, 559]. Bratislava [939]. Brazil [971]. Brazilian [971]. Breach [426]. Bringing [677]. Brno [972]. Broad [807]. Broadcast [635]. Browsers [589]. Brussels [936]. 5 Budapest [953]. Buenos [931]. Building [534, 335, 839]. Buildings [52, 347]. Built [520]. Bundle [448]. Burst [530]. Business [561, 563, 553, 878, 40, 302, 370, 564, 303, 814, 568, 549, 954]. C [393]. CA [822, 826]. CAD [496]. Calculus [886, 197, 659, 219, 899]. Call [115]. Call-by-Value [115]. Calls [550]. Camera [458, 452, 474]. Camera-Based [458]. Can [295, 133]. Cancer [20, 910]. Candidate [160]. cAnt [211]. cAnt-Miner [211]. Capabilities [552, 859]. Capability [539]. Capacities [912]. Capital [48]. Capture [565, 456]. Card [590, 426, 37]. Cardinality [160]. Cardiomyopathy [23]. Cardiovascular [25]. Care [17]. Cartesian [752]. Cartograms [509]. Cartoon [123]. Case [312, 278, 537, 310, 313, 780, 845, 32, 315, 531, 130, 311, 320, 321, 323, 326, 552, 53, 327, 328, 785, 742, 941].
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