Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.E.A.), nº 54 (30/6/2014): 51–60. TWO NEW SPECIES OF BARYSCAPUS FÖRSTER FROM SPAIN (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA: EULOPHIDAE) Antoni Ribes c/ Lleida 36, 25170 Torres de Segre, Lleida, Spain. – [email protected] Abstract: Two new species of Baryscapus Förster are described. Baryscapus salsolae sp.n. was reared from galls of Stefaniola salsolae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Salsola vermiculata. Baryscapus artemisiae sp.n. was reared from galls of Rhopalomyia am- brosinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Artemisia herba-alba. Key words: Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eulophidae, Tetrastichinae, Baryscapus, new species, Spain. Dos especies nuevas de Baryscapus Förster de España (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae) Resumen: Se describen dos especies nuevas de Baryscapus Förster. Baryscapus salsolae sp.n. se obtuvo emergiendo de agallas de Stefaniola salsolae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) en Salsola vermiculata. Baryscapus artemisiae sp.n. se obtuvo emergiendo de agallas de Rhopalomyia ambrosinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) en Artemisia herba-alba. Palabras clave: Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eulophidae, Tetrastichinae, Baryscapus, especie nueva, España. Taxonomy/Taxonomía: Baryscapus salsolae sp.n., Baryscapus artemisiae sp.n. Introduction Materials and methods The genus Baryscapus, in the subfamily Tetrastichinae of Specimens of two new species of Baryscapus in the evony- Eulophidae, is very speciose and biologically diverse, cur- mellae group were found in Lleida province, Spain, during a rently containing 116 recognized species (Noyes, 2013), with survey of the Chalcidoidea of the region. They emerged from a cosmopolitan distribution. It is characterized mainly by the galls of Stefaniola salsolae (Tavares) (Diptera: Cecidomyii- body being black, or usually with metallic reflections, without dae) on Salsola vermiculata L. and from galls of Rhopalo- pale markings but tegulae sometimes yellow, submarginal myia ambrosinae Gagné (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Ar- vein usually with 2 or more dorsal setae, gaster with cercal temisia herba-alba Asso. Further samples of these galls were setae short and subequal in length, malar sulcus distinctly collected at several locations and at different seasons of the curved, and propodeal spiracles with rim wholly exposed, not year. Gall samples were stored indoor in polythene bags, covered by a flap of the callus. A few species are known with controlled for condensation and fungal growth, and checked the submarginal vein having only 1 dorsal seta. The European periodically for chalcid emergences. All galls from the same species have been revised by Graham (1991), and classified in location and date were stored in one bag, and no studies or two species groups, daira and evonymellae. Since Graham’s dissecting were done on individual galls, whose common revision, a number of species have been described, several in parasitoids are relatively well known. the evonymellae group (Askew, 2007; Askew & Blasco- The specimens of Chalcidoidea that emerged from the Zumeta, 1997; Askew & Shaw, 2005; Doğanlar, 1992, 1993; galls were either killed with ethyl acetate, or placed directly in Gates et al., 2005; Kostjukov & Gokhman, 2001; Kostjukov ethanol. Specimens in ethanol were dried using HMDS, and & Tuzlikova, 2002; Nieves-Aldrey & Askew, 2011; Yefre- mounted on cards. Some antennae and wings were placed on mova & Yegorenkova, 2009). 26 species of Baryscapus have microscope slides for detailed observation, using PVA as the been recorded in Spain (Noyes, 2013; López-Sebastian et al., mounting medium. Observations of card mounted specimens 2003; Ribes, 2011), three described from this country (Askew were made using a stereomicroscope with a maximum magni- & Blasco-Zumeta, 1997; Nieves-Aldrey & Askew, 2011; fication of 90×, and a 144-LED ring as a light source. Meas- Ribes, 2013). Species of Baryscapus attack a wide variety of urements were taken mostly at maximum magnification, with insect hosts (Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, an eye-piece micrometer with a scale of 10 mm divided by rarely Neuroptera and Coccoidea), as primary endoparasitoids 100 units. Measurements of the females were taken from the or hyperparasitoids. Only a few species are known as parasi- holotype and several paratypes, the range of values for each toids of Cecidomyiidae galls, such as B. euphorbiae Graham, measurement was evaluated, and any extreme value consid- which is likely to be a hyperparasitoid, or B. fumipennis ered erroneous was either checked for accuracy or discarded. (Girault), but many others are known as parasitoids of Photographs of whole specimens were taken with a compact Cynipidae galls. Secondary parasitism, either facultative, digital camera placed over a trinocular stereomicroscope. obligatory or the preferred mode of development, is common Details of antennae and wings were similarly taken from in Baryscapus (Askew & Shaw, 2005). slides with a trinocular optical microscope. Multiple images 51 of each photograph were combined using CombineZ5 soft- Antennae of female (fig. 1e) inserted at level of inferior ware (Alan Hadley, micropics.org.uk). Scanning electron margin of eyes. Scape 0.86–0.95× height of eye, barely reach- microphotographs (SEM) were taken of HMDS dried and ing anterior ocellus, 3.9–4.5× as long as broad, with few setae gold coated dissected specimen parts using DSM940A Zeiss on anterior margin. Pedicel plus flagellum 0.90–0.98× as long equipment, (high vacuum technique), at the “Servei de Mi- as breadth of mesoscutum and 0.96–0.98× as long as breadth croscòpia Electrònica de la Universitat de Lleida” (UdL). of head, pedicel 2.25–2.55× as long as broad and 1.2–1.4× as Several species of Baryscapus in the evonymellae group long as F1. Annular segments 2, the first discoid and the sec- and Oomyzus were examined for comparison while preparing ond laminar. Funicle with 3 elongate segments, subequal in the descriptions. These were mostly from the author’s collec- length with F2 slightly longer, proximally as stout as pedicel, tion and included B. globosiclava Graham, 1991 and B. ?em- distally slightly thickening, F3 1.02–1.10× as broad as F1, F1- bolicus (Kostjukov, 1977). Other species were compared on F3 1.45–1.95×, 1.7–2.2× and 1.55–1.80× as long as broad the basis of descriptions and illustrations. Terminology in the respectively. Clava 3-segmented, 2.9–3.7× as long as broad, description follows Hymenoptera Anatomy Consortium 1.05–1.15× as broad as F3 and 1.0–1.15× as long as F2+F3, (2013), except for dorsellum (sensu Graham, 1991), used clava slightly pointed at apex, apical spine short and indis- instead of its synonym metascutellum. The following abbre- tinct. Funicle segments with short, decumbent pilosity, sen- viations are used for morphological terms in the text: F1-F4, silla in 1 irregular row on each segment. funicle segments 1-4; C1-C3, club segments 1-3; POL, poste- Mesosoma stout, 1.32–1.43× as long as broad, strongly rior ocellar length; OOL, ocular ocellar length; OD, ocellar convex, 0.96–1.04× as broad as high and 1.30–1.43× as long diameter. Measurements of the mesosoma were taken as as high, propodeal slope at 45–50º. Pronotum 0.24–0.28× as follows: length in dorsal or lateral view from pronotal collar long as mesoscutum, with scattered adpressed short setae over to apex of propodeum; width in dorsal view between mesos- its surface and a row of longer setae on posterior margin. cutum lateral lobes, excluding tegulae; height in lateral view Mesoscutum (fig. 2c) 1.42–1.55× as broad as long, midlobe from lower part of mesopleuron adjacent to mid coxa to dor- 0.9–1.0× as long as broad, with median line distinct, mesoscu- sal surface of scutellum. tum with engraved reticulate-imbricate sculpture, fine and shining, with areoles about 3× as long as broad. Adnotaular setae in a single row of 4–5 pale setae. Scutellum transverse Results and discussion (fig. 2d), 1.22–1.30× as broad as long, 0.70–0.72× as long as Baryscapus salsolae sp.n. mesoscutum, strongly convex in both axes, sculpture similar to that of mesoscutum; scutellar submedian lines nearer to DIAGNOSIS. Submarginal vein with only 1 dorsal seta, or with sublateral lines than to each other, enclosing a space 2.30– 2 setae in one or both wings, rarely more. Forewing with 2.42× as long as broad; scutellum with two pairs of setae, the speculum very large, extending as a broad band below mar- anterior pair slightly beyond the middle, placed nearer to ginal vein up to the stigmal vein, speculum closed below and submedian lines than to sublateral lines, their length 0.6–0.7× basal fold setose. Tegulae black, legs with tibiae pale brown distance between submedian lines; circular placoid sensillum to testaceous. In the male antennae scape with ventral plaque present between scutellar setae, nearer to anterior setae. short, placed in the upper half near the middle, funicle without Dorsellum 2.8–3.2× as broad as long, reticulate. Propodeum whorls of long dark setae, F1 much reduced, transverse. (fig. 2g) medially 1.15–1.30× as long as dorsellum and 0.28– DESCRIPTION. 0.30× as long as scutellum, propodeum width 3.4–3.6× as Female (figs. 1a, 1c-e, 2): Body length 1.95–2.10 mm. Body length at sides, shiny, with obsolescent reticulation, median (fig. 1a, 1c) with head and mesosoma metallic blackish- carina low, callus with 2–3 setae. Propodeal spiracles moder- bronze, sometimes with purplish or bluish reflections on ate size, subcircular, separated from hind margin of metano- mesosoma dorsally, and dark bronze reflections on sides of tum by 0.9× their diameter, their rim wholy exposed, spiracles mesosoma. Gaster dorsally purplish-bronze in basal half, and placed in a shallow depression that tapers posteriorly, with the bluish towards apex, gaster in teneral specimens paler at base inner edge of the depression running from the spiracles to with the margins of tergites 1–3 yellowish.
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