2009 PRIMARY SCHOOLS DIRECTORY WITH SOME STATISTICAL DATA No. Nane of sch Address Tel Fax Ownership Region Inspectoral Inspc Officer/Ccontact Regional Officer/Contact District council Roll Boys Roll Girls Total Ro Teachers Southern West- 1 Acacia Bag 2 Jwaneng 5884807 5881525 Private South Jwaneng Mr. Lethosa - Tel: 5802300 T. Mokwena, 5440722 Southern 177 187 364 31 Central 2 Adelaide Box 5151 Serowe 4635576 0 Private South Serowe South Mrs. Malefho - Tel: 4600553 G.B. Smile, 4631635 Central 144 175 319 16 Southern West- 3 Adult Edu. Centre Private South Jwaneng Mr. Lethosa - Tel: 5802302 T. Mokwena, 5440724 Southern 8 33 41 1 4 Aerodrome Box 718 F/Town 2404202 2404203 Council North F/Town S. Thabano - Tel: 2412266 Mrs. E. Maswikiti, 2415075 Francistown 396 389 785 27 Central 5 Agosi Box 1673 0 Council South Bobirwa Ms Elias - Tel: 2619335 G.B Smile, 4630626 Central 183 195 378 17 South 6 Al-Haq Box 1543 Molepolole 5920762 4633215 Private Central Kweneng C Tel: 5921305 Mack, 3972454 Kweneng 137 119 256 16 South 7 Al-Nur Box 78 Gaborone 3974974 3972905 Private Central Gabs North Mr. Thibelang - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 180 200 380 24 Mr. Mathumo - Tel: 8 Andrew Wellio Council West Maun Mr. B.K. Habana - 6865317 6865317 North West 299 279 578 17 South 9 Anne-Stine 5921127 Private Central Kweneng C Tel: 5921305 K. Mack, 3972455 Kweneng 15 11 26 3 South 10 Artesia Box 3 Artesia 5728225 0 Council Central Kgatleng West Ms. Mosweunyane - Tel: 5777226 K. Mack, 3972454 Kgatleng 204 200 404 16 Central GG Moepeng, 11 Baipidi Box 315 Maun 6868016 0 Council North Boteti Mr. M B Badisa - Tel: 2978238 2987334/404 Central 114 159 303 12 Southern North- 12 Bakgatla Box 154 Moshupa 5449589 0 Council South Moshupa Ms. M. Dikeme - Tel: 5449209 T. Mokwena, 5440722 Southern 498 430 928 33 Southern North- 13 Bakoko Box 278 Moshupa 5449586 0 Council South Moshupa Ms. M. Dikeme - Tel: 5449209 T. Mokwena, 5440722 Southern 222 234 456 17 South 14 Bakwena Box 21 Molepolole 5912033 0 Council Central Kweneng Central Tel: 5921305 K. Mack, 3972454 Kweneng 210 193 403 14 H. Mathumo, 15 Banabametsi Bag 006 Shakawe 0 0 Private West Okavango O. Dintwa- Tel: 6874112 6596530/883 North West 54 0 54 3 South 16 Baobab Bag 00308 Gaborone 3923397 3923791 Private Central Gaborone West Ms. S. Mogobjwe - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 307 331 638 35 South 17 Baratani Box 118 Ramotswa 5337203 Council Central South East Ms. E. Babili - Tel: 5390200 K. Mack, 3972454 South East 213 204 417 17 Central GG Moepeng, 18 Bathoen House Bag 1 Orapa 2902429 2902387 Private North Boteti Mr. M B Badisa - Tel: 2978238 2987334/404 Central 376 341 717 34 South 19 Batlokwa Box 10113 Tlokweng 3928483 0 Council Central South East Ms. E. Babili - Tel: 5390200 K. Mack, 3972454 South East 231 232 463 16 H. Mathumo, 20 Beetsha Box 92 Seronga 0 0 Council West Okavango O. Dintwa- Tel: 6874112 6596530/883 North West 257 259 516 15 Believers South 21 Destiny 3975158 Council Central Kweneng S E SM Ramolelekwane-Tel: 5920305 K. Mack, 3972454 Kweneng 257 219 476 22 South 22 Ben Thema Box 1036 Gaborone 3953728 0 Council Central Gabs South Mr. D. Jonas - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 517 544 1061 28 H. Mathumo, 23 Bere Bag 15 Gantsi 0 0 Council West Gantsi Mr. Molapisi - Tel: 6596281 6596530/883 Gantsi 63 49 112 8 Southern West- 24 Betesankwe C/O Box 29 Jwaneng 0 0 Council South Jwaneng Mr. Lethosa - Tel: 5802300 T. Mokwena, 5440722 Southern 67 60 127 7 South 25 Blue Bows Bag 61 Molepolole 5921974 5920199 Private Central Kweneng Central Tel: 5921305 K. Mack, 3972455 Kweneng 58 78 136 9 South 26 Boatlaname Bag 11 Molepolole 5931409 0 Council Central Kweneng North Mr M. N. Tlhankane - Tel:5910270 K. Mack, 3972454 Kweneng 146 145 291 15 Central 27 Bobonong Box 48 2619207 Council South Bobirwa Ms Elias - Tel: 2619335 G.B Smile, 4631635 Central 230 222 452 19 H. Mathumo, 28 Bodibeng Box 18 Sehitwa 0 0 Council West Ngami Mr. L. Ben - Tel: 6860251 6596530/883 North West 141 130 271 11 South 29 Bogatsu Box 738 Mochudi 5748141 0 Council Central Kgatleng West Ms. Mosweunyane - Tel: 5777226 K. Mack, 3972454 Kgatleng 300 255 555 24 Kgalagadi South- 30 Bogogobo Box 60 Middlepits 0 0 Council South Tsabong A. Molelowamodimo - 65402266 T. Mokwena, 5440722 Kgalagadi 35 27 62 8 South 31 Boikhutso Box 40904 Gaborone 3972895 0 Council Central Gabs North Mr. Thibelang - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 333 365 698 27 H. Mathumo, 32 Boipelo Box 36 Charleshill 6592175 6592178 Council West Gantsi Mr. Molapisi - Tel: 6596281 6596530/883 Gantsi 317 251 568 19 Central 33 Boipuso Box 127 Palapye 4920280 0 Council South Palapye North T. Rapitsenyane- Tel 4920497 Gb Smile, 4631635/0626 Central 484 437 921 28 South 34 Boiteko Bag 006 Malotana 7.2E+07 0 Council Central Kgatleng West Ms. Mosweunyane - Tel: 5777226 K. Mack, 3972454 Kgatleng 83 68 151 8 Central GG Moepeng, 35 Boitshoko Bag 002B S/Phikwe 2600345 0 Council North S/Phikwe Vacant - Tel: 2610059 2987334/404 SPTC 398 382 780 26 South 36 Boitumelo Box 401523 Gaborone 3928881 0 Council Central Gabs North Mr. Thibelang - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 101 93 194 11 Central GG Moepeng, 37 Boitumelo Bag 1 S/Phikwe 2600006 0 Council North S/Phikwe Vacant - Tel: 2610059 2987334/404 SPTC 424 383 807 28 South 38 Bokaa Box 296 Molepolole 5920076 0 Council Central Kweneng C Tel: 5921305 K. Mack, 3972454 Kweneng 480 454 934 29 Kgalagadi South- 39 Bokspits Bag M4 Middlepits 0 0 Council South Tsabong A. Molelowamodimo - 65402266 T. Mokwena, 5440722 Kgalagadi 63 49 112 8 Mr. Mathumo - Tel: 40 Bonatla Box 307 Maun 6860430 0 Council West Maun Mr. B.K. Habana - 6865317 6865317 North West 327 329 656 24 South 41 Bonewamang Box 153 Molepolole 5920262 0 Council Central Kweneng C Tel: 5921305 K. Mack, 3972454 Kweneng 224 195 419 16 South 42 Bontleng Box 84 Gaborone 3952052 0 Council Central Gabs South Mr. D. Jonas - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 233 214 447 18 Central 43 Bonwapitse Box 912 Bonwapitse 0 0 Council South Mhalpye West Mr. D.S. Nkete - Tel: 4710373 Gb Smile, 4631635 Central 104 75 179 8 Kgalagadi South- 44 Bopaganang Bag 004 Werda 6542805 0 Council South Tsabong A. Molelowamodimo - 65402266 T. Mokwena, 5440722 Kgalagadi 130 124 254 10 South 45 Bophirima Box 69 Gaborone 3923790 0 Council Central Gabs West Ms. S. Mogobjwe - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 315 300 615 22 South 46 Borakalalo Box 254 Molepolole 5920090 0 Council Central Kweneng C Tel: 5921305 K. Mack, 3972454 Kweneng 461 403 864 25 Central 47 Borakanelo Box 168, Maunatlala 4917344 0 Council South Palapye South Ms. Masojane - Tel: 4920497 Gb Smile, 4631635/0626 Central 105 99 204 9 South 48 Boribamo Box 42 Molepolole 5920090 0 Council Central Kweneng C Tel: 5921305 K. Mack, 3972454 Kweneng 421 390 811 26 Southern South- 49 Borobadilepe Box 60 Pitsane 5486565 0 Council South GoodHope Mr. Chilalu - Tel: 5404164 T. Mokwena, 5440722 Southern 55 50 105 8 Central 50 Borolong Box 10014, Tatitown 2410060 0 Council North Tonota Mr. M R Khao - Tel: 2484226 GG Moepeng 2987334/404 Central 458 458 916 29 Central 51 Borotsi Box 136 2619208 Council South Bobirwa Ms Elias - Tel: 2619335 G.B Smile, 4630626 Central 346 333 679 25 Mr. Mathumo - Tel: 52 Boseja Box 459 Maun 6860516 0 Council West Maun Mr. B.K. Habana - 6865317 6865317 North West 458 375 833 31 South 53 Bosele Box 1148 Gaborone 3912806 0 Council Central Gabs North Mr. Thibelang - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 243 284 527 19 South 54 Boswa Bag 0089 Gaborone 3914879 3914879 Council Central Gabs West Ms. S. Mogobjwe - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 419 386 805 26 Central GG Moepeng, 55 Boswelakgomo Bag 0058 S/Phikwe 2600346 0 Council North S/Phikwe Vacant - Tel: 2610059 2987334/404 SPTC 326 356 682 23 56 Botalaote Box 84 Makaleng 2481051 0 Council North NEW Mr. Olekantse - Tel: 2897350 Mrs. E. Maswikiti, 2415075 North West 59 42 101 10 Central GG Moepeng, 57 Boteti House Bag 1 Bag 1 Orapa 2902477 2902475 Private North Boteti Mr. M B Badisa - Tel: 2978238 2987334/404 Central 300 301 601 29 58 Bothakga Box 27 Lobatse 5333013 0 Council South Lobatse Mr. S. Sesenyane - Tel: 5330391 T. Mokwena, 5440722 Southern 360 368 728 29 South 59 Botlhale Box 2187 Gaborone 3162307 3162309 Private Central Gabs North Mr. Thibelang - Tel: 3972454 K. Mack, 3972454 Gaborone 218 207 425 27 South 60 Botlhapatlou Bag 005 Molepolole 5932074 0 Council Central Kweneng West Mr. Tese - Tel: 5943173 K. Mack, 3972454 Kweneng 154 175 329 12 H. Mathumo, 61 Botlhatlogo Box 183 Sehitwa 0 0 Council West Ngami Mr. L. Ben - Tel: 6860251 6596530/883 North West 128 127 255 10 South 62 Botsalano Bag X04 Tlokweng 3928443 3928749 Council Central South East Ms. E. Babili - Tel: 5390200 K. Mack, 3972454 South East 320 302 622 23 Central GG Moepeng, 63 Botshabelo Bag 001B S/Phikwe 2600003 0 Council North S/Phikwe Vacant - Tel: 2610059 2987334/404 SPTC 390 352 742 23 Mr. Mathumo - Tel: 64 Botswelelo Box 259 Maun 6860381 0 Council West Maun Mr. B.K. Habana - 6865317 6865317 North West 257 282 539 16 Mr. Mathumo - Tel: 65 Boyeyi Bag 01 Maun 6862359 0 Council West Maun Mr. B.K. Habana - 6865317 6865317 North West 464 467 931 33 South 66 Broadhurst Bag 114 Gaborone 3971221 3907987 Private Central Gabs North Mr.
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